Eve Online


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
This why I love Eve. Local at over 4k. Silver, which of the 9 baltec fleets you in? I'm in laz's.

This is tests last stand over a station. 2k people on each side. I would be very surprised if we lost this but I can't see myself getting any sleep any time soon


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
And Now we have just dropped 200 dreads.

CFC #1


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
So so tired :( 8 hours that lasted.

Dog net battle report not working but from memory we had 2600, test and friends had 2400 and we killed 1200 they killed 250 lol

Awesome battle report write up from Vily..

Today, ladies and gentlemen, we saw the largest engagement in the history of video games.

I say that because a battle of over 4000 pilots is now over, with the embers of our enemies wrecks still smoldering (even though they technically can't) in the cold dark of the space of 6VDT-H in Fountain.

This battle is the culmination of what will likely be called the Fountain war, a war that has raged for two months and represents one of the more dynamic conflicts of EVE Online in the last two years.

When we (the CFC, or ClusterFuck Coalition) decided to reinforce the 6VDT-H station, we did so merely on a whim. TEST Alliance had shown an unacceptable level of resistance to one of daily European timezone siege groups; the farther they let us push, the farther we shall push. In a surprising turn of events, TEST Alliance decided to time the station timer for European prime (afternoon US timezone) instead of the usual Australian timezone strategy, which has, while providing little success in the past, at least allowed them to resist at a moderate level.

We didn't even particularly think much of the timer; 6VDT-H is not anywhere near the strategic level it used to be. Its use as a transit hub is mostly diminished, and it no longer represents an active military base for more than a fraction of TEST's forces. However, the morning after the initial attack, we awoke to a surprise: All TEST operations for the following two days had been canceled. All forces were to prepare for a defence of 6VDT on Sunday the 28th of July. This was where they would hold the line. This was where they would end our advance.

So we in the CFC prepared, as we do for all operations. We analyzed the locations and times and organized our allies and membership. We were told that TEST Alliance, along with their returning allies N3/Nulli, aka (N3ST), would make a stand. This would be their Alamo. We found weaknesses. N3ST's moon control was lacking, allowing us with moderate effort the day before to gain complete moon supremacy, ensuring that there would be no high ground for N3ST to fall back to; this limited their options if they chose to deploy super-capital class assets into the fight. Preparation and organization is a hallmark of CFC strategy, and for a battle as important as this, no opportunity for advantage would be passed up.

The morning of the fight we had some chats, but the FC group in charge of the CFC war machine are old dogs for this type of fight: We know the mechanics of herding our people, moving them at best speed, and getting there to the destination in best order. Before a single broadcast had gone out, 2300 people sat ready in 4-EP (the CFC staging base). More would log-in over the course of the day. The N3ST staging systems amassed just under two thousand pilots, leaving them slightly outnumbered, but not by a margin anywhere as small as we had expected.

The CFC war machine drummed, and seven fleets of 256 (the max allowable) Megathrons were formed under our willing FCs: Vily, Mister Vee, Lazarus Teleraven, Reaglan, Cor Six, Intergalaktor, and Ironwulf. Two fleets of bombers under Kcolor and Dabigredboat were formed, as well as an electronic warfare fleet under David Cedarbridge. Also, a mobile armor heavy assault cruiser (AHAC) group under imperian was deployed to go after smaller groups in a shark hunter role. Not to mention the large number of capital ships that were formed under Theadj. When all was said and done, within an hour of sounding the horn, over 2200 pilots had moved into fleets and began the process of preparing for the fight.

The forces of N3ST, however, were not sitting idly by. While I am not privy to all their formation information, I do know they formed 2 fleets of Prophecy-class battlecruisers, a pair of AHAC fleets, an electronic warfare fleet, a Dominix-class battleship fleet, and other fleets of bombers and assorted cruiser and frigate class ships. Notably, a "Gokufleet" of stealth bombers went to 4-EP instead of the main battle to intercept our reinforcements.

Moving such a mass of forces is an extremely unique aspect of EVE Online; moving a single 256 man fleet can be a challenge at times, and moving eight of them at once can be even more so. Time dilation usually kicks in any time you see 300 or more pilots moving as a group, so moving 1000+ is a certainty. As such CFC formed almost two hours in advance of the reinforced timer exiting invulnerable mode. It is not fun, but it is absolutely necessary if you plan to achieve system control first, giving you a significant tactical advantage. As such, almost 1 hour before the timer approached, we had entered system and moved into a position around the station, evenly orbiting with several fleets, providing ourselves a position almost entirely immune to hostile bomber fleets.

Most of our pilots took advantage of this time to get lunch, say goodbye to their families, and prepare for the worst while expecting the best. At the same time, N3ST forces slowly went through the process of moving their forces into a position to engage. This process is slow and arduous, and it was obvious that they were playing against the clock to organize themselves properly to arrive in time to contest the system.

At approximately 5 minutes left of the station timer, hostile cynosural fields were spotted in system and the enemy (N3ST) forces took titan bridges into system. It's hard to describe the sense of anticipation one feels when preparing for something of this epic scale, and certainly the pulse of myself and many other of the fleet commanders rose. The fight was coming; it was happening.

Our position on that station was the best equivalent to a proper formation in EVE I can describe. With each member of each fleet orbiting a single point (the station), we created a spherical wall with a roughly 80km edge from side to side. Spread out this much, we were almost entirely invulnerable to bombers, while at the same time within range from both sides for our Megathron guns to target any ship that came at us. This was the stance we chose, and doing so surrounding the enemy station. The ball was in their court. Come to us we said; they had to, so they did.
The fight, like most fights, didn't happen as the N3ST forces would have wished. A bomber group under Dabigredboat started the fight by initiating a bomb run against one of the hostile fleets, forcing them to stay in position or warp to their only aligned point: the station. Rather than accept their instant destruction under a wave of bombs, they took the next worst choice: engage warp and prepare to fight. Rather than let their comrades die alone, several of the other TEST fleets engaged warp as well. There was no going back.

The first fleet to land was a segment of the electronic warfare group avoiding the bomb run, but it would be followed in such close succession by Prophecy and AHAC groups that it could have hardly been more than a minute between warp-ins. Now we were truly engaged. Fire was exchanged, and the massive groups of railguns carried by the Megathron fleets spun into action. At the same time, the Prophecy groups began dropping and assisting their sentry drones and focusing their massive salvos of damage.
As the CFC often does in these type of fights - as any commander of unscrupulous morales would do given the chance - we figuratively decapitated their leaders. Damnation command ships and heavy interdiction cruisers (hictors) were the focus of our attack, and there is no force in EVE that can withstand the guns of a thousand Megathrons. Armored to the nines to insure survival and allow a functional chain of command among the N3ST forces, their plan failed. All the leaders of the N3st forces that we could identify were targeted and summarily executed. While this is only a stopgap measure in eve - you cannot truly kill their characters - it does move those leaders off the field and back to their staging systems, and makes controlling their fleets near impossible. Leaderless, one of the AHAC groups proceeded to do almost no damage for the next two hours. Some of the other, more prepared, fleets were ready for our engagement tactics and were not as hindered.
The N3ST forces chose to employ the same tactic, attempting to kill Cor Six and Mister Vee, leaders of their respective Megathron fleets. Neither would fall; the enemy forces focus was not equal to our own, and they wasted precious salvos onto plated armor that would not break.
The large number of stealth bombers in system took their toll upon the N3ST forces as well. Dabigredboat and Kcolor both landed successful bomb runs upon enemy fleets; DBRB on the core of the primary Prophecy fleet, and Kcolor upon the electronic warfare group. Both were destroyed or damaged heavily.
The mobile fleet of the CFC under imperian started collecting its skulls as well by controlling the only exit to the system. All those that attempted to fleet from the carnage met their fate even sooner than those that chose to stay and fight.
The Dominix fleet of N3 began bridging into system a bit late at a safespot away from the fight. It was plagued by disconnects and losses of critical personnel for quite a while.
The Nulli (a component of N3) stealth bomber fleet that had set up camp to interdict stragglers from our staging system of 4-EP was almost entirely destroyed by the infamous multi-client hero oodell. 80 pilots were defeated by one, as, in a bitter turn of fate, 8 stealth bombers can just as easily dispatch 80 if piloted right.
The fight continued on the station. Hostiles attempted to inflict damage upon Megathrons, and we in turn focused on the expensive but highly-armored Legion class strategic cruisers. We made progress, but it was slow and time-consuming; the time dilation means it can take almost five minutes to down a single cruiser. Several caught remote repairs and were saved even amidst the overwhelming fire.
The legion group was weakened and burnt, so four of the seven Megathron fleets turned their fire upon the Prophecy groups. Damage from earlier bombs, accompanied by their larger and thus easier to track ships, allowed us to greatly increase the speed at which we dispatched the Prophecies.
The much large N3 Dominix fleet then began asserting control over the single exit gate, forcing imperian's small more mobile AHAC group off.
At this point we made the call to "drop the hammer". Our capital class vessels, waiting in the wings for the first 2 hours of the fight, came into play with bright lights and whooshing sounds. 200 capitals represent equal firepower, if not more, to the entire force of Megathrons we already had on the field.
Immediately upon seeing our capitals come into play, N3ST forces begin to prepare their evac; single fleets begin to warp away, leaving others to their cold grim fate. With control of the exit gate provided by the Dominix group, they also had a long, but somewhat safe, path to freedom. However, anytime you retreat in EVE Online, there is a price to pay; 10-20% of your fleet being caught is usually an accurate level. 10-20% of 2000 is around 200 pilots, and they were trapped in interdiction gravity spheres preventing any chance of getting away alive.
So we enacted our butcher's bill, slaughtering all those who could not run. Those who were not fast enough in their retreat.
As we continued to clear the battlefield, killing everything but the most difficult to track frigates, word came in of something odd. It seemed that TEST Alliance planned to make a charge - a last stand - to come back in against overwhelming force and make a statement. In EVE, this is never done; you do not fight when there is no hope. You retreat and save your ships for another day, another chance. But in they came, and while I can safely say I was surprised, I was also a little sad that so much bravery would have to be killed so quickly.
Their suicide run killed a single Naglfar-class dreadnaught. Over two hundred pilots paid the price for it. On a good day, 10 capitals might be worth that price, but not today.
With the field finally cleared after eight hours of combat, hostile fleets finally retreating or disbanded (save a small harassment bomber group), we bridged our fleets back to 4-EP and called it a day.
That was the fight of 6VDT from my eyes. It was long, it was grueling, and it was large.


Mar 11, 2004

My evening was due to be a quick login to eve to restock my PIs collect goop and plug up the skill queue.

After cleaning up the first systems planets i scooted back into VFK to do one more planet then log off. Undocked, align about to warp...bump.....err...doh
Rapier pops out of cloak, webs wcs......darn it. Its also over fairly quick with his huggin mate. Luckily my hauler is empty at this point.

Queue 3 hours of chasing them around with my rapier, dropping into their safe spots, poking them, then running off. Bascially being as annoying as i can. They get no extra kills and eventually log off in a huff after a few choice words. Chased them around 3 systems, worked on my probing skills nicely (Huggins can't warp cloaked!) Really do like the new premade cluster settings for probes...also like..probing people. HUrr de hurr.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I'm suffering from a bug of some sort, spent most of Sunday in bed with fever, gutted to have missed it.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
How did it go for you Tilda? Did you enjoy it as much as you thought you would?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
When we (the CFC, or ClusterFuck Coalition) decided to reinforce the 6VDT-H station, we did so merely on a whim. TEST Alliance had shown an unacceptable level of resistance to one of daily European timezone siege groups;

Aww, baby wasn't allowed to play so asked daddy to come and beat up the bad kids? :)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Aww, baby wasn't allowed to play so asked daddy to come and beat up the bad kids? :)

When TEST came to EVE, we took them under our wing and gave them untold riches for nothing in return, took 2 regions for them and then defended said regions. After 2 years of looking after them they decide to turn on us *chuckles*. The least they could do would be to actually put up a decent defense.

So last night they tried to head shot our staging system...it went, rather badly for them, losing 100b in ships to our 7b.


Dec 22, 2003
Was lots of fun, have been getting better at tackling without getting blown up!


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Have you managed the pain staking shit that is getting authed for goon comms and website?


Dec 22, 2003
Yeah that was fine! I still dont know who you are in game!
Any advice as a good thing to train for for ratting? I dunno if I should be training turrets or rails or what.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Yeah that was fine! I still dont know who you are in game!
Any advice as a good thing to train for for ratting? I dunno if I should be training turrets or rails or what.

Marc is "The Mittani" :-d


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
NRDS is just a roleplaying joke. When CVA had Providence it was good times and fun for all


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Yea corp is currently trying to rebuild as am i.

But NRDS is flawed and can never work w/o victimizing those who follow it.

Will be pushing for us to join Goons or someone in CFC as soon as we are build up again. Life in Mostly Harmless was decent.

Geocorp shall rise again


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Oh thats why I had you and gilesy on my contact list, still think i need to acutally learn more stuff before i join a real corp tho.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Atm its very chill, just building up and some core members coming back.

Whatever suits yourself mate


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
CFC doesn't need more pets. help balance the power blocks instead... :/


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
What, CVA has providence again?!

I loved sitting in my bomber on jumpbridges, gates and belts in Y-MPWL, 9UY4-H and IS-R7P. So many easy pickings


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
So we, (CFC) now own about 2/3rds of nul. From Vale of the silent in the east (where our new rental alliance is based) all the way west and down to the south west (Delve is being taken as I speak and Period basis is being handed over to LAWN).

Im not just bragging when I say this, but I cant see how anyone can topple us, unless something happens from within. The miltary might we showed in fountain against the rest of nul sec, was staggering. Walltreipers,The Initiative and Initiative Mercenaries have all been set +10 which makes it look like they are joining the CFC too and we have picked up ENLI from TEST who with the exception of Dreddit were the main PVP corp in TEST.

The problem now, is due to the tech nerf, nul has being turned into a rental empire and I dont see how CCP can get around this and stop the age of coalitions unless they get rid of standings and limit alliance numbers.

As it stands, Mittens, Vince and Shadoo are now sat on obscene amounts of ISK.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
I would also increase the build costs of titans and supercaps as all this money is just going into supercap proliferation.


Mar 11, 2004
Im not just bragging when I say this, but I cant see how anyone can topple us, unless something happens from within. The miltary might we showed in fountain against the rest of nul sec, was staggering.

I seem to recall Bob saying something similar .... once ;)


Dec 26, 2003
Marc said:
I would also increase the build costs of titans and supercaps as all this money is just going into supercap proliferation.

Far too late - need something new which doesn't unbalance the main game but works as an effective ISK sink.

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