All non lvl 50 players can STFU and go away...



So is it true?, are us lower than lvl 50 players leeching b@rstuards?... well I think we must be.. because every time I port into e-main or hadrians, and /y 43 SB LFG!!.. 99% of the time I am ignored.. perhaps I should /y 43 Healer LFG!!!

I dont know the mechanics of the RP system, but I am sure that a high level group with a lower level member wont gimp the RP's that much....

I was fortunate to join a group of lvl 50 players in Odins yesterday, and I was employed scouting one side of a MG, letting my group know of enemy numbers so they could prepare the ambush... now I managed to make some RP's, without actualy hitting an enemy... I am certain that this group didnt feel RP gimped by my presence, indeed, they made me feel welcome... I just wish all you other higher level players could do the same. if there are lower level players in the area looking for a group... bloodywell invite them.... they are your realm m8's and in the same fight as you...

lvl 50 is an acheivement, there is no question about that, and it brings with it a certain kudos and admiration from those of us still to reach this ultimate level... but far too often lvl 50 and even high 40's tends to bring an arrogance and this whole l33t bullshit..., so please, all you high 40's and 50's remember what it was like to be a lowbie.... and invite lower level players into your RvR groups... let them learn, let them "leech" a few RP's and gain their respect, not their contempt....


Normally i dont like people shouting "LFG". Theres a reason why people invite you, and theres a reason why people dont invite you. You are not getting ignored, but it would take a macro to say "no sorry", because you will need it alot.
If you want to join a group, either ask your guildies or make your deserve the invite, by being friends with people


wouldn't know what u mean, since my mains an ns and we have no assassins in hib that means i am always teamed up with lvl 50's and i'm only lvl 38

even my lvl 22 warden alt has got a group with high lvl chars in, 47, 48, and four 50's.

i'll put it down to the people on hibernia being nice, and the fact that the lvl 50's are people i speak to on /as chat and quite like grouping with me for rvr.


1st. Rps are shared equally among all group members so doesnt matter if ur lvl 50 or lvl 1, i grouped with very lowlvs on occasions so they could get an RA that would make it easier for xping. :fluffle:

2nd. If they dont invite u Cher they blimmin idiots coz stealthers are esential in scouting and giving numbers and saying when and where to attack, and well (no offence) but the lack of Nightshades u guys got they should be happy with u. ;)

3rd. I agree with Glyph shouting it out wont work, pm to people asking them for groups or prove your worth as a nightshade.

And...well I never really went RvR before i hit 50, lol i tried it at 48 and 49 and i just always seemed up getting ganked by Death or another stealther, so i just went on an xping rampage knowing it would all be over after this...and well tadaa :D here i am :cool:


Sort of must agree here....

Trying to get my litte hunter in a group in Emain is damn hard...

Even if the middies are being killed over and over again and OWNED at mmg, it's almost impossible to get in a group :(

Still the other night I saw Malovolencia (sp?) at mmg and managed to kill her, but just as I was doing this, people seemd eager to "help out" and tried to rush in and get a grab of that lurikeen....

Sure hunters are nerfed now, but with a Blood crafted bow in my hands I sure can inflict some pain if I can get those arrows flying ;)

But sure it's a lot of "elitist" thinking going on here in midgard :(

Now that my 2 main chars are getting a litte closer to that 50 line, I sure hope I won't turn into one ot those that just don't even care to say "sry, group full" or even worse -just ignore people asking for group.

And yet some got the nerve to ask for buffs...
Having a augmented specced shammie will surely be a good thing in later patch- but who shall I buff then ?

I think I'll start buffing all chars that are BELOW lvl 40 in Emain just to keep to the "elitist" thing...
-"Hey, I'm not high enough to group with you- then I'm to low to buff you"

And on a sidenote - we're still looking for an alliance to join....
What was I thinking ? I'm too optimistic.
I forgot ..Sorry we'are not 30+ lvl 50's in our guild..
Just my 2 cents...(not worth much as usual)


if you have a level one in your group and you are level 50 you should get the same ammount of rp (i mean the level 50 will get the same as normal, the level one will only get 1rp ish)



oopsie..shows what i know :clap:

well the guys were around 20-30 and they did get enough for that RA so... hey if there were enough hibs/mids to go around i wouldnt mind getting a lvl 1 to RR5 :D


Originally posted by Glyph_mid
Normally i dont like people shouting "LFG". Theres a reason why people invite you, and theres a reason why people dont invite you.

Glyph, the reason people shout LFG is so that any group leaders that have spare slots will know that a player is ungrouped.
Do you really expect to port into e-main with 30 other people, with no idea who is grouped, who are the group leaders or who is ungrouped and give a /t to everyone just to find out??... dont be daft!.

I dont think you should "deserve the ivite".. if you have space in your group and you are not waiting for one of your uber 50 m8's, or a healer or another guild m8, then just by being a realm m8 looking for a group should be enough... unless you have PROVEN yourself to be a bad player, by pulling mobs or doing other dumb stuff.


I've never not let someone into a group because of their lvl, but I like to know if the person is a good player or not. So many times I've grouped with a lvl ~45 wiz, AE mezzed a bunch of mids at the AMG then he's gone up and PBAE'd them all with his crappy ice spell (and got us all killed).

Call me elitist if you want, but I've been killed too many times by grouping with random people.


ive never gotten grouped with my ranger.. and i hardly know anyone on hib/excal as im never invited to exp groups.. which made me solo all the way from lvl1...

so now when ive got my runie.. with speed.. i mostly run around alone.. as i enjoy not having to wait for someone else now when i got my own speed and can handle myself easy... i dont solo because of rps.. i dont really care about rps....


the problem with lowlvl (non 50) is that theyre not 50! And since most of the RvRers are L50s... they con orange thus making harder to hit and the damage is much less than 50 to 50. Thus making a L49 gimpfiltrator less effective than a L50 one. And usually L50 one has more experience (playing to L50 and rvring more before that) etc etc. Stfu and go exp. Its not THAT hard.


not true, some people who are very good at rvr and what they do rvr before 50, and kill well as well, because they arent 50 just means they have less experience of exping, not of rvr



Originally posted by old.louise
not true, some people who are very good at rvr and what they do rvr before 50, and kill well as well, because they arent 50 just means they have less experience of exping, not of rvr

I couldn't agree more :)
Btw- thx for grouping before in Rvr- you're a nice lady ;)

Originally posted by kr0n
the problem with lowlvl (non 50) is that theyre not 50! And since most of the RvRers are L50s... they con orange thus making harder to hit and the damage is much less than 50 to 50. Thus making a L49 gimpfiltrator less effective than a L50 one. And usually L50 one has more experience (playing to L50 and rvring more before that) etc etc. Stfu and go exp. Its not THAT hard.

LOL- Even for being an ALB you're dumb !

Of course it's not THAT hard to exp- just spend a few days in Malmo (as a midgardian) and you're soon 50...

Just being 50 isn't a good measurement of experince of RvR- hell some lvl 50 haven't even "dared" to go RvR before they hit 50- only having one goal set for themselves: lvl 50

BUT that's not the point

As stated before, I got that realmranked nr 19 Malevolencia with my 41 hunter...So ?? And if Niar dares to admit it, he fell for my shammie bait in Yggdra a week ago... and he's number 2 overall...

I'm just a lowbie 41 hunter, but if I get a critshot at you and a few more you're as dead as Elvis *g*


I must say i usually get lvl 50's for my groups. But in the end a well balanced group is more important If i am leading a group of 7 tanks i will choose a level 30 minni over a lvl 50 tank. All my invites are done thru either PM's by me or by getting PM's. Now that everyone know's that i am the RP whore of Albion i rarely have trouble filling groups and i very rarely group with player who i don't know. Grouping with friends leads to a better RvR group as you learn to work with each other's play styles.
Errr i went a bit off track but i think there's a message here somewhere :)


level means little to me, I don't feel it's anything of an achievement that I'm level 50 other than that I was out of work at the time I started playing this and had way too much time on my hands. Not something I'm proud of and it doesn't make me any better player than someone who is level 45.

They may con blue but they can probably still kill orange con players if they are good enough. I'm not great at this game I think.....
(who am I kidding I pwn joo all mofos) but still level 50 means very little in my opinion, no kudos or respect goes out to any lvl 50s from me until they either prove they are (a) good players in the field or (b) nice people in forums or irc (or realm chat if a hib also)


Originally posted by Krakatau

Still the other night I saw Malovolencia (sp?) at mmg and managed to kill her, but just as I was doing this, people seemd eager to "help out" and tried to rush in and get a grab of that lurikeen....

Just to save my rep on this one, without those 5-6 other mids "helping out" you'd have been very very dead ;)



Never been level 50 in my life and proud of it!

<looks superior>


Well you would say that wouldnt you Malevolencia :)

And Im sure its twue twue twue :)

Toodle pip


not true, some people who are very good at rvr and what they do rvr before 50, and kill well as well, because they arent 50 just means they have less experience of exping, not of rvr

Aye, if you would have read my post carefully, you wouldve found the word "usually" there. As in not always but most of the time. Its very common in everywhere that you exp to 50 and then start RvR. Before 50 you might try RvR few times but you wont fully be RvRring since you have exping left. That was my point. L50s have more time to spend to RvR, thus making em more experienced. OFC there are exceptions, like natural talents, old US players and so on. But thats the main line people tend to follow. I coulndnt care jakc

LOL- Even for being an ALB you're dumb !

Of course it's not THAT hard to exp- just spend a few days in Malmo (as a midgardian) and you're soon 50...

Just being 50 isn't a good measurement of experince of RvR- hell some lvl 50 haven't even "dared" to go RvR before they hit 50- only having one goal set for themselves: lvl 50

BUT that's not the point

As stated before, I got that realmranked nr 19 Malevolencia with my 41 hunter...So ?? And if Niar dares to admit it, he fell for my shammie bait in Yggdra a week ago... and he's number 2 overall...

I'm just a lowbie 41 hunter, but if I get a critshot at you and a few more you're as dead as Elvis *g*

You keep count who you kill? omg :D I know I aint TEH #1 UBARKILLAH but I sure cant remember who all I have killed solo.

OFC If you spend long enough time with a lowbie char around youll prolly end up killing a higher lvl...

But since you concider me dumb, what do I know... Ive never RvRed as non 50 (yeah right, cant forget those lovely 1.36 days at yggdra where purplecons came every freakin time to gank ya after having fun with expers there)... So hisss


Nobrot is looking for a group.

How serious do you expect people to take you with that name? :p


Have no trouble at all with my 41 Ranger on hib/excal for RvR . It's the xp groups I can't get .


lvl 50's having more time to rvr, is bullocks, btw.

the time you have available, is ecactly identical to the time you chose to spend.

Venemous is lvl 46. has been ever since i started playing. he doesnt xp, at all.

are you telling me, that a lvl 50 player, has more time than someone who chose to spend all their time on RvR?

The reason why RvR is as lvl50 oriented as it is, is because people have excactly that attitude.

Personally, the BEST RvR i ever had, was when i was lvl 40-42, and soloed.

meeting a lvl 50, red con, and winning, is by far the biggest thrill RvR can ever give me.

killing a yellow con, is no achievement. killing a red con is.

Kron, i suggest you try it sometimes. the "im sub-50, so i cant RvR" attitude, are another reason why RvR is not funny anymore

- Pathfinder -

TBH, I'd rather not group with people I'm not used to in RvR at all :m00:


Originally posted by listepik
Kron, i suggest you try it sometimes. the "im sub-50, so i cant RvR" attitude, are another reason why RvR is not funny anymore

I read Kron's post and that is not what he said Liste. On average people who are level 50 will spend more time in RvR than their sub 50 counterparts. After all when you get to 50 there isn't all that much else to do is there?

As Kron says there are some people who are the exceptions to the rule, but on the whole what he says is right.

I would suggest that RvR isn't fun anymore for you as you're jaded with the game. So please don't flame people who are still enjoying it, just find something else to do eh? :)


Originally posted by kr0n
the problem with lowlvl (non 50) is that theyre not 50!

wow a fucking genius in our midst. Patronising bastard - you made me laugh this morning :)


Originally posted by kr0n
the problem with lowlvl (non 50) is that theyre not 50! And since most of the RvRers are L50s... they con orange thus making harder to hit and the damage is much less than 50 to 50. Thus making a L49 gimpfiltrator less effective than a L50 one. And usually L50 one has more experience (playing to L50 and rvring more before that) etc etc. Stfu and go exp. Its not THAT hard.

MY GOD! you must be the dumbest person on whole Prydwen!
At lvl 44, I had more experience in RvR than some of the lvl 50s on Hibernia, and I can easily take off 50% health with my bolts.
So think before you post, you wannabe elitist!:rolleyes:
<sigh> Servants of the Lake again....damn, their emblem is ugly!:clap:


Originally posted by amazingsteve

MY GOD! you must be the dumbest person on whole Prydwen!
At lvl 44, I had more experience in RvR than some of the lvl 50s on Hibernia, and I can easily take off 50% health with my bolts.
So think before you post, you wannabe elitist!:rolleyes:
<sigh> Servants of the Lake again....damn, their emblem is ugly!:clap:

Read the post properly fucktard, he said "usually", same goes to you Xtro.

Some people are so fast to flame when they can't even read the post properly.


At level 50 you get:
- epic armor, which makes a big difference
- +11 from items
- everyone cons yellow
- max effect from your attacks

All will tell you that leveling to 50 is tedious, but we 50'ies all did it.

When you come and want to join with your level 44 char, you may contribute alot with your experience and all, but if you were level 50, you could contribute even more.....

What you are actually saying is that you are better than us.. you are saying that your skills are so superior from ours that you dont even need 6 more levels to match us.... (here is a free tip: that doesnt really make us happy).

That being said, i have absolutely nothing against level 44 players that dont want to level anymore.. as i said leveling is tedious and boring, in the beta i absolutely could not be arsed to level my swordhunter above 23.... (just dont think its your god given right to group with red cons). I do think its a bit sad some people i leveled with 5 months ago when Blood dinged 50, have still not dinged 50 now that my second char have.

(yeah yeah i know, i play to much.. but i couldnt play Blood anymore, so i had to do something, or leave the game)


Originally posted by old.Psi

Read the post properly fucktard, he said "usually", same goes to you Xtro.

Some people are so fast to flame when they can't even read the post properly.

You misunderstand - I'm laughing at the turn of phrase he uses and his tone. I couldn't give a flying fuckbar who groups with who in daoc.

Also..thats NOT a flame by me, rather chilly by my standards :) Look in general BW forum for flames.

tsk tsk whats the point of flaming someone over a pc game eh? meant to be fun old bean!

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