anything detailed/recent you will almost certainly not be allowed to walk in off the street and browse
if you want house related information, the lawyers are your best bet
Cerb, myself and uara, already researched Fitzgerald at the press office, he was a soldier who came back from a battle after serious injuries. He was never quite the same, he killed his whole family and then himself. I completely scoured the old papers for him.
Aside from the library, where the books have been donated, we really need to get in that house! And we need to watch our backs
[if you want, i can provide a post with all the individual information people have found so you can have a review without waiting for afk/time zones, etc...]
*May as well admit that I was considering killing you all and lied to Toht to get an ally I could later stab in the back..... I changed my mind though, I realised that this game wasn't about that*
[just figured it would be a good point to have a summing up, as some people are out of sync in time zones and people are looking as though they are going to go over ground already covered ]
*May as well admit that I was considering killing you all and lied to Toht to get an ally I could later stab in the back..... I changed my mind though, I realised that this game wasn't about that*
Well to be perfectly honest, i was planning on doublecrossign you before you got to Cerb and tie you up so folks would have a chance to decide what to do
Meta? No idea of that, this was a private discussion between me and ch3tan. He was going to murder you all, i was planning on going along and then catch him off guard. He ofcourse was planning to kill me as well, which i didn't know.
[WALL OF TEXT ALERT ! i -think- this is everything, if ive missed anything, then feel free to add it ]
you arrive at the sheriffs station.Upon entering you find the sheriff, who introduces himself as Sheriff Whitford. He doesnt seem pleased to see you
"yes ?..."
<I'm going to find out if they've found any John Does>
"not that its any of your business, but no we havent. isnt a lot of crime around these parts, and certainly dont expect to have bodies turning up. not sure what you folks take us for, but we arent barbarians just because we dont live in one of those nice big cities."
You are unsure if he dislikes you on principle, or is hiding something
"Mr Cornthwaite has had his papers with us since moving here in 1919. He has a strange will, ... and while i cant really reveal its contents to a third party, i will admit that he has no living relatives that he is aware of, so most of his fortune would be.. shall we say... 'gifted to the town'."
<What business Arthur had been involved in lately>
"well of course, we cant let you read his papers, and its mostly confidential. But what we can let you know, in a roundabout sort of way you understand is this : He has in the past run expeditions to exotic and far away locations, only returning from south america a few years ago. He was extremely wealthy so wasnt really in 'business' per se, more an investor you might call it. His affairs were all above board we can assure you!"
Do you know if Arthur had was planning any expeditions lately
"not that we are aware of, which is why his disappearance was so odd. As to dealing he may have had, he only did some of his correspondence through us. we have some of it that isnt confidential that you are welcome to look at, but i doubt it will shed much light on things. He wasnt that well when we last saw him and was acting slightly oddly, assume it was some funny foreign disease he picked up. didnt look too serious though. "
It can't hurt to take a look at the correspondence that isn't confidential
you find a few lists and money transfers and requests.
a request for a delivery of a truck of coal
a request for a delivery of a truck of salt
a standing order for a money roll to pay his staff - they were mostly out-of-town poeple, and he handled the hiring, firing, and paying of them himself
a record of his donation of books to the library, mostly about south america
boarding house:
You arrive at the boarding house. it is run by Hank and Edith Haggarty. It is a clean , Christian place, and they will clearly have no nonsense. "aah you must be one of those people the Dodge Brothers have got looking into the nice gentlemans dissappearance, yes ? Good. We do have rooms for you all here, booked in advance by the firm of lawyers, who will pay your bill. So youre welcome to stay as long as needed. But please remember, no smoking, no alcohol, no chewing tobacco, and no swearing!"
"newcomers you say ? no, not recently, dont get much through traffic nowadays, sadly, and we are empty at the moment, - why we can house you all"
"oh very well young man, if you insist, though i doubt you will find it thrilling read" Hank stands close to you as you quickly scan the pages.
<you look at the register. It is pretty barren. Nobody has stayed in here in over 2 months. Must be the christmas and new year weather keeping people at home>
"the man himself you say ? well whats to tell. He was a nice gentlemen, very 'correct' one might say. Did a lot for the town, always helping out.
Donated a lot of his old books to the library i believe. opening fetes, that sort of thing . Most are beyond me, all funny science and foreign what not, but I suppose someone with your.. talents ..might find them palatable".
a pause
"but now i think back, last time i saw Mr Cornthwaite, he was looking a bit under the weather, if you get my meaning. a bit peaky. Probably something he brought back from south america i shouldnt wonder. But it didnt look 'bad' if thats whats your thinking, more like a bad cold or something"
you arrive at the asylum. A large, ominous building. You knock on the front door. .and wait..and wait... eventually it is opened by a rather non descript orderly.."yes?..."
<you know what these eccentric millionaire types are like. I wonder if he has been committed>
"Nope, im sorry. I had heard he might be missing, but we havent had any new 'clients' in over a year im afraid. But best of luck sorting it out sir!"
he shuts the door quickly. this would appear to be a dead end.
the paper:
you arrive at the Gamwell Gazette. A small and cluttered office, a sign by the door reading "Established 1887". The Editor introduces himself as Stan Artemis. He is a gregarious, overdressed man, you reckon to be in his mid 40s. He is wearing a bright red-and-green check suit and a panama hat.
"oh howdy, you must be them people the lawyers were mentioning ? coming to look for old Mr C ? .. any leads or ideas yet ? any..inside scoop ? not to push you of course, but..well...we do have a paper to write you know!" He looks around. "Oh dear, Joe isnt here at the moment, or id ask him to interview you proper like.. long time since i did that sort of thing meself you see"
<ask them who informed them of Arthurs disappearance and if they uncovered anything which they found suspicious about the whole thing.>
"well now. Its quite a small town, as im sure you can see, so its not suprising that news gets around, and what with Mr C being such a nice friendly gent..he was conspicuous by his absence you see. "..a long pause.."but then, you see, its that house, isnt it..."
he seems disinclined to say any more
<i'll enquire about any other disappearances in the area that could relate to the one we're investigating>
"We dont get much in the way of crime in these parts my young friend. Apart from the house , of course, having what one might call a 'bit of history'but it dont tend to do no good going around digging up things like that"
"joe ? oh joe Virelli. Sorry, i keep forgetting you arent from round here. hes our photographer/reporter/general type. Very keen, you see . hes out somewhere now chasing up some story or other i dont doubt"
"aah the house. the Fitzgerald Manse. Im suprised nobody told you about it seeing as your here about Mr C. Its his house you see, bought it in 1919. Got a dreadful history. Johnny Fitzgerald came back from the Civil War you see, wasnt quite right though, took some grapeshot to the head at first Bull Run. That same year he shot his family, and then himself. terrible tragedy. House has had a bit of a reputation since then you see. People hoped that was it , but 30 years ago, the family living there was killed, well butchered more really. Was a dreadful sight i heard, chopped up like kindling they were. the lady and the 3 children. The husband, Arthur Curwin, is still missing. Folks dont rightly know if he did it and fled, or is in or near the house, buried somewhere. People try to forget these things. You might ask the Sheriff about that, but if you do, tread carefully. he was only a deputy then, and i think it affected him badly" . "thats all i remember anyway, we do have a record of all old papers in the back somewhere, if you want to go digging in there, feel free, but mind the dust, and please dont make a mess"
<paper article> GAMWELL FAMILY SLAIN IN TERRIBLE ATTACK! Mother and three children killed. Police seek missing father. A tragedy of awful proportons unfolded today in Gamwell when Mrs Gloria Curwin and her three children (Harold 5, Sarah 3, and Susan 2) were found brutally murdered on their estate north of Gamwell, the well-known Fitzgerald Manse. Deputy Whitford of the Gamwell County Sheriff's Office made the grisly discovery while making a routine inspection. "ive never seen anything like it" the brave but shaken deputy told this reporter "they were all dead". The family had indeed been brutally and cowardly slain, struck down by repeated blows from an axe. Not even little Susan was spared from this hideous fate. No murder weapon has been discovered, and Mr Arthur Curwin, the childrens father, is presently missing. He is wanted by the police for questioning, although fears are also held for his safety. Gamwell Gazette, may 17th, 1895
RE: Mr Cornthwaite:
"of course i have, what a silly question ! he owns the big house just out of town. Hes gone now though, i did go up and have a quick look, those lawyers asked me to check the house in an official capacity. wasnt anyone home, but no signs of violence or anything like that, which is a nice change for that damn building"
"he was a well liked man around town, doubt you will find anyone who will say a bad word about him. As to his business dealings, they are mostly long term investments, he was very wealthy, and he was often away on his expeditions, he only got back from south america a while ago. we havent had any sign of anything improper occuring though, and round here, news like that would travel fast"
the house:
"aah the house. the Fitzgerald Manse. Im suprised nobody told you about it seeing as your here about Mr C. Its his house you see, bought it in 1919.
Got a dreadful history. Johnny Fitzgerald came back from the Civil War you see, wasnt quite right though, took some grapeshot to the head at first Bull Run. That same year he shot his family, and then himself. terrible tragedy. House has had a bit of a reputation since then you see. People hoped that was it , but 30 years ago, the family living there was killed, well butchered more really. Was a dreadful sight i heard, chopped up like kindling they were. the lady and the 3 children. The husband, Arthur Curwin, is still missing. Folks dont rightly know if he did it and fled, or is in or near the house, buried somewhere. People try to forget these things. You might ask the Sheriff about that, but if you do, tread carefully. he was only a deputy then, and i think it affected him badly"
cal - house
rubric - sheriff
uara - house
is what i have so far
while you are discussing it, walter dodge walks up to you .."im sorry gentlemen, i clean forgot to mention... heres the keys for the house, might come in useful !"
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