wtf are we gone get now ?


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Arethir said:
True, thread ain't about CM. Just wanna say though, that i agree CM can be alot of help at times ingame, and they do provide alot of help to defend the realm and their realmmates.

Personally I've never had any issues with any CM member ingame, and ingame they've always seemed to me like a great bunch of friendly and helpfull people. The only difference i see, is that they enjoy some different aspects of the game than i do. Even though lately they have been closing more and more up to the parts of the game that i enjoy (ie i've seen a fair share of their members out in the fg RvR, not adding, not jumping people who are resting, and withstanding all of the "unwritten rules of Agramon").

Also, afaik CM wasn't even on this raid, so there's no reason to bring them up on the subject. They didn't AC this time. Though i can understand why you use them as an excample, this time they are not to blame.

actually leave them alone this is not CM. Some gimp like (not sure what its name is or a anything) Dorner posted something in a thread about it recently. Leave CM alone imo look closer. Anyway I leanred some German Heiler is healer I fink...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
[HB]Jpeg said:
not been ingame but seems mids and hibs working together?

u all whine its spoiling the game and then u both go cross realm (impossible to do that without some sort of cross realm comunication) and IMO thats much much worse than a AC raid.

There's a realm map.. type /rw and it will appear.

Not hard to see that mids are going for keep X and send your hib army to keep Y. Taking a relic is like painting a huge bullseye on your keeps, it has been from day 1. You can't take an enemys realms relic and then complain when people turn up to try and take it back. Of course the 2 realms without the relics are going to pick on the realm with the relics when it comes to who to seige.. if you wanted to put on your roleplaying hat, nothing else would make sense. It's hardly against the CoC, it's actually finally following the roleplaying spirit of the game.

Now put your roleplaying hat down for a second and realise that that isn't what's important here.. The servers currently have a dire population level with more people leaving every day. At some point people are going to have to start to consider what's important to keep the servers alive or there's going to be 12 people left paying their subs so they can play how they like wondering where all the other people went. When there was 5k pop online the arguments that worked then stop working so well when there's only 200 people left.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Again, people mistakenly thinking this has anything to do with IRC or people from the other realms.
I suppose you have to latch onto something to attempt to discredit us, though to be honest i'd rather not be associated with Albion if this is all its about. Theres no skill or honour amongst any of you, no sense that this is a game and that there are real people playing with and against you, no sense that we're all in this to enjoy the game and make something of it.
You have been destroying the community for a long time and have the audacity to lay the same accusations on TT. I don't know who half the people are anymore but its been a VERY long time since anything of value or substance appeared in the relic taking/ keep siege department. Gone are the days of people like Herbal leading large raids against the enemy realms and organising the defence of our own realm (primetime might I add). Gone are the days of honour and substance, you have left Albion a husk of what it once was and continue to bleed dry the other realms until there will be nothing more of this game and this cluster.
The one thing that kept me playing these past few months was the enjoyment of the FG scene, though its ups and downs at least it managed to maintain some iota of respect between players (as is evident here). Respect isn't bought, it is given to those deemed worthy of it, which is why I have no respect for Albion as a rule. Those I do respect know who they are and those in the other realms know aswell.
You can say we are not part of Albion, exclude us from all raids, bar us from taking keeps and participating in relic raids. I for one will be thankful not to be associated with those have done a very good job in raping what little pride and spirit I had left for the realm and the game as a whole.
Good luck in your endeavours, for someday soon you will wrench out the heart of the server and hold it aloft for all to see.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
Golena said:
There's a realm map.. type /rw and it will appear.

Not hard to see that mids are going for keep X and send your hib army to keep Y. Taking a relic is like painting a huge bullseye on your keeps, it has been from day 1. You can't take an enemys realms relic and then complain when people turn up to try and take it back. Of course the 2 realms without the relics are going to pick on the realm with the relics when it comes to who to seige.. if you wanted to put on your roleplaying hat, nothing else would make sense. It's hardly against the CoC, it's actually finally following the roleplaying spirit of the game.

Now put your roleplaying hat down for a second and realise that that isn't what's important here.. The servers currently have a dire population level with more people leaving every day. At some point people are going to have to start to consider what's important to keep the servers alive or there's going to be 12 people left paying their subs so they can play how they like wondering where all the other people went. When there was 5k pop online the arguments that worked then stop working so well when there's only 200 people left.

i play for fun... :) if i get zerged so be it... i aint been on a ac raid for eyars (used to tag along on a few in the older days when it was excal and myrdidon that held relics (back in those days it had to be ac cos was just to damn hard take em otherwise with huge pops.

tons of people are making a drama out of it cos relic got ac'd and acting as tho its the end of the world.. fact is......the games been going along time now... if people leave its due to boredom *been there bought the t-shirt etc etc* not because som1 takes a relic. thet pop will get LOWER and will continuously doing so. every1 is bored atm.. they just hanging on in there waiting for WH-Online. but some aint got the patience and quit.. or take a break. or re-roll for a fresh challenge.

same as glast that was and IS an awesomer server.. but the groups came got bored and left... it wasnt anything to do with ac's etc...Altho it was hib zerg that ultimatly killed it... same with PVP server.. they packed it out so no1 could log in due to high pop.... got bored and left. same as they will on cluster.. they get bored and leave.. im sure you know a lot of people who have come and gone from different servers games and RL stuff and returned

lotsa "im leaving threads" lately ... and i bet a fair few of em are back when new Xpack arrives. or before!! ... cos its new content etc... and when they get bored of that .. boom! YET ANOTHER "im quitting thread"


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Soulja_IA_ said:
TBH if anyone has had an influence in trying to destroy a server it is CM my reaction as you put it is probably what a hell of a lot of people think of you guild.

I don't try to be funny it was funny with you post where you tried to Act so mature but failed miserably.

Yes CM are Albs so are TT/Asylum but at least these players see the way CM play the game is soul destroying with AC Relic Raiding and keep taking in other frontiers at shyt o clock in morning and where people Like Muppet who wants these at a Primetime hour would like to join in the Fun.

Keep Pveing guards seems that is what CM are good at if you and CM had anysort of Balls you try and lead a primetime raid but would be as rare as rocking horse shit in CM ever trying to do that.


Your not reading anything... As you proberly dont play much daoc either lately, if you did then you would have seen that CM is not involved in taking anyting last months.

gravedigger said:
well since i see lot of albs whine its 24/7 game well wont it be now?

i mean TT is downgrading renaris so what? lot of you wanted 24/7 rvr game , well you will get it , now you wont have to take keeps hib/mid will prolly knock on the renaris keep anyday day most likely soon anyway , so you will get lots of rps from it (thats what you want anyway)

TT always has been a respectable guild for lot of years , dont really see the point hackin on em cous they did this , they pay THERE subs also you know and play how they feel like also , not like CM etc who have to pve keeps (take relics) whenever they feel like

they should be happy tbh when they come home late night now they can stay at lord renaris till they fall asleep now (defendin)

common be honest they want siege , so imho i think they got :england:

This is pretty clueless post there... sure its 24/7 but if you read the game contents its albs who defend alb realm, hib defend hib realm, mid defend mid realm... what TT is doing atm is not defending Alb realm, but there WEAKEN alb realm. and your one of the people
that just need to make a negative post about CM, your trying to make us irac and yourself the new bush?


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
AngelHeal said: about, stop fucking AC'ing wich is against the SotG,

Leave Staff of the Gods out of this :/ it has done no wrong


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
I'd just like to say a big Thank you to all those who have posted.

You have kept me entertained whilst at work for a good few hours.

Thanks again



Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
[HB]Jpeg said:
tons of people are making a drama out of it cos relic got ac'd and acting as tho its the end of the world.. fact is......the games been going along time now... if people leave its due to boredom *been there bought the t-shirt etc etc* not because som1 takes a relic......

What do you base this staement on, cuz it sure as hell aint fact. If you look at our english servers population s compared to the german. french or usa servers u might get a clue as to what is actually going on. The game is getting old but then how do you explain the differences in server population? If it was just a case of age then there would be a hell of a lot less players playing the game on the other servers.

There are many reason this slump in population is happening and all cannot be laid at the feet of Ac raids. Crap customer service from goa, the state of the laag (though have to say its been a lot better as of late) total disregard for bug fixes ingame, balance issues amongest others.

However, if you think that AC's have not played any part whatsoever in the recent slump then u have got to be blind. Do you have any idea how annoying it is to log in and find that yer entire /rw is changed color over night and the prospect of the getting all the keeps back isnt as some of you might think fun but boring as fuck.

This is without adding a relic into the formula, which you know full well that despite all yer hard work some idiot will just AC em back at some later stage and not give you any chance to defend against and which ineveitably they will get to fight for as we try to take em back. Not my idea of fun and i am sure not the majority of peoples idea of fun.

Getting back to answering this...
[HB]Jpeg said:
if people leave its due to boredom *been there bought the t-shirt etc etc* not because som1 takes a relic......

Sorry but you are totally wrong if they wanted to try a new challenege as u say they can do so on this server and seeing as most are either pissing off to USA or Avalon just proves it and not rerolling on alternative realm on this server proves this.

Its cuz people are fed up of small section of community dictating the way to play the game with AC raiding and the rubbish that follows it with all the bad blood.

I have just personally gone to goa web page and cancelled auto renew and defo wont be renewing again once subs run out in new year as i just plain cba with what i been doing today, i wanna log in and have a few runs with mates in RvR without spending endless hours cleaning up the mess some ***** have made at 2-6am.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Blow said:
Your not reading anything... As you proberly dont play much daoc either lately, if you did then you would have seen that CM is not involved in taking anyting last months.

Thats the problem i have been playing and it same scenario Albs only take Relics/Keeps when most of the server population are in Bed.
CM are the ones who started this type of play and sadly there are now the CM wannabees wether you not done it in a few months YOU started this type of playstyle.



Can't get enough of FH
Jul 24, 2005
IT was not CM!
IT was custodia Flux ;)
Tbh i woulda xpectec a comment like that from blow tbh,But he broke my heart cause he didnt :(


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
tierk said:
However, if you think that AC's have not played any part whatsoever in the recent slump then u have got to be blind. Do you have any idea how annoying it is to log in and find that yer entire /rw is changed color over night and the prospect of the getting all the keeps back isnt as some of you might think fun but boring as fuck.

This is without adding a relic into the formula, which you know full well that despite all yer hard work some idiot will just AC em back at some later stage and not give you any chance to defend against and which ineveitably they will get to fight for as we try to take em back. Not my idea of fun and i am sure not the majority of peoples idea of fun.

I for one love Relic action (especially on the low pop cluster) because relic action equals RvR action.
You see that everytime someone takes a relic there's loads of action the day(s) right after the relic has been taken and that (imo) is much more fun then running around and finding 1 person/group in 1 hour and see the rest standing at a bridge/tower which seems to be the norm when there's no insta-RvR or a Relic situation going on cluster.
Also you are not forced to take the towers/keeps/relics back, if you don't like doing that then why take part in it? Afterall you are playing this game for fun right?

tierk said:
Its cuz people are fed up of small section of community dictating the way to play the game with AC raiding and the rubbish that follows it with all the bad blood.

It goes both ways really, the "AC" crew "dictates" their way of playing by taking relics and the "FG" crew dictates their playing style with insulting people and enforcing player made rules upon people, now think to yourself which one do you think has made the most people quit? the people that take relics or the people that insult other people over a game?

Personally I think it's just that people need to find a scapegoat for the decline in the population and don't want to realise that it's mainly the age of the game that is taking the population down and try and force their own rules upon other people by stating somekind of doomsday and that their actions are the right one and if you follow those it will all be ok, which is all a piece of crap really because no matter what you do the server will slowly get drained of it's population due to the age of the game.
People might move to other server's which are more populated (which is currently happening with Avalon/US) but eventually even those server's will start to drop in population and your back at square one but with no more server's left to "flee" to.

This game is dieing and everyone knows that but people need to stop trying to find a scapegoat for it all the time with every single action in-game that they don't approve off or do not like.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
Andrilyn said:
I for one love Relic action (especially on the low pop cluster) because relic action equals RvR action.
You see that everytime someone takes a relic there's loads of action the day(s) right after the relic has been taken and that (imo) is much more fun then running around and finding 1 person/group in 1 hour and see the rest standing at a bridge/tower which seems to be the norm when there's no insta-RvR or a Relic situation going on cluster.
Also you are not forced to take the towers/keeps/relics back, if you don't like doing that then why take part in it? Afterall you are playing this game for fun right?

It goes both ways really, the "AC" crew "dictates" their way of playing by taking relics and the "FG" crew dictates their playing style with insulting people and enforcing player made rules upon people, now think to yourself which one do you think has made the most people quit? the people that take relics or the people that insult other people over a game?

Personally I think it's just that people need to find a scapegoat for the decline in the population and don't want to realise that it's mainly the age of the game that is taking the population down and try and force their own rules upon other people by stating somekind of doomsday and that their actions are the right one and if you follow those it will all be ok, which is all a piece of crap really because no matter what you do the server will slowly get drained of it's population due to the age of the game.
People might move to other server's which are more populated (which is currently happening with Avalon/US) but eventually even those server's will start to drop in population and your back at square one but with no more server's left to "flee" to.

This game is dieing and everyone knows that but people need to stop trying to find a scapegoat for it all the time with every single action in-game that they don't approve off or do not like.

I read this post twice to try and find something to argue about, but to be honest I think your 100% correct.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Andrilyn said:
It goes both ways really, the "AC" crew "dictates" their way of playing by taking relics and the "FG" crew dictates their playing style with insulting people and enforcing player made rules upon people, now think to yourself which one do you think has made the most people quit? the people that take relics or the people that insult other people over a game?

Yeah! it's only people who run FG v FG that insult people... well done, you win a cookie.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Gosh, Andrilyn you are so eloquent at this time, how do you make it? Anyway, repped for the truth.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 22, 2005
I did quit sometime ago, and just by seeing this thread, i know that i did the right thing..


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Andrilyn said:
It goes both ways really, the "AC" crew "dictates" their way of playing by taking relics and the "FG" crew dictates their playing style with insulting people and enforcing player made rules upon people, now think to yourself which one do you think has made the most people quit? the people that take relics or the people that insult other people over a game?

Every ac raid there is, a thread appears which brings a lot of people who are not very happy about it posting their views...and then the people who have done the ac raid laugh in all their faces.

that doesn't happen with the "fg crew".

The "ac crew" then "dictate" the realm to defend these so harshly procured relics. If a player was to say "no, i don't like the way it was taken" the "ac crew" would embark on insulting this player and calling him various types of the word "traitor".


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
swords said:
Again, people mistakenly thinking this has anything to do with IRC or people from the other realms.
I suppose you have to latch onto something to attempt to discredit us, though to be honest i'd rather not be associated with Albion if this is all its about. Theres no skill or honour amongst any of you, no sense that this is a game and that there are real people playing with and against you, no sense that we're all in this to enjoy the game and make something of it.
You have been destroying the community for a long time and have the audacity to lay the same accusations on TT. I don't know who half the people are anymore but its been a VERY long time since anything of value or substance appeared in the relic taking/ keep siege department. Gone are the days of people like Herbal leading large raids against the enemy realms and organising the defence of our own realm (primetime might I add). Gone are the days of honour and substance, you have left Albion a husk of what it once was and continue to bleed dry the other realms until there will be nothing more of this game and this cluster.
The one thing that kept me playing these past few months was the enjoyment of the FG scene, though its ups and downs at least it managed to maintain some iota of respect between players (as is evident here). Respect isn't bought, it is given to those deemed worthy of it, which is why I have no respect for Albion as a rule. Those I do respect know who they are and those in the other realms know aswell.
You can say we are not part of Albion, exclude us from all raids, bar us from taking keeps and participating in relic raids. I for one will be thankful not to be associated with those have done a very good job in raping what little pride and spirit I had left for the realm and the game as a whole.
Good luck in your endeavours, for someday soon you will wrench out the heart of the server and hold it aloft for all to see.

I'm sorry but this is absolute bollox. What the fuck has 1 group taking a relic in the middle of the night got to do with a realm? The problem with your actions isn't even about the relic - if you had done the same on a non-relic keep I'd have still said it was a ***** trick. You reduced the level of a keep so that another realm could take it.That goes completely against the entire spirit of the game (and don't talk about me not respecting the fg scene - I've not been to Agramon since it was agreed amongst many of us you could have your scene there) . And whatever your (or my) views on AC raids 2 wrongs don't make a right.

The fact that you bring honour and skill and fg fights into it sums it up. Why would those who only play the game for fg fights be the slightest bit concerned about a relic? I can only guess that whereas for years we played regardless of who had the bonus you've become so f*cking anal about it that now when even a single relic changing hands (and to a fg'er how it's done should be irrelevant if large scale battles don't interest you) you would shit on your own. Laugh at all us zerging, adding, AC'ing noobs who have no pride or spirit if it makes you feel better - the bottom line is that it doesn't matter how you wrap it up, this is a ***** trick. Still I guess it was worth it for the virtual cock sucking you've got on these boards and no doubt on TS/IRC as a result eh?


swords said:
Again, people mistakenly thinking this has anything to do with IRC or people from the other realms..

Oh really?

swords said:
The one thing that kept me playing these past few months was the enjoyment of the FG scene.

This is why you've done it. Because your fg'ing chums from other realms spat their dummies out over it. Stop pretending otherwise.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Muylaetrix said:
it`s a 24/7 game,

NOONE has the right to decide for other people that it is not the case.

The relics were FAIRLY taken as far as the CoC and SoTG go, what TT does is not imho.

If noone has the right to decide for other people, then why are you desperatly trying to decide for TT on what level they should set their keep?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Christ Bracken, you are obsessed with online fellatio, someone may get the wrong idea if you keep mentioning it.
Two wrongs don't make a right but nor is one wrong right. Herein lies the problem. Plus you don't even know what effect all this retarded ACing has had on the FG scene since you don't interact with it, so I fail to see how valid your points actually are? And where did I say that I exclusively play in a GG only, sucking the E-peens of all the other GG only players who roam agramon? I've played all aspects of this game with a whole bunch of people over the past few years, yourself included so it's kinda surprising that I get all these felatio remarks from you as opposed to someone who hasn't played with me at all, ever.
If anything I think that you are branding me and all other people on the FG scene with a strongly opinionated and unfounded steriotype. Maybe if you actually engaged in conversation you'd see we are real people, we drink beer, we work and we definitely pay our subs.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Puppet said:
If noone has the right to decide for other people, then why are you desperatly trying to decide for TT on what level they should set their keep?

Because Muylaetrix lives in his own little World together with Kinetix and Blow.

Actually i expected more AC Raids so nothing new here apart from the Albion Guild trying to lower the Keep which i find impressive! And btw even if it would work it isn't against the CoC. Same wit early morning raids.

Albs who work against the early morning raid trend have my respect while the AC Crew are just gimps. ^^


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Blow said:
TT and Asylum are in the same alliance.

from now on i will ignore all guilds/people from that alliance.

if i ever wil get a relic again with my group then it will be placed in a keep that is not claimed by a guild from that alliance.

If you dont agree with a late night relic take, then you just dont help defending it when the enemy is trying to take it and just release the keep if you own that keep that hold that relic.

Release it will give you fame to the enemies (not to all).

Im gonna send an email to mythic to ask if they can do something about this, like: if a keep that holds a enemy relic is set to lvl 1, that the keep is either getting released, or the relic can be picked up , or the relic can be auto transported to the highest lvl keep in that realm.

Ahahahah rofl, i will send an email to Mythic asking if they can spawn 100.000 guards and /level 100 Captains when there's .

Blow said:
I dont care if that relic is gonna be taken by hibs/mids at what time, but like those fake alb guilds that setting keeps to lvl 1 is most pathetic ever.

I only see 1 REAL guild in Albion atm and it's TT. Hilarious that they are the ones getting shit :p


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Javai said:
It's ofc nothing like it. The thing is you guys who prefer to fight fg vs fg do nothing but bang on about people respecting your fights and playstyle. The actions taken today show you do not show the same respect to others playstyles. Downgrading the keep is within the code of conduct (well we'll see about that when GoA reply to my questions about it) - so is 'adding' on every fight on Agramon except you want people to respect that and stay away why can't you show those who like to siege the same respect?

I don't personally care about the relic either way it's more fun for me personally when keeps and/or relics change hands regularly as I enjoy siegeing. However, I do not think it is up to one (small) guild to decide something for an entire realm, it is extremely arrogant. It is up to each individual to decide whether to defend a relic taken at whatever time of day not up to you to decide for everyone.

Like it is even more arrogant that a bunch of tossers decide for an whole server that the next 2 weeks must be Siege Rp Farming fest for wall abusers?


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
[HB]Jpeg said:
one thing i have to disagree with very strogngly in this thread is.... People saying cos sum AC a relic that it will kill server and groups will re-roll.

TBh if they really think 1 relic is such an imbalance that they need reroll then good riddance. they obviously must be shit groups if 1 relic makes such a big difference.

Your avatar is really fitting, cause ofc u can't see what's going on on Uk Cluster from months.
Good riddance not having to put up with ppl like ya no more xD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Gahn said:
Like it is even more arrogant that a bunch of tossers decide for an whole server that the next 2 weeks must be Siege Rp Farming fest for wall abusers?

Except you still have the choice to play on Agramon as you have been doing without our interference because we chose to respect that as the 'fg' area. Not that any of us have been shown the same in-game respect by those who claim to want fg action not 'adding' at sieges and bridges etc but we have still stayed away.

Noone is forcing you (or anyone else) to defend or attack the relic. By lowering the level of the keep TT are making a decision for a whole realm. Yes taking a relic early in the morning also impacts the whole realm but I repeat it is up to individuals to decide to attack or defend it not up to an eight person guild to decide for everyone.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Andrilyn said:
I for one love Relic action (especially on the low pop cluster) because relic action equals RvR action.
You see that everytime someone takes a relic there's loads of action the day(s) right after the relic has been taken and that (imo) is much more fun then running around and finding 1 person/group in 1 hour and see the rest standing at a bridge/tower which seems to be the norm when there's no insta-RvR or a Relic situation going on cluster.
Also you are not forced to take the towers/keeps/relics back, if you don't like doing that then why take part in it? Afterall you are playing this game for fun right?

It goes both ways really, the "AC" crew "dictates" their way of playing by taking relics and the "FG" crew dictates their playing style with insulting people and enforcing player made rules upon people, now think to yourself which one do you think has made the most people quit? the people that take relics or the people that insult other people over a game?

Personally I think it's just that people need to find a scapegoat for the decline in the population and don't want to realise that it's mainly the age of the game that is taking the population down and try and force their own rules upon other people by stating somekind of doomsday and that their actions are the right one and if you follow those it will all be ok, which is all a piece of crap really because no matter what you do the server will slowly get drained of it's population due to the age of the game.
People might move to other server's which are more populated (which is currently happening with Avalon/US) but eventually even those server's will start to drop in population and your back at square one but with no more server's left to "flee" to.

This game is dieing and everyone knows that but people need to stop trying to find a scapegoat for it all the time with every single action in-game that they don't approve off or do not like.

Just stop this shit already, ppl who play FG doesn't give a toss about bridge campers, they got their zone for fg fights, where they have their rules and they don't dictate nothing to any1 outside of it.
Au contraire some tossers wanna dictate their way of play to ALL server.
Guess u need to polish the glasses and try and catch the truth.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Javai said:
Except you still have the choice to play on Agramon as you have been doing without our interference because we chose to respect that as the 'fg' area. Not that any of us have been shown the same in-game respect by those who claim to want fg action not 'adding' at sieges and bridges etc but we have still stayed away.

Noone is forcing you (or anyone else) to defend or attack the relic. By lowering the level of the keep TT are making a decision for a whole realm. Yes taking a relic early in the morning also impacts the whole realm but I repeat it is up to individuals to decide to attack or defend it not up to an eight person guild to decide for everyone.

Except that i solo also and my solo time gets screwed by droves of Sorcs Cabbies and Wizzies running around happy cause they nuke all that moves for 10% more? Except that Fg ppl wanna play on PAR with other peeps and not with 10% power advantage?
As it's said in many posts, u want late night action? u want siege? Just get the frigging keeps and leave relics where they are!

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Gahn said:
Just stop this shit already, ppl who play FG doesn't give a toss about brudge campers, they got their zone for fg fights, where they have their rules and they don't dictate nothing to any1 outside of it.
Au contraire some tossers wanna dictate their way of play to ALL server.
Guess u need to polish the glasses and try and catch the truth.


It's quite obvious that most of the set FGs made most of their RPs by running around in circles in IRVR areas, at bridges, at taken keeps or in towers by farming people who couldn't compete with them and while doing it all their enemies were most of the time lower RR.

Nothing bad with that, but stop pretending set FGs never gave a flying fuck about camped bridges and so on, that's where the RPs came from.

You need a serious reality check and if you have doubts just watch some older set FG movies with the occassional "we-pwn-the-zerg" scene.

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