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What part of that bit didn't you understand?
I understood it completely and thank you for proving what i initially said.
What part of that bit didn't you understand?
thank you for proving what i initially said.
Pfffffft. One flamey thread does not proof of behaviour make.
'cause you god botherers (of whatever form) have thicker blinkers than dobbin the donkey
However, people are entitled to believe in what they wish, it's nobody's place to judge their choice to believe. In the same way it's not their (or the sky fairies) place to judge people for thinking its snake oil.
While everyone has the right to believe whatever they wish, no beliefs are sacrosanct. Every belief can and should be questioned and criticised.
I never said anything about you having a belief system, i said you're no different from religious zealots by forcing your beliefs. Beliefs(things you believe in) are not a belief system(religion)
While everyone has the right to believe whatever they wish, no beliefs are sacrosanct. Every belief can and should be questioned and criticised.
Like I said. You never could understand it.
I don't believe in anything. System or otherwise. But, as has been said before, you can't comprehend that point 'cause you live in a different reality from those who lack belief.
And claiming you don't believe in anything is a simple lie to comfort you
Fuck me, guys - didn't we do all this just a couple of months ago???
Too often what you just said is used as an excuse for ridicule, mockery and even threats.
Fuck me, guys - didn't we do all this just a couple of months ago???
Been through this shit before Toht, and you called me a liar then too.
There are multiple reasons you do that - but the main one is that you're not capable of comprehending life without belief.
I disagree fundamentally that "life has belief" and your cut-and-paste of the dictionary hasn't done anything to dissuade me of that fact.
So you go ahead and continue to believe that I'm lying, and I'll continue to bait you for being the sky-fairy worshipper you are
I should have clarified, I'm all for ridicule and mockery too - it reinforces that no belief is sacred. Threats I don't really have a major problem, I just think they're a dick move. I'm pretty sure I've not seen a threat in any of these discussions before though.
If you believe in any mockery being ok, then i can understand that. Selective sanctioning of mockery on the other hand is not something i'd condone.
More assumptions, but fair enough. You believe what you do.
I don't need to comprehend a view of life that has no basis;
I can fully well understand a lfe without religious belief, but the word belief is still valid outside it.
Christians aren't Jews, they have a different relationship with God and are not required to keep the Mosaic Law Covenant. However some laws were re-stated to Christians as being binding on them in the New Testament, no laws against shellfish were included but fornication, homosexuality and the eating of blood were amongst those re-stated as being objectionable. (Check out Colossians 2:14-17 amongst other scriptures).
New Testament and Old Testament are quite in harmony. A fair amount of the NT deals with future events where the earth will be judged and those that reject God and his standards will be destroyed.
The NT also shows that God was pretty tough with people who claimed to follow him (like Ananias and Saphira), just as he had been in the OT.
There are plenty of examples of God's mercy in the OT, but neither is Jesus a "hippy". Pontius Pilate calls him "the man" because of the punishment he endures. He also didn't shirk from calling a spade a spade when he had to.
All of the Gospels give different images of Jesus as they were each intended for a different audience, and the writers saw things from their own angle. If Jesus was just made up, or the Gospels had been anything but eye witness accounts, the writers would have made an effort to make their books even more similar than they are.
Anyhoo, the Bible says that man is made in God's image, so we have his moral standards in our being. Hence most reasonable people find murder abhorrent.
Oh, and whoever mentioned Lot needs to do some re-reading. The account clearly shows that his daughters got him drunk and their actions were not approved, they are shown in a bad light. But the Bible records good and bad, yet again an indicator of its truth and not otherwise.
Posts that are generally harassing, offensive, abusive – especially those aimed at sexual orientation, gender, race, colour, religious views, national origin or disability – will not be tolerated.
From the CoC.
So in this case, mockery towards the person should be kept to a low.
And, frankly, I don't care! Flame away at me. I won't go crying to the CoC no matter what you type
Oh sod off Toht. Stop being such a pussy. Any mockery has been very light and I've not called anyone bigotted or a liar. The ramping up of language in this thread has been done by the religious-types.
And, frankly, I don't care! Flame away at me. I won't go crying to the CoC no matter what you type
From the wiki link the most clear point about homosexuality in the NT seems to be this line.
"Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor practising homosexuals nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."
Is there anything more significant in the NT that cites that homosexuality is wrong?
Are you one of these the bible is the literal word of god people or something?
As the wiki article states, the passages which do mention man-love are open to interpretation as the meaning of words changes vastly over time and then has to be durther translated into another language with vastly different nuancing.
Paul's position on Jewish Law is widely known to be a little muddy and not entirely consistent.
Paul trained at the feet of Gamaliel, possibly the most prominent Jewish lawyer (in the Mosaic Law, that is) of Bible times. His opponents in the 1st century certainly took him seriously, and much of his explanation of Jesus and his fulfilment of OT scripture was key to the development of Christianity.
I just read that Wiki article. The word in question is "pornea". Some scholars think this includes homosexuality, some don't. One explanation I heard of that word from somebody who knew his Biblical Greek was that it involved anything that could happen in a Brothel. Would that include homosexuality?
Phrases like "men who lie with men" are pretty clear though, certainly if you approach it from a neutral point of view.