All non lvl 50 players can STFU and go away...



Originally posted by Xtro

wow a fucking genius in our midst. Patronising bastard - you made me laugh this morning :)

Sorry, I shouldve added the [sarcasm] tag there... Since you cant hear my tone, you cant really guess if im being sarcastic or not... Sorry for being so inaccurate with my words.

MY GOD! you must be the dumbest person on whole Prydwen!
At lvl 44, I had more experience in RvR than some of the lvl 50s on Hibernia, and I can easily take off 50% health with my bolts.
So think before you post, you wannabe elitist!
<sigh> Servants of the Lake again....damn, their emblem is ugly!

And? Your point being? Not all 50s are these 24/7 RvRers and hardcore players. Ive seen so many twats at 50s...

I can take easily 50% of someones hps with my staff if theyre low enough... sheesh... stupid remark :)

Blood cleared out nicely the different between 50 and non50.

And Im not generalizing on this, there are whole lot of exceptions out there, some of em might even be you guys flaming there. Some people think L50 grants you with wisdow, experience and intelligence. It doesnt. But usually L50s (NOTE: usually) are more experienced RvRers/Players than non 50s. I mean, my /played with my main is about 45d now. 25d of it was before I hit 50. So thats almost half of the time ive been Raiding, RvRing and all that shit. Would that make me experienced player? IMO yes. Then would a L45 with his main with less than 20d over all chars (alts) have more experience in the game? I think not.

Mrrrgrmbl... Hard to make it clear what im trying to say.


Originally posted by kr0n

Sorry, I shouldve added the [sarcasm] tag there... Since you cant hear my tone, you cant really guess if im being sarcastic or not... Sorry for being so inaccurate with my words.

Nps m8 :) Communicating via text is a pain in the arse aint it. Just can't convey the emotion/intention the same. Its why I HATE irc with a passion.

Oh and Damon and the rest of Mid, lub you too, darlings! :clap:

ttfn and have fun

old.Gombur Glodson

so when will you start going to emain dameon ?
I wanna see you to


No flame in here tho.... About people not being invited cuz they're not 50 is a bit exaggerated imo. personally, I don't really care which level people are, but there is a minimum tho. I mean, people below lvl 35 for example are more a pain than a gain. I've done it before, and our healer was waisting all his mana on the lowbie trying to keep him alive/rezzing him. Better go to the bg at those levels, and get some experience fighting people of equal level.


Originally posted by Sanya
Q: How exactly are realm points shared out in a group?

A: First, in order to get points from a kill someone else in your group makes, you need to be in range. Recently, we made that range huge, so that the support classes could get more of the action.

Next, the actual split. The points are split among all the people who did damage to the victim, and the groupmates of that person. Your share is modified by a ratio of your level to the level of the highest level person. You are rewarded by your perceived contribution, measured by your level. Let’s say you’re level 40, and you’re grouped with three other level forty players and a level 45 healer. That level 45 healer is considered the highest level person in the formula, even if he didn’t do any actual damage to the victim. The game considers that healer to be integral to the success of the group. The higher your relative level in the group, the more realm points you get.

People outside your group are calculated in as well – if a level 50 ungrouped person also attacked the victim, then the ratio in the formula awards you points as you relate to the level 50. If the person not in your group is in his own group, then the points are split between the two groups.


Nicely cleared up there. So you lowbies get leveling the advantages of being lvl 50 are many and varied




I usually group with Hrodelbert, Gladiator, Gombur, Soulfly etc etc.
One bloody simple reason they are good players. thats all you need to know Nobrot.

Usually if i just get a group invite while sitting on pad i decline, most of those invites has gotten me into f*ckall.

Try to show people that you are good in rvr and you wont have that problem.

Not ALL lvl 50's are like that you know. Some are. Life is a bitch.


It's cos Middies suck, plain and simple.
I always get a group if I want one in Emain :p


<sigh> thank god Hibernia is a nice place...


Re: :m00:

Originally posted by glibbah

I usually group with Hrodelbert, Gladiator, Gombur, Soulfly etc etc.
One bloody simple reason they are good players. thats all you need to know Nobrot.

Usually if i just get a group invite while sitting on pad i decline, most of those invites has gotten me into f*ckall.

Try to show people that you are good in rvr and you wont have that problem.

Not ALL lvl 50's are like that you know. Some are. Life is a bitch.

Glibbin not playing middie anymore? :(


Blood cleared it up nicely I think and I had a first hand experience of what epic armour and a couple of levels can do when I attacked him while level 48. I had the jump on him, I have stun and DDs, and he still beat me. Why? Because I couldn't hit the damn bastard in his epic armour with my drop weapon! :p Meanwhile he was spanking me with his spear (also him having bonus vs my armor and me not having bonus on his helped. :p) That convinced me of two things - 1. I needed epic; 2. I needed a crafted weapon (missing someone while they are stunned it not fun :p)

On the grouping thing. I don't join random groups, too many instances of thgem either running off in all directions, acting the fool and getting us all wiped or just randomly disbanding.


Originally posted by kr0n
the problem with lowlvl (non 50) is that theyre not 50! And since most of the RvRers are L50s... they con orange thus making harder to hit and the damage is much less than 50 to 50. Thus making a L49 gimpfiltrator less effective than a L50 one. And usually L50 one has more experience (playing to L50 and rvring more before that) etc etc. Stfu and go exp. Its not THAT hard.

i really hope that was meant to be a sarcastic reply Layl


Well the first line is... The rest is pretty much facts.

But thats only on paper. Ofc "skillz0rs" count alot especially with some classes that require good timing and reflex.


Originally posted by kr0n
the problem with lowlvl (non 50) is that theyre not 50! And since most of the RvRers are L50s... they con orange thus making harder to hit and the damage is much less than 50 to 50. Thus making a L49 gimpfiltrator less effective than a L50 one. And usually L50 one has more experience (playing to L50 and rvring more before that) etc etc. Stfu and go exp. Its not THAT hard.


/em points at Jarakin, the level 48 RR5 Hibbie.

/em points at Layl, the Level 50 RR4 Alb

Just because you're not level 50, doesn't mean you know shit about RvR.

So you're saying that no-one below level 50 knows anything about RvR? Or knows less than the average Level 50?

/em points a Layls Twink, the Level 31 RR1 Alb.

So, what you are saying, is that you have never set foot into Emain with your alt? And you wouldn't complain if you didn't get a group if you did go there?

Seriously, wise up with the elitism.

If a group has spaces, and the player is not known as a bad group player (as said in a further up post: AoE nuking after a mez) then the player should get a space, especially if a stealther, group gets first-hand knowledge of what is scouted.


All the people who think they are getting a raw deal by not being invited into lvl50 RvR groups just take a second and try to think honestly, would you invite a say lvl 32 fighter into your lvl 45 xping group. The reason your answer would be no is that this person would not have much influence in the damage being dished out to the mobs and would only be leaching xp from the other 7 in your group.

People at lvl 50 spent boring weeks trying to hit that big 50, getting from 45-50 isnt fun and seems to be endless.

So why should in RvR a say lvl 40 be put out for not being invited into a group. If you are invited you should see this as a privalage as you will be virtually just leaching RPs from the rest in your group.

If you are not dedicated enough to get to 50 then thats up to, if you wanna run around emain at lvl 40 thats up to, but dont expect to be invited into a 50 group unless the group needs you.


Originally posted by vidx
/em points at Jarakin, the level 48 RR5 Hibbie.

/em points at Layl, the Level 50 RR4 Alb

Just because you're not level 50, doesn't mean you know shit about RvR.
Just because you're not RR5, doesn't mean you know shit about RvR (not saying that Jarakin doesn't though). RR is merely an indicator of how much time you have spent in emain, not how good you are.

Seriously, wise up with the elitism Usp.


If you'd read my posts instead of just flaming, youd notice what Im after. Im NOT (Do I need to repeat myself so many times?) saying EVERY FREAKIN L50 IS A GOD etc. And Im not saying every non 50 is a dumb twat.

/em points at Layl, the Level 50 RR4 Alb

Aye ofc, if youd check my RP gainings, youd see I got around 5k a week for like 2 months. Recently I started RvRing a bit more, 20-30k a week. This is mainly cause in the past there were too many twats playing out there. Now they have grown wiser and really know how to play.

I dont spend alot of time in RvR, cause 80% of the time its utterly boring. Since Prydwen has a low userbase, theres usually just 1 wave of mids/hibs, if at all. We keel, we wait 15-30mins for the next wave. Boring.

/em points a Layls Twink, the Level 31 RR1 Alb.

So, what you are saying, is that you have never set foot into Emain with your alt? And you wouldn't complain if you didn't get a group if you did go there?

I dont like leeching no. With Layl, I hardly every see a greencon in Emain (36-40). I made the alt first for Thidranki, but decided to lvl it up a bit and see if its worth leveling further. I havent set foot in Emain no, I have merely 350 RPs, so I capped out of Thidranki. And I wont go RvR with Layls till I feel Im good enough... Prolly not before Im yellow to 50 (46).

Actually, I cant really understand your point here.

Aint it fuckin obvious that on paper, 50 > 49. In reality, its certanly different due alot of modifiers, such as skill, spec, experience etc etc. Generally 50 > 49. Capiche. Im just stating the freakin facts here.


And I'm stating the fact that it's a game, and if someone wants to go to RvR, who are you to stop them and COMMAND them to go XP?


No one? But whining over it stupid. Command? Hardly. If I had that kinda authority, Id be abusing it 24/7.


Hmm... you might knock some sense into Albion then :)


Originally posted by kr0n
Aye ofc, if youd check my RP gainings, youd see I got around 5k a week for like 2 months. Recently I started RvRing a bit more, 20-30k a week. This is mainly cause in the past there were too many twats playing out there. Now they have grown wiser and really know how to play.

i hope you like me one-hit killing you today at amg, where you were sitting down with 75% HP :)

best part was i did it in the middle of your group, AND got away.. (have to admit i was standing stealthed and rooted the exact spot i stealthed... but you still couldnt find me)


I have nothing against exping, and I will continue to level 50.. what bugs me is the high lvl players that just ignore us lower level players, you will have more respect from us lowbies if you seem to give a shit, and one day we will be lvl 50, same as you. I have no intention of naming and shaming, but there are high level players out there that do ignore requests for help, or groups... not much I can do about it... except level to 50 and attempt to respond to requests from lower level players, and that includes inviting them into RvR groups..ffs the RP's arent affected, and if the lowbie does dumb shit to get himself killed or sucks up all the healers power, then "teach" him/her how to play.... it will benefit all of us in the long run, if he doesnt listen/learn, then kick him from the group, and remember his name... its that simple.

One or two posts require some comment before I consider this thread closed...

Originally posted by kr0n
Stfu and go exp. Its not THAT hard.
Yep, that’s “exactly” what I’m talking about..

Originally posted by Vaci
Nobrot is looking for a group.

How serious do you expect people to take you with that name? :p
See my thread "When is a name not a name...??" and post your views there.. but as you seem to be upset, I will reply.. lmfao.. does it sound serious???, umm nope. So I don’t expect to be taken seriously.. . or I would have called myself something serious.. duh!

To the rest of you posters… thanks it was helpful, I am now commited to leveling like a lowbie that needs to level faster then a leveler needs to level fast.. my sentence in Malmo begins, with the odd break for some RvR fun with those (lvl 50’s included) that have my respect, and will allow me to join them.. they know who they are..


If you want I can meet you in the Middie frontier somewhere and stun a few mobs for you....

Will give me an idea of what Middie classes are like to XP for the PvP server :)


Originally posted by vidx
If you want I can meet you in the Middie frontier somewhere and stun a few mobs for you....

Will give me an idea of what Middie classes are like to XP for the PvP server :)

Heh, now why not rephrase that to..

Why not arrange a place for me to come and meet you so I can "GANK THE HELL OUTA YOUR NO-GOOD MIDDIE ASS" and then post the fact that you were dumb enough to fall for it..

ummm, noo thanx :)

Unless... I could find a group to bring with me ?


> there are high level players out there that do ignore requests for
> help, or groups... not much I can do about it... except level to
> 50 and attempt to respond to requests from lower level players,

lvl 40 lfg.. that lvl 40 part there more likely than not is less of an issue you seem to believe it is.

Repeated announements in main chat that you are lfg, commonly translate into something like "for some reason or another, nobody who knows me wants to group with me no more and I am really really desperate". Now, that translation may well be as far from truth as Pravda, but recieving such a message, people get a bit suspicious.. People much prefer to group with people they know. Thats the way people are. I think I see how such behaviour could evolutionally be selected for so you can't really blame them as it's all in them damn genes! ;)

Anyhow. I reckommend you accept that asking for a group in main chat simply does not work well. It being so, try other tactics. Look for players you have fought alongside before that happen to be in the same zone. Then send private tells. No 100% success guaranteed but Im quite certain it works much better than lfg's in main chat.

Makes sense? Then again, I might be covering up a global concpiracy of lv 50 bastards here.. ;)



Read entire thread couple of times and it got me thinking.......

1) some level 50 get the "I'm superior" desease to all the rest non 50, so it gives them a right to be patronising freaks :) It shouldnt be like this. Simple day-to-day example, today me and you are equal in earnings and social standing, tomorrow you start earning more, does that make you superior and i dont mean monetary values but simple humane standing ???

2) its corect PvE and RvR knowledge have no relation at all but one ---> you get to learn the way your class operates in combat better. <eg compare the performances [and how long it took them to learn]who bought an account from high level, with that of their old owners>

3) Its sickening to think that some people still treat RvR like a competition, its a common goal we are trying to achieve here really, or it was intended that way by the programmers. "be thankfull you are allowed to leech RP" ---> really better to say nothing than throw this phrase in. Funny but at some point when i was a Mid i got into a group with superior levels and guess what i earned more RP than anyone else, so much for leeching.

4) All im sayinhg is that people should group with who they like to group with not be biased with that level gap. We are bloody equal, or are we ?

These are just to underline that for the majority of people, no matter what they say DaoC is not a game, i simply refuse to believe it due to what they post here. But considering the level of dedication from some of those same people i say its justified, just dont let it become a chore just like PvE has already become for many.


But dont worry, I ignore more 50s asking for group than non 50s... As much twat 50s as there is non 50s asking for groups :D
(Makin myself more popular here)

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