A Unwritten Rule.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Calo said:
Bluesky seems to think he's the only capable of leading a dr or any other raid. You aint bluesky so open your eyes.

Dunno what planet you're on but it aint the Earth I know. Bluesky has never given me the impression he's a one-and-only and has been on Cemi0's DRs for starters. He may not be the only capable raid leader, but he's one of the fairest minded I know. I've been on countless raids with him, and count myself a good friend, on 3 occasions he has had me leave a raid that had people in it I won't play with - Gimmli/Sentimos, and Hansi - rather than ban them out of hand for being what we all know them to be.
So, whoever you are, if you're gonna post, do so by all means, but most of us would prefer a bit of sense rather than pointless and inaccurate flame.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2004
Aarween said:
but what if someone camps, let say Jacina's on a tuesday evening on prydwen... don't know how that would be possible with all the agro but this is just meant as an example...

This someone just plays the game, he never bothered finding out what daoc forums really are or anything... he doesn't know about FH and doesn't know about the FFA raid...

Anyhow, at 20:30 or something the FFA raid zerg shows up... should they just "ok guys, Jacina's camped, see you all on saturday" just because one person is there waiting for his homies to arrive...

What would happen in this situation? Since the question doesn't seem to have been answered yet...

I think it's important to be considerate to other members of the realm, just turning up and starting the encounter isn't particularly considerate, but then neither is afk camping and not letting others join BG for credit (which does seem to happen fairly often).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I'll agree that camping an artie gives you a form of getting first try at it, but that's only courtesy. It's upto the person that sees someone camping and decides what he wants to do. I have more trouble with people trying to lay down their rules onto other players by making threats about bans...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
i played both Camlann (which server has a perfect solution for arti camping) where it is very common to give people the possibility to get credit for the encounter and Avalon Hib where CoC is the only rule people care about.

I really don't see point in accepting a arti being camped but ill respect local customs, altough i don't agree.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 14, 2004
I oslo played camlann :p and you couldnt camp an arti without being jumped by some kind of stealther :p unless you made a lvl 1 char


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Bluesky said:
rofl where on earth did all this hostility come from ? Do you actualy know me or ever been on my raids?

No way i think like that so I have no idea where your small minded view has come from. Many ppl have led dragon raids: Tesla, Ormorof, Durgi, Healler to name but 4 and i know theres more too.

Quite why you think im some kind of egomaniac is downright idiotic and tbh I dont give a crap about attitudes like yours - if ppl dont like my raids they dont come and no bother to me whatsoever.

Personally I dont like selfish and greedy ppl and im fully supporting vavires idea of the "unwritten rule" and if you dont like it, again i dont particularly care.

It was sarcasme mate.
Found it a bit harsh that you ban whole guild for that but then again, your the boss on your raids so :)
And indeed you won't see me crying on a board because some other guy legally took the artifact infront of me. Some ppl do that, other don't.
Sure ban ppl if they act like a moron, don't ban guilds for 1 guy did, but i hope you didn't mean it like that.


The only problem with this unwritten rule is that it tries to make out that player A: who has more time to play has more rights and advantages to player B: who maybe has to work nine hours a day, take care of his family BEFORE he can play.

Everyone pays the same subscription, it's not as if you have to que for artifacts like a department store opening so camping is pointless. I think to be fair the first person there willing to pull the mob with a group or whatever should get the chance to do the encounter.

Any other rule/aggrement just means that someone else is being penalised for not having the same amount of time as someone else.

The only time any contention should arrive is if there are more than one full group there wishing to pull at the same time, then I suggest you team up, pull the mob and random roll for the artifact.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Calo said:
Sure ban ppl if they act like a moron, don't ban guilds for 1 guy did, but i hope you didn't mean it like that.

Actually I find it a very good solution to ban the whole guild of the "arti-stealer". Should be a more or less sure solution, if of course the entire guild in question isn't full of people like that. Should make the person think twice before pulling away a camped mob, since his action wouldn't just "hurt" himself but his guildmates, who might actually have a high mod or could need exactly that ML raid run by either Bluey or Vav.
I think this is what its about really, thinking outside your own little box, consider what u do to others, as it might just come back and bite u and your mates in the backside.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Hooth said:
Actually I find it a very good solution to ban the whole guild of the "arti-stealer". Should be a more or less sure solution, if of course the entire guild in question isn't full of people like that. Should make the person think twice before pulling away a camped mob, since his action wouldn't just "hurt" himself but his guildmates, who might actually have a high mod or could need exactly that ML raid run by either Bluey or Vav.
I think this is what its about really, thinking outside your own little box, consider what u do to others, as it might just come back and bite u and your mates in the backside.

making up rules besides the ones GOA makes is stupid imo. I mean, comming from another server, how can i know what unwritten rules are. Maybe some other dude comes up with the rule you have to have cybersex with the Remi before you can go to rvr.

I'll respect will respect this imo stupid rule though


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2004
Totally agree with you there Hooth, not aimed directly at the guild, but give them somthing else to think about.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2004
Windforce at the end of the day, the unwritten rule is called common sense. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Maybe this is why Vav in the first place decided to make this post... And yes i DO know that not every man and his dog read this forum, but it would be very very strange indeed if not just one person from each guild actually does, and thus the message gets delivered anyway. Anyways it shouldn't even be necessary to make a post like Vav did. If everyone would just use common sense and show some respect and decency(sp) towards ones realmmates, it would never come as far as to posting whine threads regarding artistealers and stuff like that tbh... But then again the human race is by nature greedy, some of us just have better control of the urge than others.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
who is more greedy? the arti camper who puts thearti on his cm or the guild group running artis to get its members equiped? your arguments are flawed and common sense to me is the rules GOA state. If you check my post history a bit you can see that i am very fierce on cheaters etc. so don't tell me my guild steals artis because you imply that there are rules you should know off are broken. The only rules are the ones you accept by loggin in.

But as said before and posted on internal boards we will respect local folklore on what good manners are



Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2005
Henx said:
And wow are you just and idiot by using such a quote. Calling participants of the Special Olympics for retards and not handicapped athletes got to make you proud.

If I heard that quote in RL - guess that was just 10 sec before I would hammer a fist through you face....

yeah i call them retards, can say it out loud to you IRL aswell if you want megamate ;) bring it on


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 14, 2004
old.windforce said:
who is more greedy? the arti camper who puts thearti on his cm or the guild group running artis to get its members equiped? your arguments are flawed and common sense to me is the rules GOA state. If you check my post history a bit you can see that i am very fierce on cheaters etc. so don't tell me my guild steals artis because you imply that there are rules you should know off are broken. The only rules are the ones you accept by loggin in.

But as said before and posted on internal boards we will respect local folklore on what good manners are




Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
saying its fair for someone to camp an artifact isnt really realistic in this game (with 1.81 it will be eliminated to some extent)

However in the passed who has more right to camp and therfore claim an artifact

1 person stood in the middle of nowhere waiting for the spawn


the 8 man group who have just roamed passed and can do that artifact their and then ?

tbh the people who can do that artifact have the right too it more than the person who stood their for 8 or 9 hours like a moron (instead of doing somthing constructive)

It happened to heresy we were roaming we saw eremai noone was about we activated the encounter and started to tank him down when some SM + bot in tow runs over and starts swearing that he was camping (bearing in mind this sm is wearing cloudsong). We never saw him he was miles away from the spawn and yet he claimed he was camping the mob ?

Now who has more right there us who activated and pulled the mob (which it states in the CoC) or Some ml9 sm + bot who was no where near the artifact in the first place.

Im sorry but frankly all those folks that have whined at being claim jumped are some of the most whiny peeps around. They expect folk to stand around while they form a group which takes them an hour and a half and they expect the prepared people to ignore the mob ?

If your not prepared for when the mob pops then tbh you cant claim nothing, likewise mob camps cant be claimed by anyone it might make pulling more difficult but still you cant claim anything just because your stood there.

realise that is part of the game


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2005
It all depends on the person who's camping the artifact as I see it.

If its a level 20 shaman in rog cloth armor called Imcampingxxxxartifactlol and is AFK anyway, then I will have a hard time not to just engage the encounter.

However, if its Brydskalle Brightbeard of <Midgard Guardians> (or some other fancy, random roleplaying name) telling me that he has been camping X artifact for Y hours, then I'll of course leave him alone.

Well as ppl already said; 1.81 will take care of this shit anyway :)


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2005


Damnation! All I can see is LALALA spelled out page upon page. Whining only makes it 2x as fun to hijack a mob, of course I am a nice guy and will always try to get people credit etc. but not at the cost of my own time, what is mine is mine.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
While I do agree with the spirit of this thread (even if it is more a matter of common sense), I am frankly amazed at the temerity of the thread starter. Who the heck are you to try to dictate rules in this way? As always, Vavires' head is far too big for his shoulders.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I am quite clear on this.

If you camp a mob, then thats fine, you are merely trying to improve your chance to get it. If I ask you if you are going for it and you don't respond. Then I will start getting a team together. If by the time everyone gets to the spot and you still haven't responded.

Then tough shit sherlock, I will do the encounter. You shouldn't fall asleep at the keyboard.

Now, if the person is merely interested in encounter experience, then no problem they get included in the BG.


Dec 24, 2003
Belomar said:
While I do agree with the spirit of this thread (even if it is more a matter of common sense), I am frankly amazed at the temerity of the thread starter. Who the heck are you to try to dictate rules in this way? As always, Vavires' head is far too big for his shoulders.

I agree with you totally.

If that person camping cant get a posse together and do it before i am able to summon my crew. he do not deserve it, and he absolutely do not deserve my help to do it.
He can join BG to get the encounter and if me or noone else in my crew need it he might get the artifact.
Unless, we want to sell it. To be able to afford something we need.

The latter always occur if the person camping it starts to diss the ppl doing the encounter.

I and quite a majority of ppl will not fall into this nazi facist crap, trying to force ppl to follow your mickey mouse ways.

First person to START encounter and within reasonable doubt able to finish it, OWNS the encounter.
If he fails, he forfeits that right. And if anyone else are there and able to complete encounter they OWNS encounter when they start it.

No campbot ever dictate what the fuck i do.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 8, 2004
Well this unwritten rule is really simple and not something that was invented on prydwen :)

I come from excal and I am also playing by this rule and have been doing so from the day I started as lvl 1.. I also live my RL this way (if im standing in a que to get my jacket I dont jump the line and I also take my friends jackets with me if im asked) and I bet many other ppl also live by the same common rule..

Only difference from this game and RL is that in RL you can make ppl sorry for their greedy actions and therefore I also find banning whole guilds from raids unless they take action opon the greedy players action something that is and should be accepted.. I have great respect for that guild leader that took action on his guild mate that stole the arti from another just to bad that the player made the wrong choice..


Dec 24, 2003
Well you must have ben playing on the mickey mouse excal in your head.
Cuz that have nevah been the "unwritten" rule on excal.

It wont matter after feb 1st, but til then ill shure as hell be playing the game the way i am allowed to and always have.
Worked fine thus far.
And will do so for us all until feb 1st.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Calo said:
Bluesky seems to think he's the only capable of leading a dr or any other raid. You aint bluesky so open your eyes.

"If you come close to my arti's ill ban whole prydwen from my ml10 raids!!!!!!"

I can honestly say that bluesky is 1 of the most respected ppl in daoc Prydwen.
So before throwing trash u should know the prerson.


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
people play the game how they like, just like rvr with the adding/leeching thing, funny how all the leetkids are the ones who whine in rvr, but will steal and arti etc whenever they get the oportunity, i know i am generalising here but its true 90% of the time.

Just something to think about.

my opinion is as I said, people play the game how they like, you can't make rules for people to follow but you can choose to disrespect them eg, ban from raids etc which i fully support. As for camping, noone is forced to camp an arti and for those that do I'd call you the fool, because there are high chances you'll afk for 5 mins and it will be gone. bring on 1.81....


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Belomar said:
While I do agree with the spirit of this thread (even if it is more a matter of common sense), I am frankly amazed at the temerity of the thread starter. Who the heck are you to try to dictate rules in this way? As always, Vavires' head is far too big for his shoulders.
U havent seen my shoulders have u then?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
TommyJ said:
also live my RL this way (if im standing in a que to get my jacket I dont jump the line and I also take my friends jackets with me if im asked) and I bet many other ppl also live by the same common rule..

Only difference from this game and RL is that in RL you can make ppl sorry for their greedy actions and therefore I also find banning whole guilds from raids unless they take action opon the greedy players action something that is and should be accepted.. I have great respect for that guild leader that took action on his guild mate that stole the arti from another just to bad that the player made the wrong choice..

well there is a big difference with RL. In rl you don't que up a line if you aren't able to do whats in the end of that line. FI if you que up at the ticket thing at the footballstadium and stand as nr one in the line and say against the 20 people waiting behind you: "sorry mates, i am camping this spot, i expect the person with money in 2 hours or so. You can't buy tickets".


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Well only one problem with that...

Limitless said:
Well.. technically the one who got the item in his backpack first, gets the item - seems logical to me.

If I see a level 20 character named heheicampgov standing there I wont hesitate in summoning my own crew to do the encounter.

It dosent say anything about "camping" an artifact in the code of conduct - it says the one who start the encounter first, get the drops/items.

You're not forced to speak to random people standing in the middle of nowhere just because they play the game aswell :p and furthermore there is lots of people on the european servers that do NOT read theese forums.

Well only one problem with that...by the coc its the one that hits the mob first who OWNs the mob...so far you are right...

BUT you are dealing with real life people here and they and their friends and their friends in turn will dispise your behaviour if you just run in and kill a mob they have been waiting for for 10 hours or so...meaning that its even though goa wount do anything about it YOU will be responsible for creating a bad feeling within the midgard community hence you will also be eligable for retaliations by those people who think your behaviour was bad for the realm.

To put it plainly I for one will ban people who I hear of "steal" artifacts etc from any thing im involved in (rvr, mlraids/other raids, guilds, alliance cooperations etc). I will also try to add on those peoples fights as much as possible as well as mainly just trying to get them to leave the realm just coz we dont really need people like that...disrupting the cooperation within the realm just for greed...and not understanding what is wrong with it...



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
charmangle said:
Well only one problem with that...by the coc its the one that hits the mob first who OWNs the mob...so far you are right...
And there is where it ends

charmangle said:
BUT you are dealing with real life people here and they and their friends and their friends in turn will dispise your behaviour if you just run in and kill a mob they have been waiting for for 10 hours or so...meaning that its even though goa wount do anything about it YOU will be responsible for creating a bad feeling within the midgard community hence you will also be eligable for retaliations by those people who think your behaviour was bad for the realm.
Someone who camps an artifact for 10 hours is in what way a asset to the midgard community? In what way he tributes?

charmangle said:
To put it plainly I for one will ban people who I hear of "steal" artifacts etc from any thing im involved in (rvr, mlraids/other raids, guilds, alliance cooperations etc). I will also try to add on those peoples fights as much as possible as well as mainly just trying to get them to leave the realm just coz we dont really need people like that...disrupting the cooperation within the realm just for greed...and not understanding what is wrong with it...


What is greed? camping an arti for cash? and who are you? the elected president of DAOC who can make new rules without parlement etc?
I thought GOA created this world and therefor entitled to make the rules



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