Banelords Be Gone!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2005
Nasty, with that change hower casters will need a nerf, lower the casting speed, lower lt to around 20 % and remove the silly ml9 pets from the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2004
more offtopic.
yeah, ml9 pet level increase could be degreased for nf, but for pve, who would want to make farming harder? ;P


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Completely fucking retarded change. At a time when casters are acknowledged as being ridiculously overpowered by everybody except some caster players who just can't bear the thought of losing their easygodmode, Mythic do something this stupid.


What we need now: spell damage to reduce properly with cast time like melee damage. Resist piercing nerfed hard or just flat out removed.
Those two fixes would be a good start.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
wittor said:
Now I don't even fucking want BL on my svg ffs :(

heh yep you'll be at svasud shouting lfg with the zerkers...

Dark Age of Castevenmore

utterly insane unless this is the sweetener for some substantial caster nerf/s.

the bright side? classes with specline interrupts like: minstrels, champs, skald, reaver etc etc may actually be wanted in grps more.


Loyal Freddie
Feb 25, 2004
hi grapple+pbaoe
hi hybrids with instant ranged interrupts
bye zerk/merc/bm
atleast the interruptwar will involve more skill now then just spamming banelords. If they just could nerf caster dmg+ml9pets and it would be good.
It's not this change that's bad, it's the fact that they dont change casters that are bad.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2004
Sigh.... Once again the game got less fun..
And truly doubt that albs will acknowledge minstrel as a group char so guess I will have to sit down and level one of those......casters *brr*

Maybe there are still alittle hope for BMs and Mercs though, but what chance would a zerk stand to get a spot over a valk now that they have charge... this is just too mean




Haha mythic are so clueless


Haha..funneh.US spotted


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 5, 2004
finally a change worth waiting. n1. and i have both tank and caster chars (mage and druid also) and all i can say that the interrupt code was pure BS. it was so easy to interrupt a caster with ML stuff and in the casters point of view it was totally stupid. bout time they did something to it. and this is something that is good for the game and for all realms. though i understand tank whineage but cmon, you only need 1 hit to interrupt a caster (excluding moc ofc). maybe it'll be fun with eld again... /ponder
just my 439 cents.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Way too much of a nerf, simply reducing the radius to 400 or so would have still been a significant nerf ONLY if caster nerfs came in hand with it. Destroying this will effectively put some classes completely out of business whilst not really opening the doors to anymore. Valks will already get groups because of earlier changes, so would thanes, tics and anymore considered 'hybrids'.

With tank groups being completely out of the window, are you really going to need a bodyguarder in case groups decide to add 1 offensive tank to the mix? No because it's much more effective to have ONE class tied down by the offensive tank then it is to have TWO group slots tied down by an effective tank.

Prediction of what'll disappear?:

Mercs will be useless compared to other classes
Blademasters will be the same as mercs
Zerkers will be the same as BMs/mercs
Savages arent gonna be very much needed
Pallies wont be very much needed
Heros will be obsolete
Warriors will be obsolete
Reavers will be pretty much in the same boat as mercs, other classes can do better
Armsmen may be a useful offensive tank purely because of pbaoe demezz but really, other classes will be better

Basically any class which has no decent interupts other then their melee OR bodyguard because it'd be pointless running one.

Albion will start running sorc/cabby heavy groups much much more with a therg/tic maybe for interupts
Hib could get away with bain/chanter/eld/ment mixed groups OR pbaoe groups because of chanters having the stun/pet for keeping anyone from nuking them
Mid BD/SM ranged groups or SM pbaoe groups maybe will become predominent.

It's basically gonna be a case of casters having their toa stuff in tact but tanks being nerfed back to pre-toa...


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2004
kirennia said:
Way too much of a nerf, simply reducing the radius to 400 or so would have still been a significant nerf ONLY if caster nerfs came in hand with it. Destroying this will effectively put some classes completely out of business whilst not really opening the doors to anymore. Valks will already get groups because of earlier changes, so would thanes, tics and anymore considered 'hybrids'.

With tank groups being completely out of the window, are you really going to need a bodyguarder in case groups decide to add 1 offensive tank to the mix? No because it's much more effective to have ONE class tied down by the offensive tank then it is to have TWO group slots tied down by an effective tank.

Prediction of what'll disappear?:

Mercs will be useless compared to other classes
Blademasters will be the same as mercs
Zerkers will be the same as BMs/mercs
Savages arent gonna be very much needed
Pallies wont be very much needed
Heros will be obsolete
Warriors will be obsolete
Reavers will be pretty much in the same boat as mercs, other classes can do better
Armsmen may be a useful offensive tank purely because of pbaoe demezz but really, other classes will be better

Basically any class which has no decent interupts other then their melee OR bodyguard because it'd be pointless running one.

Albion will start running sorc/cabby heavy groups much much more with a therg/tic maybe for interupts
Hib could get away with bain/chanter/eld/ment mixed groups OR pbaoe groups because of chanters having the stun/pet for keeping anyone from nuking them
Mid BD/SM ranged groups or SM pbaoe groups maybe will become predominent.

It's basically gonna be a case of casters having their toa stuff in tact but tanks being nerfed back to pre-toa...

It is worth mentioning that hibs have a free bg/grappler on their warden, which also can be slam bot, just to make sure imunity against any tank without gimping the group, ofcourse albs still have friar, but it still lacks a shield spec so...

btw, warriors and heros also have the pbaoe purge.

and I think we will be seeing erath wizards in the alb groups eventually


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
I think we haven´t seen the last of this. Think alot more ML changes are on their way.


Fledgling Freddie
May 25, 2004
Drucken said:
btw, warriors and heros also have the pbaoe purge.

That's true, and heavy tanks get 15% natural resist to magic damage, and Fury on 15 min timer. I'd say a hero/warrior/armsman is the most viable tank against castergroups after BL nerf. Dementia vamps may become valued too, if they aren't already :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 23, 2005
there comes for shure also a caster nerf...
ML9 pets....caster has to be(hopefully)


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004

Ive read a-whole-lotta-post whining about how heavy this nerf would be...

But I wonder...

I agree its a heavy banelord nerf, but Im not to sure its still not on one of the most powerful ML lines in the game. Spell casting time increase is still there with the same horrible ae range, Bombing still works and interrupts and ofc you still have the damage boost. You cant say thats not a good ML line compared to the others ? (The spell casting still wont be that dangerous since the casting time is horrible after beeing hit by BL, especially when they can reuse it 3 or 4 times in a tank heavy group)

And if even heavy defence tanks get them after the patch it might just be that the groups get more tank heavy rather than casters. It just gives more variaity to the group. And I really dont think that the current light tank BLs loose out to much either, since charge is pretty useful still. (but atleast there is a workable choice if the others get BL too)



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
actually, just remove all debuffs for magic damage and the scale tips towards tanks once again. Its debuffed damage that is the true killer out there, either downgrade the debuffs or just kill them totally, so a debuffed nuke wont do much more than 450-500 (instead of the 700+ we see today) without crits with say, max TOA and also mom4 or so on capped resists. Longer lasting fights, easier for healers, easier for tanks.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Pile of crap imo, /em rush to finish toaing my animist -.-


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2005
eSo said:
finally a change worth waiting. n1. and i have both tank and caster chars (mage and druid also) and all i can say that the interrupt code was pure BS. it was so easy to interrupt a caster with ML stuff and in the casters point of view it was totally stupid. bout time they did something to it. and this is something that is good for the game and for all realms. though i understand tank whineage but cmon, you only need 1 hit to interrupt a caster (excluding moc ofc). maybe it'll be fun with eld again... /ponder
just my 439 cents.

Yeah, too bad you usually cant reach a caster before he kills you... Gonna be great fun being 3-4 shot with debuff nukes, was nasty before, imagine with only 1 interrupt post patch :|


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
i'm not sure what to think about this but i have a feeling this will result in almost only kiteing caster grps which will be kinda boring :( a good change to BD's though.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Nice change now all they have to do is remove ML9 from rvr and loltap aswell from all classes that have it then the game will be nice.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
THANE LOVE for Atos, at long last :D

Completely indirectly though :p

Though mid groups will just run 2 healers 1 shammy 5 casters again.

Oh and Wittor, you mentioned something about having BG in a group. If theres no tanks in a group to fight, why would you need bg?. Incase of staff pwnage? :p


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Vladamir said:
THANE LOVE for Atos, at long last :D

Completely indirectly though :p

Though mid groups will just run 2 healers 1 shammy 5 casters again.

Oh and Wittor, you mentioned something about having BG in a group. If theres no tanks in a group to fight, why would you need bg?. Incase of staff pwnage? :p

ML9 Pets? xD


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Gahn said:
ML9 Pets? xD

Personally i can't see banelord getting nerfed into the floor and ML9 pets getting off scott-free :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
I pretty much only play casters in rvr and still think the BL should keep it's interupt ability BUT the radius on it is and always has been too large - the BL doesn't have to think about which characters to interupt because it hits everyone wherever you are positioned. Keep the interupt and reduce the radius to 350 (in line with most aoe spells that interupt).


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Well I dont agree fully with all here, but before I go on, belive me this is bad.

Caster groups is an enchanters bane due to 80% of enemy casters having range advantage. Banelord tanks are today verry fun to fight and its challenging.

But, if you look on it in another way. Casters were creamed by banelords for a long time before they started to adapt. Casters had to start combine their damage abilities (RM,Enchanters,Cabalists) to get the best damage output with eachother. They had to start kiting far back in fights to get rid of the banelords and cream them before pushing forward. The fact that BG was needed also dissapeared due to the kiting part, where grapple came to play a larger role. Tanks suddenly got got to be central killing targets of any groups to be able to win. Gameplay changed for the better.

What will happen now? Will we casters really need to kill the tanks as we do now (or avoid them)? Arent there more important targets to kill? Will there be a more central part around healing classes (due to the healing improvements). I dont think gameplay will be the same fg v fg. But it wont be that bad.

Game goes one, stuff change. Thats life, adapt embrace and see the evolution go on.

So please stop this, PLZ PLZ TANK DEATH... No it wont mean a tank death it will mean tanks playing another role, casters also.

ps! yes my post might seem positive, but in fact I dont like the nerf at all. But have this in mind...

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