Your daily terrorist bullshit.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Fucks sake, they are beaming flags onto monuments now.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I don't see anyone here who's been directly affected by this tragedy.

I do see a mob here calling for indescrimiate torture based on suspicion. (Is that not telling people how to think @Raven?)

Get off your faux high-horses. You've not lost a sister or brother (and if you had you can bet your arse I wouldn't have brought this argument up yet - I'm not insensitive).

You make your arguments where they're happening - and some are calling for torture. That sort of idiocy needs to be faced up to - it's the same as facing up to people who call for terrorism. Torture of this kind is state terrorism - which is a hell of a lot more dangerous to us all than madboy Jihadi John and his home-made nail-bomb.

Well the OH's best friend from school was at the concert, so she's been up half the night (we were in Mexico at the time, now in LA) trying to make sure she was ok. Not exactly what was needed when we were up at 4am to catch a flight, but it's not as like she was going to sleep anyway not knowing if she was ok.

I mentioned your comparisons to car accidents and air pollution, and I won't tell you her reaction. Actually I will, she thinks you are a weapons grade cocksocket for even thinking of comparing the two. The thing is with car fatalities, is no one goes out with the intention of killing anyone - clue is in the name, accident. And I'm not even going to go there on fucking air pollution, other than ask how many people drive down a high street in an old diesel with the thought of choking a few people to death? Pre fucking cicsely.

Jesus fucking Christ I can't actually believe half the shite you've come out with on this thread. You're actually comparing some animal blowing up a pop concert full of kids to air pollution? If you can't see why the family of the victims are going to be more aggrieved after a terrorist attack than a car crash, then I'm afraid you really don't understand people half as well as you think you do.

In fact, I know we're supposed to be civil on these boards and all that, but I can only think of one real response to the insensitive gibberish you've posted.

Just fuck off.

P.s her friend is OK by the way.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
I don't think that was @Scouse intention. He is reacting to the use of torture and in explaining himself with perspective. I understand that some of you won't want to listen to perspective right now but what he is explains is directly related to terrorism and should absolutely be in this thread. Yes what happened was horrible, yes the fact that a teen concert was targetted was horrible, however it does not mean that we 'human beings' should sacrifice our humanity and endorse torture. I understand it is human nature to feel for others who have lost a child or parent in this incident, however I feel that social media reactions are a little too much and sometimes self indulgent... yes it can be used to show the world solidarity towards these crimes but also it gives these groups "attention" when they are better ignored. Shouldn't the message be to the perpetrators of terrorism be 'no matter what you do us you will not take our humanity"? Rather than we will torture your loved ones, bomb your homes and kill your kids'


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Its not perspective, only if you reduce it to numbers without any context.
If you said we need to reduce from tick bites, perspective would be how many people die from air pollution.

I cant be bothered to carry on and explain something again that Scouse knows fully well, he just wants to play the part of the big picture guru, even though he is cherry picking his big picture.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Just imagine what this country would be like if some of the more vociferous social media commentators had their way. No thanks, I'd rather run the absolutely minuscule risk of being blown up while living in a free country.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Perspective is EVEN more important in situations like this. As it's very easy to let emotion take over, when it's close to home, rather than continue to rely on objective critical thinking.

I live in Leeds. People I know were there. (Fortunatly no one I know was hurt)

Yet still I am able to consider the situation whilst disconnecting that part of me that wants to react with unbridalled fury.

Condoning torture for any reason is abhorant. FULL STOP.

And as for Job stating he will avoid arabics in the airport... if it had been a white guy that did this... would you have changed that statement to avoiding white people in the airport?

No, off course not. Because your racist.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Perspective is EVEN more important in situations like this. As it's very easy to let emotion take over, when it's close to home, rather than continue to rely on objective critical thinking.

I live in Leeds. People I know were there. (Fortunatly no one I know was hurt)

Yet still I am able to consider the situation whilst disconnecting that part of me that wants to react with unbridalled fury.

Condoning torture for any reason is abhorant. FULL STOP.

And as for Job stating he will avoid arabics in the airport... if it had been a white guy that did this... would you have changed that statement to avoiding white people in the airport?

No, off course not. Because your racist.




The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
It didnt happen to me, so people should calm down.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It didn't happen to you so stop trying to wind people up.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I think the word you are looking for is empathy, or lack thereof.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You can absolutely empathise fully without becoming part of the knuckle dragging retard mob.

Or does the empathy you're talking about mean "lose control of all rational functions"?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
If that is what you think I meant then run with it. Not fussed.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
If that is what you think I meant then run with it. Not fussed.
Well, you will post cryptically.

I'm open to you explaining clearly if you like.
Last edited:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I am surprised anyone bothers reading it anyway.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Having had a good night's sleep and calmed down a bit I can see your point was a bit more nuanced than first thought Scouse, I'm just starting to get a bit fed up with people generally trying to make excuses for these fuckers (not necessarily on here, social media mostly).

You can still fuck off though :)


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
No, the older you are the more you have experienced life. A 98 yr old is not the same as an 8yr old. For one, we know what the 98 yr old did, but we don't know know how the 8 yr old could have shaped the world.
Everyone is bemoaning Roger Moore's death. But he was 89! most of us won't make that. He'd lived a full and happy life. The 8 yr old has been deprived of that chance. Deliberately. It's the deliberately that is the difference.


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
Last time I went to Stade de France we went thro 3 check points, I was patted down and had my bag searched, even when we go to our small rugby grounds in Paris it's the same. even going to the outlet park near Disney.
We were at Manchester Arena a few weeks ago no one even looked in my bag. Not that that would've helped because if the explosion was in the foyer it is where the arena joins the railway station and anyone can walk in.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Channel 4 news is that Burqa wearing woman...shes wearing huge white rimmed glasses...and 'love' printed on her chest and the O is a hand grenade...the cameraman is doing his best to keep her out of shot.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Channel 4 news is that Burqa wearing woman...shes wearing huge white rimmed glasses...and 'love' printed on her chest and the O is a hand grenade...the cameraman is doing his best to keep her out of shot.

aHAHAHAH I saw that, krishnan interviewed her as well.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Pretty good post by a Muslim cage fighter from back in 2016 that's resurfaced given the events of this week.

Tam Khan
"I'm a Muslim and proud to be one but I think it's time as Muslims we fix this bullshit problem we have. Yes we do have a problem with our community & so called 'Muslim' brothers. Whatever is going on it's time we stop blaming others, stop being the 'victims' & blaming the west. We need to fix this epidemic of inbreds from doing these despicable crimes. Sorry I don't care if you think I'm being harsh. Islam is a beautiful religion BUT these uneducated monkeys misinterpret things & feel they are acting on Gods behalf & it's only getting worse.

I am fed up of going back to the UK to visit home & see these pricks protest against the government or army or Poppy's or flags. Are you having a a fucking laugh? It's England, if they want to fly a flag they bloody well should. If they want to celebrate their army and all they should it's their country. If you don't like it, leave. I'd love to see these people talk crap in Muslim countries. They would be smashed in seconds. Locked up & tortured.

I think it's time the British or west deport not only those who speak bad or against the country but the entire family also. You come to a country to milk the benefit system, free education & health yet complain. Try that in Pakistan or the Gulf. See what will happen. It's pissing me off seeing this shit. Monkeys like Anjem Choudhury etc. Try talk bad in the Muslim states and see.

Contribute to the country that looks after you and your family. Respect their culture and traditions the same way they do when they live in Muslim countries. Doesn't mean your going against your religion. It's respect & what's taught in Islam. Live by the laws of the land.

I was born and raised in England. Never had any issues with racism or islampbobia. My closest friends were English & non Muslims. They treated me like a brother and likewise. I was able to practice my religion without offending them and they did without offending me. But over the last decade I have noticed real changes and I don't like it.

I feel more Muslims need to start cleaning up our society. We are lucky to be able to have so many mosques in England, able to have free speech but don't take the piss. If you don't like what you see it's simple, LEAVE!

Don't use the system, benefit from
It then manipulate it and the country you live in. We need more Muslims in our society who are looked up too to speak to the community, educate them and fix this shit. I am ashamed to see what I do nowadays. It bothers me so much.

We need to clean our society up and start being more active in mosques and Muslim 'areas'. Educate them, flag the authorities if you see individuals act strange or become illusive, any dodgy behaviour go flag these people. The end of the day it's your country also so you need to protect is just as much.

I am Muslim and proud but if you have an issue with what I'm saying debate with me or raise your concerns, better yet delete me if you disagree. I'm not here too make friends or kiss ass. Muslims we need to start cleaning up our communities ASAP. We are just as much to blame for letting these idiots do these things as they are for sitting quiet. If we don't it won't stop only get worse.

Stop becoming militants and extremists. Pray, do good, give charity, be good to your family and elders, contribute to your community, help the place prosper. Integrate, speak the bloody language of the country, educate yourselves, if you cannot you don't deserve to be there in the first place. By community I mean the place you live.

I have so much to say it's hard to fit it all in a status but one thing is for sure WE Muslims need to start Looking in our own communities and really need to try help clean it up because as much as we want to blame others it's bullshit. We need to clean up first.

These Idiots are giving us all a bad name. To all those who work hard, act normal and so on. Time to fix up and seriously clean up our own people now!"


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Fucking perspective: ARMED POLICE patrolling on the local GOLF COURSE tonight on my way home from a bike ride. 3 of them.


I'm disgusted at May's reaction to immediately put armed police all over the UK in response to this. It's to Britain's great credit that we don't regularly arm our police and that most patrols are unarmed. But that Nazi fucking whore has gun-toting plods walking around my local green space protecting the fairway. It's a fucking disgrace.

Well done terrorists. You're substantially changing the fabric of our society because so many of us are cowards that this sort of thing flies.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Well clearly they were there to protect the golfers from all those killer cars.

Any way I did find it a little tiresome watching the football last night with the commentators keep referencing the Manchester attack.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The cycle of life.


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