Diablo III


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
capitalism [blah].. suck it up.


Complain. Make everyone around you understand how pissed off you are. Until they're pissed off too.

It's part of how reputational damage occurs in a capitalist system. The fact that you're getting annoyed and want people to suck it up (read: stfu) is ultimately Blizzards fault.

Suck it up :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 15, 2006
not sure why you lot are crying about server issues, no offense to anyone, but grow a pair and admit you didnt read up about the ''completly online'' part when you bought the game, heck even wow there's longer downtime during patch days then announced, due to battlegroup servers need a platform update aswell which takes time as there's somewhere between 5-20 servers in a battlegroup, depending on which battlegroup you are in.

Im fairly happy that they atleast admit there's a problem with the login server, auction house etc. not a single other company i've seen announce such things almost instantly.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
What ever happened to good old fashioned "i bought a sh*t game, my bad".

It's more like "company sold me a product that promised one thing and didn't deliver - their bad".

Asked for a refund? Refused? Lock up the execs.

not sure why you lot are crying about server issues, no offense to anyone, but grow a pair and admit you didnt read up about the ''completly online'' part when you bought the game,

That's a retarded argument. We all knew about "always online". We have a legal right to expect that the product works as advertised.

If the car you bought only worked 5 days a week you'd get your money back. Why not games? Blizzard is not some struggling indie. It's a multi-billion behemoth. Fuck them.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Another compelling argument for creating games that have a single player offline mode in reality.


One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 15, 2006
growing from 1.4mill players (+ 1.2mill ap holders) on release day to 6.3mill (plus the ap holders) in a week, almost 14 million players world wide atm, where as 8-9mill players are on european servers, i'd expect alot more downtime atm then we have, so really stop the crying about issues, be happy that they are not crashing 24/7 and only have the few issues they have.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
stop the crying about issues, be happy that they are not crashing 24/7

You're saying "settle for shit".

You settle for shit. I'm going to moan and complain. When I go into a restaurant and I ask for a steak rare and it comes out medium I send it back. I'm not a fucking mug to be rollercoastered over. My money is as good as anyone elses. I want what I paid for.

Girlfriend put on a load of weight? You can suffer. I'm going to tell her she's fat and I find her less attractive for it.

I paid for a game that I want to play when I'm available to play it. Not when Blizzard can get it's shit together. I paid my money, I want to play on MY timetable.

I don't give a fuck how many other players Blizzard has. That's their capacity management problem, not mine. I recently worked at a bank - if their systems were down for any period there were financial penalties - so they made damn sure their systems were up.

The problems were completely forseeable - and Blizzard could easily have put an offline mode for single-play into the game to avert this. They refused. They deserve the reputational damage they are getting.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You all did agree to this "sh*t" by clicking accept on the eula etc.

Otherwise, f*ck off and whine at your wall as it's as helpful as whining on this forum and annoys less people. Or go on the official forums and join the rageparade.

And no, it's not ultimately blizzards fault that i'm annoyed at you, it's just your fault for being a whiner.

As i said; anyone who has played a MMO/online game in the past 10 years, knows that this is a possibility. Expecting different results, as one smewhat smart dude once said, is insanity.


One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 15, 2006
^ what he said

And tbh Scouse, stop crying about it, you knew fully well that the game had no offline mode, why even bother complaining about it? i rather not have offline mode because mods usually screw up servers even more, d2 had the same server issues due to mods in the early patches and that was the offline mods that changed game files that screwed the servers over due to minor changes in the offline mode game files.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Little caveat though, since my bad fur day will make my posts seem a bit over-angry, i'm not aiming this at the people who just vent frustration, but those who are quitting/refundnig and feel the need to hang around screaming how crap things are.


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
managed to get a start on inferno now, but Its a pain not getting good or even use-able drops as said previously.

just got my artisan to level9 though so hopefully by progressing a bit more I'll obtain mats to craft better items.

EDIT: will post 1 or 2 SS's of items I got from this I didnt need, has some +MF rare part; in the AH thread,


  • skeletonking.png
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Can't get enough of FH
Nov 4, 2010
Scouse honestly there's no point saying anything bad about Blizzard.. you just get called a troll or a rager :ROFLMAO:

It will be interesting to see if Guild Wars 2 has problems like this... if it does (it most likely will...) then it will be pretty interesting to see if these people will still think accepting the eula means you agree to put up with all the problems and not moan about it in any way.

Of course moaning about the problems on here won't solve anything.. but forums are not just for the happy " OMG this game is so cool" type of posts... I'm sure there's a My Little Pony forum somewhere if you want a positive forum :D


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You all did agree to this "sh*t" by clicking accept on the eula etc.

Accepting a EULA doesnt mean "accept broken product".

The product doesn't work as advertised. It's a long way from it. Period.

Blizzard accepting my money means that they entered into a contract to provide me with a working product.

Also- they are, disgracefully, not honouring refunds.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Accepting the EULA(etc) always means you agree, no matter what the game and there's a difference in raging/whining and constructive critique that's helpful to people, or venting some anger.

Accepting a EULA doesnt mean "accept broken product".

The product doesn't work as advertised. It's a long way from it. Period.

It does exactly that. The product isn't broken, you just can't access the server.

Face the fact; this is just like any other MMO, faults and patchdays included, you thinking this was something different is your own delusion.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Also the EULA is not a legally binding document. You can't give someone a contract after the contract of purchase and say, "you know actually we don't like the law of your country so won't give you your money back"

A contract cannot force either party to break the law, if it does it is invalid.

I am not really sure why they even bother with EULAs, they aren't a legal document and if one was ever tested in court it would be shredded.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
If we're going by that, blizzard never told you that you'd have server access 24/7, so you willingly bought the product, knowing that server access isn't quaranteed to ANY degree and that no server access would mean no playing.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Though to take a step back, breathe and make a neutral point;

People are pissed off, which is understandable and us pickering about techncial stuff, either side being right on X and either side on Y, only hurts the community.

So here's a silly video and let's just hope for the best without ripping eachother up ;)

View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0A9hwWxyTo&ob=av3e


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
They sold the game as a playable item. If it isn't playable then it doesn't work. You can argue that the assumption is that it will be playable and that you purchased the product expecting it to work. It doesn't half the time.

This isn't about raging or whining, it is about them selling something that doesn't work. The customer can demand a refund, replacement or repair. Seeing as any replacement wouldn't work either leaves refund the only option.

Not to mention the UKs distance selling laws, which cover any physical product bought online. Is it 10 days or 30? I can't remember off the top of my head. but either way you have the option to return an item within that period for a full refund if you do not want the item any more.

A EULA does not supersede UK consumer law.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well that's debatable as the game works, but the server needed for it doesn't. Especially considering the error 37 which is due to traffic. They didn't promise server stability 24/7, i believe even stating that maintenance would happen. With online games it becmoes a gray area as you're basically paying for the right to access the server when it's up, especially with online only games. The online only part was clearly stated.

Half the time is a bit over-exaggaration though.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Friday night, kicked off mid session due to "couldnt create your own party" error.

yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ( obv cant log back in ).

I'm half tempted to try and refund the game under not fit for purpose :/


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
@toht How can the playerbase be constructive about something that stops them doing what they want to do, that they have no control over?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
@toht How can the playerbase be constructive about something that stops them doing what they want to do, that they have no control over?

If you have no control over it and your message won't even change anything and only serve to make others feel annoyed, what's the point?

Everyone got annoyed at Keitanz and this is no different. If i want raging and whining, i'll check the official forum, but was hoping we could keep that kind of stuff out of here.

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