

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Tallen said:
Problem is that what language is worthwhile learning as a second language?

For most countries, if they want to learn a second language, most of the time it's English as its an obvious option...but if English is your main language its very hard to find another language that is spoken globally.

this is true....though i wouldnt be suprised if in another few years Urdu will be taught in English schools as a 2nd language

My 7yr old daughter is already getting taught about their religion and their gods...has already had a day trip out to the local Mosque (which i wouldnt allow her to go on) and this is a Church of England school she goes to for crying out loud !

now its ok saying this is a multi cultured country etc...but if they want respect off us, surely then they should earn that respect by giving us the common courtesy of learning our language & culture

Why & how their culture is getting taught in our schools when they cant even be bothered to learn ours is beyond me !


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
World war 3 is going to be a laugh, I do hope I'm here to see it.

Probably cull about 50% of the worlds poulation, old scores will be settled, superpowers will take the oppurtunity to wipeout whole nations/races of people.

You do know that after world war 2, the Americans came VERY close to nuking the whole of China and Russia to eliminate future threats.

Still got those plans....oh yes, and more.

White people, about a quarter of the worlds population, but control all the wealth and have all the power.
They feel under pressure, they feel the slow eroding of their base.

Like a big Bear getting pushed into a corner, when they finally snap, it ain't gonna be pretty.

Look at the odds, we lose 2 buildings....they lose 2 countries, that isn't going to last long.
Surely sensible Muslim/Arabs must say to them at some point...
'hang on here we're losing this big time.'


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Morchaoron said:
oh well so be it...

at least we lived in interesting times eh?

i would say more frustrating times...but would have to agree it isnt dull


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well for a while didn't know what to answer to this th...

F*ck that. I thought it was racist. Honest to a** truth. I don't give a rats a** about where whoever lives. I could have the whole bin laden family living above me and i might even ask them for tea and cookies.

That's how i think and i stick by it.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 15, 2004
the above statement has surely got to be the most stupid thing i heard in a long time. <points at old.Tohtori>

if it was upto me id close the borders and kick all these illegal fukers out the country white black fuking green i dont care.

this country and its government is so god damn wrapped up in itself to please the ethnic minorities in this country they forget about our own social values i agree 110% with karaam on this.

it truly does bewilder me how someone who cannot speak a word of english be accepted into this country its god damn shocking tbh .

i suppose i am racist to a degree but not about colour that has never bothered me more about social values.

we are losing a little bit of england every time we let one of these asylum seekers into this country the majority do nothing to aid the economy all they do is leech off it id like to see some figures one day on how much money is actually spent on asylum seekers to look after them, obviously our own homeless and our own ill arent worthy of this money god it makes me fuking sick it really does,

im not saying we should forget about the problems of the world but who the fuck made it our responsibility to look after these ppl ?

we have too many problems in this country already with our current citizens
rising crime
racial tensions
threat of terrorism

shouldnt we start to address those problems instead of trying to save the fuking world ?

we take an asylum seeker into this country thats 1 less job 1 less home for someone who may have been here all their life and is actually trying to make a go of it, instead of some twat who can barely say hello who will spend the next 10 years happily picking his giro up once every 2 weeks

yes im callous i may even be evil about this but how can we solve the worlds problems when we cant even solve the ones closest to home.
The political parties really do make me laugh the BNP take it way too far the conservatives just aint got a clue labour aint got the bollox to do what needs to be done and the lib dems just seem to be cruising in the wake of labours mistakes this country needs a strong leader who is gonna turn round and say look englands lost its way im gonna make it better im not saying kick anyone out who isnt white belongs to <insert random religion here> the non english who are here, are here to stay nothin will change that and fair enough a good portion do contribute to society.

all i want is my country to be respected among the world again instead of been laughed at every time we back down from brussels or do bush's bidding
but as long as we give way to shit like this no one will take us seriously

sorry for the swearing in this post ive cooled down now ive wrote it but reading the post really did piss me off


Dec 25, 2003
Morchaoron said:
oh well so be it...

at least we lived in interesting times eh?

There is a curse... they say... :( sorry. One of my favourite Discworld books :p

On this topic. No problem with immigrants, I believe they should try and speak the language of the country they live in though. Thing to remember is... immigrants > chavs. Faeces > chavs. There's a lot worse things in the world than having someone who can't speak your language living near you... most of these things are chavs, the other 25% are americans.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
NeonBlue said:
My 7yr old daughter is already getting taught about their religion and their gods...has already had a day trip out to the local Mosque (which i wouldnt allow her to go on) and this is a Church of England school she goes to for crying out loud !

Why not let her go ? ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
chipper said:
sensible post

agree 110%...except on the BNP bit

have u actually looked at their manifesto?...most ppl dont...they just assume they are racist...when infact all they want is exactly what u mentioned above.

myself dont usually bother voting as its a waste of time...coz no party, represents or stands up anymore to help this country all they are bothered about is fecking europe or immigrants.

Sadly the BNP have over the years been tarred with the racist mark because of groups like the NF and Combat 18 and of course the media...and before anyone asks NO i dont vote for em...nor am i a member....but its getting to the point where im seriously thinking about joining them. Though the only thing in their manifest i disagree with is they are against Abortions unless in extreme cases such as rape etc.

But otherwise the BNP (to me) is the only party that comes even remotely close to what i would like to see in this country...and that is the "Britsh" ppl getting what they deserve !!

Sadly our government/media wont allow the BNP to shake off the racist mark...and whats more concerning is that when the BNP do win seats or win elections they are not being allowed to take those seats or have a representive in the Houses of Parliment....sorry but i thought we lived in a Democracy?

i wouldnt class myself as racist...as i live in area full of different cultures(Seikhs,Hindus,Jamaicans,Chinese)...but its those cultures that come to this country and not willing to adapt to our laws...our culture...our language or willing to learn them...that really fucks me off...and sadly this 95% of the time is the Muslims and the Bradford Riots only go to prove that point !

oooh and another thing to think on....

my brother in law...who is an advanced driving instructor and has NEVER been stopped by the police or had a parking ticket in 15yrs of driving...joined the BNP 2 months ago (became a fully paid up member) because he was fed up, of the state of this country..(he lives in Bradford which doesnt help either)....and since he joined them he has been stopped by the police 5 times for what they call "random stops"

now to me that seems very very odd and rather concerning!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
harebear said:
Why not let her go ? ;p

i wouldnt let her go....because :

a) we arent religious
b) she has no reason to go to a mosque, it was to no benefit to her
c) religion is something u should choose urself not have forced upon you
d) the only reason the trip was arranged was because the school has alot of Asian students (which is fine) but if there was a trip arranged to go the nearest Church...i can bet that 95% of those Asian students wouldnt go!
e) at 7yrs old they have enough to learn without having to worry about religion and other cultures & ties in with point C


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
doing R.E.in primary school? what the fucking hell. the most we got was prayers and then i didnt join in them either. didnt even know R.E existed till secondary, thats how it should be. a 7yr old has no care for anything like that. i liked R.E because it was interesting arguing with the teacher about why we should take any of it seriously.

"now to me that seems very very odd and rather concerning!"

i think its good, i would rather people were stopped more often than not enough. do you think the police have his number plate and watch out for him?!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
tris- said:
doing R.E.in primary school? what the fucking hell. the most we got was prayers and then i didnt join in them either. didnt even know R.E existed till secondary, thats how it should be. a 7yr old has no care for anything like that. i liked R.E because it was interesting arguing with the teacher about why we should take any of it seriously.

aye i didnt do R.E till secondary grammar school...and i was like you always arguing with the teacher why we needed to do it...when i believe personally religion is just "man made" for the masses....odd thing is i remember i came 3rd in my year when we did the exams....god knows why...i thought then and still do now that religion is all bollocks

tris- said:
"now to me that seems very very odd and rather concerning!"

i think its good, i would rather people were stopped more often than not enough. do you think the police have his number plate and watch out for him?!

whilst i agree with you that perhaps ppl should be stopped more often, i find it very strange that after 15yrs of not getting stopped...that within a month of him joining the BNP he gets stopped 5 times within 4weeks

To me that just doesnt add up and yes i do believe they have him "marked" in some way and i believe its because hes part of the BNP...maybe i am wrong but i can see no other reason for it...as otherwise he is just a hard working decent guy.

Btw some ppl may or may not know...but in the last council elections when u received ur postal votes...did anyone else notice the bar codes on the voting slip?....did u know this barcode was used to store ur name ...address and who u voted for, now since we supposedly live in a Democracy and that voting is supposedly annoymous...why the hell would they need that?

food for thought :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 15, 2004
i actually used to enjoy the bible and religion (christianity) when i was in primary school was never a bible basher or anytihng but i did enjoy the stories then when i hit secondary school i was learning about religions id never heard of and tbh didnt really give 2 shits about im not a muslim so why do i need to know about there religion at 11 years old ? same for a bunch of other religions i didnt care about

and as like you guys i used to take great pleasure in arguing with the teacher however as fun as the arguments where RE was the first subject i dropped when i finally got my options.

as for the 7 year old going to a mosque if they use the term "where making them culturally aware", well thats bollox tbh, i mean i do plan to have kids one day and i may even have them baptised i dont even care if they learn about christianity after all it is my religion even though i dont care about it but i do care about them learning something that has no place in there heads a childs life is confusing enough and religion is full of shit at the best of times so why fill there heads with conflicting stories about who god is ?
seems silly to me we have to learn about religion at all its something i think should be abolished from education true the moral messages will get lost but theres plenty of good books with the last line and the moral of teh story is.....

religion is something we choose for ourselves i dont see why we should have to have it rammed down our throats as children theres more important things to learn like how to play make friends basic english and math if they truly wanna learn about god then they will be interested to learn it from a priest who actually has a passion for it not like a teacher who just gets em to read through a text book as quickly as possible so he can go grab his coffee and prozac break.


Dec 22, 2003
The country can't have a strong leader against the crap because they get brandad radical racists by the other idiot parties.


Dec 22, 2003
Karam_Gruul said:
if they're gonna go live in they're little social groups, and tlak they're own language, fair enough (even tho this does cause ALOT of trouble, my dad works in bradford... the number of random fights and riots he's seen just because of the clash of societies is unbeleivable.... and in fairness, the britts were there first). but anyway, even if you are gonna live in one of these 'groups', its still taking the piss that you cant speak a word of english.... its just rude and anti-social, it suggests that you have no interest in intergrating into the society you now belong to, and just want to keep yourself to yourself in your own social group, which causes trouble.

I live is slough (Unfortunaty) Its like he immagration capital of the world..from every type of eastern europian, muslim, hindu, christen, sikh ...on on the whole there is little clashes.

May have something to do with the south being more affluent, but who knows.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
If there really was a God, then everything else would be mute.

School would be RE 24/7.

What would be the point in learning anything, what would be the point in being alive?

Just slit yer wrists and it's off to the fluffy cloud land where all knowledge is instant.

Born disabled, or just plain don't like yer hair colour, maybe ya dicks too small, then quick slash of the wrist and HEAVEN!!!!!

UH-OH bit of a problem for religions that one, so they made suicide a sin and then give the classic quote.

'God works in mysterious ways'

That's religious speak for 'we don't know why children die of cancer either'


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Comment On Brits abroad

So many comments in this thread regarding Brits abroad. As a Brit (London born) who has lived abroad for many years I felt I should add something in our defense. I have lived in Germany, China, Hong King, Oman and now Dubai. Yes, it's true that many Brits/English speaking people do congregate together on a social level. Usually because we share common interests like beer, football and rugby etc. In some countries this was a necessity to save your sanity and a good way to blow off steam. I live in a compound of 12 villa's with a shared pool and gym. Many different nationalities live there and everyone is friendly.

The crowd I run around with socially in Dubai are usually 7-10 strong drinking team consisting of 5 Brits, 2 Frogs, 1 Leb, 1 Greek, 1 Kiwi. No Arabs/Pakistanis or Indians I hear you shout. Well in general not many Arabs or Pakistani’s drink alcohol and to be honest smoking a Sheesha (excuse spelling) doesn’t do it for me. I do know Indians socially and we usually all get together at BBQ’s.

In general I have learnt enough of the local language to get by, general greetings, taxi’s home etc. If your forced to learn it you will. I could get by not speaking a single word of Arabic but, I think it’s rude. So I make the effort to learn it. Most Brits I know are the same.

I think you have to accept that English is the business language of the world. Despite what the French might argue. As a consequence we sometimes get a bit lazy. This should not be condoned.

Regarding the other main issue:

When I hear the stuff that is going on in the UK regarding immigration it makes my blood boil. A fine example is the infamous Afghan Hijakers and their extended families who are now free to live in the UK and cannot be deported. How crazy is that! They commit an internationally recognized crime and they still get to stay. Even after their country has been made safer. By getting rid of the very people they fled from.

I returned home recently and whilst visiting friends in Hampshire I watched a cricket match. The local side had various ethnic groups represented. The visiting team from Slough were all Pakistanis. At lunch some removed shirts displaying T shits with the slogan ‘Proud to be A Pakistani’ and displaying a big Pakistani flag on the back. My immediate thoughts were, "Not proud enough to bloody live there". Having been to Islamabad and Karachi I know where I would rather live.

We should have a system more like the UAE. You cannot enter and work legally without sponsorship. This is usually provided by the company employing you. You also have to have the qualifications necessary to carry out the job in question. These are attested prior to Entry Visa being issued. Screw the Human Rights legislation it’s causing nothing but problems in the UK. Eroding a national identity.

I agree with a lot of what has been said in this thread. British culture is being eroded by wasters with no intention of being useful members of British society. Now you have the far right feeding on peoples insecurities and picking up votes in the process. Its very sad.

Assalam alekum,(pron) -Peace be upon you. Thought it might be useful when in PvP. after you have just twatted a Mid with your mighty Battler :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
NeonBlue said:
sorry remind me again...whos country is this?

France's ;)

AFAIR they were the last successful invading force..



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
NeonBlue said:
My 7yr old daughter is already getting taught about their religion and their gods...has already had a day trip out to the local Mosque (which i wouldnt allow her to go on) and this is a Church of England school she goes to for crying out loud !

WTF wouldn't you let her go on a trip to a mosque?

Learning about different religions is essential for understanding other cultures.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
yaruar said:
WTF wouldn't you let her go on a trip to a mosque?

Learning about different religions is essential for understanding other cultures.

not at 7yrs old it aint


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
NeonBlue said:
not at 7yrs old it aint

dont see why not, its not like she's going to convert to islam at the age of 7.

understanding other religions and cultures is essential to avoid the "bloody foreigner" approach alot of people seem to have.

i agree thats its pretty silly not learning english when living in an english speaking country, but the brits are the same all over the world, they can live in a country for years without bothering to speak the local language (the "everyone speaks english so why should we bother learning another language" thing :p )

its silly not learning english because its such a damn simple and easy language to learn (i spoke fluent english a month or two after moving to the UK)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Ormorof said:
dont see why not, its not like she's going to convert to islam at the age of 7.

understanding other religions and cultures is essential to avoid the "bloody foreigner" approach alot of people seem to have.

maybe not...but religion shouldnt be forced fed to children at a young age...more important things such as maths english reading writing need to be mastered 1st

infact id rather her learn a 2nd language before doing fecking religion...as to me religion is just bollocks and causes too much grief

Ormorof said:
its silly not learning english because its such a damn simple and easy language to learn (i spoke fluent english a month or two after moving to the UK)

exactly and when u got ppl who have lived in this country for over 5yrs+ and they still dont know our language...then its pretty obvious to me they have no wish to adapt or intergrate...so therefore imo should be sent back home


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
NeonBlue said:
not at 7yrs old it aint

What has age got to do with it. Children should be encouraged to see and experience and understand new and different things from the offset.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
yaruar said:
What has age got to do with it. Children should be encouraged to see and experience and understand new and different things from the offset.

like i said above.,.maths,native language,reading,writing are much more important at a young age...

before filling their heads with such complex and imo crap topics such as regilion


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
NeonBlue said:
maybe not...but religion shouldnt be forced fed to children at a young age...more important things such as maths english reading writing need to be mastered 1st

infact id rather her learn a 2nd language before doing fecking religion...as to me religion is just bollocks and causes too much grief

Going to a mosque is not the same as having religion forced down someones throats. It's seeing how people worship. Religion is a major factor in a lot of peoples lives. I've no doubt some of her friends are muslims, going to a mosque would allow her to see an important part of their lives and understand it.

TBH I wish more kids went to mosques. Islam is probably the most misunderstood and willfully misrepresented religion on the face of this planet these days.

And just because you hate religion doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it is very important to a lot of people and understanding is the key to harmony.

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