Belomar said:Wow. Quality entertainment.![]()
Twinky said:ehm in my opinion if a grp fails to kill, its the other grps shot.
and ignore ppl who r camping that dont have any inc to help, givf em about 10-15 min to get grp
And 4 u that whine ur arses off: try help guildies/friend more/faster with artis
i can imagine many cba to help other ppl couse they dont get any 4 them selves.
Z^^ said:and bc natha and boogy cheers to you, for gimping around in toa hope you make fg and come emain for some action soon.
Ntina said:bah missed the bitch fight![]()
Z^^ said:Qq about artifacts nothing new but if its same old malenkaja who plays hes a compleate retard atleast from what i rememebr in H grps like years ago.. and bc natha and boogy cheers to you, for gimping around in toa hope you make fg and come emain for some action soon.
Are you the same Detonation/Malenkaja that was in our guild Ancient Reign or was it another ebayer after that again ?Detonation TnT said:H grps ???? :eek2:
Old malenkaja ? :eek2:
What are u talking about m8 ? Lol!!!!
2 much daoc can mess ur head m8....
Chill out some![]()
Chosen said:Are you the same Detonation/Malenkaja that was in our guild Ancient Reign or was it another ebayer after that again ?
P.S: strong spam NTINA!
Ah, kDetonation TnT said:I got Deto from a friend.....
I have him for the last 3-4 months
I start him as a SC bot , but now he is my main
Ps : Never been at Ancient Reign ! !
Ps2 : QQ Ntina ! Go play ur eldritch imo![]()
Summoner said:cos he is ML10 and RR9 and u have bought you char for money kknptnxbye
Chosen said:Ah, kThe friend that gave(?) you his account was a friend of Eos or Danord ?
And hi Ntina! How is the strong skald going?(Not über strong like Chosen but strong.)
Hehe, good old friend, since I stopped playing since xmas I was just wondering how they were doing.Detonation TnT said:It was eos but y u ask ?![]()
You used to be ok..Limbonic said:Black Company...greedy guild that NO ONE LIKES...If they continue their stealing and leeching then report them to GOA and have them all banned imo
Limbonic said:Black Company...greedy guild that NO ONE LIKES...If they continue their stealing and leeching then report them to GOA and have them all banned imo