A question about the female of the species.



Just to annoy Jonny, I was chatted up by 4 women last night. 3 were gorgeous,1 was attractive, not stunning but was a great laugh.

I kept the funny one's phone number because I find it hard to find a woman who makes me laugh and can relate to me.

All in all, a bloody fine, ego boosting night. :D


(leggy's still a virgin)

(bad memories of mother figures in his life and all that)

(in fact, he's gay!)


Originally posted by leggy
Just to annoy Jonny, I was chatted up by 4 women last night. 3 were gorgeous,1 was attractive, not stunning but was a great laugh.

I kept the funny one's phone number because I find it hard to find a woman who makes me laugh and can relate to me.

All in all, a bloody fine, ego boosting night. :D

That's 2 you owe me now ;)


Originally posted by AniDante
On that grounds, would you want to talk to them? Personally I'd rather connect on a topic, guess I should look for some clubs/events to attend. Not a great deal on offer around here, and certainly didn't see any nice girls not 10 years older than me (or standbabes) at ECTS, only event I've been to recently.

I wouldn't give up. 2 years ago I think it was, myself and a few of the lads from work were on the train to ECTS. A smart, and quiet girl was sitting a few seats down. She was sitting reading an OReilly book on Java. They do exist, just difficult to spot.


Before I start I must also say I'm impressed with the way this thread has gone, people aren't taking the piss or flamming anyone which makes it easy for us all to talk about our problems and help each other out.

I know a girl at my local martial arts club who's beautiful, great eyes, smile and a laugh that melts my heart. She's nice to talk to and seems interested in me, as in she comes and chats to me about seemingly random things, asks me questions about myself and laughs at even the crappest of my jokes. But the problem is she's quite a bit younger than me (not illegally young though!) and I think shes too afraid to say anything because that bothers me. In a way it does though I went out with a younger girl once and no matter how mature you think they are they're not and also it bothers me what people would say. Then there's also the fact that even if she said to me "I'm totally in love with you, you make me laugh, I enjoy your company and I find you sexually attractive, will you let me be your girlfriend? " I'd still have to consult my friends as to whether she liked me or not from that. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Still I'll be an aircraftman soon and you know what they say about men in uniforms.

Xtro 2.0

Originally posted by leggy
Just to annoy Jonny, I was chatted up by 4 women last night. 3 were gorgeous,1 was attractive, not stunning but was a great laugh.

I thought you had 5 sisters not 4?


Thanks lovedaddy, hmm... guess I'd better do some random traveling, see what I find :)

sowat, I don't have an arm long list of properties she has to fit, but we do have to be compatible.
I'm not a drinker, I can't stand smoke, and I'm a quiet, sensitive type. Now I'm not going to be happy with a girl who spends her events at the pub all the time, and she wouldn't be happy with me.

A girl who'll appreciate attention, care (when she's upset/unwell), times together going to cinema, picnic in the park, holidays together, walks along the beach, fine dinner and dancing (previous replies mentioning lessons have entriqued me, not that I've found anywhere locally, where do you find dancing lesson places?) and just some nights in, I'd pamper her or take her out to something she wants to do. Romantic things like that and such, not just drinking and clubbing :(

Would also be really cool (although I realise this is pretty slim chance) if she shared my love of sci-fi, Star Trek/Wars, love of games and classic british comedy. As long as she can put up with it tho, best I can hope for really. Still, some hope, nice to see some female gamers on here, really wish there were more.


How much younger ignus? Suppose it does all depend on the opinions of your friends and families when it comes to big age differences. They could make it hard or easy.


Originally posted by leggy
Just to annoy Jonny, I was chatted up by 4 women last night. 3 were gorgeous,1 was attractive, not stunning but was a great laugh.

Thats nothing. Last night I had the most amazing sex with a woman I'd only just met. Good looking, great sense of humour, dirty as hell. It was unbelievable all the way upto the moment she logged off.


Originally posted by Ch3tan
How much younger ignus? Suppose it does all depend on the opinions of your friends and families when it comes to big age differences. They could make it hard or easy.

6 year age gap


Right. I'm three years older than my gf, no one sees it as a problem, my mates going out with a girl who is just 18, and he's 22. I think for some reason it becomes socially acceptable once the girl is over 18, they are seen legally as an adult for a start. If she's mature enough for you, then go for it. Just bear in mind she may not want a serious relationship at her age, then again you might not either :)


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Originally posted by old.ignus
6 year age gap

I don't think age matters.

My ex-wife was 6 years old than me, my ex of recent was 5.5 years younger than me.

Obv me dating a 22 year old would be daft on a serious level as the difference in age then could be a little hard to handle on the view on life, topic of conversation and her having itchy feet :p


gap doesn't matter much if say, you're both in your 20's, 30's or older. Of course if it's young than that, she's like 16-20 or something and your 22-26, then you ask yourself if you think it's possible to work, possible she's mature enough.

Love is so hard to find, if there's a chance it could work, go for it, better to try and either it works out, or it doesn't than to have never known.

If your friends are truly your friends, they shouldn't say anything negative (they might look twice) and your family *should* support you finding happiness, although I think your more likely to get more understanding from your friends.

"You can pick your friends, but not your family"


Now see I'm 22, so do the maths.
Maybe I should just forget it and go for the 23 year old girl at work who has a nice arse and races MGs at the weekends. Downside - bosses daughter. I think I may be cursed.


Originally posted by old.ignus
6 year age gap

There was a 7 year age gap between me and my last steady relationship. However, she was 7 years older, and probably was the main reason it ended.

However, my old man is 14 years older than his partner, and they have been together for some 15 years or so.

Definetly seems a lot more workable that way round.


I feel age is important but that is probably from experience.

My ex husband was 9 years my senior and although when I was 21, 31 was oki as I got older I found the age gap widened rather than get smaller, which really proved problematic as I was still going clubbing and he was at home with his slippers waiting up for me to get in.

Needless to say the person I am with now is the same age.


igus, give it a try, I mean it sounds like you two get on, if you've chatted alot so far you should have some idea of her maturity.

Definately a safer for you then the bosses' daughter, lol!


My present girlfriend is my Dads bosses daughter

Anyway, before her i was dating a 22 yr old and im 17. That was just bizzare and now i think about it kinda wrong :mad:


Originally posted by old.ignus
Then there's also the fact that even if she said to me "I'm totally in love with you, you make me laugh, I enjoy your company and I find you sexually attractive, will you let me be your girlfriend? " I'd still have to consult my friends as to whether she liked me or not from that.

This is my main problem though.


Seriously? Erm... I would say from something like that, it's probably quite safe to guess she is.

Look, I know this is hard, I hate this situation, it's the make or break point. As in you either make and say put your arm round her (don't grab her or anything, put it behind her and see if she leans in or moves away) or make a break for the door and run for it.

Just a subtle move, for example, with my ex-gf we had the whole *sat next to each other smiling, looking at the floor, ceiling* etc. situation. So, seeing plenty of films, I looked into her eyes, she looked back at me, I leaned forward a touch, so did she and as soon as she did that some electrical signal in my head said "green light, feckin go for it, it's about bleedin time!" and we both met in the middle and kissed.

3 hours later we were both very thirsty and thought we needed a break (not one long continous kiss obviously).

Take it gradually, I mean if you do get the signals wrong, then just say sorry, you'll both blush, she'll be surprised (but flattered too I'd imagine) and you'll feel a narna, but control yourself, don't jump out the nearest window or anything stupid, it's not like you jumped on her and ripped her top off.

Anyway hope that helps, now can anyone help me find a good spot to meet more girls in the first place.


Well if you do meet any, dont't call them dinosaurs as a way of introducing yourself ;)


heh, I know what you're referring to there, and I never called anyone a "dinosaur", certain people have exaggerated the truth (how unusual round'ere eh?).

However, for the things I did say (not what people have made up) I am truly sorry to anyone I upset, this was many moons ago at an upsettling time for everyone.

I'd really just like to put it behind (including the nasty things aimed at me, I'd like to forget and just get on).

Anyway, this is off topic and rather not say anymore, I've extended an olive branch and appology, if members on here wish to hold a grudge and be arkward, then upto them, such a cold hearted soul I'd rather not converse with anyway. Those taking up the offer, thank you and look forward to pleasent chats.

PS. Oh and before anyone replies saying "he was only joking, etc. etc." I felt I needed to post this for the other admins, as I've had alot of stick lately that is well past it's used by date and getting really, really old.

Anyway, let's get back to the original topic. *waits for old.ignus to reply or someone else*


Originally posted by AniDante
I looked into her eyes, she looked back at me, I leaned forward a touch, so did she and as soon as she did that some electrical signal in my head said "green light, feckin go for it, it's about bleedin time!" and we both met in the middle and kissed.

Thinking back about all the girls I've kissed I cant remember how we actually started, probably cos I've been too drunk at the time :( (Well i say "all" which = not that many but n/m :p )

Originally posted by DBs
Obv me dating a 22 year old would be daft on a serious level as the difference in age then could be a little hard to handle on the view on life, topic of conversation and her having itchy feet :p

Athelete's Foot isn't something to be proud of DBs :p

6 years doesn't seem much really, not when both 18+, its just about having things in common, nothing wrong with the age gap.

When they're 16-17 it can be quite different, cos they're generally in school, cant legally come drinking etc, thinking about their future, uni etc. I still think I was a bit of a horomonal wreck at 16, dunno what it's like for girls then, but cant be much better :) Ooh yeah and if they're 16-17 their parents be breathing down your back all the time if they find out methinks :d

I think I'd feel weird going out with someone 20-25 at 18, altho half the girls I cant tell if they're 18-24 in a club, I expect I'll change a lot the next 3 years at uni tho. Moving from chatting up checkout girls to really getting to know a few people of different ages. :clap:


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Originally posted by Meatballs
Thinking back about all the girls I've kissed I cant remember how we actually started, probably cos I've been too drunk at the time :( (Well i say "all" which = not that many but n/m :p )

Athelete's Foot isn't something to be proud of DBs :p

6 years doesn't seem much really, not when both 18+, its just about having things in common, nothing wrong with the age gap.

When they're 16-17 it can be quite different, cos they're generally in school, cant legally come drinking etc, thinking about their future, uni etc. I still think I was a bit of a horomonal wreck at 16, dunno what it's like for girls then, but cant be much better :) Ooh yeah and if they're 16-17 their parents be breathing down your back all the time if they find out methinks :d

I think I'd feel weird going out with someone 20-25 at 18, altho half the girls I cant tell if they're 18-24 in a club, I expect I'll change a lot the next 3 years at uni tho. Moving from chatting up checkout girls to really getting to know a few people of different ages. :clap:

Nah, she suffered that not me. My feet are clean I tell you.

I know 6 years is not a big gap but 12 years is for me. I am 34, been thru quite a bit of life, done good things, bad things etc.

Now if I started dating a 22yr old bird that could be a problem if we started talking about things we did in the past, both good and bad. People like to hear what you got up to in the past, not necessarily about ex-partners. Now if I started telling some 22yr old bird things, she would no doubt want to go and do that. She hasn't played the field, lived enough of life to be able to handle it etc.

Now, if I started dating a 46yr old, i suspect I would have a rather different experience. Lots of things to talk about that we both would have sampled before meeting, more chance of having things in common (ie kids :p) etc.

Don't get me wrong, I would shag a 22yrd old bird, just don't thing I could date one seriously.

Bah, too early in the morning and I can't be arsed to preview what I wrote so If it reads shit it is your fault!


DB's in early morning smelly foot incident.

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