your first char, and your first day in daoc


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 15, 2004
My first day in DAoC was omfg what I have to do here :p. But slowly picked it up from my brother. We both started in Albion/Prydwen at first but shortly moved to Excalibur/Hibernia as more friends played there.

My first character was a Hero called Iamweasel. Was so hard to lvl as i didnt know how to play a Hero back then . Spending like tons of points in differenet spec lines.
For example i had 5blades/6crush/10LW and that kinda stuff and I was wondering why my Hero was performing so bad . After getting it to lvl 40 I had to take a 1.5year brake from DAoC cause of moving to new place.And the sux thing about it was that there wasn't any internet connection.

I came bk to Daoc When Catacombs came out. Exped my hero to 50 finally and then rolled a Vampiir called Disciplee.
The very 1st time I was in RvR was with my Necro who was in the guild Knights of the Round Table, was back in the SI times :).Managed to get it RR2 before the 1.5year brake .

The best friend I had in DAoC was Wicarddon(R.I.P m8 :(),talked to him every day and leveled together in Coruscating mines.

Still playing DAoC and wont leave until I'm the last man playing it :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
Prolly replied to this originally but cba to find out :p. First memory was in final beta on alb. My mate (Dynax) had got me into daoc and lent me his brothers beta account because he had lost interest after the first day of beta (bit of an fps noobie that kid :p). My first char was a merc called Davilex and it was the most fun i have ever had on a PC game, having never played a mmorpg before it was just awesome. We pissed around doing that lvl 7 cloak quest in Camelot Hills (yyrch gyrag or something like that). Can remember having a massive argument that almost turned physical over who could spend the 80 silver we had begged off a purple con armsman called eintausendzweiunddreizig :p. I won and spent it wisely on a iron dagger!

When game went live can remember having so much fun on alb/pryd in Salisbury Plains with people like Jamse, Caliburn, Monkeynutter, Perian, Meepthor, Isus, ulrych. Back in the day: Begging purple con wizards standing at Prydwen bridge for dmg add so you could pr0n thos nasty cutpurses, when wearing mithra folorn was the cats pyjama's ahhh what i would give to give those people and the times back.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
I rolled a scout an called it zeja :D Can still remember how i could not understand why nobody wantet to grp with me because in my world scouts was the best tanks in daoc :( so i ended up using shit lots of time in bg 3 with my scout until i rolled my mincer eeben an that was my first lvl 50 :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
It all started when I saw my big brother and some of his friend playing, running around at the Highlanders starting place, which I totally forgot the name of, in purple cloaks.. Was the coolest thing I had ever seen back then, I just had to get the game. Started a mercenary, called Zenith. Just ran around killing things around Camelot, and first of all EXPLORING. Could just run around for days, exploring the world. Ofcourse, I had no clue about how to spec.. Think I specced some into shield, thrust, some parry and some slash, wearing cloth and leather.. Until a friend of mine bought me chain and weapons in Camelot, and learn me how to spec :)

I also remember looking at all the level 50 theurgists and wizards around Prydween bridge in their increadiblelooking epic robes, nagging em to give me EB ..

I once saw a highlevel Mercenary, running around in a gray robe, wielding two DFswords. Amazing!

Do people remember the claymobs around Prydween Bridge? Looked like small theurgistpets.. There was always exping groups around there, and EVERYONE hated the named mob, the graycolored mob around there.. Everyone would run, often screaming..

I think I visited emain some times, and ofcourse killing ppl in the BG, but the first real RvR experience I had was in a Dragon Knights RvRgroup, lead by Gobo/Tiarta.. Awesome times, I learned alot during those groups.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
My 1st char was Gotmagi the thane, the same day I made him I soloed to about.. lvl 8 or so in myrkwood forest, was so fun ;D Looking at those Black Company dudes in gna was damn wicked, all dressed in black and uber.. damn I wanted to be like them ;D

It wasn't really hard to level really, although there did come an anoying part around lvl 35-40 when I was mostly solo in spindel I think it was :) Dinged 50 in Spindel after having spent the whole night soloing with some poor shammy stuck to my ass :p
I did end up speccing my char something like 48 stormcalling, 47 axe 36 shield :p Remember getting my epic armor at lvl 45 or some, bought it off some dude, was beyond awesome at the time.

Didn't really spend much time rvr'ing at 1st.. went to emain but despite w8ing like 2 hours there no1 would group me ofc :D Did have a lot of fun with my guild in hadrians wall and odins tho. Oh and rvr in darkness falls was THE SHIT, loads of mids gathering at x-roads... then albs rushing up with Gritzy the sorc getting fuckloads of kills.


Nov 28, 2004
Can't rember that far back:( Come to think about it can't rember what happened yesterday:eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
My first char in daoc was a norse zerk called Thardill. Was fighting around galp and gna.. 2 sword spec.. bashing down willows (iirc). Getting 10g from Klonk (the fearless lvl 40 troll warrior) to buy some gear.. lvling my char in grps and solo unbuffed.. gaining 3 bubbs, loosing 2 etc.. was a hard time back in the days ;p
Was in a guild called loki's legion. can't say i remember that much about the members, but had a blast :) First time in emain was a new experiance.. as a lvl 36 zerk i remember running very fast with skald spd, in a grp with lvl 50 ppl.. all of them with templates etc.. facing the lord of zergs at mmg, Outlaw.
Long story short, it was me vs outlaw in the end, resulting in me killing him in zerk mode with my varulv 2h sword :D
Resulting in me walking all the way back to mtk alone :p And getting killed by a stealther (infil). 1 Shot. Didnt understand wtf happened:p

Was told by Klonk to delete the zerk and roll a warrior. So i did, and my first lvl 50 toon was Thordill lvl 50 Warrior!


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 16, 2004
My first character was a rogue rolled on day 3 of US release, couldn't get it shipped to Belgium any faster. She 2.0 spec and evade 3, and I in all my noobness specced her near full stealth near full venom bit of Crit strike. :p

I remember starting out at that tower in Camp Forest and it taking me spending the better part of 2 weeks real time being lost in those damned woods. When I finaly got out, on the Salsbury Plaines side, I ran straight into one of those giants and got 2 shotted... back to bindstone in the dreaded forest :twak:

The inf eventually become one of the first 50ties on the server and I ended up having like 165 days /played the first year. Can't say my boss liked it all that much. God I miss the days they first patched DF and the stealther community, with a gasp, came to the startelling discovery : "Oooooo, Grey Hibbies" :m00:

My first RvR encounter was at the wall in Emain on my level 24 cleric (hey, it was pre-BG's.) There was a 50 standing there giving me a purple con cleric hauberk with amazing stats... something like 6 piety 6 dex. We ran passed the wall to the small woods on the left hand side, when all of a sudden at range I say my very very first Elf. I promtly ran my butt off back to the wall. This was Xmas eve 2001.


May 23, 2005
My first char was a scout.. got him to lvl 7 and then i found out that it was a bad idea to spec in both slash and thrust:p

so.. i remade him and speced something even worse.. can't remember exatly..

in the end i deleted him... a scout just ain't me

Anyway.. thats more than 4 years ago.

Now I'm uber on all my chars.. and yes, now i do have a working scout.


Loyal Freddie
Oct 21, 2004
played in a lan cafe as a counterstrike playah (/flex!) saw camelot being played and first thing that came to mind was some stupid rpg were you had to type way to much

a year later i was in different lan cafe (only up the road from other one, no i dont know why someone would locate there seems so stupid now that i tink about it) and brekahn ''manager'' of cafe at the time decided to stay open all night and i watched him play daoc

suddenly phone rings and brekah has to jump to answer leaving an afk druid for entire fg in middle of rvr!

ofc i feel its my duty to take over and ofc a full group engages us 5seconds later brekahn is screaming hit 3 3 3!! next thing i know prodical screaming irl and popov and rest of ''hurculee's somting'' spaming asking why the fk was he getting buffs instead of heals ;E ;E

next day i bought my own a/c and started statued the eldritch and spent about a week at beetles up to level 10

the next day i see this weird elf come over (hej kelltic) and he does this weird circle flashy thing (pb) and kills off 6beetles with 1 spell, 30seconds later im saying fk this shit and made statued the enchanter ;d

spent an agonising 5 months getting 50 and dung it in fins, would of been prolly 12 months if navalore didnt take me as main pber from lev 42-50 in fins (ty!)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
My 1st character in DAOC was Takhasis my hunter, and as u can see he's still my main char :) started on day 1 of release, after rolling a hunter in the beta test and liked the char. Took till about level 30 i think to work out the different damage types from bows and weapons etc - lol

1st day in DAOC was quite quick as i'd played in beta so had a little bit of knowledge of what to do - me n whoodoo (who rolled a thane Whoodoo on same day) out smacking greens n blues outside Fort Atla...

God was it hard to level - solo'd pretty much all the way to L50 (no buffbot), tried to go to Malmohus but even then it was impossible to get a group as a rogue character - pfff - Darkness Rising was a godsend for me from L43 upwards on the Molochian Tempters - made some nice cash too from the seals :)

Finally took 32 days /played to make it to 50 with my guildies Aesirs Blade, then off to RvR i toddled, played most of my time in Odins as every time i stepped in emain i got battered :p

Think i was one of the 1st mids to get Fools Bow to L10 (almost totally in odins, took about 200K RP to get it there), then off i toddled smacking keep doors down everywhere i could - was a bloody good laugh.

Miss my old adverseries from Odins, (Loxleyhood u swine), and some of the original guildies from Aesirs (Joker, Miranada, Rulke, Vodor etc etc) but still love this game to bits :)

Since then, used the hunter to level up a shammy to L50 and never looked back since :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Fahdlan said:
it may be the wrong section. but most people read this section so, move it if you want to.

how was your first day in DAoC?
who was your first character?
was it hard to lvl?
tell everyone about your noob days.
first time in rvr?
would be fun to read.

how was your first day in DAoC? Cool :p met Blej, Quetzal, Nate(supertroll!), Durgi, Blood, and a goooooooood load of more old nuts =)

who was your first character? Warrior called Ruby :p then i made a thane, BloodOmen

was it hard to lvl? the hardest days were getting to 40 =) Rest was all down hill due to malmo

tell everyone about your noob days. Mjolling about 50-60 mezzed albs at a MG and breaking mezz :p using IP at 94% health (finger slipped!)

first time in rvr? Can't remember exact date.. was just after i got my epic armour for thane tho :) ran down the hill at MPK emain feeling proud cause i'd just finished epic and rvr had to start! and got ran over by a zerg...... =(


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I started playing because of my old boss at the time some of his mates played to he got the game i saw it at lunch time and though i would give it ago. First Char was a armsman called Soze made him after reading the book and it saying something about the armsman can kick who evers arse he wants unlike the Paladin who was a servant of the church. What a mistake 4 years later i have a 50 Pala and my Arms has not been touched for years.

Leveling around PK and PKB untill i went to Mithira and keep getting ganked by Bleeders i was 100% they hated me as everytime i walked in i would wait for one to attack me and after 5 miniutes i would find a mob and bad Bleeder attacking me. Also around that time i left a leveling group to go get a cross bow but i had no idea how it worked so i ended up specing up to 11 in x-bow befor i asked someone how it works. Also remeber being miffed my scout out meled my armsman befor i realised that just because the sword looked good the fact it was a starter sword at level 8 was bad news.

Ended up leveling the majority of the way with a good friend Narku the pala armsman combo worked. I think i diged 50 killing Ellyls (sp) trying to get a glowing sword i think i used to drive Narku crazy with rubbish levling like the frogs in barfog trying for different glowy swords. It was with Nark and Lel that i had some of the most fun night in DAOC killing all the named we could in DM to get glowers and salvage for Narks crafting. Was always funny upsetting Narku by getting us killed by saying im sure we can kill that and pulling about 10 purps and getting splattered. But it was always great when i pulled about 10 yellows and oranges and we surived it wuth the 3 of us getting a few each and guarding ect they were great times.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
how was your first day in DAoC?
got lost in camp forest had to get tehmeh on his necro lvl30 to give me a guided tour went off the camelot, and stayed around ludlow for a while

who was your first character?
zeusmdk wizzy specced him fire till lvl 40 the ice for those uber lvling grps in ac

was it hard to lvl?
was fun hit dunters and danoian clerics was soon in ac pbaoeing

tell everyone about your noob days.
sorc mezz bunch of hids/mids i ran in and pbaoe thinking they would be like mobs and die quick lol

first time in rvr?
see above:/\:
remember just after toa came out i was on wizzy and teh was on his necro i had just got a PN we ported to Odins gate (OF) i dropped the PN we was omg how many stealthers and started nuking em

had some new to do almost every day and now it just seems to the same thing every time i log on


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 17, 2004
how was your first day in DAoC?
Cant remember much apart from getting all my armour dyed pink as that was the only reason
id told zeus that id give the game a go.

who was your first character?
Fluffie the friar which i deleted at lvl20 as i found it boring then made Pinkey.

was it hard to lvl?
No i got pl'ed by a lot of zeus's friends so didnt really have to do much lol.

tell everyone about your noob days.
LOL well i remember a group of us going to stygia to do scorpian tail ring and they asked me to pull, i didnt have a clue so they said debuff, so i aoe debuffed the whole camp and wiped us

first time in rvr?
I didnt get it lol, i just remember sticking to zeus and kept asking why we were running about a lot for no aparent reason lol.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
First day consisted of running round Humberton beating up Ants. Took ages to work out the Con thing (in those days the colour above their head was always blue - or was it yellow), til I eventually worked out where I should be looking. Think I even wandered as far as a stand of trees near Ludlow.

First Character - Darzil

Hard to Level - Got soo much easier in the mid teens when I got told about twisting, and shortly after end chant got added. Really slowed down in mid thirties, then accelerated once I hit 40. I used to craft in Diogel around that point, and would get invites to Avalon City groups every time I did. Was still slow by modern standards, I didn't meet an Ice wiz until after 50. Basically solo til 40, with occasional exceptions.

Noob moments - Failing to understand 'text speak', thus taking someone's way of saying afk as an ok to pull, and wiping the group.

First time in RvR - Went to Thid, hated it, I was a group specced character, and wanted to group. Most people I met wanted to run solo in order to minimise their rp's and stay there as long as possible. I came very close to quitting, then went out with a bunch of 50's in the frontier. That was sooo much more fun, even if I only tickled opponents, and barely blocked for anyone I guarded.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2005
Had a bit of an odd start as my first character I ever played was a 30-something cleric on my husband's other account. He was near a guild-held keep and exp-ing his mercenary, shooting down a steep hill at what looked like bandits. I guess I took pity on his cleric just standing there and started to ask how healing worked and which things to press!

Got a fright when some guild mates of his came by and asked for buffs. I didnt have a clue so frantically asked for advice. Not to mention being a bit scared silly of what to say to these people talking to "my" character. Never had played a computer game before let alone a MMORPG.

I think its wonderful that a cleric at a lower level can still be useful to a group of 50s - so felt included in top level PvE right from the start.

Adopted him, got very fond of him and was soon down in Darkness Falls with an entire guild group down by the Princes I think. Was so nervous I'd let people down I constantly watched the health bars of the group and nearly fell down a precipice!

Shortly after realised that I'd been one of a tiny handful of much needed clerics on a ML3 raid I think. If you'd have asked me at the time I wouldnt have had a clue what a Master Level was! Wasnt even 40.

Took me ages to actually get to 50! I guess for me I wasnt so interested in getting levels but actually enjoying exploring or trying out different classes. I still am to be honest.

Similarly adopted the tailor character on the same account - a level 8 minstrel by the name of Galadry. Took it upon myself to make sure I could twist in songs and pet charm properly - so many fun initial experiences of being bitten in the bum by a pet whilst trying to run fast in Avalon Marsh! Never wanted to stealth on him whatsoever - he was a minstrel, minstrels should be flashy foppish types and why would someone like that want to hide! Instead much preferred slapping things hard over the head with a weapon. Used to banter a lot in guild chat and we used to even do stuff like make up limericks and plenty of wordplay. Well it was a roleplay guild :)

My first "real" character of my very own to level from 1 up was my friar Rhilith. My first female character! Trio-ed with a polearm (then 2-h) armsman and a paladin, a really effective little group. Then started to form Wednesday night training sessions that got bigger and more popular over time. Have got very fond memories of huuuge pulls in the Outerward of Krondon or pulling contraptions near the Cabalist's Tower.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 30, 2004
Played the Beta as a Zerker and rolled a Dwarf played with an IRL Mate

On release we both took days off work and got the EU version on day of release, I rolled a Skald and he rolled a Zerker, we knew where to hunt but it was still OMG with loads of noobs running about.

Later both made hunters called Marticus and Tarticus, and then we also rolled Zerkers again called Little and Large :)

Was superb in the early days, Hunter was proper OP and was 1 shotting casters without coming out of stealth :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
i killed a few frogs on a firby bm called farquaz or summin got to about lvl 4 and thought omg this game is a pile of shit. logged off. week or so later gave it another try rolled a lurikeen ranger...

and so the legend was born....


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
censi said:
i killed a few frogs on a firby bm called farquaz or summin got to about lvl 4 and thought omg this game is a pile of shit. logged off. week or so later gave it another try rolled a lurikeen ranger...

and so the legend was born....
technically it wasnt aBM as you were only lvl 4 :<


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
It all started a day at the local netcafé, one of the locals came in with his new box, his new game, my new hobby! - Dark age of Camelot!

And i saw him play the first lvls, it was the release day, i couldnt WAIT to get my hands on this little beauty, and soon ( 10-20 mins later) i had it my self.

I started up at mag mel, with my honorable, and sturdy champion called Ridder ( means knight in danish ), and i can never forget thoose fcking wolfs near tir na mbeo !! lunatishe etc...

soon i decided to start something with a bow instead, it was to become the female red haired celt ranger, Vampire, i remember the first spec at lvl44ish, 16stealth, 30path, 20pierce, 25blade and rest bow ;p i was so gimped..

anyways, soon i found my self with 3 accs and 20 lvl50's scattered all over the place... my rvr experience of the game came a bit late, when i started all over ( after selling all other accs, am i allowed to say stuff like this in here? ;p )


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 25, 2004
My first char was a paladin named Lakim (my name backwards), it got all the way to level 15, then i got tired of it.. Then i decided to make a powerfull scout! it was a saracen slash specced female called Susil. I played this all day and all night, until one night it dinged level 50 in Avalon City, with almost 18 days played. I remember back then the scouts were powerfull and wanted in most xp groups because of their range and damage, which soon changed for the worse.. :( It got a template which cost me 10plats with spellcrafting and masterpieces, but still my slash spec proved to be utter crap as a saracen..

It got scammed and my heart was broken.

Then i inherited (sp) a friends old account; Lawrence the Minstrel! I joined the Deadly Shadow crew and we pwned most things in rvr. I also remember that back then minstrels were very powerfull and lethal, but that also changed for the worse.

Then i made a theurgist and played that, then i got tired of that aswell:< and then i had spring break, and made a friar, toaed it and rvr'd it a bit but it soon proved to be a poor solo character, and since most of my old friends i used to group with had left the game long ago, i decided to quit:(

My daoc history.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
I played the US server at first as there was no such thing as EU servers, I started on Tristan server in a guild called Jarumgand or something on Midgard, great guild very friendly, myself and a friend rolled a pair of warriors, got to 44 (called them Toestubber and Henchman) were mobs near a starter town i think, and decided to hit emain for a spot of RvR, we bumped into a pair of scouts at AMG and they ran rings round us, stealth shoot stealth shoot, we ended up hiding between the gate doors to try and regen some health, couldnt even get close to fighting them, shortly after we heard about EU servers.
Came to Albion and the scouts Tip and Aim were born, thats when the nightmare began levelling 2 scouts,hence Cinquill our buffbot was born(dont laugh but he has 430 days played lol) took forever, gobbo's and Tree's still give me nightmares, made many friends within the stealther community while RvRing in what was then old emain, RR7 in those days was quite high, Tip retired from active duty when NF was released, Aim kept going and recently hit RR10, while not active in RvR for over 12 months i managed to get 15 x 50s all ML10, and never have to worry about getting anything in the game ever again, all due to the bad memorys of having to level 2 scouts from scratch and struggling to make ends meat lol, Been in some fantastic Guilds over the years, met some great people, had a couple of breaks (like us all), and still here, currently playing in Active groups with Dwarff(pole arms) or on my Infiltrator(Tipp) with friends.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
I was off on sick leave after dislocated knee injury. Ordered the game off Amazon and waited patiently for 48 hours until it arrived. Took about 1 hour to download patches to 1.4x on classic. I then chose Mid as the viking warriors mythology interested me. I rolled a kobold SB and leveled away solo. Could never get groups and most people I tried getting info from were quite rude. The usual reply on how to spec being, "FO noob!"

So first few days in DAOC were pretty crap to be honest. I gave up on Mid and rerolled Albion, starting with a sword and shield Pally. Everyone was pretty friendly and at lvl 6 I joined Red Dragons Guild with Spiral (Cleric) who I had been leveling with. It was a great laugh and I really enjoyed those days of endless leveling. Guys like Madonion, Feyd, Stephen, Fii and Zlair were all great to group with.

I can remember going out into emain at level 47 with Pally one morning to look around. Got jumped at AMG by an SB who ran after I engaged for a while and healed up. I then ran up to the Mill and found two mids sitting down warrior/shamen. Slammed the shamen and beat him down but got totally pawned by the warrior. I remember thinking WTF he's doing 3 x the damage I am. Shows not much has changed, Pallys still gimped ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 24, 2006
I'd tried DAOC on the US servers just messing about on mid for a few hours, but gave it my full attention when the EU servers came up...persuaded 5 uni mates to roll with me and we went Mid.

Had a great time playing Uggz my troll warrior, we worked out the horse routes and all met up....i forget the classes we had but it seemed to work pretty well and we levelled fairly fast whilst exploring...

One thing i do remember that was funny was that annoying named bugger behind Fort Atla i think...the 6 of us wanted to kill him for the undoubted uber loot he must have.....7 wipes (and countless tactical changes) later we gave up.

All my mates quit except 1 who joined Nolby Pride...I was about to quit but thought bugger it i'll roll a friar and solo for a day cause i was bored. That stupid broken class got me completely hooked!

Caylan Raal

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Started Daoc after a couple of friends started going on about it: aka Toxwan, Mason & Mebh! - they bought it i watched it - i bought it :)

Initially started a fire wizard on albion called Kharious, got to lvl 7 and got fed up of dying to Goblins. Had trouble finding people to grp with at the times i was playing, so left for a month or so.

Was unemployed not long after so decided to give it another go. But deleted and rerolled hib as though it would be more fun to meet meh friends on the oppoisite side of the field so to speak :) Rolled a BM (Caylan) as i fancied the theme surrounding the class ...stuck with it ever since as my main up untill i stopped playing recently.

Solod my way to lvl 21 at which point i got invited to my 1st guild: Blackland Skirmishers - Kept a real dodgy gimp spec after hitting 50 - somet like 50 blades, 45 cd rest parry iirc :). At around lvl 40 i made my own guild: Inquisition of Raal - lasted about a year before we merged with NFD.

Had a great time blundering my way through the early stages of the game - met some really great people too :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
my first daoc char was a female troll shammy, named Mieramy.

lvl her to lvl 14.9 and lost alot of xp and went back to 14.1 almost quit the game then...

Few days later there was a xp boost patch and i got one lvl for free :D started playing my shammy again as i could go to vendo then to xp with ppl who were 3-5 lvls higher then me (that was alot at that time).

My first time in rvr was at lvl 34 (could rez everyone except a lvl 50) was there with one lvl 50 and some others and i was bloody nervous :p

around 40 i went to malmo, same as everyone else and i actually enjoyed going there :) haven had to be main CC at that time :)

When i finally reached 50 (after aprox 6 months) i didn't like playing her anymore and started playing my thane...

now after almost 5 years playing, my shammy and thane are totally rusted and gimped and almost never play em anymore (givf racerespec to kobbie, i loved playing shammy...)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Fahdlan said:
it may be the wrong section. but most people read this section so, move it if you want to.

how was your first day in DAoC?
who was your first character?
was it hard to lvl?
tell everyone about your noob days.
first time in rvr?
would be fun to read.

i think you should go out more

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