Brothels were probably quite a bit different in the Roman Empire remember.
erm, according to Spartacus, they did it every which way they could, and couldn't care less if they were givers or takers. this went for girls and boys, making the society an example of sexual liberation. nice.
And absolutely untrue. The Romans were actually pretty prudish, and had a serious downer on homosexuality, especially in the legions, where men caught at it could be flogged then beheaded. And the "givers or takers" part is particularly untrue, as it was seen as sinful amongst Roman men to be "passive" in any way, and particularly sexually. This was all before the empire was Christianised, when things got a whole lot worse for the gays.
Hollywood has taken the fact the Romans left a lot of erotic art behind, and the exceptional stories of the odd (utterly bonkers) emperor like Caligula, and a few other bits and pieces to turn the Romans into a race of sexually-liberated rampant shaggers, but just like the Victorians (who Hollywood also get wrong sexually, in the opposite way), the Romans kept it under wraps in public.
For example, the passage Wij originally linked includes drunkards and slanderers but I don't see people having anywhere near as strong opinions on those people. I'd posit that it's peoples innate distaste of homosexuality that inflames this attitude where as folks don't tend to have so much of a problem about slander.
Is recreational sex between a husband and wife considered equally taboo?
Couldn't agree more. While I think religion itself is utter bullshit, some of the values are sound (on paper) except for the fact 99% of Christians are hypocrites who have absolutely no sense of empathy.
Fear of something greater is a good tool to control (keep in line) society.
Sorry, I know this thread has moved on a bit since this. 99% of all religious people are hypocrits. It amuses me how many young muslims drink and smoke for example.
The 99% amuses me.
Then again, 99% of non religious people use the fact they're not religious as an excuse to act dickish.
Right? Made up numbers don't lie!
What i don't get it people complaining about that point, if you want less religious people, surely the first step for them is to act against it. Young religious folk sometimes(often in other counteries) don't have a choice to leave a religion due to peer/parental presssure.
Well, in the case of Islam, you can't leave. Apostasy is actually a capital offence in some gulf states and elsewhere (you get three days in the clink to repent, then...) So I don't particularly mind moslem guys from these countries flouting the rules when they're over here (we had a lot like that when I was at Uni), so long as they don't subsequently play pious towards me. Western moslems are a bit of a different story; there's no Sharia to worry about so if they don't want to be moslem they should have the balls to act on it, parental/peer pressure be damned.
I understand your point and maybe you are right. But Christians shouldn't be getting drunk or slandering people either. Drunkeness is pretty much uniformly shown in a bad light in the Bible, but people read what they want to read as is their wont, whether atheist or theist.
I guess that's my gripe really, the seeming disproportionate attack on homosexuality that is so obviously coming from personal feelings and then the justification of that bigotry with some very very old literature.
Sorry, I know this thread has moved on a bit since this. 99% of all religious people are hypocrits. It amuses me how many young muslims drink and smoke for example.
What about people that are xxx (by birth /upbringing) but not practising at that particular time in their lives?
By saying you are a Muslim = to you are deeply religious and as such you become a hypocrite, should you happen to do anything that is considered against Islam?
It amuses me just how stupid that comment is.
What about people that are xxx (by birth /upbringing) but not practising at that particular time in their lives?
To me, religion is just something for people who can't be moral on their own and need a little bit of sky fairy to make them better people.
Meanwhile atheists have absolutely no moral standard that they have to adhere to beyond obeying the law of the land.
Meanwhile atheists have absolutely no moral standard that they have to adhere to beyond obeying the law of the land.
Noone is any religion by birth. That's just a way of trying to claim a child's mind.
The idea that you are still of a religion when you're 'not practicing' is a little odd too. Does that include when you've actually stopped believing ?
Then why identify yourself as muslim in the first place? Being muslim comes with certain obvious prohibitions, like booze and bacon sarnies, so indulging in either and still calling yourself muslim is hypocricy no matter which way you look at it.
By "birth" I'm CofE, I'm not "practicing" so I don't identify myself as CofE. Its pretty simple; don't call yourself muslim if you're not actually one. Of course, if you're a muslim that's not actually allowed (see earlier post), hence the hypocricy.
I am also curious to know what exactly it means when they ask for your Christian name, esp with you being such an ardent aethist?
Just a name is it?
Why is pretty much every single person on this forum given names based on one religion or another?
How does that identify us?
You do not have to be practising a religion to identify yourself with a religion and it certainly doesnt make you a hypocrite for doing so.
This whole change in direction on the OP is a complete waste of time and effort and no amount of sh*t talking or clever remarks or counter arguments will persuade either camp otherwise.
However, I've come to an intellectual understanding of the abhorrent nature of organised religion and decided that taking the piss out of god-botherers is the morally correct thing to do![]()
To me, religion is just something for people who can't be moral on their own and need a little bit of sky fairy to make them better people.
Its quite dangerous ground when you start allowing a religion to control how you think, its basically the same as any other strange cult.
Nothing intellectual about your posting.
Hence my reasoning above![]()
Maybe not in the post, but very strong reasoning behind it.
And judging by your retort, sucessful reasoning too![]()