Calo said:Bluesky seems to think he's the only capable of leading a dr or any other raid. You aint bluesky so open your eyes.
Aarween said:but what if someone camps, let say Jacina's on a tuesday evening on prydwen... don't know how that would be possible with all the agro but this is just meant as an example...
This someone just plays the game, he never bothered finding out what daoc forums really are or anything... he doesn't know about FH and doesn't know about the FFA raid...
Anyhow, at 20:30 or something the FFA raid zerg shows up... should they just "ok guys, Jacina's camped, see you all on saturday" just because one person is there waiting for his homies to arrive...
Bluesky said:rofl where on earth did all this hostility come from ? Do you actualy know me or ever been on my raids?
No way i think like that so I have no idea where your small minded view has come from. Many ppl have led dragon raids: Tesla, Ormorof, Durgi, Healler to name but 4 and i know theres more too.
Quite why you think im some kind of egomaniac is downright idiotic and tbh I dont give a crap about attitudes like yours - if ppl dont like my raids they dont come and no bother to me whatsoever.
Personally I dont like selfish and greedy ppl and im fully supporting vavires idea of the "unwritten rule" and if you dont like it, again i dont particularly care.
Calo said:Sure ban ppl if they act like a moron, don't ban guilds for 1 guy did, but i hope you didn't mean it like that.
Hooth said:Actually I find it a very good solution to ban the whole guild of the "arti-stealer". Should be a more or less sure solution, if of course the entire guild in question isn't full of people like that. Should make the person think twice before pulling away a camped mob, since his action wouldn't just "hurt" himself but his guildmates, who might actually have a high mod or could need exactly that ML raid run by either Bluey or Vav.
I think this is what its about really, thinking outside your own little box, consider what u do to others, as it might just come back and bite u and your mates in the backside.
Henx said:And wow are you just and idiot by using such a quote. Calling participants of the Special Olympics for retards and not handicapped athletes got to make you proud.
If I heard that quote in RL - guess that was just 10 sec before I would hammer a fist through you face....
old.windforce said:who is more greedy? the arti camper who puts thearti on his cm or the guild group running artis to get its members equiped? your arguments are flawed and common sense to me is the rules GOA state. If you check my post history a bit you can see that i am very fierce on cheaters etc. so don't tell me my guild steals artis because you imply that there are rules you should know off are broken. The only rules are the ones you accept by loggin in.
But as said before and posted on internal boards we will respect local folklore on what good manners are
Belomar said:While I do agree with the spirit of this thread (even if it is more a matter of common sense), I am frankly amazed at the temerity of the thread starter. Who the heck are you to try to dictate rules in this way? As always, Vavires' head is far too big for his shoulders.
Calo said:Bluesky seems to think he's the only capable of leading a dr or any other raid. You aint bluesky so open your eyes.
"If you come close to my arti's ill ban whole prydwen from my ml10 raids!!!!!!"
U havent seen my shoulders have u then?Belomar said:While I do agree with the spirit of this thread (even if it is more a matter of common sense), I am frankly amazed at the temerity of the thread starter. Who the heck are you to try to dictate rules in this way? As always, Vavires' head is far too big for his shoulders.
TommyJ said:also live my RL this way (if im standing in a que to get my jacket I dont jump the line and I also take my friends jackets with me if im asked) and I bet many other ppl also live by the same common rule..
Only difference from this game and RL is that in RL you can make ppl sorry for their greedy actions and therefore I also find banning whole guilds from raids unless they take action opon the greedy players action something that is and should be accepted.. I have great respect for that guild leader that took action on his guild mate that stole the arti from another just to bad that the player made the wrong choice..
Limitless said:Well.. technically the one who got the item in his backpack first, gets the item - seems logical to me.
If I see a level 20 character named heheicampgov standing there I wont hesitate in summoning my own crew to do the encounter.
It dosent say anything about "camping" an artifact in the code of conduct - it says the one who start the encounter first, get the drops/items.
You're not forced to speak to random people standing in the middle of nowhere just because they play the game aswelland furthermore there is lots of people on the european servers that do NOT read theese forums.
And there is where it endscharmangle said:Well only one problem with the coc its the one that hits the mob first who OWNs the far you are right...
Someone who camps an artifact for 10 hours is in what way a asset to the midgard community? In what way he tributes?charmangle said:BUT you are dealing with real life people here and they and their friends and their friends in turn will dispise your behaviour if you just run in and kill a mob they have been waiting for for 10 hours or so...meaning that its even though goa wount do anything about it YOU will be responsible for creating a bad feeling within the midgard community hence you will also be eligable for retaliations by those people who think your behaviour was bad for the realm.
charmangle said:To put it plainly I for one will ban people who I hear of "steal" artifacts etc from any thing im involved in (rvr, mlraids/other raids, guilds, alliance cooperations etc). I will also try to add on those peoples fights as much as possible as well as mainly just trying to get them to leave the realm just coz we dont really need people like that...disrupting the cooperation within the realm just for greed...and not understanding what is wrong with it...