Are BC disrespectful on purpose?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 1, 2004
old.anubis said:
every1 complains
i complain about prices on beer for example

So all those guys who have EVERY rite to whine cause the BC gang leeched / stole / added r crazy and spend time complaining? lol m8 better try chess or golf cause the only thing ur doing fine here is that u and your pirates piss ppl off! :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
Warlock said:
It was said 1000 times, and i will repead it for you: Yes, we can pull.
Technicaly, when artifact mob just killed one group and returns to his spot, it is free for everyone just like if nobody pulled it.

Thats the problem then - u got another meaning of stealing - technicaly if i camp a mob for 24 hours u can come and hit it and i cant do anything except if i have hited it 1st - .... u think this is not stealing .... but all the mids do :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 1, 2004
Warlock said:
you have wrong information, mr.
And read CoC in the spare time.

Such tactics as BC use fit in PvP only! just try to keep off ppl business:)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
camping artifacts doesn't meen its yours


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Detonation TnT said:
How can u call some1 gimp ?

What do u think u are ?


All bc are high nosed like u ?

Now i know y whole MID h8es u

Not hwole midgard hates bc ... i still claim its a nice guild and as every guild has, it has his exeptions!

Bee Man

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
BC all-for-one guild with many active members. If some1 in /gu ask about help with arts - helpers come.
Almost all members get art wich he want in his ToA SC.
All - include rarely or where needed 2-3FG.

We are RvR guild - we have chanse against hibs or albs if we have BEST arts. So we make good organization and work HARDLY in PvE. Guild spend 3 (!!) months for PvE and as result - 75% of all arts - completed.

We help together - many of us was on MLs reids 2-3-4-5-6 times for own char + guildis chars.

We are more organized. We are helping together. We are guild. We are BC.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
About 2 weeks ago i started camping Eremai. I'm working during daytime, so most evenings i camped Cloudsong. When it finally poped, a Spiritmaster from BC logged in at the same time. I yelled in /gu that they should hurry, cos a BC was logging in and they would probebly steal it. When he was done logging in he supprised me. He asked friendly if I had people inc and i answered yes. He said good luck and hope you get the drop. The he ran off. Me and my guild killed Eremai and I got cloudsong...

So ... salute to Soulspirit, the spiritmaster in BC!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Bonehead said:
About 2 weeks ago i started camping Eremai. I'm working during daytime, so most evenings i camped Cloudsong. When it finally poped, a Spiritmaster from BC logged in at the same time. I yelled in /gu that they should hurry, cos a BC was logging in and they would probebly steal it. When he was done logging in he supprised me. He asked friendly if I had people inc and i answered yes. He said good luck and hope you get the drop. The he ran off. Me and my guild killed Eremai and I got cloudsong...

So ... salute to Soulspirit, the spiritmaster in BC!

Former OM guy dont think he been in BC for long..

Bee Man

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
ask him in game "what is BC and what guild did for him" - best way stop whining.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
lo guys i was the gl at danoswhen he popped today .
i will try to explain what happened .
1. I was waiting to see if cs popped or not but was all alone in that area , some guys came and went but for 1 hour i was pretty much alone .
2 danos popped and i asked guildto come .but they were all in ml1 dungeon so to far away
3 I asked in /as
4 withing 5 mins 3 bc were there, i asked i they were fgoing to join the bg which i had started (by this time 2 other people had come and joined group and i had a 5 inc)
5 they said they had been camping here since 8 oclock (it was 1 oclock)
6As both groups were there they kept moving closer (we was at night camp)so he wasnt
there at the time ,they agroed and got wiped .
7.Danos appeared and we pulled him ,but as we were worried they were gona steal him we were not quit set
8.We all died exept the healer in our group we started to get rezzed and i was the last up ,we were trying to fight and heal and buff like ya do when bc steamed in and got the agro
9 So we had the 2 groups alll hitting the mob till he died then everyone spammed for the loot i guess.
10 .Everyone was asking in main chat who got it and 1 of bc spammed MUHAHAHAHAHA i got it
11To which all my group went nuts and someone spammed (not a racial slur like was stated at the time) but a political slur (cant really explain it so ill say it ) a communist.
Could have been worse tbh.
Bc started calling that person in the group f***ker ,and tbh it all got crappy from there with everyone (myself included im afraid )started flamming everyone
12 Danos did nt at any time go back to the camp and exept for about 20 seconds when healer was rezzing was he out of comat with my group.
13 Ill leave you to make what ya want of it but my group started the pull and they took agro off us .....and tbh thats that


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
lo again
Just incase nobody read it

Danos did not at any time return to spawn site

Other than the 20 or so seconds we were being rezzed he was always in combat with my group

They steamed in when we was in fight but all rs and trying to heal and buff
But the way the way my char today was Nangoi 50 sm


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Tonje seems quite mature, shame i never got to know him/her. :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
I could tell you that if BC really wanted to steal cloudsong, they don't have to have a group to get/steal it. There's a trick that i won't mention so other can abuse it. The group that have aggro doesnt 'claim' the drop...

Most of you probebly know what i'm talking 'bout. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
If u mean the bit that got some guy banned that kept doing it on gov and cs, i know what u are talking about bone :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 19, 2004
Warlock said:
Some random moron even organized a dedicated "anti-BC-whine" CG after it (we have screenshot).
That "some random moron" was me.

I wasn't an "anti-BC" whine cg at all. It was announced as a bc-whine cg (no side taken on my part) and people told to join it, in an attempt to stop the inappropriate use of /as as

a) use of /as to slag another guild off for whatever reason is inappropriate
b) the use and language on /as was getting very much out of hand.

I hit the chatlog button very soon after this all blew up in /as incase it would be needed as reference in any future discussion/action within our guild or within the alliance.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
yea warl, it was mehuge
he made cg just to kick that shit outta alliance chat
so youre wrong with yer assumptions ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Bonehead said:
I could tell you that if BC really wanted to steal cloudsong, they don't have to have a group to get/steal it. There's a trick that i won't mention so other can abuse it. The group that have aggro doesnt 'claim' the drop...
That particular behaviour would quickly result in a GOA sponsored holiday :cool:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Mehuge said:
I wasn't an "anti-BC" whine cg at all. It was announced as a bc-whine cg (no side taken on my part) and people told to join it, in an attempt to stop the inappropriate use of /as
old.anubis said:
yea warl, it was mehuge
he made cg just to kick that shit outta alliance chat
so youre wrong with yer assumptions ^^
Ok, I was wrong.
Mehuge, I am sorry :wub:
Peace :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Let me say this: I was a member of BC at Prydwen about a year ago. The guys I was with there was extremely nice and friendly to other players. Yes - They keep mostly to themselfs, but I've never seen them take a campspot there. However, I've also experienced some bad BC behavour on Excalibur, and I urge BC to look at them selfs. The recent attitude don't earn the guild any respect. It's nice to know that BC is a guild good at organizing guild events and that you've gotten far at reaching your goals - just dont do it at the cost of the guilds reputation - on the longer term it dont pay off.

Big Ugly

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Summoner said:
Dear Freppe,

We do exactly the same things as other ppl do. The only difference is that we dont whine when someone is faster, smarter.'s survival of the fittest then :m00:

only right for the fast and the smart to take what they want


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Z^^ said:
camping artifacts doesn't meen its yours

agree 100% , if some1 else pulls the mob b4 u do , then yeah it's annoying,

so just make sure to bring the required numbers when going to check artifact mobs ;P


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Fenderon said:

Nothing unusual about that :)

One of my best in game buddies are in BC, Hay/Boogy and he's behaviour is exceptional.

Trust me, not everybody in BC behaves this way. I've had many chats with Einsi too, don't know if it's the same owner now though. But he's quite nice.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
I witnessed this fight yesterday (killing the arti) and BC did run in and kill the mob whilst the healer was rezzing a few and they had already hit the mob so technically the mob was not BC's to take. when the group asked why they hit it they all just laughed and smiled and ran off (i don't know if they got the cloak or not)

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