PC Master Race Consoles Vs PCs


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
That would play arkham knight or gta v at a resolution bettering a console? I think not.

No, equal to. Assuming console graphical levels, textures, draw distance etc.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
No, equal to.

Not what i said though. You also need the mouse, kb, monitor etc. To be fair you could probably get a 21" monitor and mouse+kb(very basic) with the cost of a basic flat TV. But you could not claim "superior performance and graphical fidelity"(note: as exampled here and beyond) on the same budget.

You can only argue the 1440p 120fps super graphics HD megapixel superspeed PC stuff if you can afford it. That level of "master race" thinking is a luxury, not a given comparable reality and that's where it falls down as well. You can claim a ferrari is a better performance car compared toa ford focus, but then that's not much of an argument now is it?

Cash equals better graphics and performance? Sure does, but that's an argument in favour of the console as well.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Not what i said though. You also need the mouse, kb, monitor etc. To be fair you could probably get a 21" monitor and mouse+kb(very basic) with the cost of a basic flat TV. But you could not claim "superior performance and graphical fidelity"(note: as exampled here and beyond) on the same budget.

You can only argue the 1440p 120fps super graphics HD megapixel superspeed PC stuff if you can afford it. That level of "master race" thinking is a luxury, not a given comparable reality.

Cash equals better graphics and performance? Sure does, but that's an argument in favour of the console as well.
I wasn't trying to claim supirior performance, I was trying to show equal performance. Chuck in 5 games and use the difference in cost to get a couple of better bits for the PC and you would have superior performance for the same price.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I wasn't trying to claim supirior performance,

You should be, since that's what you claimed i was wrong about;

Then you would be wrong again ;)

So either i'm not wrong in saying you need more cash to get the "superior" levels of graphics and performance, or you have some showing to do still.

The whole thing is claiming that PC is the superior platform, but if it costs more to get to those levels, then it's not simply the "superior platform", it's the highend platform with the highest cost.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
You should be, since that's what you claimed i was wrong about;

So either i'm not wrong in saying you need more cash to get the "superior" levels of graphics and performance, or you have some showing to do still.

No, you were saying that £/performance the console is superior, I just corrected you...again.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
No, you were saying that £/performance the console is superior, I just corrected you...again.

It's not. Even you said "close to", or at best "equal" with questionable results(higher price and ignoring added costs).


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Not what i said though. You also need the mouse, kb, monitor
A 1Tb xbone is *much* more expensive - and we're talking about something you plug into a telly so no monitor.

So for the same price as an xbone you get an equivalent gaming machine, plus a fuckload more functionality besides...


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Lets just say for arguments sake you buy 12 new games a year (Personally I probably buy twice that) The price difference is usually around £10, with the PC being cheaper. Lets ignore the huge amount of great indi games that you can pick up for less than £10 and all the free mods that extend games lifetimes on PC.

£120 a year cheaper to game on the PC

Lets say the lifetime of a console is 8 years

You would have saved £960 over those 8 years if you had a PC, more than enough to keep a medium range PC fairly up to date. It would absolutely crush the console and be comparable to the next gen console by the end of that 8 years...

It's not. Even you said "close to", or at best "equal" with questionable results(higher price and ignoring added costs).

Like a £400 TV?

You're still wrong.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You forgot the operating system in that build and a media drive.

And no controller

Im not including a monitor or speakers.

Also include your time at assembling the pc and building it with all the drivers etc.

Its not quite as cheap as your go to the shop buy a ps4 plug it into the tv and play with a lot more hastle.

Sometimes i like the build process and lots do. But still a lot of people wouldnt have The foggiest where to start building a pc.

Any off the shelf pc for 300 quid would be lacking. Mostly in gfx department as thats where they skimp mostly


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Let's just say for arguments sake you buy a £10 TV from fred and need to spend £500 for "proper" gaming gear(monitor, mouse, kb, soundsystem) on your pc.

Yeah that argument holds water :D

If you're claiming that if i give you the cash that i was going to spend on a new console and you'd be able to bring me back a "superior gaming platform", hell, even a platform that'd run GTA V to any playable degree, then we have nothing to discuss as delusions don't transfer well on forums.

I'm all for saying "I prefer a PC because XYZ", but the delusions and elitist moronics here are just waaaay too "console fanboi" for me.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I am usually joking when I say console people are stupid...but fucking hell...


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You see that's the best part, you know so little about what you're talking about that you think i'm a console player.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You see that's the best part, you know so little about what you're talking about that you think i'm a console player.
Lol! :D

Standard Toht reply is standard. He gets so far in an argument and then says "you think I'm an xxxx".

It's a sentence he pulls out all the time. Sometimes he's a developer, but he won't say of what, not PC, maybe console, maybe mobile, maybe not. But he won't define it. Then he's on about consoles, but he doesn't play them (including Fallout 4, which he won't play on PC, but he can't play on console).

What he really is, is a bullshitting finnish guy who derails threads...


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
That isn't the argument :) Just because some people don't care about performance doesn't mean a PC isn't the superior platform.
Not debating that at all then, I know my PC (when working) wipes the floor with my consoles. I just find consoles easier and I'm fine sacrificing a bit of performance for that.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I get you're probably just being a bellend,but is it so hard to grasp the notion that some people simply don't give a fuck about a few extra pixels or frames per second?
Stop saying that gaming on a console is "better" then, because it objectively isn't (not necessarily you, but console proponents in general).
Aside from that, consoles are just easier especially when it comes to playing with mates who are all on exactly the same platform.
Now we're starting to use more suitable adjectives.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Intriguing. So people actually pay full price for console games? Personally I can't remember the last time I paid more than £30 for one (actually I can - it was GT6, but I got plenty of value out of that one) - most can usually be found on offer or in the Pre-owned section, mostly good as new. And then, when you're done with the game, you can trade it in for another one at a reduced price.

However, after a quick look on Amazon, PC Games are nowhere near £10 cheaper. For eg:

Farcry 4 which I am currently enjoying - PS4 £34 PC £36 - oops.
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - PS4 £25 PC £23.69 - better.
Destiny - PS4 £19 PC oh. Never mind.
Batman: Arkham Knight - PS4 £34.99 for a PSN voucher, PC - £34.99 for a Steam voucher. To be fair you can get it for £21 on PC DVD, but that then leaves you with a 33Gb download. It also gets a 1 star review on Amazon.
Star Wars Battlefront pre order - PS4 £46.99, PC £49.99 - oops again.

So some are cheaper, some aren't. However console hardware is always cheaper - in fact to get higher fps, higher resolution than the consoles, you need to spend PS4 money on a graphics card alone, never mind the rest of the PC.

So yes, PC's can be better technically, but at twice the price, and with twice the ballache. For those of us with busy lives and far more interesting things to be doing than fucking around with PC's, the console is a far better choice.

I am, of course, awaiting the predictable replies that someone built a PC that runs FarCry 4 at 16K and 4 million fps for 20p.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I am, of course, awaiting the predictable replies that someone built a PC that runs FarCry 4 at 16K and 4 million fps for 20p.

Raven already did in not so many words. Apparently you can get the same experience as with a console, with a PC with less cash of all things.

I'm really looking forward to buying this amazeballs PC for 300 that can run GTA as well as an xbone. Even better if i buy 11 more games! :D


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Stop saying that gaming on a console is "better" then, because it objectively isn't (not necessarily you, but console proponents in general).

Now we're starting to use more suitable adjectives.
I've never once said gaming on a console is better. It's objective and I simply prefer it.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Raven already did in not so many words. Apparently you can get the same experience as with a console, with a PC with less cash of all things.

I'm really looking forward to buying this amazeballs PC for 300 that can run GTA as well as an xbone. Even better if i buy 11 more games! :D

Do you hear voices in empty rooms at all?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Actually @Bodhi, what I was going to say is that I wouldn't want to play any of those games. Especially destiny.

This brings us full circle and back to my original point - FPS design has been hobbled by pesant console controllers - so none of the FPS's you list are any good (battlefront notwithstanding - but then it's not going to be great because they have to cater for Joey Deacon's control system).

And a 33Gb d/l would take me less time than it takes to go to tesco and back - and I can alt-tab to play something else whilst I wait. :)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
That's nice. Thanks to the gimped Internet in Stafford Town Centre it would take me 2 days.

Good to see you aren't getting a superiority complex about it all though. I'll put it down to cognitive dissonance in this case however, you do need to justify your overpriced gaming machine after all.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Good to see you aren't getting a superiority complex about it all though. I'll put it down to cognitive dissonance in this case however, you do need to justify your overpriced gaming machine after all.

Actually, I've not spent on it in ages. Got an old AMD X3 BE and a 7870. Yep, it's years old but it still outperforms the PS4 as a gaming machine. And, of course, all the other things I use it for so I don't have to have multiple boxes / pay-for accounts and all that jazz.

Shit about your internet tho. It's just taken me 6 minutes to torrent the new Mad Max film at 1080p :)


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Discuss and stop face palming people you bunch of dithering, grey haired bastard old bastard geeks:eek:

Fuck me it reads like a cross between Adrian Mole and The Matrix.

On the other hand it is entertaining and I blame @TdC for everything.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Fucking @caLLous stop disrespecting my authority and seriousness. So flippant with your pressy finger that can destroy so many hearts and hopes:eek:

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