I believe the majority of Daoc-players would answer the way you do on question "Your best RvR-memories". Sure, huge fights are very fun sometimes but most of the time they are way too chaotic and unfair (no standards leads to outnumbering 99% of time). Ask this from yourself: Would you rather spent 10 hours to form a balanced "group" of 40 peeps than ½ hour to form balanced group of 8 peeps daily? Like I said, there is people who will make the "group" balanced no matter of the size of it - I know I would. There is clearly more good things in 1fg vs 1fg RvR than there is bad things, imo. Btw, you can read it from here that zergers are demanding others to zerg because that's the "only real" way to RvRSigurd said:It doesn't have to be here, but most 8vs8 players demand that everyone else follows their lead. The best RvR fun I had was when I lead a force out of DC and hit an alb force in the side, in a 70vs70 battle, or close to that... it was great fun, it wasn't over in seconds, and we finally emerged victorious, at a cost of half our army lying dead... now that's much closer to medieval warfare than 8vs8 could even hope to get... whenever I play in an assist-train oriented group (most groups on the US servers sadly) I really don't enjoy it that much... sure, I might get more realm points, but at a cost of having fun.

Once again if you look at this thread you will see that people are demanding others to zerg and looking them down just because they have more RPs (yes, I would say that insulting people and calling them by names is about the same thing as looking them down ;o). Agreed on that the amount of RPs alone doesn't tell how skilled the player is but if someone is able to get huge amount of RPs in very short time with numerous of character he has to do something well, right?Sigurd said:If other people insist on this 8vs8 madness, then: I would ask that they do not tell other players how to play, look down on other players because they have less RPs (but may be better players) and try to act a little less selfishly - and also, remember that any enemy in the frontier is fair game (in World War 2 would a soldier have stood by to watch one of his allies have a shoot out with an enemy soldier?)
Keeping RvR-experience variated is quite important and without that things would get boring, imo. Believe it or not but the wisest of "elite tosspots" guilds found a perfect solution to this! Patrol with 1fg as daily basis, defend the keeps when they are attacked and take a keep when needed and unleash the hell

Thanks for bringing WW2 here so I can use my silly real life example here. Ok, so people are "defending" zerging because of the name Realm versus Realm (yes, that's been said in this thread also). Now, tell me, was there only two huge forces (zergs) in the war between USA and Vietnam or was there many small troops (1fg) doing their own thing but having the same goal (kill the enemy and conquer) and helping each others when needed (keeps or getting outnumbered for example)? But I agree, you wouldn't ask "Hi guys, do you need help" when enemy is attacking your allies but games are more unforgiving than real life (bullet in your head = bye bye) so in Daoc you have that option, up to you will you use it (dont worry about it too much though, you will get flamed no matter what you do anyway). For these "elite tosspots" winning really isn't the most important thing so they prefer to get spanked time after time instead of outnumbering the enemy and collecting the RPs. This is doable only because of /release command though, dont try it at home