CS Source - Part Deux?


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
I've got a few irritations with CSS. When do we get more maps for instance, I'm bored with the few that have been ported. I cannot figure out how to switch off the gui buy menu. There doesn't appear to be anyway of knowing how much more map time there is, or of finding out what is the next map.
I'm I being a fucknut or is all this stuff missing?

Otherwise cool mod, where are you all playing? :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
timeleft in the console seems to work for me


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
I think nextmap and shit is part of Admin MOD if i recall

Altho, things like timeleft/listmaps i think work... altho not touched CS:S in aaaaages coz of the maps


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
New maps in December, including Prodigy apparently YAY!


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
The GUi cannot be disabled, but to be honest if you know your weapon numbers it is just as fast with it. It's not slow and laggy like the old CS gui.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I use the script you can get from www.nextwish.org , its much like the RZE one, but works with source and regular cs, plus that other thing we dont talk about. They also have a thing that changes the weapon names back to thereal ones, much better.
Me, the ONLY thing that bugs me about CSS is the fking reg. Im sorry, I know this is a real cs lamer complaint, but unlike in cs where its mostly imagination, on CSS its fact. You have to fire far more bullets to kill someone.
Also, 8 bullet sprays seem not to lose much accuracy, except at very long range. In CS with a AK47 its 2 3 bullet bursts and the bad guy goes down. In CSS I seem to fire about 3 times that amount for the same result :/


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Lol Lester you git :)

Btw, Ive fixed a lot of the reg thing with some judicious tweaks know what I mean like :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
throdgrain said:
Lol Lester you git :)

Btw, Ive fixed a lot of the reg thing with some judicious tweaks know what I mean like :)

What are you talking about ?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Wij said:
What are you talking about ?
http://www.tweakguides.com/HL2_7.html per chance?


= Here're some commands to make CS:S look better. =
= To try just type them into console while in-game. To have them on by =
= default put them in either your autoexec.cfg, your valve.rc or make =
= your own file and make it load automatically when the game starts. =
= Credits: Opo (all commands taken from his post) =
= VALVe (for making the best game ever) =
= smash (for posting this on inet) =
= Thanks guys! =

cl_ragdoll_collide 1 -- This one makes the ragdolls collide with each other, so they dont' clip inside of each other. Makes body pileups look a lot better
cl_c4dynamiclight 1 -- This one gives the C4 bomb ticking light, dynamic lighting, it makes the light on the C4 look much better
jpeg_quality 100 -- 100% quality screenshots that you take
mat_clipz 0 -- To see Water reflections on chateau and such using geforce fx dx9 (you'll have to put: -dxlevel 90 -clipz 1 in command line)
mat_mipmaptextures 1 -- This command makes textures look their best from any distance
mp_decals 4096 -- This determines the maximum number of decals visible at one time, 4096 is the max number for this command,
it prevents decals just suddenly disappearing, like when to much blood gets on one wall
r_decal_cullsize 0 -- This one makes it so that decals don't just appear when you get close, it makes it so you can see them from any distance
r_lod -5 -- This one makes it so that the models always look their best from any distance, so when you get closer they don't suddenly switch to a different mesh
r_propsmaxdist 5000 (or more) -- This command sets the maximum visible distance for props, it prevents props from fading in/out as you get closer/further away from them
r_rainradius 3000 (or more) -- Let's you see the rain from farther away.
r_rainsplashpercentage 100 -- 100% of rain frops make splashes in the water.

= Here're some useful commands for CS:S. =
= To try just type them into console while in-game. To have them on by =
= default put them in either your autoexec.cfg, your valve.rc or make =
= your own file and make it load automatically when the game starts. =
= Credits: Crotch (for starting a useful commands thread) =
= x6-Drew (for many useful commands) =
= VALVe (for making the best game ever) =
= disc3h (for giving some commands) =
= Thanks guys! =

Console commands:

<-- FPS -->

cl_smooth 0 -- a little less beauty, but 5-10 more fps
fog_enable 0 -- removes the fog, better fps and visability
mat_bumpmap 0 -- removes bumpmapping, but yields a substantial fps gain
mat_clipz 0 -- water wuality taken off, more fps (-dxlevel 90 -clipz 0 in command line)
mat_mipmaptextures 1 -- makes textures lose their quality with distance, more fps
mat_specular 0 -- removes specular lighting but may yield fps gain
mp_decals 300 and less -- how much stuff will be kept in memory like bullet holes in walls, lesser = better performance
r_decal_cullsize 1 -- makes textures look good only when you get close, better fps
r_lod -1 -- worse texture quality, big fps boost
r_propsmaxdist 1000 and less -- less objects fading distance = better performance
r_rainradius 0 -- as i understand it, you won't see the rain
r_rainsimulate 0 -- disables rain, thus more fps
r_rainsplashpercentage 0 -- no splashes on the water from the rain

<-- Usefull -->

cl_crosshairscale (number) -- changes your crosshair size in-game
cl_interp 0 -- only way to get sv_showhitboxes 1 to register hitboxes in same place as model
cl_interpolate 0 -- same as before, to use together
cl_showfps 1 -- shows your current fps in upper right corner
con_enable 1 -- enables console
jpeg_quality 100 -- 100% quality screenshots that you take
mat_show_texture_memory_usage 1 -- puts a nifty little thing in ur top right screen that shows how much memory (in kilobytes) is being taken up by textures
perfvisualbenchmark -- built in benchmarking utility
showhitlocation 1 -- shows where you're hit
soundscape_fadetime 9999 and soundscape_flush -- works similar to "stopsound" command from goldsource.
cl_setautobuy weapon -- this will set 'autobuy' - buy: weapon of your choice (for weapon names check autobuy.txt in cstrike directory, this is good for making 1 key buy all you need buy aliases)
autobuy -- you just bought a weapon(s) you chose in cl_setautobuy

Command line statements:

-heapsize (number) -- dependant on the amount of ram you have (usually you should put the half of the full ammount), it may increase fps
-nojoy -- i heard it could boost a little the game load speed (took it from 1.6, didn't try)
-noipx -- same thing
-console -- duh, console...


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
A lot of that is unecessary, but you get the idea. The first thing I noticed was that the game runs a lot better with vsync on, especially if you dont look at the fps :) The trouble with vsync is that if its not ready to render the next frame it will run at precisely half the refresh rate of your monitor. Mine is set to 100hz so it was often running at 50fps. Turning Trillinear filltering back on fixed this.
I have a couple of the above settings in an autoexec file, namely cl_smooth 0 and cl_interp 0.001, plus rainsimulate 0 for aztec . Some of the other commands on that list are considered cheats, fog enable for example. I dont think they really are cheats, its just the game thinks so. I have player models on medium (they are horrible anyway) and detail on medium now too. With that stuff , using fps_max 101 im getting an avarage 60-70fps now. Before I capped it at 60 with vsync off, but I wasnt hitting stuff like I am now, and it didnt feel right. Say what you like but imo a higher fps makes the crosshair shrink quicker, which seems to aid accuracy. i dont know if it really does, but it certainly seems that way to me !
By the way I tried the -heapsize 512 but it caused memory couldnt be read errors on start -up, so I left it.
As far as rates go, Im using 18000/50/35 at the moment, which seems to reg at least some of the bullets :)
There you go Wij, you did ask ...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Do I put autoexec.cfg in the same folder as my config.cfg?

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