Banelords Be Gone!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
just when i roll a merc to be fotm an stuff!! f


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
wittor said:
Well vw/svg/thane etc will prolly all get BL now but who want a tank in the group when that thing is live and you can't interrupt? The only reason that tanks get a spot in the group is cus the BL line interrupts.
Yeah nobody if you dont run in a GG and prolly a GG will skip a tank aswell :D
Tanks should get something new imo so they dont get "removed" from the game.

Don't forget that a tank is still a better interrupter in melee than a caster. I still think that charge tanks will have a place in RvR, but this will be a big boost for hybrids like Valks and Reavers with their (C)AOE interrupts and DDs etc. And of course, Valks have Charge anyway...I smell a new FOTM :D


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Give my zerker warlord and i will be one happy valkyn. :p

Edit: I still think the whole idea of a 3rd ML line is stupid. Would be much better to balance them all.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Next nerf should be to make bodyguard only absorb half the damage on the opponent..

That way tanks can actually have some kind of role again imo.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 26, 2005
That is the most retarded thing they've ever done.. givf back WL's strength as they had at start if we could just keep those BL's :(


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
Eeben said:
just when i roll a merc to be fotm an stuff!! f

tbh I think the dictionary definition of FOTM is "any class Eeben isn't currently playing' :D


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Oh seems like they do indeed listen to the feedback forms they get <o/
Now I hope my Cabby feedback gets applied aswell and we'd be rocking!

I don't see why people are whining, with the arrival of the 3rd ML lines there will most likely be alot of tanks that get BL as choice and to prevent it to become mass fotm they reduce it's effect and it's still useful even without the interrupts.
One of the first things I suggested to Mythic was to make BL abilities not interrupt on the first tick but let them just keep their effect.

Atleast we might see some more Armsman/Hero's/VWs and alot more classes that get rejected because they do not have BL actually get groups now which is imo only a good thing.
Flame away ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Killswitch said:
Don't forget that a tank is still a better interrupter in melee than a caster. I still think that charge tanks will have a place in RvR, but this will be a big boost for hybrids like Valks and Reavers with their (C)AOE interrupts and DDs etc. And of course, Valks have Charge anyway...I smell a new FOTM :D

Imo remove Bodygaurd from the game then
My merc can't interrupt with spells , yeah I can use my bow ( :D ) but thats not why I rolled this char. If I wanne play with a bow i'll roll a scout :p


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
What a retarded change.

Removing the range of the banelord interrupts would have been acceptable since some of them such as primal agony are quite extreme range. But making them not interrupt is the only reason some of us actually use them.

Clueless Mythic ftw :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Andrilyn said:
Atleast we might see some more Armsman/Hero's/VWs and alot more classes that get rejected because they do not have BL actually get groups now which is imo only a good thing.
Flame away ;)

Hum not a flame but , why should they get a spot ? Like I said before .. tanks are only in the group for the interrupts. BL line doesent interrrupt = no tanks in group. :p Or do you really think 1 Merc/zerk was in the group for the dmg? They just replace it with a loltapper :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
wittor said:
Hum , why should they get a spot ? Like I said before .. tanks are only in the group for the interrupts. BL line doesent interrrupt = no tanks in group :p They just replace it with a loltapper :(
So sad but true:mad: :mad:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
wittor said:
Hum , why should they get a spot ? Like I said before .. tanks are only in the group for the interrupts. BL line doesent interrrupt = no tanks in group :p They just replace it with a loltapper :(

Yes that's why even before BL or MLs for that matter we had no tank groups running around.. and if you run with no tanks good luck trying to defend your casters with no BG and a Bard/Sorc/BD interrupt spamming your casters while the tanks kill your entire group.
And Unmana + AoE d/q debuff will still mean the caster is fooked but not interrupted for 10+ seconds anymore and no more Charge in and spam some shit and charge out tanks anymore aswell.

Saves a nice 30 RA points for MoC to put in passives :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Hmmm vs 4-5 caster groups its hard enough without banelord. Would you run a zerker/bm/merc that had no ml's is the answer. Currently you wouldn't.

Might mean more groups for other classes, which is always good spose.
Its good news against bd's though, if i read the tendril immunity correctly any nerf of any description is always good on bonedancer. Can stun/slam em now and kill them that play them like zerkers.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
lol @ the whine

anyone who thinks that the current implementation of banelord is balanced and that throwing it at all the unwanted hyrbids/light tanks would benefit the game is wearing blinkers.

The simple fact that groups take a single tank just to bl spam because it means they win shows how stupidly overpowered the ml line currently is. The huge radius + interupt everytime and it gets spammed half the time, don't even get me started on when tanks have stun immunity ....

Its a good change, look at classic for an example. A lot of caster groups but a lot of good mixed/tank groups too, a good group can deal with interupts to a caster grp. A sorc/theurg will still rock for interupts, so will 2 bard hib groups, so will grps with valks, reavers, thanes (lol), BD's ....

Theres plently of classes that can still be used to interupt, and lets be honest, BL still has some good stuff in it, just because its not going to interupt does not mean its worthless. People will just have to start deciding do they want that heavy tank/hybrid with only det and some interupts or other abilities, or do they want the stoicsm + charge light tank with dw ... rather than going are you ml10 banelord? No? Fuckoff then.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
the nerf + more classes having it aviable will make it ala stormlord, good move!
they should remove it from casters and only give it to heavy/light tanks and maybe reduce range a bit and fix tendril stun spam, then it would be all right, caster power continues yet another episode! TUNE IN FOR NEXT FUCKUP BY MYTHIC NEXT WEEK!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2005
Had to happen, but then I still don't see why they even thought of the 3 ML line path change in the first place, silly idea.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Thinking about it not only did they remove the interupting banelord spot, they also got rid of the need for a bodyguarder, since what's he going to bodyguard against exactly?

On classic your average alb group was.. 2 clerics/sorcs/cabby's/theurgs.

I can see it going the same way very quickly on TOA if this change goes live.. :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Andrilyn said:
Yes that's why even before BL or MLs for that matter we had no tank groups running around.. and if you run with no tanks good luck trying to defend your casters with no BG and a Bard/Sorc/BD interrupt spamming your casters while the tanks kill your entire group.
And Unmana + AoE d/q debuff will still mean the caster is fooked but not interrupted for 10+ seconds anymore and no more Charge in and spam some shit and charge out tanks anymore aswell.

Saves a nice 30 RA points for MoC to put in passives :worthy:

I never said you had to leave a BG'er out.. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
bigchief said:
Its a good change, look at classic for an example. A lot of caster groups but a lot of good mixed/tank groups too

I'm going to point out the huge flaw in this argument... Classic doesn't have bodyguard.

Tank groups on classic didn't have to start by killing the paladin/warden/warrior and it's this reason why people won't run them in the current situation.
If you run a pure tank group aiming to 2 round the bodyguarder then maybe, but 1 or 2 tanks in a group against a good bodyguarder is almost worthless.

I personally hated the way banelord was before and think the fix is probably a good thing in the long run.. but they have to look at fixing the problems tanks are going to face at the same time, or there simply won't be any left in rvr.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Couldn't they just think of a different line to give to whatever classes are supposed to get banelord, or designed a new one, however long that may take them? I'd rather have the new ml lines postponed with some proper new lines, rather than just killing off the banelord line.
With the increased timer on the snaring tendrils, I suppose light tanks will just get slammed and assisted down again, lovely changes ;x
The only reason any alb groups, or the one I've been in the last months, run a merc is because of the interrupts. These changes would make a minstrel more viable in a group than a merc, and thus ruling them out x<
I can only see this turning out as mercs just losing whatever spot they had left in groups to another class and not being too popular anymore, or getting their original purpose back; to deal damage. If that's the case, I'd actually enjoy the changes, tho I think we'll just get shafted :<
Huntingtons said:
the nerf + more classes having it aviable will make it ala stormlord, good move!
they should remove it from casters and only give it to heavy/light tanks and maybe reduce range a bit and fix tendril stun spam, then it would be all right, caster power continues yet another episode! TUNE IN FOR NEXT FUCKUP BY MYTHIC NEXT WEEK!
Aye. Just by fixing tendrils (which I wouldn't fancy either, as it's my favourite toy :p) they'd bring light tanks down to like 3-4 interrupts per 5 minutes, which is hardly overpowered.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
I see alot of tanks crying about getting instakilled on inc now ;))


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Samaroon|Terracotta said:
Classic also doesn't have ml9 pets and caster toa bonuses :<

given that they've nerfed banelord I'm somewhat more confident that convoker ML9 might finally get the nerfing it dserves

(or the changing tgo something useful for the non-pet classes that get it too ;))


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
i for one like these changes. I think BL is alittle too powerfull atm, and hopefully this will give hybrids a bigger chance of getting groups.
Its true that caster groups will be more powerfull, but again, this will (hopefully) give hybrids and heavy tanks i bigger chance of groups.
Only thing i would like now is nerfing ML9 pets and speedwarps =/

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