Eve Online


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I was just clarifying for those as stupid as me, so keep your pants on. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
massively.com said:
EVE Fanfest 2013 final day: Trailers, EVE's TV show, and a vision for the future
by Brendan Drain http:// on Apr 27th 2013 11:30PMSci-Fi, Trailers, Video, EVE Online, Business Models, Culture, Events (Real-World), Expansions, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, News Items, Opinion, Free-to-Play, Consoles, MMOFPS, Events (Massively's Coverage), DUST 514, Dev Diaries, Sandbox, Anniversaries, Player-Generated Content0

We usually don't expect to see much from the final day of the EVE Fanfest, but for this year's tenth anniversary celebration, CCP isn't doing anything by half measures. The first two days of the event had a strong focus on DUST 514 and EVE Online, delving into the specific details of DUST's upcoming Uprising update and EVE's Odyssey expansion. I went into the convention centre today expecting a nice slow wind down with the usual CCP Presents keynote looking at the state of the company, but I left with several huge reveals that seemed to come out of nowhere.

Not only did we find out that EVE Online is finally getting a collector's edition box full of goodies, but CCP revealed that a new EVE comic book and lore compendium are both on the way. As if that weren't enough, there's also an EVE TV series in the works based on player-submitted stories of true events inside the EVE universe. I couldn't help escaping the feeling, though, that this year's CCP Presents talk was more than a little marketing-oriented. As one of the press put it to me after the talk, it felt at times like watching an infomercial. On the plus side, we did get to see more of CCP's future vision for the EVE universe and an amazing new trailer showing the game's core storyline.

Read on to check out the incredible EVE Universe Origins trailer and my summary of the final day of Fanfest 2013.

CCP Presents: Now with 200% more marketing!

In all honesty, I'm really excited for the EVE collector's edition despite the hefty price tag. It ships with a Rifter model that sits on your desk with a stand and acts as a USB hub, complete with flashing lights showing data transfer. The in-game collectable cosmetic ships that come with the collector's edition are pretty nice to have, but some people will undoubtedly sell them in-game for ISK, so buying the collector's edition might not be the only way to get your hands on them. As I predicted, the Gnosis battlecruiser with its bonus to every race's weapons turned out to be the 10-year anniversary present, and adding a blueprint copy of it in the collector's edition is a nice touch.

The new EVE comic based on true stories from inside the game should be interesting, and thankfully the digital edition will be free, but there's nothing in place for verifying submitted stories. The competition results will also be determined by a public vote that can be manipulated, which will probably happen since this is EVE Online we're talking about. CCP is also looking into 3-D printing busts of player's character models as a service, which will probably be quite expensive. The cynic in me wants to complain about the rampant merchandising in the talk, but the EVE player in me just wants all the merchandise right now!

CCP Presents: Extra DUST information

We expected CCP to announce a release date for DUST 514 this year, but it oddly didn't come as part of the DUST Keynote speech. The announcement of a cleverly selected May 14th launch date was shoehorned into CCP Presents along with details on future plans for the game. Players will get new racial variations on all the different dropsuits and vehicles and can look forward to two new PvE game modes in which they will fend off rogue drones. The idea is that players will be able to run co-op PvE matches in districts they own to kill drones and collect materials from the corpses. Those materials will be funneled back to EVE to build items like tanks for DUST 514. The NPC supply of items could then be removed from DUST entirely.

This all sounds pretty awesome, but there was no indication of when the feature might actually be released. It became clear that these were CCP's long-term targets for the game when developers showed concept art of the interior of a titan for a proposed game mode named Penetration. Other ideas put forward included mining platform maps in space with zero gravity, and making EVE players carry clones to the target system in a war barge to start a fight. There was also talk of e-sports arenas streaming battles up to EVE and boarding parties delivered to structures from ships in EVE. I'm baffled as to why most of this wasn't mentioned in the DUST 514 keynote, but then it did seem to be a far-off fantasy that we won't see for many years to come.

CCP Presents: EVE's five year vision

Senior Producer Andie Nordgren spoke about EVE's plans for the future in a very clear manner all throughout Fanfest, and in CCP Presents she gave a run-down of the new approach CCP is taking to development. Normally EVE goes from expansion to expansion without much in the way of long-term direction, and the vision of the future of EVE changes beyond all recognition on an almost annual basis. Now developers have a five-year vision for where the game is heading and why, a three-year roadmap for how to get to that vision, and a 12-month plan for specific development of features.

Because of this new process, the crazy far-future ideas on space colonisation and building your own stargates presented in yesterday's EVE keynote are more likely to actually make it to the live game than previous big visionary ideas. They're part of the five-year vision that the entire EVE development staff is getting behind, so it should be only a matter of time before true space colonisation becomes a reality. When it does, we'll be able to build stargates aiming into the unknown and settle completely new solar systems. Also part of the five-year plan is an investigation of immersive flight and combat in EVE, which could potentially bring more twitch-based controls to the game.

Whether you're a die-hard fan of internet spaceships or just a gawker on the sidelines, EVE Fanfest is the EVE Online event of the year (and the key source of new DUST 514 and World of Darkness scoops!). Follow Massively's Brendan Drain as he reports back on this year's Fanfest starpower, scheming, and spoilers from exotic Reykjavik, Iceland.

Tags: andie-nordgren, ccp-seagull, collectors-edition, eve, eve-fanfest, eve-fanfest-2013, eve-online, eve-online-fanfest, eve-online-fanfest-2013, event, event-coverage, fanfest, featured, five-year-plan, five-year-vision, gnosis, iceland, massively-event-coverage, origins, player-owned-station, rekyjavik, rifter, stargate, Stargates, trailer, usb, usb-hub, video, vision


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Might return to EVE next month, if only to grab my year award ;)

The CE also looks really nice.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Tempted to come back and join a highsec/lowsec war deccing/pirate corp and bounce between +5 and -2 sec


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
Happy birthday Eve!

massively.com said:
EVE Evolved: Ten years of EVE Online
by Brendan Drain http:// on May 5th 2013 6:00PMBetas, Sci-Fi, Trailers, Video, EVE Online, Culture, Events (In-Game), Expansions, Game Mechanics, Interviews, Lore, MMO Industry, Patches, PvP, News Items, Opinion, Consoles, MMOFPS, EVE Evolved, DUST 514, Dev Diaries, Sandbox, Anniversaries, Player-Generated Content, Subscription0

Tomorrow marks a huge milestone in MMO history as sci-fi sandbox EVE Online officially turns ten years old. Released by a tiny icelandic development studio whose only previous release was a board game featuring Reykjavik's favourite cross-dressing mayor, EVE has slowly grown over the past decade to become one of the industry's biggest and most stable subscription titles. Following 2011's monoclegate scandal that led to around 8% of players quitting and CCP Games shedding 20% of its employees, this year saw EVE Online climb to new heights as it regained the playerbase's confidence and smashed the 500,000 subscriber barrier. As a special side-note, the EVE Evolved column also turned five years old last week; it has now officially been running for over half of EVE's lifetime.

The past year has been remarkably successful for CCP, with both of the year's EVE expansions being extremely well received and console MMOFPS DUST 514 finally starting to take shape. The Inferno and Retribution expansions fixed a staggering number of small issues that were broken in the game while also making big changes to bounty-hunting, piracy, and PvP across the board. We also saw huge emergent events like the Battle of Asakai, a $6,000 ship kill, and the five trillion ISK faction warfare exploit this year. With DUST 514 officially launching in just over a week on May 14th and players fired up about the upcoming Odyssey expansion, the future's looking bright for EVE Online as it heads into its second decade.

In this week's EVE Evolved, I look back at some of year's top EVE stories, stories that touched real life, and what the future holds for EVE's second decade.

The biggest stories from EVE's tenth year

This year got off to a fantastic start with the Inferno expansion adding some much-needed PvP incentives to the ancient Faction Warfare system. The expansion added loyalty point rewards to player ship kills based on the value of the ship and cargo destroyed, a feature that a few clever EVE players figured out they exploit. By manipulating the market price of certain rarely traded items, the players were able to trick the game into thinking they were destroying ships worth billions. The exploit yielded five trillion ISK worth over $100,000 before it was reported to CCP and fixed. The players involved had the ISK removed and received a slap on the wrist.

The biggest story of the year by far was the 3,000-man Battle of Asakai. It wasn't quite the biggest single battle in the history of EVE, but it was special in that it came completely out of nowhere. A titan pilot accidentally clicked the "Jump" button instead of "Jump Bridge" and his valuable ship appeared on a battlefield in low-security space without a support fleet for backup. The battle escalated out of all control as one side began throwing in ships to try to kill the titan and the other threw in more ships to save it. The result was one of the largest unplanned PvP events in EVE's history, and the servers stayed online and stable thanks to the game's Time Dilation mechanic.

Stories from the sandbox that touched real life

Gamers around the world watched on as the story emerged of a player losing a ship worth $6,000 US. The kill would have been the single highest-value loss any individual had suffered in EVE's lifetime, made worse by the fact that the victim was carrying the valuables in a tiny, defenseless frigate. Discrepancies in the killmail soon arose that cast doubt on its authenticity and lowered the estimated damage to around $1,000. Despite having originally linked the kill on its Facebook page, CCP was unable to confirm or deny the kill.

In September, we heard the distressing news that highly respected EVE Online player and former CSM member Vile Rat was one of the state officials killed in an attack on the US consolate in Libya. The outpouring from the EVE community following the event was immense, with players donating cash to a collection for his widow and showing their support in-game and on the forums. Those who knew him organised an in-game vigil in his honour and talked about the great times they'd had with him. The cynosural field beacons lit up the in-game map for hours as players paid their respects and showed that EVE is much more than just a game.

The Retribution expansion was awesome

While Crucible and Inferno helped CCP claw back a lot of player confidence, this year's Retribution expansion was hands-down the best expansion since 2009's Apocrypha. The expansion contained a ton of gameplay changes for new and old players alike, buffing entry-level tech 1 frigates and cruisers beyond recognition and revolutionising PvP in high- and low-security space. Mining barges were finally given enough defenses to withstand the average suicide gank attempt, and in the unfortunate event that it still happens, you can now sell your kill rights to the public to get revenge.

Retribution's revamped bounty hunting system gave non-PvP players another way to get indirect revenge on attackers while giving PvP-focused players more incentive to get out there and fight. An all-new crimewatch system also put players in the driving seat of justice by making thieves globally attackable by any other player rather than just by the player they stole from, and a new weapon safety feature helped stop new players from being tricked into opening fire on an invalid target and getting themselves killed. Salvage drones were added to make mission-runners' lives easier, and a new battleship-sized microjumpdrive was introduced to add variety to ship fittings.

DUST 514 integration with EVE

Many EVE players have thought of MMOFPS DUST 514 as a waste of development time and money that doesn't help the spaceship game they know and love, but this year saw that perception change as the link between the two games became a hell of a lot more real.

DUST 514 was officially linked to the live EVE Online server on January 10th ahead of January 22nd's open beta, allowing EVE players to nuke DUST battles from orbit with special orbital strike ammo. It had already been confirmed that EVE and DUST players would inhabit the same universe and could even join the same corporations, but seeing it actually happen was a big step forward. DUST is set to officially launch on May 14th following its game-changing Uprising update.
E3 2012: DUST 514 hands-on
Well, my first E3 is in the books, and though I got a good look at pretty much everything, I spent most of the time looking at shooters. MMO shooters came first, of course, and there was plenty of PlanetSide 2, Defiance, and even an 8v8 lobby title called Arctic Combat to be had (more on this last in an upcoming The Firing Line).
The Firing Line: DUST 514 beta impressions
I haven't played DUST 514's beta in a while, so I figured that this week's installment of The Firing Line was a good excuse to give it another go.
EVE Evolved: Merging EVE with DUST 514
When console MMOFPS DUST 514 was first announced, players were cautious of the game's ambitious goals. Developers promised that DUST battles would decide the ownership of planets inside PC MMO EVE Online, and that this would tie into system sovereignty and ultimately ownership of entire regions of space.
What DUST 514 means for EVE factional warfare
Fan site DUST514Base.com has a new blog post that's worth a read if you're curious about the changes that CCP's recent integration has brought to both EVE Online and its new shooter sibling.
Hands-on with DUST 514 on the cusp of open beta
Less than a week before DUST 514's January 22nd open beta launch, CCP invited Massively and other publications to attend an orbital bombardment event in San Francisco.
Fanfest and a look to the future

EVE Fanfest 2013 was the biggest celebration yet, selling out in record time because of the tenth anniversary celebrations. Over 1,400 players and hundreds of press and partners flew across the world to meet their corpmates, mingle with developers, and hear about development plans for the coming year. I was on the ground at Fanfest for Massively this year to get the inside scoop, and I also met the awesome people behind upcoming EVE documentary A Tale of Internet Spaceships. We also saw the hard work going on behind the scenes of World of Darkness and got a sneak peek at EVR, a new virtual reality dogfighter that uses the Oculus Rift.

Fanfest mostly focused on DUST 514 and its link with EVE Online, but there was plenty in there for fans of internet spaceships. In addition to upcoming mining, industry, and resource balance changes, CCP showed off an incredible new jump animation coming in Odyssey and the new Discovery Scanner interface. A new collector's edition is also soon to be released, alongside a companion book called EVE Source filled to the brim with lore and the official NPC storyline. We also heard that Black Horse Comics will be turning real player stories from the True Stories website into a new EVE Online comic book and that a live-action TV series is on the cards.

E3 2012: CCP says it wants 'EVE to be around in 10, 20, 30 years'
CCP's E3 2012 setup was dark, infused with Jon Hallur's soothing sci-fi synth tones, and entirely appropriate for huddling conspiratorially in a corner booth with producer Jon Lander and creative director Torfi Frans Olafsson.
CCP: It's 'deeply wrong' to assume that repetition is the way forward
CCP's got opinions. This isn't news. The Icelandic developer behind EVE Online isn't afraid to share its opinions, which is also par for the course.
CCP's Jon Lander discusses the emotional attachment players have with EVE Online
In a recent interview, EVE Online's Senior Producer Jon Lander expounded on the bottom-up philosophy that CCP practices for its massive space sandbox.
Funcom, CCP, Snail devs talk skill-based MMOs
Although the majority of MMOs are level-based, some games are bucking the trend. The Secret World, EVE Online, and Age of Wushu are three titles that eschew the standard system in favor of offering players a more open gaming experience.
GDC Online 2012: CCP on keeping players cheaply
Sandboxes get a lot of flak in today's themepark-dominated MMO industry. That said, sandbox developers who do it right will be laughing all the way to bank, according to CCP senior designer Matthew Woodward.
PAX East 2013: An interview with EVE Online's Jon Lander
The next expansion to EVE Online was announced during this year's PAX East. Odyssey will usher in to the game a host of improvements ranging from better exploration mechanics to a redistribution of resources, ensuring that players have plenty to do with their internet spaceships over the summer.

It's been a fantastic year for EVE Online, and after this year's Fanfest presentations I can safely say we have a lot to look forward to in the coming decade. CCP's vision for the future involves the incredibly intoxicating idea of building our own stargates and finding completely new, alien star systems. The NPC empires of New Eden will lose control of power and immortal capsuleers and ground-pounders will take over. It may take us a few years to get to that point, but it's going to be one hell of ride.

Brendan "Nyphur" Drain is an early veteran of EVE Online and writer of the weekly EVE Evolved column here at Massively. The column covers anything and everything relating to EVE Online, from in-depth guides to speculative opinion pieces. If you have an idea for a column or guide, or you just want to message him, send an email to brendan@massively.com.

Tags: 6000-dollars, anniversary, anniversary-event, bounty-hunting, capsuleer, ccp, ccp-games, console, crimewatch, cyno, cyno-vigil, dead, death, decade, dust, dust-514, eve, eve-evolved, eve-fanfest, eve-fanfest-2013, eve-online, eve-source, expansion, expansions, exploit, faction-warfare, fanfest, featured, fps, inferno, internet-spaceships, interview, interviews, kill, killmail, killmails, libya, mmofps, nuke-them-from-orbit, odyssey, opinion, piracy, playstation, playstation-3, ps3, pvp, retribution, safety, sandbox, sci-fi, sean-smith, second-decade, ship-kill, shooter, spreadsheets-online, ten-year-anniversary, ten-years, ten-years-old, the-second-decade, trailer, video, vigil, vile-rat, weapon-safety

massively.com said:

JoinThe CelebrationAcross the Universe

EVE is 10 this May and we're excited to invite everyone to a festival of celebration. Like us onFacebook to spread the word, and work towards achieving gift and firework unlocks. Join the party in New Eden on May 5th with our in-game events: details in the Celebrating Ten Years of EVE Onlinedev blog.

Share the EVE is 10 celebration with your friends
or join the conversation at #eveis10



Unlocked Fireworks Per Hour


EVE is 10 unlock gifts and firework packages will be made available in the EVE Online redeeming system on May 5th, starting after downtime. Firework packages will be delivered each hour afterwards, on the hour, in sizes determined by the unlock progress achieved by then – ie. 20 units, 40 units, etc.

The EVE is 10 unlock gifts are digital, in-game items. The items are: (1) a Festival Launcher for use with your fireworks; (2) a Genolution Core Augmentation CA-1 implant; (3) male and female Red Star t-shirts for your avatars; (4) a Genolution Core Augmentation CA-2 implant; (5) a Sarum Magnate frigate.
Last edited:


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
I do want to try this game, but feel i'd definitely get lost in it all starting out!


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
I do want to try this game, but feel i'd definitely get lost in it all starting out!

Not if you join a corporation from the get go. Eve Uni is perfect for beginners.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
I can has play EVE on occassion. I get a rage-on when I lose ships though. It takes me too long to re-make my ship because I suck :(.



FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
When buying fittings buy several of same module. When fitting is done, save fitting ;)


Dec 26, 2003
So is Dust 514 going to have any effect on Eve or did they dump that idea?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
heh, i'm expecting the death count on execs are gonna skyrocket. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
Interesting piece!
massivley.com said:
EVE Evolved: Could EVE use twitch controls?
by Brendan Drain http:// on May 12th 2013 6:00PMSci-Fi, EVE Online, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, PvP, Opinion, EVE Evolved, Sandbox, Subscription0

A few weeks ago, the EVE Online community went nuts for EVR, CCP's exciting new virtual reality dogfighter developed for the upcoming Oculus Rift gaming headset. The game demo was produced by a team of just a handful of developers in just seven weeks using nothing but their spare time, but attendees and press at EVE Fanfest 2013 were nevertheless blown away during test sessions. Though EVR isn't going to be integrated with the EVE universe, Senior Producer Andie Nordgren stated in her Keynote address that CCP will be looking into more immersive flight and combat mechanics for some the game's ships. This comment has sparked a lot of discussion over the possibility of finally getting some direct flight controls in EVE.

The lack of direct twitch-based controls in EVE is often cited by gamers as a big part of the reason they can't get into the game. There's no active dodging of missiles, manual ship targeting, or really complex tactical maneuvers in EVE, but that's kind of the point. Most ships in EVE are colossal lumbering hulks more akin to today's seafaring battleships than fighter planes, and combat with them is more a game of strategy and teamwork than a battle of reaction speeds. But that isn't exactly true of all ships; interceptors and fast microwarpdrive frigates move at several kilometres per second and are so agile that pilots can already pull off some interesting tactical maneuvers. So isn't it about time we made the combat for those ships a bit more visceral and immersive?

In this week's EVE Evolved, I look at the fast-paced world of interceptors and explore how twitch controls and weapon aiming could possibly be implemented without killing the server.

Why interceptors should get direct controls

Interceptors are the speed-demons of EVE, able to move at several thousand metres per second and complete clever high-agility maneuvers like the zig-zag approach and corkscrewing to avoid turret fire. But these moves are bloody hard to pull off, usually involving spinning your camera around and quickly double-clicking on the right parts of the screen at the right time. This isn't quite the same as taking direct control of your ship, and as defensive maneuvers, they're effective only against turrets.

You can avoid being hit by turrets by keeping your transverse velocity relative to the turret ship higher than the enemy's tracking speed, so dodging left and right as you close the gap will stop you from being shot out of the sky. There currently aren't any mechanics for dodging missiles and drones other than just moving very fast; missile damage decreases against fast-moving ships and drones can be outrun and then shot down. It's here that twitch controls could really pay off and provide a more immersive game experience, but the problem developers have always faced with this idea is that the server just can't handle it.

How the server currently handles ship movement

When you double-click in space, the client currently tells the server what direction to move in as a linear vector, and then the server sends the data out to all other clients in the area. The clients then appear to use it in a dead reckoning algorithm that predicts where the ship will be in between position updates from the server in order to provide the illusion of smooth movement. Because ships don't change direction frequently in EVE, the server currently doesn't need to send updates about ship position very often. That's part of the reason EVE can handle battles with large numbers of pilots involved even though server load scales up exponentially with the number of players involved.

My understanding of how EVE's server works under the hood is mostly from old devblogs, and things may have changed a lot since they were published, but as far as I know, EVE still works with only linear ship movement vectors. That means direct flight controls can't simply be inserted into the game, as smoothly turning in one direction or another would produce a rapid stream of new linear vectors and the number of updates required per second to produce smooth movement from that would be far too high. The server not updating quickly enough is what causes rubber-banding in games, and you can sometimes see it in EVE if an agile ship rapidly changes direction while the node is laggy. That's the reason that's normally given for why twitch controls wouldn't be feasible in EVE, but there may be a way this could be accomplished with very little impact to the server.

Moving with predicted curves

When you think about it, there's actually no reason that the server and client have to calculate or predict movement in straight lines. Instead of sending the server a linear vector indicating the new direction to move in, what if the client were to just send a vector indicating a rotation on the X, Y, and Z axis based on which controls are being pressed? The server could then send that information to all nearby clients, and the clients could then predict ship movement as an extrapolated curve rather than a straight line.

The server already seems to calculate ship movements in curves when a player with inertia changes direction, though this may just be a sum of input linear vectors and drag effect on existing velocity. EVE's physics engine currently ticks on a one-second heartbeat, so new resultant vectors can currently be sent to the clients only that frequently. If the client were receiving updates on ship rotation instead of linear heading, it would likely be rolled into the physics update frame and updated only once per second. That means a direct control scheme would still be limited to changing direction once per second, but that actually might not be a big deal.

Watch someone play a dogfighter like EVR and see how often he actually changes the direction buttons being held; it's surprisingly only once every few seconds. Players tend to hold buttons down for long durations to do big sweeping turns, and smaller course corrections are infrequent by their very nature. As long as the interceptor turns slowly enough that big turns take a few seconds and there's a system in place to roll small course corrections under one-second long into the physics update, there shouldn't be any rubber-banding.

Immersive targetting, afterburners and evasive maneuvers

If twitch controls ever do come to EVE's smaller ships, it's clear that developers must create an option for players to switch it on for small engagements and off for fleet battles. What I'd love to see is a direct flight module that acts like a siege mode for interceptors, switching the way the ship works. The camera could be locked behind the ship for a more hands-on feel, and a targetting reticule could even appear in the middle of the screen and highlight whatever ship is closest to the centre. Then you could have a shortcut key or button on a game pad that targets the highlighted player and if necessary unlocks the oldest target you have locked to make room.

Modules like afterburners could be loaded with evasive maneuver scripts that program in a set of timed course changes. The idea here is that the server and every client knows exactly how the command is executed, so it can accurately compute the entire course in advance without needing to send or receive every little course correction from the server. The script could even have pre-programmed sections of "dodge bonuses" in the form of a temporarily reduced signature radius. The speed boost then becomes an immersive defensive tool as well as an offensive one.

While most ships in EVE are perfectly fine the way they are, I think it'd be interesting to see more direct flight controls for interceptors. If the details of how EVE handles ship movement and physics calculations under the hood haven't changed significantly over the years, just adding twitch controls to EVE would kill the server. But that doesn't mean it's a technical infeasibility to add direct control to some of EVE's ships; it may just require a new type of ship movement that is based on rotation rather than moving in straight lines.

This kind of system would invariably produce some additional lag, but it shouldn't be much more than people changing direction once per second. If it were limited to just interceptors, the impact to the server would be further reduced. The main problem in this system is that time dilation can slow systems down to as low as 10% normal speed during large fleet fights, which wouldn't feel very hands-on. What do you think? Could direct flight controls improve interceptors, or are tactical maneuvers like the Zig-Zag enough twitch for you? And is there a feasible way to implement twitch controls without the server grinding to a halt?

Brendan "Nyphur" Drain is an early veteran of EVE Online and writer of the weekly EVE Evolved column here at Massively. The column covers anything and everything relating to EVE Online, from in-depth guides to speculative opinion pieces. If you have an idea for a column or guide, or you just want to message him, send an email to brendan@massively.com.

Tags: Andie-Nordgren, ccp, ccp-games, control, controls, direct, direct-controls, direct-flight, Dogfighter, DogFighting, evasive, eve, eve-evolved, eve-online, featured, frigate, interceptor, interceptors, maneuver, manoeuver, manual, opinion, opinion-piece, pilot, pvp, sandbox, sci-fi, speed, twitch, twitch-combat, twitch-controls, vector, zig-zag


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
It's gonna turn out shit if they do it. The game was never intended to have twitch controls, so making something like that just won't work properly.

They would basically have to rewrite most of the combat engine for it. And rebalance everything else...

And then they could just as well make an EvE 2 because it wouldn't be that much more expensive.....


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
If you use the option above in the next few days, think before the 31st this month, you get a total of 3 ships, a +9 to all attribute booster that works on a char for up to 15 days. (char older that 15 days it wont work on), you also get 2 implants +3 to their attribute, 1 of theese cant be used together with booster, but after booster runs out you can equip it. And alot more goodies. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
An awesome list that I shall be working my way through!
massively.com said:
EVE Evolved: Fanfest 2013 video roundup
by Brendan Drain http:// on May 19th 2013 6:00PMSci-Fi, Galleries, Trailers, Video, EVE Online, Culture, Events (Real-World), Expansions, Game Mechanics, Lore, MMO Industry, PvP, PvE, Opinion, Free-to-Play, MMOFPS, Events (Massively's Coverage), EVE Evolved, DUST 514, Dev Diaries, Sandbox, Anniversaries0

Last month saw the huge tenth anniversary EVE Online Fanfest, a three-day convention packed full of exclusive reveals, behind-the-scenes talks, and community events. This year's Fanfest was the biggest one yet, celebrating EVE's tenth anniversary with special guest speakers from the scientific community, the reveal of a new virtual reality dogfighter, DUST 514's launch, and details of the upcoming Odyssey expansion. Massively was there to bring you coverage of the big news as it happened, and CCP streamed some of the key talks and events live to viewers at home.

This year's Fanfest sold out so quickly that many people who wanted to go didn't get a chance to, and only a select few talks were shown on the public livestream. With such a packed event schedule, even players in attendance couldn't be there for every interesting talk. Thankfully, CCP recorded over 30 of the most anticipated events and has now uploaded the videos to YouTube. Highlights include the Make EVE Real videos, the EVE keynote, the CCP Presents Keynote, and the talks on how DUST 514 integrates with the EVE economy.

In this week's EVE Evolved, I round up all of the EVE Fanfest videos in a handy list.

EVE Fanfest 2013


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
... and the rest of it!
massively.com said:

Alliance Panel
Alliance leaders from all areas of EVE gave presentations on what they got up to this year, with a particularly interesting talk on wormholes by ExookiZ. Be warned that the video does contain Game of Thrones spoilers.
CSM Panel
Members of the player-elected Council of Stellar Management answer player questions.
http:// Concept Art Live
EVE concept artists draw concept art in front of a live audience and ask the players for their input. This talk was surprisingly muted compared to previous years.
http:// Game Design Live
In a fun and slightly work-unsafe event, Game Designers CCP Greyscale, CCP Bettik, and CCP Masterplan showed the game design process they use when making a new feature and let the crowd help design a hilarious feature live. But don't worry, super-wormholes with capital NPCs won't really be coming to EVE!
EVE/DUST Tournament Finals
During the Fanfest, CCP ran a tournament played simultaneously in EVE Online and DUST 514. Ships fought it out in orbit of the planet while DUST marines fought over a district below.

Coaching them up in EVE
EVE players DNSBlack and ExookiZ gave this interesting presentation on how leading a corporation in EVE is a lot like coaching a sports team. There are some great lessons in here for any corp CEOs.
EVE Art Panel
A panel of CCP concept artists and graphics programmers showed off graphical updates coming in the Odyssey expansion. This was the first time players saw the new jump effect and the new radial menu UI. There are also some exciting concept mock-ups of a new fleet commander system overview.
Game Design - Balancing Tears and Laughter
Lead Game Designer CCP Soundwave gave this in-depth talk on the principles that go into game design and some of his favourite features, then he answers a series of game design questions from attendees.
Progressing with Ship Identification System
Developers look at EVE's poor sense of skill progression and overcomplicated ship skill requirements and some cool tools CCP is working on to solve the problem.
Prototyping the future of EVE
Team Avatar and the aptly named Team Prototyping Rocks show how new EVE features are prototyped before being fully developed in order to test ideas before wasting a lot of development time.
Player Fiction in New Eden
CCP Falcon and CCP Eterne discuss the EVE NPC storyline and some great player-written stories that complement the official fiction.
Games as Art - EVE at the MoMA
Celebrating EVE's recent inclusion in the New York Museum of Modern Arts, the museum's senior curator Paola Antonelli presented this panel on the topic of games as art. The creators of Dwarf Fortress and Cananbalt also joined Torfi Frans Olafsson to discuss whether games are art or engineering.
Merging Economies
CCP's in-house economists discuss the different economic systems in EVE and DUST 514 and plans to merge the two games' economies. The first step is to allow ISK to flow from EVE into DUST, but the long-term goal is much larger in scope.
Remixing EVE - You did what?
Those in attendance at this year's Fanfest got to play an awesome EVE-themed arcade game called EVE Offline. It was an unofficial side-scrolling shoot-em-up built with the EVE Online game engine and using art assets from EVE. This talk goes through the game's production process from start to finish.
Reimagining the Apocalypse
Amarrian players will be happy to know that the Apocalypse battleship is getting a redesign as part of the Odyssey expansion. This short talk shows the design process behind the rebirth of one of EVE's oldest ships.
http:// Improving EVE's Player Experience
Since its release in 2003, EVE Online has been plagued with usability issues and arguably poor UI design. It's up to CCP Fear and Team Pony Express to make all the features we use every day more user-friendly.
EVE Securrity
In EVE's annual security talk, developers talk about the problems in implementing authenticators, banning stats for the year, the effect of botting and RMT, and EVE's security policies.
Dev. & Ops are in a Relationship
We know there are teams of developers behind our favourite games, but it's not often that we hear about the operations teams that deal with the server environment. This talk discusses how the two departments at CCP interact.
EVE in China
CCP recently relaunched EVE in China, which helped to push the playerbase over the 500,000 global subscriber mark. This talk from Chinese partner Tiancity looked at how EVE was successfully brought to market in China.

Brendan "Nyphur" Drain is an early veteran of EVE Online and writer of the weekly EVE Evolved column here at Massively. The column covers anything and everything relating to EVE Online, from in-depth guides to speculative opinion pieces. If you have an idea for a column or guide, or you just want to message him, send an email to brendan@massively.com.

Tags: alliance-panel, apocalypse, asteroid, asteroid-mining, asteroids, battleship, ccp, ccp-games, china, concept-art, console, convention, crimewatch, csm-panel, dust, dust-514, economy, eve, eve-evolved, eve-fanfest, eve-fanfest-2013, eve-is-real, eve-online, event, events, fanfest, faster-than-light, featured, fps, ftl, game-design, gear, internet-spaceships, keynote, make-eve-real, mining, mmofps, odyssey, opinion, planetary-conquest, playstation, playstation-3, progression, ps3, pvp, sandbox, sci-fi, shooter, space-elevator, spreadsheets-online, uprising


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
I fell for a scam by a goonfleet corp because I am an idiot in EVE and tbh in general :(. 200m and a tengu donated. Oh well, lesson learned!

Was actually quite strange - never been scammed before in the slightest, I thought I was generally quite aware - turns out googling something for advice in EVE doesn't necessarily verify anything. at all. Metagame ftw?

Oh, and on the plus side I finally joined a real corp! Yay!

Atleast I think I did. I'm still half expected it to be another scam corp waiting to steal all my isks :(

Its like being in the matrix. There is literally no spoon what-so-ever.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Atleast I think I did. I'm still half expected it to be another scam corp waiting to steal all my isks :(

Always expect people to want to rob you, because they will given the chance.

Just don't trust anyone, no matter what they claim.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003

Only way to join Goonfleet is to be a registered member of SomethingAwful.com and have a long posting history there.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Same thing with Dreddit. Have to be a member for 3 months and be an active redditor.

If you are not, expect to be scambaited

Reddit copycats... :p

Well. It's the other way around. Goonswarm is much older than Dreddit, by 3-4 years or so.

And the SA community is 6 years older than reddit.


Dec 26, 2003
I always liked the transportation scams - easy way to make a few billion for minimal outlay.

Cant believe people are still pulling goon corp membership scams - sigh.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Test (Dreddit) wont be around in EvE for much longer :D

We take them under our wing, give them space, rescue them from invasions countless times and as a thankyou, they decide to go about starting a massive war against us, which, never came to fruitition as Pandemic Legion wouldnt back them up.

Now, they are a laughing stock and every man and his dog are in Delve dunking on them. Its hilarious.

Mittani smugness is at an all time high


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
TEST have enough pilots to beat off all but the big power blocks. Even if they get kicked out of null sec, it will be only temporary.... they'll learn, get leaner, meaner and be back with a vengeance. Anyway, could you imagine TEST alliance moving to the NPC null sec near you? A 6000+ man alliance moving to Pure Blind NPC stations could have a lot of fun against FA, Goons and TNT.

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