Politics Ed Miliband


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
You are still assuming I am claiming to not be right wing in my thinking....?

You just come in post trash, insult people. I don't mind you having a different opinion, I just think it's quite idiotic. As for it all falling apart, from all the news updates in the last hour, the only thing that has fallen apart is Labours attempts to form a coalition, A tory lib dem coalition with the best bits from both parties thinking is good for this country.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
The OP got it wrong.

1733 I've received a text message from someone inside Downing Street effectively conceding defeat, says the BBC's Nick Robinson. It said that Labour and the Lib Dems were just going through the motions when they engaged in talks earlier, and Nick Clegg had already decided to work with the Conservatives. The text added that Labour would now "have to regroup as the only progressive party".

It's just a case of Con and LD making sure that all i's are dotted and t's crossed from the sound of it.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
  1. 1742: Lib Dem Treasury spokesman Vince Cable tells Sky News a deal is "very close to being done".



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Gordon Brown, full of shit till the end. At least he is consistent.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Good riddance Winky. Bad chancellor (huge economic growth underpinned by massive overspending and his assertion that boom and bust where over, selling the gold reserves), awful leader of a unsettled party.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
he already has
currently with the Queen
Cameron to be next PM
BBC News Live


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah. :D

Best result for the country by far.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
George Osborne the new Chancellor apparently. The guy is an idiot.

To the person who said Brown should have resigned earlier. He couldn't, constitutionally he had to stay until a new PM was found. Somebody had to run the country and as soon as it was decided then Brown resigned which is something I think he wanted to do earlier.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
An idiot he may be but he can't possibly be as bad as twat face and fuck nut (Brown and Darling)


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Agree about George Osborne. Bad choice. Cameron should have made Vince Cable Chancellor



I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Fucking hell, here goes a rough few years. :(

Please god it all falls apart and they are forced to call another election.


Oh dear.

Osbourne is a grimy, irksome, opulent baffoon. To have someone like that in charge of the country's money is enough to make anyone lose their faith in humanity. I think I will emigrate - congratulations everyone who has voted for the Etonian bigots. We'll have to live with these idiots for 4-5 years before the country kicks them out again.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2004
Fucking hell, here goes a rough few years. :(

Please god it all falls apart and they are forced to call another election.

I was only born mid 80's, so never really knew what tories did, but the more i here, the more im worried that it's going to happen all over again :(


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
ofc its not. People are so stuck in the past. What is happening right now is what is important and Labour have taken a good surplus and turned it into a massive deficit. It wouldn't have been as bad though if they hadn't had a fire sale on our assets. All to pay for a bloated and wasteful public sector which we cannot afford. A public sector which they wanted to make even bigger by taxing the private sector.

You don't put out a fire by putting petrol on it.


Your tears please me.

I'm sorry, who are you? You are a nobody, a troll who is scared to engage in conversation with me. I don't even like you, why do you follow me on FreddysHouse? You are not worthy of me, I killed you a couple of times on Dark Age of Camelot, but why hold such a grudge? Your absence of a personality, or ability to say anything useful, is merely an annoyance rather than a hinderance to me.

So please, come back when you know what you are talking about. Until then, I will ignore you. Idiot.

PS. I am going to enjoy your tears when the Conservatives ruin the country :) I have the means to deal with it, but I doubt someone like you does.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2004
ofc its not. People are so stuck in the past. What is happening right now is what is important and Labour have taken a good surplus and turned it into a massive deficit. It wouldn't have been as bad though if they hadn't had a fire sale on our assets. All to pay for a bloated and wasteful public sector which we cannot afford. A public sector which they wanted to make even bigger by taxing the private sector.

You don't put out a fire by putting petrol on it.

I really hope this liberal conservative coalition works dont get me wrong, like i said i never really knew the tories of the past, only what i hear from family and work mates, and that its tories make the rich richer, and the poor poorer.


tories make the rich richer, and the poor poorer.

Pretty much summed it up.

You cannot lead the country when you are out of touch with your people. It has never worked and it never will. They will be out soon enough.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
Fucking hell, here goes a rough few years. :(

Please god it all falls apart and they are forced to call another election.
I said the exact same thing in 1997 about the new Labour govt.
I've had to wait 13 years for the people *I* want to run the country and now they are. I'm looking forward to the ID card project being shut down for starters.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
If by rich you mean people who actually make an effort to support themselves and their family then yes, Tories make the rich richer. If by poor you mean the jobless masses (dorimor and co) then yes, they will get poorer. Nothing at all wrong with that. If they want to work they will be supported, if they would rather sit around watching daytime TV then they will be fucked.

If you are lazy you get less, as it should be.

We don't have room for dead wood if we are going to get out from under the shadow of a benefits dependant society.

Then there is the ID cards, the DNA database, the illegal wars, the snooping. Labour didn't serve us they nannied us.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2004
If by richer you mean people who actually make an effort to support themselves and their family then yes, Tories make the rich richer. If by poor you mean the jobless masses (dorimor and co) then yes, they will get poorer. Nothing at all wrong with that.

If you are lazy you get less, as it should be.

We don't have room for dead wood if we are going to get out from under the shadow of a benefits dependant society.

Then there is the ID cards, the DNA database, the illegal wars, the snooping. Labour didn't serve us they nannied us.

Im not sure what the mean, i hear they make the bosses of big companies richer and the lower paid staff not so.

1 thing that always sits in my mind is that labour brought in minimum pay, which tories were against iirc, that plays on my mind as a low paid person myself.

But like i said, i want it to work, to help the country, to help me, to hopefully put tory haters minds at ease that they are differant etc.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Well they do but they are no different than Labour in that respect, at the end of the day it is ultimately up to the boss to make sure a company turns a profit so he should be rewarded when it does. Under Labour the bonus culture has flourished and they have (in the banking sector) got a bonus regardless of whether they have made a profit and at whatever cost. Globally the system crashed because taking huge risks was encouraged, don't get me wrong, it wasn't only our fault but we have to take our fair share of the blame. The problem is that when times were good Labour sold everything off so when they did turn sour we had to borrow to keep our heads above water.

Don't forget, the Labour party today is nothing like the Labour party of the past, they couldn't give a shit about the working man.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
And no Dorimor, your tears and childlike grasp of things made me laugh so I positive repped you.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
I was only born mid 80's, so never really knew what tories did, but the more i here, the more im worried that it's going to happen all over again :(

Mark my words, stormy waters ahead unless you are upper middle class and above.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Utter trash Cho, try and remember that the tory government of the 90's did little wrong by anyone.

Also, rumours going round that Cable will be appointed secretary to the chancellor, and Osbourne is simple there as his puppet and to appease more hardline tories.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Utter trash Cho, try and remember that the tory government of the 90's did little wrong by anyone.

Also, rumours going round that Cable will be appointed secretary to the chancellor, and Osbourne is simple there as his puppet and to appease more hardline tories.

Utter rubbish? I think I am as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours, I lived through the entire reign of Maggie and Major, all I saw was desvastation of working class towns and manufacturing in this country all to make city fat cats richer.

Your opinion differs, that is fine, let us just wait and see how it goes but I honestly fear the worst and having been massively affected by the previous Conservative governments (much more so than the shit Labour governments of the last 13 years) I do not hold out any hope at all.

What pains me most is that the Liberal Democrats have sold out on thier beliefs in exchange for a bigger share of the pie at the next election and 5 years of holding the Tories to ransom. Shame on you Nick Clegg.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
If by rich you mean people who actually make an effort to support themselves and their family then yes, Tories make the rich richer. If by poor you mean the jobless masses (dorimor and co) then yes, they will get poorer. Nothing at all wrong with that. If they want to work they will be supported, if they would rather sit around watching daytime TV then they will be fucked.

If you are lazy you get less, as it should be.

We don't have room for dead wood if we are going to get out from under the shadow of a benefits dependant society.

Then there is the ID cards, the DNA database, the illegal wars, the snooping. Labour didn't serve us they nannied us.

Pretty much why i voted conservative (probably the only fucker at my uni that did). I hope they have the balls to make the appropriate changes.

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