Werewolf Zombiiiies Evolved - Game Thread


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Well I am back unscathed, and its time we started some good old fashioned lynching. We've had 4? nights without culling our herd, that means a zombie master plus 4 potential turned zombie, plus one insane military type. You lot are freaking idiots for not listening to me about lynching earlier.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I went to the firestation on my own, Quelle surprise I got bit and came back empty handed.

3 scavenges, 3 mishaps. Shot, captured and bitten.

Don't bother wasting any cure on me, I will wander off now. /waves goodbye to the group.

MOD: Next round, I wander off into the wilderness to on my own with no intention of returning.


Part of the furniture
Jul 24, 2004
Right well, I went to the military base and found a few shots for an assault rifle. I did manage to scan itcheh last night and he came back clean as a whistle. So the options for evil zombie overlord are decreasing quite rapidly. With ravens desire to walk off into the wilderness-we are left with the options of mabs,cal or Nate for original zombie. The fact that mabs and Cal hung about with scouse all yesterday makes me feel mighty nervous.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Raven, I've only got a med kit from the research lab. So I can't help you, why don't you want to be cured though? We are low enough on numbers as it is!

Ooc: I'm off to Italy for 7 days, web access will be sporadic.

vote nate I think he and cal are most likely the evil.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
also raven, we need your vote, as we are really potentially out numbered here. So sure if you must, but help us first. Also do you have any possessions to share?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yeah I have a crowbaw but don't appear to have been able to use it against a shambling zombie (go figure!)

Nothing else though, I will just leave it against this wall for anyone to take.

Vote Nate: because yeah I agree, one of that group is the big zombie

OOC: I don't really see the point tbh, I can't be arsed to wait a week to find out what mishap I encounter next round so I will do this round of resting then top myself either through lack of cure or walk out to the masses of zombies and take my ball home with me now.
Last edited:


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You could've just pointed out the crowbar, i'm keeping track of a lot of things so things slip by. That simply means you're not infeted and your scavenge yielded nothing.

If you don't want to play, no one is forcing it.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
OOC: Exactly, hence the /quit :)

I don't want to make a fuss so I will just leave it for the others to play out.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Hmm think you should stay as Toht has just reversed the decision on you being bitten....

If you do go though...

casually walks past crowbar and picks it up.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
If Raven plays this final rabble phase, then he can give the crowbar away to someone(otherwise it's lost) and can vote as normal. (Oh and Raven it's cool ofcourse, own choices ;))


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Uara; are you voting or waiting for the others to return?


Part of the furniture
Jul 24, 2004
I'm going to wait for the others to get back from their scavenging. At least we have some idea of who is good/bad.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Everyone is back, no one missing. 8 alive(still) and 5 for majority.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Ok then, to clarify.

Hand Chetan the crowbar
Vote: Nate
Walk off into the night


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Hey, back now. I went to the fire station, didn't see Raven there and found a ton of water, dragged it back here so we don't die of thirst at any rate. I got bit by a zombie though and am infected. Does anyone have a anti infection kit? Otherwise I'm screwed tomorrow :/ and you should probably vote for me.

I guess you can all use the water? Although I'll watch who does to make sure it doesn't get tampered with.

vote Ch3tan


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
I went to the military base (separate from Uara) - was attacked before I could do anything. Lucky I had a baseball bat and didn't get bitten. Scavenged nothing.

I still have a medi-kit.

I agree with Ch3t - it's time to start voting or we're screwed.

I think we have to start with the group that Ch3t identified ... but also be aware that Uara may now be 'turned' after last night (just a thought)



I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Scouse needs a medikit, He fell and cut himself last night.

We found a rest room at the School which allowed us to cure an infected Scouse. So myself and Mabs stayed behind to provide safety in numbers, this wasn't to be. I got chsed Mabs fell over and hurt his wrist and see above for Scouse. He's in danger of bleeding out if we do nothing.

I spent the first two nights with Uara and Nate and wasn't attacked either night, I've spent a night with Mabs and Scouse and I wasn't attacked either, Uara has some kind of power, Scouse, Mabs I spent the night with so that leaves me with Itcheh and Ch3tan and possibly Nate, but since he's already admitted being bitten it's a short short list. The fact that Itcheh and Ch3t have supposedly been sneaking around on their own and missing each other at various stages. This makes me even more suspicious.

Vote Itcheh


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Scouse can bleed out, he's not deserving of my med kit. Cal not going for mate is no shock. I actually agree on the itcheh front, but the only person I'll swap vote for us cal.... actually as mate is supposedly infected and good as dead anyway...unvote nate, vote cal


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
im pretty much in agreement with cal, ch3t and itcheh are a bit odd, either (un)lucky to have such a free run so far, seems suspicious, ch3t seems to want to get certain people removed, who knows why ?

im tempted to force the issue, but will see what else is said in next little while


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
"Free run" - or able to stay away from zombie zero ...?

From all the shooting, biting, falling, bleeding that the big group have suffered, it doesn't sound to me like hanging round in a pack has been a particularly successful strategy. So why do you think that being a loner is a strange behaviour?

Also, I love the fact that the guilty are so quick to dismiss Uara's statement that Ch3t, Scouse and I have been checked out and are NOT infected ... and yet the guilty still try to cast suspicion.

Every night the zombies get more numerous ... they are the immediate threat.

Nate has admitted to being bitten - so he's off my radar for the time being (vote for him tomorrow when he turns) ...

... Cal's post is flawed from start to finish (acknowledges Uaras powers and then completely ignores the fact that Ch3t and I have been screened.) Mabs is also guilty by association ...




J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
or uara is the alpha ? i have seen no PROOF of this power

how about i say "oh i can scry, X Y and Z are ok", whose to check ?

assuming hes kosher is dangerous, and if someone else is a real scryer they wont be stupid enough to reveal themselves?

too much bluff and double bluff to know who is legit, go with gut instinct at end of day

im ok, im pretty sure scouse is ok, nate aswell for admitting to being bitten

that leaves:

itcheh, chet, cal, uara

no idea what raven was

so assume, what, 3 ? periods of infections ? (unless ive lost count), that means there are potentionally 4 infecteds...

now look up

group of 3 that im pretty sure are ok, and a group of 4 oddities...

but if they out number us they would of overrun us by now ? so something is clearly not entirely right with that train of thought :(

/is getting an itchy trigger finger <3


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
"Free run" - or able to stay away from zombie zero ...?

From all the shooting, biting, falling, bleeding that the big group have suffered, it doesn't sound to me like hanging round in a pack has been a particularly successful strategy. So why do you think that being a loner is a strange behaviour?

Also, I love the fact that the guilty are so quick to dismiss Uara's statement that Ch3t, Scouse and I have been checked out and are NOT infected ... and yet the guilty still try to cast suspicion.

Every night the zombies get more numerous ... they are the immediate threat.

Nate has admitted to being bitten - so he's off my radar for the time being (vote for him tomorrow when he turns) ...

... Cal's post is flawed from start to finish (acknowledges Uaras powers and then completely ignores the fact that Ch3t and I have been screened.) Mabs is also guilty by association ...



So because you were screend that makes you clear? far from it, it simply means you were clear for that moment, and it certainly didn't discover whether you were a mad military guy.

My argument was not flawed in the slightest. Stop using your own choices of skulking around, to cast suspicion on those of us who have grouped. You've had far more opportunities, to sneak round behind peoples backs.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Since I was screened last night ... how could I now be infected?

Also, while it is correct to add me to the 'military suspect' list ... I would suggest that for the humans, problem #1 is patient zero who is biting and converting our group ...

However, if you are a zomboid, military man is your main threat to world domination ... so I can understand your concern Cal.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
P.s. I have a medical kit for Scouse if he wants it (not sure if he's back or not - I might have to go find him on the next turn?)


Part of the furniture
Jul 24, 2004
Okay....I'm not saying Scouse and Chet are clean now. Far from it. But when I screened them they were clean at that moment in time. Chet was the first night and so has had other nights where he might have been turned. Scouse the second night so there have been 2 opportunities for him to be turned. The 3rd night was Cal who was absent and so I can't say yay or nay about his status. Itcheh was last phase and so out of everyone I would consider him to be the safest to be around (zombie wise anyway). What is does mean is that none of them are the alpha zombie-So 4 down (me included in that count), that leaves 4.

With Raven having walked off into the night we're down to 3 who I haven't scanned-Cal,Nate and Mabs. Now when I was with Cal and Nate nothing untowards happened during our little trip. However I've been able to scan people without them knowing so who is to say the same can't be said for the alpha.

Looking at the 3 who I haven't scanned: Nate-bitten twice, cured once with his own anti-zombie kit. Now needing another one. If he was the alpha then it would be a good way of getting rid of any anti-zombie kits hanging around in case of actual humans being infected.

Mabs: Changed group after the first night and then spent time alone with Cal and Scouse. Which looks mighty suspicious-if Mabs was alpha then could have converted Cal on 2nd night then nabbed scouse on 3rd night.

Cal: If Alpha might have converted Nate on first night then Mabs second then Scouse on 3rd. The main suspicion with Cal is the time at the rest place with Scouse and Mabs.


Part of the furniture
Jul 24, 2004
With regard to the military renegade my gut feeling was for Raven or Itcheh (or possibly Chet). As i've stated in a previous post the whole going "missing" thing would be a handy way of getting a message across to others with the power to wipe shit out. But as others said in my eyes getting the alpha zombie is the key issue here.

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