Account bannings for worm incident



Originally posted by old.Thanatlos
killed mobs, dropped stuff... why the hell is that against the rules? because it didn't drop the things it should? hell, we don't get free days when big mobs we hunt drop only bags of coins, why ban someone for playing the game and stumbling on GOA's mistake (stumbling, ie not setting out to exploit a known bug).

Bug was found, was reported, items should have been removed and be done with it.. Banning is just silly imo, overzealous reaction of GOA to prove they don't understand anything.

So far they tried to limit people from farming bugs that have been corrected in future patches in the US, if they did that properly like they said they had then there would have been no problem and everyone would have lottoed for 1 or 2 bracers.

Hell, now i'm afraid to hunt mobs anymore since it 'might' drop something it shouldn't and i'll be banned for killing it...

Very well put!


To use the word 'cheat' in this situation is unfair. The Raid was set up with genuine intentions of killing the worm in a legit manner. I refuse to believe anyone in any of the realms would have stopped attacking and walk away once it had started to drop WW/seals.

However ppl claiming complete innocence is wrong as no mob in this game drops 120 of the same item. Im sure the last thing we thought about was if we would be banned, some mention a reroll at the time but if u thought u may face a ban im sure everyone would have stopped. Bans should be used only in circumstances of knowingly setting out to exploit a reported bug or using third party software.

Reading the CF forums/GOA response you can only wonder what type of people are sitting there making these type of decisions, its clearly not the employees who actually have interest in the game community.
The correct response would have been to delete all items. Only thing left to do is for the banned players to decide whether or not they continue playing, either way GOA dont care always new players joining this game everyday.


Originally posted by n3wbie
why are people disgusted with the ban? if you break the rules why shouldnt you be punished? its like saying i just raped someone then murderd their whole family, but i will be fuckin disgusted if you throw me in jail, how can you do that? all i did was break the rules...
because it's a bug that Mythic have known about for ages (since it happened on US servers), so GOA should know about it, the people who went on the raid did not do so with the intent to exploit a bug, they prolonged the life of the worm to get more wormlings to spawn, and that is all they did that can be considered exploiting - so basically their exploit comes down to them NOT killing a mob - do you not see how utterly ridiculous that is?
GOA fucked up by not patching/updating/fixing the bug. They accounted for their fuckup by deleting some of the resultant items. But the fuckup was THEIRS, not the players, and punishing their paying customers for their own uselessness is what disgusts me.


Originally posted by <Harle>
Oh, i have a much more fitting RL-comparison if you want to go that way:
Say you are driving too fast on a road, but the authorities forgot to put up a sign with the speed-limit. In one case they just forget about you and put up the sign, in the second case they retrieve your driving-license for one month - not very consistent if you ask me.
And this is the main point here: if you run a mmorpg you have to be consistant with handling such situations, otherwise people will lose all trust in you. This ban is the result of blind actionism, and con not be justified however you look at it.

Hmmm, firstly if the road had street lights then it's obviously a 30mph road unless it states otherwise (which since your saying there is no sign I'm guessing it doesn't). If however the road has no street lamps and no speed limit signs and is a single carriageway then the speed limit is 60mph. If it is a dual carriageway then the speed limit is 70 mph.

Of course all this is based upon Englands road laws, and doesn't really translate very well into the topic in hand unless the motto is don't step upon cracks or the bears will get you.....*shrugs and wanders away confused*


Originally posted by Amadon
because it's a bug that Mythic have known about for ages (since it happened on US servers), so GOA should know about it, the people who went on the raid did not do so with the intent to exploit a bug, they prolonged the life of the worm to get more wormlings to spawn, and that is all they did that can be considered exploiting - so basically their exploit comes down to them NOT killing a mob - do you not see how utterly ridiculous that is?
GOA fucked up by not patching/updating/fixing the bug. They accounted for their fuckup by deleting some of the resultant items. But the fuckup was THEIRS, not the players, and punishing their paying customers for their own uselessness is what disgusts me.

you should get into the spindoctor buisness

They realized the worm was still bugged to they prolonged its life so they could make more (ab)use of the bug.

no matter how you put it thats what it comes down to

there is a ting called "takeing responsibility for your own actions" nobody forced them to farm the worm


Just had my suspension reduced also to 3 days like Dulak. If you responded to CS check Right Now I think they sent a auto msg to all banned.


Originally posted by Amadon
because it's a bug that Mythic have known about for ages (since it happened on US servers), so GOA should know about it, the people who went on the raid did not do so with the intent to exploit a bug, they prolonged the life of the worm to get more wormlings to spawn, and that is all they did that can be considered exploiting - so basically their exploit comes down to them NOT killing a mob - do you not see how utterly ridiculous that is?
GOA fucked up by not patching/updating/fixing the bug. They accounted for their fuckup by deleting some of the resultant items. But the fuckup was THEIRS, not the players, and punishing their paying customers for their own uselessness is what disgusts me.

but some of the people have already said they knew it was a bug, why keep defending them? go back to my comparison, the government knows about murder but they dont put more police out to stop it do they? so does that mean i should commit it? no, because GOA dont fix a bug that can ruin the 'economy' of the game, does that mean you should exploit it? just because its there?


Firstly let me say I wasn't on the now infamous raid, secondly let me say that the ppl on the raid would have all known within minutes that mobs so easy to kill wouldn't drop the best bracer in game and so many seals when princes etc dont even drop a comparitive amount.

Also I believe that the ppl tht were in raid really should have had items taken off them and even non worm raid items (Hey u knew u were exploiting and were gonna cause a shit load of hassle for GOA and then prolly moan at em for not answering on RN.)

The ban is outrageous though, the ppl involved took advantage yes, but you cant really ban them for a whole week that equates to one quarter of their subscription.

The ironic thing is if that they pay £8 because GOA see fit to charge english players for french and german translations, in addition we have to wait for the patches just because GOA dont want to piss off their fellow country men. Well guess what if they patched our servers earlier which is plausible and fair to be frank as we share the french and german translation costs so its cheaper than it would be for them, the exploit would have been fixed and couldn't have been exploited in the first place.

In addition to them stating in a reply to sum1s email about the money screwing up the economy as foundations closing in, what an absoloute pile of BS, by the time we get foundations the yanks will prolly have been playing TOA for bout 2 months.

In my honest opinion GOA score nil pou.


They cheated they got banned cry more. If you think cheating is ok then fine but I dont think GOA do :p .


your opinion is noted and ignored taz :p unless you are a perfect person and you would never do anything thats maybe a little wrong stop your nobbish "cry more" attitude. if you wouldnt do anything thats maybe a little wrong maybe you should stop being so :sleeping:



Hmmm... i dont bother about this tbh but i must say something.

Wasnt this a bug some patches ago ? That has been adressed ?
If its still is in the game after it has been adressed its a feature not a bug.


Originally posted by n3wbie
why are people disgusted with the ban? if you break the rules why shouldnt you be punished? its like saying i just raped someone then murderd their whole family, but i will be fuckin disgusted if you throw me in jail, how can you do that? all i did was break the rules...

This has to be the MOST RETARDED POST EVER tm on barrysworld.
this even makes repent, karam and adari look like rocket scientists


Originally posted by 1234Taz
They cheated they got banned cry more. If you think cheating is ok then fine but I dont think GOA do :p .

how the fuck is a GOA screw up cheating ??? and imo fook of our forums ! ur just jelous couse u dident get it !

And I dont feel they did nothing wrong , its more a payback time for all the screw ups GOA has done to us !


The reason your complaining so much censi is that your a drop wh0re, always have been. So a few people got some wormwraps, big fuckin deal, it's not like they are a nessecity thesedays to cap all stats.

fo twat


All please take alook at your account subscriptions. And make sure GOA have not made the same mistake that they have on mine.

2 days Money has been refunded for 3 day ban, this should be 3 days money refunded.

The way I see it is that if real life money is not replenished for number of days banned then this is a real life fine, and should be handled through a court of law.

I have notified GOA of my account error and am waiting for a reply, please check your deatails, especially the ones who have been replyed to on a personal basis.

We also should have a +1 day for this subscription due to another issue.


Originally posted by Sibanac
you should get into the spindoctor buisness
you should open your mind
They realized the worm was still bugged to they prolonged its life so they could make more (ab)use of the bug.

no matter how you put it thats what it comes down to
which still comes down to the FACT that they are being penalized for NOT killing a mob quickly enough for GOA's liking, and, more importantly, to cover up GOA's incompetence.
there is a ting called "takeing responsibility for your own actions" nobody forced them to farm the worm
Perhaps you should speak to GOA about them taking responsibility for their actions, or lack thereof, since it is the latter that is MUCH more at fault than any players' actions in this incident.


Cause it hadn't been pasted yet


We have recieved numerous reports about a bugexploit involving Beliathan in Darkness Falls. After investigating the incident we have determined that one or more characters from your account were involved in this. The nature of the exploit is serious and has a great impact on the game. This combined with the number of times it was repeated has forced us to take drastic measures to lessen the damage that was caused.

Your account has been suspended for seven days for bug exploitation, which goes directly against the code of conduct that you agreed to when you logged into the game. Further, all items that were gained through exploiting this bug have been deleted. Should further incidents arise in the future, this one will be taken into account when determining the consequences.

-Update: After further investigation and consideration we have decided to reduce the suspension to 3 days instead of the initial 7.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

I got this 5 minutes ago... not 7 but three days.

Still complete and utter bullshit, as I will be telling them shortly in a nice Rightnow quesion and answergame. An unbelievable and even considering 3 days a total askew reaction to a situation they obviously either totally forgot about or utterly failed to "cure".


Originally posted by n3wbie
but some of the people have already said they knew it was a bug, why keep defending them?
I'm defending my viewpoint of being disgusted by GOA. Their inaction and incompetence are the root cause of the issue, they should not be taking out their inadequacy upon their customers.
go back to my comparison, the government knows about murder but they dont put more police out to stop it do they? so does that mean i should commit it?
The difference between fixing a bug in a game (which amounts to modifying loot tables pretty much) and stopping murder is immense to the point of making your analogy useless.
no, because GOA dont fix a bug that can ruin the 'economy' of the game, does that mean you should exploit it? just because its there?
1) it wouldn't come close to ruining the economy
2) GOA deleted the dropped items and seals (well those they cba to trace, the fact that they missed alot says more about their laziness and incompetence than anything else), which means the people who went on the raid were already punished by not receiving ANYTHING from the raid, not even the loot that should have dropped, nevermind that GOA deleted stuff that was utterly unrelated to the raid itself.
3) The raid did not set out intentionally to exploit the bug, in fact the bug was not known about when the raid set out. Thus the initial intent was not exploitation at all. The prolonging of the worm's life to increase the number of drops is not a crime, nowhere does it state in the CoC that you may not NOT kill a mob. Neither is picking up the loot, since players are entitled to drops from mobs. It is GOA's responsibility to ensure that mobs drop the correct loot, it is NOT the player's responsibility to ensure this.


Originally posted by Amadon

Neither is picking up the loot, since players are entitled to drops from mobs. It is GOA's responsibility to ensure that mobs drop the correct loot, it is NOT the player's responsibility to ensure this.



Just 3-7 days? Should be more imo.

Just /laugh at the people saying they didnt know that wasnt a bug, if you abused, dont whine about your fine.

[btw, if someone thinks that 6p (or 9p if u trinket) PER PERSON wont do any harm on economy, can he/she give me some plats to rise my tailoring to 1100ish? pm Gesp in game, kthxcya]


lol @ ppl blaming GOA.

After you killed the 1st yellow mob and saw what it dropped you knew it was a bug but continued to exploit it.

Shouldve stopped then and reported it to RN.

Fair enough that they said it had been fixed but wasnt (fkn funny that ppl mention that they read that itd been fixed but fail to mention that they knew about it in the 1st place :lol: )

7 days yes mebbe a bit much, better to delete the drops + mebbe 3 day suspension.

Not saying I wouldnt have gone for it myself, but I wouldnt blame some1 else coz Im intelligent enough to know what I was doing was an exploit, mebbe some of you are just a bit thick.


I don't really see what the problem is with this matter.

Those of you who cry "cheating scum, you got what you deserved" etc, should think about what they would have done in the same circumstances. You're here with 30-50 people (which was it?) and you've come to farm the Worm. What's more natural than killing his yellow-orange adds first? Of course, upon noticing there's a bug involved with the drop rate of the adds, you should stop farming them, but who could resist the temptation? There are 30+ people involved here, and they are all like-minded about this. Are you gonna be the one guy that stands apart and stops farming?

For those who say the 7 days' (reduced to 3 iirc) suspension was too harsh, and who think GOA is also crying "cheating scum" and stuff like that, you are gravely mistaken. I can assure you that Zargar and friends did not like this task at all. But put yourself in their place. They already have to delete all this loot you've gathered. A lot of work. Then they have to make sure this doesn't happen again. As some of you have already observed, some bug abuses pass unpunished, sometimes even unnoticed. With all of your loot deleted, all you guys lost was a little time farming it. What's to stop anyone from trying it again? This three-day suspension is a warning to anyone who would try to exploit a bug again. So please stop looking at your personal problem with this - it's a shame for you that you were used as an example for the rest of the game community, but in the end, you brought it upon yourselves (although I have no idea how I would have reacted in the situation you were in) and it's only right that this should happen. Bug abuse cannot go unpunished.

What happened just had to happen. Nobody should be gloating over it, but it's no use shaking your fist at GOA either. They did nothing to provoke this and they're trying to mend it as well as they can.



The prolonging of the worm's life to increase the number of drops
Does anyone remeber the tree in the small town near AF? The one that if you attack it and DON'T kill it it spawn little grey con trees that grow and grow and grow untill they are big ass purple con trees. Well, if you kill the trees while they are green they drop uber gems, that was not a bug. GAO/Mythic/whatever never called it a bug, never banned for it, never did anything about it except tweek it a bit here and there.
Now, my point here is:
1) Prolonging the life of a mob to get uber drops off easier spawned mobs is not in it's self a bug.
2) a green con that drops an uber gem is worse than a yellow con that drops an uber bracer, so how can anyone expect people to KNOW that the worm is a bug while the tree is not.
3) GOA cvan not expect people to judge what is or is not a bug in this game when they are not consistant about how mobs behave (tree=not bug, worm=bug, same behavior)
4) GOA can not expect people to know what is a bug when they are not publicising it on the EURPEAN DAoC sites. (EU servers, EU sites, can't expect EU players to read American sites)

Now, if people are abuseing publisised bugs then a ban is in order. If people are abuseing unpublisised bugs, then deleteing the items is in order, but not a ban.

It all comes down to what YOU will put up with. If you get a 7 day ban or a 3 day ban and you sit back and bitch about it and then renew your sub, you are tolerating GOA's behavior. The only way you can stop a company from taking advantage of thier powers is to either bring it up in legal terms in a court, or by boycoting it.
I'm not saying we should all run out and cancel, I'm saying that unless you intend to ACT on it, then stop whinning.


yep I farmed that tree for donkeys years. it gets fixed next patch :)


God i h8 these long threads, i started reading it then skipped to the end. So i wonder whether anyone has already made this point:

Originally posted by GoA
On this topic, the conclusion is this one : When a problem of this type happens, we take actions as fast as we can to fix the problem as we see fit, while contacting Mythic about it. If we are proven wrong, we gladly apologize and take a step back.

They seem to have acted swiftly. I wonder if they will contact Mythic regarding this issue. And since Mythic never punished anyone for this exploit, maybe they will apologize and un-ban everyone involved.


Well with the weekend upon us I doubt anything will change. Besides its been made into a 3 day ban meaning those suspended players who want to return will do on Sunday and most probably just wanna move on ingame.


Originally posted by 1234Taz
They cheated they got banned cry more. If you think cheating is ok then fine but I dont think GOA do :p .
Jealous ?
methinks so, if that was 50 albs doing it, they would have done EXACTLY the same, and if you was there you would do it too , so dont give the *cheat blah blah* Bullshit when ure a hippocrit, noone would turn down 630diamond seals and 3 bracers, not for shit.

Qte Eth

can hardly imagine someone jealous to caught bug abusers, and u?

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