People who have an account, but not been able to validate the beta code yet, open 10 internet tabs, each with the validation page. (
Then enter details into each window, patience, takes a while.
When you entered name, email, password, and beta code into all 10 windows, flip through them all hitting the submit botton.
If that doesn't get you activated within 15 minuts, repeat.
Worked wonders for me, this morning I had been waiting 14 hours without any word, did that and 2 minuts after submitting 10 requests simultaniously, I got validated, and now, home from work, I can patch up with the server, so hopefully I'll take a long hot bath, a long cig and then be able to play
EDIT: Take the safe route with your time and once you have submitted 10 requests, start putting the data into 10 new windows. Once done inputting the data into the 10 new windows, check your email... no validation confirmation = submit all 10 again
How about the peeps who has received mail that their OB was validated - any succes on gaming so far?
I got the mail, finally, but i'm in school, and havn't been able to acces the client, to see if it actually works.
Am i the only one that cant even create an account?
It says with the code thingy i need to use my login and stuff.
But im not able to create an account yet.
I must admit, im quite disappointed.
The damn server is slow as it is without it having to deal with your god knows how many requests. all this is doing is making it slower for everyone after you.![]()
I just don't understand how its possible for GOA to fail so misserably while Mythic runs so smooth, was same thing in daoc
People who have an account, but not been able to validate the beta code yet, open 10 internet tabs, each with the validation page. (
Then enter details into each window, patience, takes a while.
When you entered name, email, password, and beta code into all 10 windows, flip through them all hitting the submit botton.
If that doesn't get you activated within 15 minuts, repeat.
Worked wonders for me, this morning I had been waiting 14 hours without any word, did that and 2 minuts after submitting 10 requests simultaniously, I got validated, and now, home from work, I can patch up with the server, so hopefully I'll take a long hot bath, a long cig and then be able to play
EDIT: Take the safe route with your time and once you have submitted 10 requests, start putting the data into 10 new windows. Once done inputting the data into the 10 new windows, check your email... no validation confirmation = submit all 10 again
FFS! So they have to read though 9 completely useless fake requests before dealing with the next person? It's people like you who are making this whole thing worse!
If everyone just submitted ONE request, there would be fewer requests to deal with so they'd get to everyone quicker, don't you get that?
well for all those ppl waiting to play EU, and have nothing else to play...
why not give this a go![]()