

I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
chipper said:
blah blah

How ironic, complaining about a person's inability to speak English, while displaying your ignorance of how to write it.

There are some educated people here, with interesting things to say, like Yayur, but there are more than a few people who really are the ones who deserve to be 'kicked out', for their infantile posts.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Tom said:
How ironic, complaining about a person's inability to speak English, while displaying your ignorance of how to write it.

There are some educated people here, with interesting things to say, like Yayur, but there are more than a few people who really are the ones who deserve to be 'kicked out', for their infantile posts.

as far as i can see everyone tends to agree on the main points, and i really cant see anyone being too "infantile" about this subject.

so what do you class as infantile?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
kiwi described him as looking like bin ladens brother.. big white beard, wearing full white muslim robes and all that

Don't think its a question of racism at all m8, if you plan on living in a country you should adapt to the language and culture of the country, if you can't or won't do this you shouldn't move there and that goes for a Brit moving to Spain as well.

but anyway, even if you are gonna live in one of these 'groups', its still taking the piss that you cant speak a word of english.... its just rude and anti-social, it suggests that you have no interest in intergrating into the society you now belong to, and just want to keep yourself to yourself in your own social group, which causes trouble.

As for the dude getting citizenship with a translator that just takes the piss, its the government afraid to ban such practices for fear of being called racist when in actual fact its just practical, commen sence and in the immigrants best intrest, i rue the day political correctness infiltrated our system if a brit says something about our immigrant policy and how it could be improved they are branded a bnp facist but let old abu hamzer (sp?) stand in the park and shout about bringing down our culture, then he buggers off back to his council house lol, its all gone pear shaped!!!!!!

i think its bollocks to test on history.

As for the culture part, same as above thats what conquerors do, western imperialism no worse than the imperialism operating globally throughout history.

Britain as a whole I think is a lazy country wen it comes to learning other peoples language, but i agree with i, i think everone else should speak english, why shud i bother learning their language :p

Your average Pakistani family will have 20 grandchildren in that same time scale.....................work it out

Bit like the bloke in Bradford when Euro2004 was on...he had the Union Jack up on a flag pole outside his house...and was told to take it down by the local council (which happen to be 90% Asian) as it was seen as racist...just because he lived in an Asian majority area !!

this is true....though i wouldnt be suprised if in another few years Urdu will be taught in English schools as a 2nd language

My 7yr old daughter is already getting taught about their religion and their gods...has already had a day trip out to the local Mosque (which i wouldnt allow her to go on) and this is a Church of England school she goes to for crying out loud !


agree 110%...except on the BNP bit

have u actually looked at their manifesto?...most ppl dont...they just assume they are racist...when infact all they want is exactly what u mentioned above.



Some of the more 'interesting' opinions expressed here.....

Flying the Union Jack has nothing to do with being PC. Its against the law. You need permission, because the flag belongs (AFAIK) to the Queen.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
hmm kind of lost now are you saying the "interesting" posts are those you class as infantile? or genuinely interesting?

sorry having a blonde day even though i aint blonde :D

on a side note the only thing ive been able to find about the Union Jack is this little bit....though i will try and find something more concrete

"There are no laws governing the union flag. Primarily, it's the monarch's flag, but it has come to represent the UK through common usage.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
just to add more info to my last post about the Union Jack this is taken from


"The flying of the Union Flag on public buildings is decided by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport at The Queen's command. The Union Flag is flown on government buildings on days marking the birthdays of members of the Royal family, Commonwealth Day, Coronation Day, The Queen's official birthday, Remembrance Day and on the days of the State Opening and prorogation of Parliament; it is also flown on St David's Day (Wales), St George's Day (England), St Andrew's Day (Scotland), and St Patrick's Day (Northern Ireland).

Although the Union Flag originated as a royal flag, it is now also flown by many people and organisations elsewhere in the United Kingdom by long established custom. Its use as an emblem has extended beyond the form of a flag and the Union Jack is frequently depicted on other objects"

I agree with you that the flag belongs to the Queen but i have found NO where, where it says its against the law to fly it. The only thing i can think of here is that ur local council might object to you flying it, say on a flagpole due to planning permission problems or because of PC reasons, unless theres some unknown by-law

I would presume if it was against the law to fly it without permission then the Royal website would of mentioned this

Am not saying your wrong just that i cant find any info on this law
So feel free to point me in the right direction as i would be interested in seeing this law


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
1933. (George V). In reply to a parliamentary question from Mr Wills on Tuesday 27 June 1933 about whether private citizens were prevented from flying the Union Flag, the Home Secretary (Sir J Gilmour) said “No Sir, the Union Flag is the national flag and may properly be flown by any British subject on land” (Hansard Fifth Series Volume 279 (1932-33) page 1324). These two parliamentary answers of 1908 and 1933 are the only statements of any authority ever made about the existence of a national flag for the United Kingdom and the constitutional status of the Union Flag.

So it appears I was wrong. Oh well, that'll teach me to do my research first. Although it is illegal for civilian ships to fly the Union Jack at sea.

I would say however that I doubt the local council would be able to force him to remove the flag for PC reasons. Flying one's country's flag is not incitment to racial hatred.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Tom said:
I would say however that I doubt the local council would be able to force him to remove the flag for PC reasons. Flying one's country's flag is not incitment to racial hatred.

probably true...i cant remember what reasons they gave him...but it was something to do with planning permission i believe, but the bloke in question said it wasnt anything to do with that and he believed it was because Asians had complained.

Only his word to go on....so who knows...could of been for anything i suppose but after some of the things ive witnessed and have experienced myself.. i tend to lean towards the PC reason because of the area it took place


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 15, 2004
Ormorof said:
so its ok for an english person to not bother to speak local language in another country but not ok for an immigrant to england not to bother learning english?

ok firstly u got this confused m8 if i went to live in say france your damn right id learn the lingo i would be a hypocrite to do otherwise after what ive posted but i dont see it as a neccesity to speak it if im just going on holiday yes a part of me feels a twat for not knowing how to speak another language for example this year i went to drome a big lan event in holland was maybe 10-15 brits out of over 2000 ppl yet the vast majority speak very good english i did feel a twat for not knowing there local language but needless to say it was ok
because as soon as i spoke they understood
the reason the english dont speak other languages very well: ok lets see i didnt start learning french till i was 11 that gave me 4 years with a crap teacher to speak fluent french needless to say i didnt and it wasnt for lack of trying, when did you all start to learn another language ? afaik most english schools when i was there at 11 lets see 13 years ago didnt start to teach basic french till you hit secondary school most european countries start teaching english as a core subject in primary school thats around 6-7 years old and that is compulsory teaching in alot of schools,
so although i do blame us english to some degree i blame alot of it on a lack of education

@tom ahh yes next time ill pull out a dictionary so its perfect for you..... i say what i feel if you have a problem with that tough this is a discussion which i was quite happy to keep it at i didnt flame you but your infantile attitude had to attack me hope it made you feel good


Well for a while didn't know what to answer to this th...

F*ck that. I thought it was racist. Honest to a** truth. I don't give a rats a** about where whoever lives. I could have the whole bin laden family living above me and i might even ask them for tea and cookies.

That's how i think and i stick by it.

if you dont care about this "precious island" why are you even posting about it ? do you live here do you know the current state of affairs of this country ? you would happily live under bin laden ? so you have no morales then cos you would be happy to live under a mass murderer nice guy.
yes the way karaam worded it sounded racist but i think the same response would have been taken if it had been a white person from columbia or some other country but no because he was coloured the old racist towel is thrown in the ring and all of a sudden all of england is a bunch of racist ***** my response would have been the same had it been anyone who had lived in this country for 15 years and dint know any english.
as for calling me mr patriot thxs ill take that as a compliment you might not give 2 shits about england but alot of us do and immigration is getting out of hand over here

and once again ill state my entire stance on this has had nothing to do with colour or religion its about people who dont contribute to society, i mean ffs ppl we have enough citizens who already refuse to get off there asses and do a days work and we take more in just seems like we trying to climb up a glacier we get 2 steps and slip back another 5.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Bunnytwo said:
Couldn't agree more, however, I would go further and say children should go on school trips to the home of Islam and see Saudi Arabia, then they will have a true understanding of Islam.

Blah blah, racist vitriol ad infinitum

You're a racist c*nt, and a fucking moron.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
nath said:
You're a racist c*nt, and a fucking moron.

you however has put forward an intellectual argument?

come back when u got some brain cells ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
You're absolutely right, I've not put forward any arguement - and you made a fair comment. Point is, I've been there before - tried to discuss rationally with complete and utter racist idiots, it's almost always the same thing. They either can't learn or just don't want to. This time I figured I'd just skip to the end, it's kinda cathartic.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
fair enough...but i cant see in what way he was being racist....did u read the whole post?

he was explainging his experience whilst living in an Islamic country, what he saw etc

perhaps you could enlighten me, how this is racist?

or have i missed something? (wouldnt be the 1st time ;) )


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tainting an entire religion with the wrongs of one or even several countries that claim to follow it is - in my opinion - racist, and pretty stupid.

A heck of a lot of disgusting and vile things are done in the name of Christianity and Catholicism.

edit: The fact is, I think it's fantastic that kids are being taken to mosques. If you know next to nothing about a certain uh, thing - be it a religion or culture or whatever, it makes it easier to be afraid of it or think of it as a threat. This often leads to racism (I know I'm starting to sound like yoda, but stick with me). If you take away the ignorance and replace it with understanding, I think it's a lot tougher to be racist. As a result, teaching kids from a young age about all the other religions/races/creeds blahblahblah that they are *not* a member of will help rid this country of racism. Something which is more dangerous to this country than asylum seekers and immigrants. IMO.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
nath said:
Tainting an entire religion with the wrongs of one or even several countries that claim to follow it is - in my opinion - racist, and pretty stupid.

A heck of a lot of disgusting and vile things are done in the name of Christianity and Catholicism.

ok i can go along with that point...every religion has it bad points and has done its fair share of bad things.

But thing is alot of it "seems" to still happen in Islamic countries, Christianity and Catholicism stopped all their vile things long ago.

I know for a fact from Asian ppl i know that they still stone to death female adulterers in places like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia still behead ppl and cut the hands off thieves, ok 1 can argue that this is their customs but in this day and age its kinda barbaric

But this thread wasnt supposedly about religions more of why some ethinic groups in this country (UK) arent willing to adapt and intergrate into British society...Chinese,Seikhs,Hindus,Caribbean,,Polish communites to name a few have all managed to do this, but yet the Muslim communites havent and wont intergrate.

This point was proved even further in a documentary on channel 4 last night about Asians & The Caribbeans, when the Asians stated quite clearly that ppl of any other race, let alone colour were not welcome, would never be welcome anywhere near their communites. They even threatened the 6ft 50yr old Caribbean present/interviewer that if he didnt get out of their "town" and stop asking his silly questions there would be trouble.

Now you cant tell me that these ppl are willing to intergrate?
Seems to me they are more than willing to scream "racist" to anyone if they dont get their own way, but its ok for them to be racist


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
All religions are utter bs imo, i meen cmon its the 20th century now. Such hookus pookus could be acceptable hundreds of years ago but not now. Angels, white bearded dude in the sky, i meen get reall. Nothing good has come out of religions imo, just wars, killing etc.. I hope someday some1 find hard proof that Jesus/Mohammed etc was just a bunch of scammers. Now i dont say that u arent entitled to your opinion, if u wanna belive in god thats fine with me, i dont care as long as u arent bugging me with it, but imo its all a bunch of crap.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
NeonBlue said:
I know for a fact from Asian ppl i know that they still stone to death female adulterers in places like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia still behead ppl and cut the hands off thieves, ok 1 can argue that this is their customs but in this day and age its kinda barbaric
A clean beheading is a lot less barbaric than the electric chair which can take minutes to kill by burning the person alive from the inside out.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
Neo said:
All religions are utter bs imo, i meen cmon its the 20th century now. Such hookus pookus could be acceptable hundreds of years ago but not now. Angels, white bearded dude in the sky, i meen get reall. Nothing good has come out of religions imo, just wars, killing etc.. I hope someday some1 find hard proof that Jesus/Mohammed etc was just a bunch of scammers. Now i dont say that u arent entitled to your opinion, if u wanna belive in god thats fine with me, i dont care as long as u arent bugging me with it, but imo its all a bunch of crap.

:clap: :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Neo said:
All religions are utter bs imo, i meen cmon its the 20th century now. Such hookus pookus could be acceptable hundreds of years ago but not now. Angels, white bearded dude in the sky, i meen get reall. Nothing good has come out of religions imo, just wars, killing etc.. I hope someday some1 find hard proof that Jesus/Mohammed etc was just a bunch of scammers. Now i dont say that u arent entitled to your opinion, if u wanna belive in god thats fine with me, i dont care as long as u arent bugging me with it, but imo its all a bunch of crap.

I'm not a religious person, and I agree, all a bunch of gobbel de gook to me. But it has also saved alot of lives.

Many people have felt it not worth going on any more but then found comfort in beleiving there is something/someone watching over them.

Some ppl do beleive very strongly in religion, but at the end of the day it is down to them. I doubt it will be leavin society for a long time.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I love many of you, because you make me feel a lot more clever. Cheers.

Also, you being racist in such a teenage angst fashion, it makes me giggle. Lots.
Making comments about how they should learn the language, while spelling like you've just had a stroke... Thats gr8 m8s!


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tsabo said:
I'm not a religious person, and I agree, all a bunch of gobbel de gook to me. But it has also saved alot of lives.

Many people have felt it not worth going on any more but then found comfort in beleiving there is something/someone watching over them.

Some ppl do beleive very strongly in religion, but at the end of the day it is down to them. I doubt it will be leavin society for a long time.

Yes i agree with the beleiving thingy. But on the other side More bad things has come out of religion then good things.. All the wars, woman being less worth in some religions, Psychos that heard Jesus tell em to kill 5 people and then play tetris.. IMO If all religions were taken away we would loose more of the bad things then the good.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Neo said:
Yes i agree with the beleiving thingy. But on the other side More bad things has come out of religion then good things.. All the wars, woman being less worth in some religions, Psychos that heard Jesus tell em to kill 5 people and then play tetris.. IMO If all religions were taken away we would loose more of the bad things then the good.

That's probably just the media.

How many news articles do you read about people deciding not to commit suicide as they have 'seen the light'. Or found something to beleive in? Not many as it's not that big an event.

But then again this Tetris playing homicidal maniac you speak of is obviously going to get news coverage as its much more different and will sell. They probably even themselves out in this way tbh.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Neo said:
Yes i agree with the beleiving thingy. But on the other side More bad things has come out of religion then good things.. All the wars, woman being less worth in some religions, Psychos that heard Jesus tell em to kill 5 people and then play tetris.. IMO If all religions were taken away we would loose more of the bad things then the good.

The thing is all those things are to do with people and not religion. When religion isn't the excuse then something else is, whether it be race, nationality, money, staring at someones bird. TBH I hope humans wipe themselves out at some point so the bees or ants get a chance to evolve into the next major species :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
nath said:
You're a racist c*nt, and a fucking moron.

Yeh must be thats why I've spent a number of years living in Singapore and China, damn I must be the biggest biggot out there, cos hell I hate mixing with non-whites, better tell those of my friends who aren't white that I can't speak to them anymore.

As for moron I'll go up against you anytime in the intelligence stakes buster.

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