well its a retarded class to begin with. deleting it cant be anything but goodhaha removing theurg.
Anyone can cut 'n' paste those 2 herald links here? Blocked at work etc.
Well, maybe willing to turn around and stop being so bitter about how it went back then when they ruined the game, but now other problems...
Does anyone know IF:
They include ToA bonuses in any way? (please no!)
Do they include Spellcrafting from SI? (please yes!)
Spellcrafting and Alchemy came out in a patch before SI, so most likely yes.
God my memory is fuzzy but im sure SC / Alchemy were SI content additions, the patch didn't implement them, simply laid the groundwork to make the expansion installation/server modifications work more smoothly. Didn't they update the graphics engine with SI as well?
from the mythic dev chat last night
<+EAMythic_Bob> For everyone asking questions specific to GOA, i.e. patches being behind, Team Lead programs, etc. GOA and Mythic are partners and we work with them constantly to improve the player experience. Being partners means a certain give and take to accomplish common goals for differing audiences.
<+EAMythic_Bob> While we are writing down all the issues raised here, and I can say we definitely hear you, it's also equally important that you raise these issues with GOA directly as well.
So i wonder how long i have to w8 before they have it rdy. alrdy bored whit AoC so![]()
Ah taHere you are....
spellcrafting is 1.62 or someting (came with shrouded isles)Having had some time to think over the past couple of days, I would like to retract my previous statement. ;p
I think no SC might be kinda fun for a while, using old epics and DF stuff.
Can always be added again later!
Nope they definitely came out the patch before, and my guess is they will be in for sure.
Because well...life without SC albeit interesting would be rather dull.
then it wont be classic DAoC will there? ppl will still run around with capped stats, to fast casting speed/damage and stuff. so things wont change THAT much. u just wont have any artifact abilitys and the ToA bonuses.
what made the game fun back in the days were that you HAD to compromise. either you went for damage OR survivability (resists). there was no way you could get both.
when the epics were the best you could get, then the game was fun. classes were balance ALOT better back then because there were alot less shit mythic had to concider.
and you didnt die from a caster in ~4 seconds.
there are however a few classes i wouldn't like to see on that server. and those are the non classic ones. having those would just totally destroy the server because they aint made for a classic enviroment. they are balanced with SI and ToA in mind and i dont think one can rebalance them for a classic enviroment without making the class unplayable.
Is spellcrafting really that bad? I'd consider it to be one of the better parts of DAoC.
Shortly after it was introduced it was fairly easy to cap resists with a simple template, none of the ToA bonuses were introduced and there weren't that many decent items to choose from. If you had the cash you went for a 100% quality template which took you a little bit further, if not the 99% template was pretty damn good for most people.
Ever since ToA and every expansion and patch afterwards just made it more complex to try and improve your template. I really don't want to spend hours on a new template comparing hundreds of items just to get my character ready for RvR - spellcrafting helps prevent this.