Games Dragon Age Origins WTF <drools>


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
while i liked motb, and ive played it quite a few times, it didnt really engulf me like planescape did. guess its to do with nostalgia, as well as with the way games are presented these days.
that said, nwn2:motb is next to DA the top rpg to be had on the pc out of recent years. i also liked the nwn2 oc, less than motb and DA though.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Got this yesterday and enjoying it. Got 2 characters on the go at early level areas. Just hit level 7 and got my mage into shapeshifting - but he mainly focused as ice/healing.

Other one is just a lowly warrior at the moment having just reached the warden encampment. But will see where the world takes me with him as him my laptop character that only get played now and again.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Didn't really like the Shapeshifting line, seemed really underpowered compared to the Bloodmage and Arcane Warrior line, also because I've got alot of items that have a bloodmage only req or arcane warrior only req but haven't come across any items that are shapeshifter only.

Although must say that I am not really impressed with any of those special lines, 4 new abilities which ain't adding that much really.
Only played mage up till now though so no clue if the Rogue or Warrior would get some nice abilities from their special talent lines.
Tried to first play full dps mage then rerolled into that sleep+nightmare and the AoE paralyze line which worked out about 10 times better, only down side is that most bosses seem immune to any form of CC.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Well I just read through this thread and decided to buy this instead of bothering with MW2. Good timing too as I just ran out of books to read for now.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
the special classes are mostly just fluff, but they do have their uses. for example, the blood mage 3rd level spell, its awesome, ae dot + disable! the 4th one isnt that good though, so i would skip that.
shapeshifting is pretty weak yeah, especially as it takes time to morph, but i think the next patch is going to remove the cast time on shapeshifts, so they are instant and a bit more useful.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Played around with a couple of classes, duel wield warrior is the highest though I am not quite satisfied with him really, can't quite put my finger on why. Started a mage to mess about with too.

I would like to make a sword and board tank but I have read they are pretty shit, will have to test it out I suppose.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
with duel wield warrior i got sword and dagger is that it or can i do other weapon combos .. like 2 sword and i jsut not found the right swords to do it


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Enjoying the game still, but found some content that I didn't like much. The sloth demon quest was horrific and I'm not a big fan of the puzzle game genre, as found at the end of the Shale quest.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
with duel wield warrior i got sword and dagger is that it or can i do other weapon combos .. like 2 sword and i jsut not found the right swords to do it

at higher levels you can have a full sized weapon in both hands. its the top tier talent and requires 36 dex, so the requirements are pretty steep. until then its only daggers in the off-hand.

im not going for that talent with my rogue though. dual daggers with momentum turned on, backstabbing the hell out of someone = really awesome dps. the faster you hit the more backstabs you get!


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
You need the 4th talent in the top Dual Wield spec tree to be able to use 2 full sized weapons, else daggers are the only offhand.

Regarding 1h+shield, I think it's perfectly viable - probably better DPS than a 2handed warrior actually because they are just plain bad.

edit: beaten, that said doesn't the top tier talent add extra damage aswell? even if you don't go with swords.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Not far in yet, but oh my life, what an amazing game!

Really is an excellent game. Storyline is amazing. Would not take much to splice the cut scene's together and make a bloody good CGI movie. The Best cut scenes I've seen since Hellgate:)

Graphics are nice and gameplay is interesting. Playing a DW Dwarf Noble and loved the storyline. Only thing I would say is that it has been very easy going so far. I only wiped once due to an error on my part to the big demon in beacon tower. Now at the 3rd node of the fade dream sequence with no further deaths.

May start again on hard level if this continues.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Well I just read through this thread and decided to buy this instead of bothering with MW2. Good timing too as I just ran out of books to read for now.

Yeah me too. Dust of dreams was terribly short, or it was just me being eager for more Malazan ;) Begun with Night of knives the other day, but hope the action starts showing up soon (30 pages so far).

You will love Dragon Age ch3at3r, I am totally impacted by this game, on a Baldurs Gate lvl. And been reading in forums that the 2nd time you start it again with a different character option choice and picking a diferent storyline path, its a totally different game :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
About Neverwintr Nights 2:

Should I play the original expansion or go straight to Mask of the Betrayer expansion?

Is there any "must have" add-ons for that game?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
i like the OC but some people say its dire. i guess you could play it a bit and if you are bored, go to motb. though, motb has some (huge) references to the OC story, mainly that the player character is the same guy who took care of the OC problems.
and i suggest also having the prestige class pack mod, i think it was kaidrin's prc mod. some changes to the regular classes and lots of new stuff to play around with and customize your character.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
The OC campaign is very slow but I enjoyed it that said it doesn't really have much to do with MotB.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 13, 2006
Really enjoying this, just slayed my 1st dragon (not the archdemon). Some nice lol moments too, (try the 'surprise me' option in the brothel) :).


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah me too. Dust of dreams was terribly short, or it was just me being eager for more Malazan ;) Begun with Night of knives the other day, but hope the action starts showing up soon (30 pages so far).

You will love Dragon Age ch3at3r, I am totally impacted by this game, on a Baldurs Gate lvl. And been reading in forums that the 2nd time you start it again with a different character option choice and picking a diferent storyline path, its a totally different game :)

I whizzed through Dust of Dreams too, and I also whizzed through the latest wheel of time book, "the Gathering Storm". I am a sucker for good storylines, so I feel this game will eat my life.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
I whizzed through Dust of Dreams too, and I also whizzed through the latest wheel of time book, "the Gathering Storm". I am a sucker for good storylines, so I feel this game will eat my life.

This weekend represents a void in my storylife as it has been completly absorbed by this game (with a short break to watch Atletico vs. Real)


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
NWN2 doesn't work if you've got windows 7.

you must have been shaking towards the end of that match :)

- I still use XP SP3 :) So no problem, think im goin straight for NWN2:MoB

- I was shacking way before that, from the minute the trainer decided to put Cancerous Raul in the field substituting Higuain.

Im torn btwn playing NWN2:MoB after finishing DAO or replaying this last one in hard mode, this time with an Arcane Warrior/Bloodmage.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Played around with a couple of classes, duel wield warrior is the highest though I am not quite satisfied with him really, can't quite put my finger on why. Started a mage to mess about with too.

I would like to make a sword and board tank but I have read they are pretty shit, will have to test it out I suppose.

Shit and shit, I would never leave my camp without Alistair :p But sure, he don't hit the same numbers as my mages but still.

Oh, and I really enjoyed NWN as well!
Sucks that you can't bash locked chest in DA tho :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Finished it last night in a kind of goodey way.

Did manage to get my 250-dmg-in-1-hit achievement though :D


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Finished it last night in a kind of goodey way.

Did manage to get my 250-dmg-in-1-hit achievement though :D

the biggest ive got on my playthroughs was 406 from an arrow of slaying by leiliana. second highest should be 300 something with my mage on the same playthrough, using the corpse explosion spell, and the third highest my first warrior with 280ish on a 2h final blow.
this time though i dont think i am going to finish it, uni work is pressing on me, but my duelist/assassin rogue does massive dps with haste & momentum turned on, but he wont be getting more than 150 damage from a backstab i think.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
i got my 3rd character on the go now... just in the forest getting blood atm. But they are fun.

2nd caster, but this one being played more as a dark caster. . . . and i love blowing things up with time bomb/death explosion thing. Sticking all points in magic to level up that single line quickest for now and got the multi-explosion one now. . . it great fun :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Im playing with

- Rogue Duelist/Assasin: insane melee dps
- Oghren: dps 2H tank. Combined with Wynn support spells (auras and def glyph) I dont even miss the shield. And his random speeches are just priceless :lol:
- Morrigan: ranged dps specced in aoe and CC (elemental aoe nukes and the sleep and mental line): Sleep+Blizzard+aoeHex+Electric Cloud = phun :p
- Wynn: healer and support (full glyphs specced). Adding her Earthquake spell to the aforementioned aoe combo for even more fun (watch how 2 characters destroy 10+ white con creeps :p)
- Sometimes i change Morrigan or Wynn for Shale (mass CC) :p

Theres only 1 boss that gave me problems with that setup and made me consume a lot of pots (both lyrium n heals) and I rly think that boss was supposed to give problems to any1 ;)

On a side note, I decided to hold a 2nd game with a new toon on nightmare mode, gonna play NWN2 and the expansions 1st :D


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
The original campaing is really really slow in the start, but keep with it - act2 and beyond is a very good game.

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