Actually I can have a discussion with chodax, and he explained why he did not want the tories in power this time without using history after that. Unlike your constant socialist campaigning. As for arrogance, lol. Pot, kettle, black.
Minimum wage. Took the setting of interest rates out of the hands of politicians. Reduced waiting lists in hospitals. Betters schools. Lower crime rates. Devolution. Mayor of London.
Lets see what we get with the Tories in return.
blah blah blah
They are both a lie?![]()
I dont want a discussion with right wing faggots like you, Kagato, Chipper & the rest of your kind. Black/White Chalk/Cheese Yin/Yang. Its just the way it is.
Interesting to see this thread started with a completely wrong assumption and just went downhill from there![]()
This all looks fairly good on paper, and I can understand why both parties are happy, but I just can't see anything happening other than the arse falling out of it.
I can't help but think that Cameron will try and force as many of the Lib Dem office holders out as soon as possible to make way for a full tory government, i just don't trust the slimy little ****.
i cant see the Tories accepting to swallow anything major from the LibDems.
lib dems sold out to get a foot in the door
nice one clegg, wont be seeing that party much any more then, you spit in the face of your supporters, you get whats coming to you
Are you eff retarded?
Before commenting on that - can you confirm/deny that you're a brainwashed tory hater?
A lot of lib dem policies push for a smaller government - that view is shared by the conservatives.
Smaller government+fiscal responsibility are two things I want and I feel like both parties would move in that direction.
Labour unfortunately in a growing economy kept increasing the size of the public sector to prop up union support rather than having any sense of integrity or ethics, forcing the cuts any government would have to make now be larger than they would have been had we had a responsible government the past 13 years. ( and historically speaking they did the same in their term before Maggie ).
Unfortunately I'm not blinded by some stupid brainwashing and lack of understanding of historical economic fact and can interpret this stuff somewhat rationally - unfortunately I don't think many labour voters can say the same.
LOL Tory hater, i don't think i hate any party, but i certianly disagree with a lot of what they pitched at the elections and a lot of what they represent.
tierk said:Sorry but it seems that you as a person that voted Libdem does not actually know what you voted for.
1. Consititutional Reform + Electoral Reform
2. Higher Taxes for Public Services
3. Pro European
4. Multilatral Foreign Policy
Just the 4 mentioned above are clearly diametercially opposite to the Conservatives.
tierk said:Regarding fiscal responsibility, it should have been abundanly clear by the manner of the Labour Parties 13 years in power, that the people - electorate - clearly wanted better public services, hence the thre Labour wins since 1997. However, it has been pointed out on this forum and elsewhere, they are not prepared to pay for it - higher taxes.
Sorry but Public Services were not expanded to prop up union support. They were elected on those policies and yes they kept those promises made at the elections to improve the public services of the country.
Incase you dont remember or choose to forget, we had 18 month waiting lists on the NHS when they arrived on the scene. Our education system was almost flushed down the toilet.
We have had sustained growth, as a result of policies implemented by Labour, yes Labour and not Conservatives - as some on this forum like to think. Low inflation and good growth, something no Conservative government has ever manged to do.
In addition we have great public services - compared to before, lower crime rates - better then anything the party of law and order have ever mananged - and yet still people are writing off everything Labour has done.
Actually it's 41.664% of the UK.- this despite 64% of the nation voting for parties that are considered left of centre.
ECA i suggest you go to some of the areas that were once thriving mining or industry based areas and talk to the people, famines were destroyed.
And the idea that the Tories are going to save money by making people unemployed is frankly lunacy.