Dark Souls 2 reminder


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
That boss is a right bastard, worst bit is the humongous run to get there just to retry it :(

Wasnt that bad tbh. I killed it 3rd try after dying to skeletons first two tries :p - Also I unlocked the bonfire in the locked hut, so it was quite a short run.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Wasnt that bad tbh. I killed it 3rd try after dying to skeletons first two tries :p - Also I unlocked the bonfire in the locked hut, so it was quite a short run.
Same one as I used, still got quite a lot of mobs etc on the way there though :p


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Much easier with a xbox controller. When I say easier, I mean still ballsack hard...


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
trying to twat the ancient dragon atm, what an utter cunt of a boss, massive hp pool and everything it does 1 shots you.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
trying to twat the ancient dragon atm, what an utter cunt of a boss, massive hp pool and everything it does 1 shots you.
That's the one thing I didn't bother with on my first play through, as well as the Heide Knights. They're just sitting around chilling, I couldn't bring myself to attack them. I felt bad killing Vendrick too.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
That's the one thing I didn't bother with on my first play through, as well as the Heide Knights. They're just sitting around chilling, I couldn't bring myself to attack them. I felt bad killing Vendrick too.

just killed ancient dragon, took ages though... every single ability it has one shots you lol, ended up fighting it naked in the end with a redstone ring on and twatting its face in with a +10 lightning infused mace, super weak to lightning it seems. Vandrick next then on to the Darklurker.


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
God, just ignore that poisonous shit-pile Daily Mail. What a load of fucking gash.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
dont you mean old ethnic minority illegal immigrants who are taking all the jobs ? :(


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I'm at 37 hours with a 2nd character I made, SL135 / 3.6mil soul memory, every single boss is dead and just started on NG+, only reason I did it so fast is because the first char i made i learned all the bosses/routes so 2nd char was a lot quicker.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Can you get New game ++++++ etc?

yes, each time you finish and choose to go on to the next difficulty the enemies will become significantly harder and give more souls etc... people it goes on forever but others say once you hit NG+7 it stops as most enemies already 1 shot you pretty much :p and souls stop increasing.


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2011
I'm so wanting to play this but my gfx card is too weak to run it (Radeon HD 4850). Unless I can find a gtx 770 on the cheap it will cost me at least £300 to play it, maybe more if my PSU can't handle the new card. :(


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
[qute="Bigmac, post: 4002694, member: 10685"]I'm so wanting to play this but my gfx card is too weak to run it (Radeon HD 4850). Unless I can find a gtx 770 on the cheap it will cost me at least £300 to play it, maybe more if my PSU can't handle the new card. :([/quote]

That will run it, not on high detail or nowt but the minimum requirements say a 9600GT bare minimum and this is your card vs the 9600GT


Quite odd tho because it says, confusing!

Minimum Requirements
Core 2 Duo E8500 3.16GHz
Phenom II X2 555 Black Edition
GeForce 9600 GT 512MB
Radeon HD 5870 1024MB (why? the 4850 is better than a 9600GT)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Made a guide for a whip build, such a fun build, I see what Samaroon seen in the spotted whip now ;>

Poison/Bleed whip build

Whips cannot be parried, quite long range on whip attacks - you get to watch people run around like a headless chicken as your poison ticks away on them, as long as you can stop them chugging flasks/healing this is amusing and that's exactly what your bow will be for, learn to use it well!
Cons: Casters or experienced burst damage players are troublesome unless you learn to avoid/roll/counter various spells and attacks, this build is not for someone who cannot do any of these things, you will die almost all the time if you can't do these things.
Soul Level: 150
Starting Class: Swordsman
Vigor: 50
Endurance: 32
Vitality: 25 (can be even lower depending on what armour you go with, 25 is a decent load amount and gives you room to breath, don't expect to to be wearing heavy armours like havels etc though!)
Attunement: 16 (gives you 3 slots for Greater Magic Barrier + Great Heal + Sacred Oath - you can also drop it to 13 and lose Sacred Oath and pump more into Endurance, personal preference really!)
Strength: 12 (all that's needed for Notched Whip and Spotted Whip (these will be your 2 main weapons)
Dexterity: 25 (again, all that's needed for Notched Whip and Spotted Whip, we arent worried about scaling stats because its bleed and poison that will be killing people, not your physical damage)
Adaptability: 26
Intelligence: base
Faith: 10 (allows you to downgrade spell requirements to 10 faith, bit of Skeptic Spice farming required)

Gear setup
Notched Whip
- Upgrade to max, cannot be infused (obtained from a ledge just after the 2nd bonfire in Huntsman's Copse)
Spotted Whip - Upgrade to max with Poison Infusion (obtained by trading Demon of Song Soul to Straid)
Short Bow - Upgrade to max - do not infuse with lightning (use poison arrows always)
Ring1: Cloranthy+2 - obtained from Chariot boss in NG+, you can use the Cloranthy ring found behind the Pharros wall in the Forest of Giants or the Cloranthy+1 ring found in the Shaded Woods until you get it.
Ring2: Crest of the Rat (obtained by joining the Rat King Covenant)
Ring3: Third Dragon Ring (obtained from Dragon Shrine)
Ring4: <ring of choice>
Shield: Magic Shield - upgrade and Infuse with Dark, amazing shield for tanking magic of all kinds! (drops from Leydia Apostles in Undead Crypt, these are the ghost enemies that spawn from the large gravestones)
Armour: Personal preference just stay below 60% load or you will be fat rolling and become an easy target for virtually everything, ideally below 30% is the target.
Spells: Great Magic Barrier, Great Heal, Sacred Oath (optional)
Chime: Cleric's Sacred Chime (can be bought from Licia after Dragonrider boss, only requires 10 Faith to use)

How it works:

Apply poison with Spotted Whip then swap to Notched Whip and start wracking those Bleeds up, re-apply poison as needed and learn to roll/parry properly. If they try to run off to chug Estus or cast heals stay after them and pull out that bow or throwing knives to re-apply poison while they're stationary chugging.

Trick is to be aggressive but keep your distance at the same time

Instructional video can be found at

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIEVqFB4WUo
Last edited:


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
should have said stay below 70% load not 60% /palmface


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Doesn't roll speed scale in increments on 25% though? I'd say try and keep below 50% if possible, the different between 25% and 50% is much more marginal in DS2.

Also I really don't think there's much point in going above 20 endurance because of diminishing returns, your stamina only goes up by 1 point per stat in end after 20.

Aaaand bleed is total garbage. I think you'd be better off just going full on assault with another higher dps weapon once you've poisoned them, although you are leaving yourself open to being parried I guess.

I run in PvP with a very similar build, Spotted Whip (poison) +5, Hunter Blackbow +10 (with poison and dark arrows) and either Black Knight Halberd or a +10 falchion. Black Dragon Shield and Magic Shield (dark) +10 in offhand, it's brilliant coming against some hex wanker and just blocking with the magic shield and taking next to no damage. :D


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Doesn't roll speed scale in increments on 25% though? I'd say try and keep below 50% if possible, the different between 25% and 50% is much more marginal in DS2.

Also I really don't think there's much point in going above 20 endurance because of diminishing returns, your stamina only goes up by 1 point per stat in end after 20.

Aaaand bleed is total garbage. I think you'd be better off just going full on assault with another higher dps weapon once you've poisoned them, although you are leaving yourself open to being parried I guess.

I run in PvP with a very similar build, Spotted Whip (poison) +5, Hunter Blackbow +10 (with poison and dark arrows) and either Black Knight Halberd or a +10 falchion. Black Dragon Shield and Magic Shield (dark) +10 in offhand, it's brilliant coming against some hex wanker and just blocking with the magic shield and taking next to no damage. :D

Fat roll starts at 70%, pretty sure its 25% or just below 30% you maintain fast roll. As for diminishing returns it makes no difference, 1 endurance per point after 20 is still worth it when you have a build that eats end up and/or like rolling a lot :p you gain 12.5% more stamina from the Third Dragon Ring, every additional point of end adds to that pool.

And I've enjoyed using bleeds :p killing people quite quickly with Notched Whip when done right.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Well that's disappointing, it pretty much makes light armour obsolete, aside from a little bit more end recovery. :/ I'd also never not use the Third Dragon Ring, such a beast of a ring! :p

And I've found it takes too long to get bleed on people, I tend to just get them poisoned and wail on them while they're panicking :p


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Well that's disappointing, it pretty much makes light armour obsolete, aside from a little bit more end recovery. :/ I'd also never not use the Third Dragon Ring, such a beast of a ring! :p

And I've found it takes too long to get bleed on people, I tend to just get them poisoned and wail on them while they're panicking :p

Bleed doesn't go off fast that part is true but it does go off and it just furtherly makes them panic more and people that panic make mistakes :p when they're poisoned AND they see Bleed building up they really start to get desperate.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Bleed doesn't go off fast that part is true but it does go off and it just furtherly makes them panic more and people that panic make mistakes :p when they're poisoned AND they see Bleed building up they really start to get desperate.
Hah true enough I guess, I've only bothered with poison and bleed on certain mobs myself :p
Vendrick and the miracle selling bitch.

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