World of Warcraft


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
despite the unbalancing issues that i believe all games have , loads of people loved its PvP.
but like i said i wouldn't play warcraft for its pvp .
If you are more of a pve person its a great game to play.

I quite like both the PVE and PVP in WoW that's not to say i wouldn't like them to concentrate on World PVP.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Mobs give exp like any other game if you wish to just kill mobs for a bit then you can do but you miss out on very good story arcs.

So basically after having done all these quests on one char it becomes the same if one decides to start a new char? Toa much?


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
My brothers have been playing wow since it started, i got both of them to try playing daoc and they hated it with a passion.

I have tried playing it myself and actually loved the game when playing with my brothers and cousins, however, i realised that it was yet another massive time killer and quit it.

Both games have pro's and con's but clearly the makers of wow are doing something right if they still have so many paying customers.

Personally i have not found any other game that gave me the buzz that daoc gave me but it was my first proper experience of an online game and i seriously doubt that any other game will give me that feeling again. Having said that and having watched my brothers play it for years now it certainly must have something that keeps em hooked.

Just for the record both my brothers are older than i am (41+).


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Well, not really as there is more than 1 zone per level group until level 55ish.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2005
My brothers have been playing wow since it started, i got both of them to try playing daoc and they hated it with a passion.

I have tried playing it myself and actually loved the game when playing with my brothers and cousins, however, i realised that it was yet another massive time killer and quit it.

Both games have pro's and con's but clearly the makers of wow are doing something right if they still have so many paying customers.

Personally i have not found any other game that gave me the buzz that daoc gave me but it was my first proper experience of an online game and i seriously doubt that any other game will give me that feeling again. Having said that and having watched my brothers play it for years now it certainly must have something that keeps em hooked.

Just for the record both my brothers are older than i am (41+).

1 rep for you.

We all know that Goa/Mythic/Ea has fucked up daoc.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
So basically after having done all these quests on one char it becomes the same if one decides to start a new char? Toa much?

Nothing like TOA at all theres multiple zones for every 10 levels.

For example my Dwarf Shaman has just reached lvl 15 i now have the option of staying in my home zone Loch Modan or travelling to Red Ridge or the Night Elf area.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
1 rep for you.

We all know that Goa/Mythic/Ea has fucked up daoc.

Mythic fucked up DAOC long before EA came along.

TOA killed the game not many can argue otherwise.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
i really dunno why you think a pve quest game as the best one. .

12 millions players playing WOW cause they dont know Daoc.

i really believe that daoc has many disadvantages but is still quite better to almost all the caregories compare to fucking shit WOW

I dunno i've been back in daoc for about 3 weeks now and im already bored , i can't pvp solo really as i keep getting rolled by 8 man e-thug types which gets old very fast ...

For example i had just reaches mid agra 2 a couple nights ago and i was kiting a full group that had been following me for 5 minutes , then i hop under a bridge to hide 4 hunters pop me i continue to kite and end up steamrolled between 2fg of cloastguarding scum , so next run i go all around hib and mid nf to see if anything to kill ... there wasnt 1 person and thats 45mins of roaming at speed 6 :(

My subs will be out in 2-3 weeks and ill continue to molvik valk and abit of hunter/minstrel but i think i will be reupping my wow account to play with my 4 rl mates , the content is immense if the pvp is crap and some of the quests are very funny like the indiana jones one :D


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Nothing like TOA at all theres multiple zones for every 10 levels.

For example my Dwarf Shaman has just reached lvl 15 i now have the option of staying in my home zone Loch Modan or travelling to Red Ridge or the Night Elf area.

Let us know where you end up xping so my bloodelf rogue can eat you :p

Camping the booty bay road is so overdone :drink:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Exactly. DAOC is fine if all you want to do is zerg but there is no option for anyone else because you have to do it in the same place as everyone else. This isn't a dig at zerging, I have always thought that if that's what you want to do then go nuts, just allow me to play the way I want to which was always solo.

My subs ran out about 3 months ago and I had intended to give it a month or so and re-sub but I just didn't see the point. Ywain is still the same hell hole it was 3 months ago and the only place left that you can play DAOC (cba with freeshards) So what's the point? I don't feel like paying to get zerged so I will just not pay. Maybe it will give the people who go out of their way to spoil it for others something to think about. The way I see it is that it is 90% griefers left and they are the ones that are upset about the games decline.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Exactly. DAOC is fine if all you want to do is zerg but there is no option for anyone else because you have to do it in the same place as everyone else. This isn't a dig at zerging, I have always thought that if that's what you want to do then go nuts, just allow me to play the way I want to which was always solo.

My subs ran out about 3 months ago and I had intended to give it a month or so and re-sub but I just didn't see the point. Ywain is still the same hell hole it was 3 months ago and the only place left that you can play DAOC (cba with freeshards) So what's the point? I don't feel like paying to get zerged so I will just not pay. Maybe it will give the people who go out of their way to spoil it for others something to think about. The way I see it is that it is 90% griefers left and they are the ones that are upset about the games decline.

Yea i intend to come back one the pop halves tbh , as it stands here are some interesting observations ...

Normally only 30% of the online pop are at any one time in NF , the rest are farming or in the labby <ugh>

Remember folks half that 30% are bots

In recent times the amount of cloastguarding has gotten stupid you now have on each realm 2fg or so just running back and forth from their 2 main keep bridges to the 2nd agramon bridge and back , and as for solo its a case of look oh nothing nothing OMG 262625462546 arrows ... WTF ?!?

Very few people roam or xp/quest on the frontier anymore as there is no longer a major incentive with rassa/pl macro groups so alot of the small action has slowly withered away , as i said above you can travel every inch of nf in the enemy realms except the main keep and find nothing now which is insane .

Its gonna be some eve online for me i thinks and abit of wow on the side .../prays for a new uber hack and slash mmo


FH is my second home
Jan 4, 2004
OK, trying to compare WoW and DAoC is like comparing oranges and apples. I know, it's the most common used thing to prove a comparison doesn't work, but it fits.
DAoC is a pvp game, pure and simple. They could delete the whole levelling part, start you at 50 and you'd be none the wiser. The pve in DAoC is simply not the main focus of the game, and the way it's been trivialised in every expansion since ToA proves that.
WoW is a pve game. The main focus of it is putting players, either in groups or alone, against the creatures of the Warcraft universe.
Both games have elements of their opposite 'bolted on', but each have their main focus. The pve part of DAoC is a lot more basic than the pvp part of WoW, mainly because DAoC is, let's face it, a very old game. They've polished up the questing a bit, they've lowered the levelling curve, but it's still not much to go on for anyone who's not into pvp. DAoC just won't keep a non-pvp player, plain and simple.
WoW however, has plenty of pve content, though how enjoyable that is will be down to the player more than anything. As with almost any MMORPG, the content becomes multiple times better when you have a decent community around you, be it a few friends or a decent guild.
The pvp in WoW is quite basic, but it's there. On a pvp server, you are free to attack any member of the opposing faction in any level 20+ zone. Most of the time though, it just ends up with high levels going around bashing low levels who can't defend themselves, but you do get the odd decent fight out of it. The battlegrounds have been overhauled recently for cataclysm, with the brackets changing so they are grouped in ranges of 5 levels, not 10 as it was previously. This can make levelling through battlegrounds a bit less frustrating, as you won't be against anyone over 5 levels above you.
There are rated battlegrounds once you reach the level cap, where you form a team and head into the battleground together. You can also just continue to do the normal ones, and gain individual honour points (the currency earned for pvp kills and battleground objectives)
At the level cap, you also have the option to take part in Arenas, which are done with a set team, and can be 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5. The arenas are like very small, well, arenas. They don't give a lot of cover, and there's no objectives apart from kill all of the opponents.
You can accumulate gear through the pvp rewards system, both from honour points and also from arena rewards, so there's little to no need to do any pve to improve gear.
Whether this is of any interest is, of course, down to the individual. The battlegrounds aren't available until level 10 though, so you need to get through at least 10 levels of pve. The quests will get you through those levels very quickly, but if you're not the questing type, the option is always there to just kill mobs over and over, and gain experience in that way.
At the end of the day, the only way to tell if you will like WoW is to try it, and if you can, try not to have any pre-judgements on it, as most of those will stem from other people's opinions and bias.
Personally, I quite enjoy the questing on WoW, as there's a lot of thought gone into the stories behind them. I also enjoy the fact that you can just try out bits of raiding and pvp, without being TOO involved in either. It helps that I have a good guild though, and I dare say that if I didn't have that guild, my interest would be much less.


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
There is no one thing that anyone can point at and say that killed daoc. It was a combination of a whole heap of things that did it.

wow, toa, goa, mythic, the community itself, AC raids, x realming i could go on and on.

The makers of wow have learnt from others mistakes and as others have pointed out they have managed to keep the player base happy with expansions, new content, tweaks and more important than anything else listening to their clients.

If i honestly had the time to dedicate to it i would be playing this game all day long.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I think her main problem is that she is obviously a shit parent.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
First of all I'd want to say that the kid argument and WoW is just utter bullshit. I've encountered very few actual kids in this game, and the ones I have encountered I could have easily avoided.

The reason WoW is such a success is because:

• The base mechanics (the way you control your character, use spells and so on) is unparalled compared to other MMOs. Warhammer for instance felt very clunky after playing WoW.
• Class balance, there is no useless classes here. Every class, and every spec of every class is viable in both PvP and endgame raiding. No class will struggle to level up either.
• Challenging raid encounters, yes I'll know what many will reply that it is "easy" or there is no challenge in PvE, but tell me then why only about 5% of those 12 million people killed the Lich King?
• PvP, it isn't DAoC but the DAoC most of us loved is long dead, and won't ever be coming back. Battlegrounds & arenas are a good substitute, they do what they do well and Blizzard does release new ones every couple of patches/expansions. Arenas are very competitive as well, since it does actually rely on skill instead of gear - since the gear is trivial to achieve.

The major reason however that WoW is such a success is that you can logon for 30minutes once a week and still achieve something, without feeling that you've wasted your time. Be it a level, an 5man instance or a battleground. You'll log off having achieved something.

I can't be the only one that remembers logging on DAoC then waiting around half an hour for a group to be formed, to be steamrolled by an 8man and then go back to half an hour of waiting for a new group all the while praying the last of your 8man players logs on so you can actually get to play the game?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
i loved DAoC, but WoW is 10x more casual friendly than DAoC was at its "peak", with ToA dungeon crawls requiring sometimes 5+ hours of a day to complete, with the very real possibility that there would be no reward at the end... annoying as hell

ive been playing WoW on and off since release and i like it, everytime i log on again there seems to be something new to do, and with the new cataclysm expansion they are cleaning up and sorting out alot of the old problems that the original zones had plus adding a load of cool new stuff :)

and as i have a nice guild and a few RL friends playing i dont have to put up with whiney kids that occasionally plague WoW but definately plagued DAoC (anyone remember the endless "waaah waah i died in a RvR zone but i was only xp`ing!" followed by "lolololol QQ i killtz you!!" threads in the RvR forum?)


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
At the end of the day, wow pvp is shit. You gain no character progression such as realm ranks or abilities. Armour does not count lol. Yeah you can get a title from arena but who gives a fuck. Pvp is reliant on other people knowing what they are doing...and they never do. I hated having to rely on the bg understanding simple game mechanics. Also everything is instant, fights are over too fast, unless you spec like a fag.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
I'd make an arguement that gaining abilities from PvP is counter-productive to balance. At that point the best guy doesn't win, the guy who played the longest does. While you can say that he deserved it, the reality is he probably didn't and all it will do is drive away new players.

As for fights being over too soon, I've seen several arena matches lasting around 30 minutes, and 1on1 we shouldn't argue because this forums favourite MMO ever had the same issue there. I two shot people with my Runemaster in two seconds flat. I got two shot in turn by any stealth class. Hardly long fights.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
i seem to remember people complaining that WoW PvP was too slow when it came out

and frankly compared to DAoC it lasts ages! (i hated, more than anything else, mezz, stun, boom, dead, sit on pad)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Just play single player games, much less of a time sink and basically the same.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
At the end of the day, wow pvp is shit. You gain no character progression such as realm ranks or abilities. Armour does not count lol. Yeah you can get a title from arena but who gives a fuck. Pvp is reliant on other people knowing what they are doing...and they never do. I hated having to rely on the bg understanding simple game mechanics. Also everything is instant, fights are over too fast, unless you spec like a fag.

totally disagree with all of the above.

the pvp, just like doac is about teamwork. Being with totally random people when joining a "battleground queue" of course is going to get some nobheads for sure. It's exactly the same as getting a random PuG in doac though. I have macros for most of the battlegrounds, simple one liners to guide the i'd say 35% that are BRAND NEW players, and frankly have no idea what to do. Of course half of em just totally ignore you, but you have to try, and it makes the difference between winning and losing, even if just half the ppl listen.

pvp is about to get a massive overhaul too, battleground players will be able to enter a ladder system just Arena has been the last 5 years, levelling up in pvp has just got a whooole lot better as well, before say in the L10 to L19 battleground - well thats the point, your only ever with L10-14 or L15-19 players, so no easy kills one shotting a L10 with your L19 :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
At the end of the day, wow pvp is shit. You gain no character progression such as realm ranks or abilities. Armour does not count lol. Yeah you can get a title from arena but who gives a fuck. Pvp is reliant on other people knowing what they are doing...and they never do. I hated having to rely on the bg understanding simple game mechanics. Also everything is instant, fights are over too fast, unless you spec like a fag.

Totally disagree on everything typed there.

The kid who got addicted to WoW? nothing new just someone who can't limit themselves.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Totally disagree on everything typed there.

The kid who got addicted to WoW? nothing new just someone who can't limit themselves.

Kindly explain what a kid who became addicted to wow has to do with me or my previous post?

Zede said:
the pvp, just like doac is about teamwork

Oh come off it. Even when you join a group of your friends and queue for a BG, you almost never get all 5 people in the same group. Also I joined that pvp zone (forget the name, it's up every 2 hours). I was not even in the same BG as my friend who grouped up with me before us joining.

Also with DAoC you could enter a zone with just a few friends (lets say a 5man) and have a good laugh. In wow you're still reliant on other people to work together (and not be a total n00b) to win the BG.

And Arena's is simply not for me. I like in daoc how you can get the 'jump' on an enemy group which plays to your favour. Arena's are too confined and it's almost like a dual, instead of a battle.

Having a 5level difference instead of 9-10 is gonna make life easier. However the end game is just not good enough.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
There's no world PVP in wow, they killed it off when they realised that casual players don't like getting ganked and corpse camped.

Hence it's all shallow bullshit.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2005
guyz.. there are many different opinions..

imo WOW is a shit. The other guy believes that Wow is the perfect game.

all opinions respectable.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
There's no world PVP in wow, they killed it off when they realised that casual players don't like getting ganked and corpse camped.

Hence it's all shallow bullshit.

That's not just casual players, even the most hardcore person will find it annoying returning to their corpse for the 4th time only to be killed again.

My partner absolutely hated every second on the pvp server we started on she stuck it out and had multiple level 80s but i could usually hear her screaming because some fucking arsehole corpse camped her, she likes the BGS though just doesn't like it when she is trying to PVE and someone who is 30-50 levels above her is bored and decides to make peoples lives hell.

While i like the idea of open world PVP and Blizzard putting more effort into it i remember what annoyed me about it in the first place.

I never corpse camped myself but many did and imo i guess you hit the nail on the head.

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