Who's Better Thugs or Aleven

who's better Thugs or Aleven

  • Thugs (MKJ)

    Votes: 52 69.3%
  • Aleven

    Votes: 23 30.7%

  • Total voters


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Here in Thidranki, your realm rank means shit, so you can't rely on all your OP tools to win.

Nope here in Thid u win if u have a bot and play an op class , lol , just like u playing a cabby and bonedancer. I would even go as to say that Sean was better then u as at least sean occasionally played a class like paladin that didnt require one button to press.

And b4 u say it, yes i was shit in Thid, i know i was, tho i never aspired to be anything but, Thid to me was just a muckaround till i could be assed to lvl the char to 50 or to get a few RP b4hand. And as for Ashton, lol dori shows how much of a shit memory u have. Ash was around years b4 they introduced the fucking RR2 system and b4 they introduced the titles, the only reason he left was because they introduced the cap b4 they made the rp remover NPCs in the main citys, had ash still been playing instead of gettin on with RL , he'd have torn u a new one , and prolly have the soloer title by now easy.

at least when thugs replies with his deluded visions of being important he makes some whimsical comments and humour , ure just a boring little kid who actually thinks pressin a few buttons to move his pixels on a screen has actually made him something people would be impressed by lol.

By the way Mods , why isnt he banned again yet ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2006
Jeez Brite, you didn't need to make it so obvious that you are envious of me.

I wouldn't say it's a coinsidence, the reason why you cannot accept that I indeed am a legend of Thidranki is because you got too big for your boots and decided to come into my territory. Here's a lesson for you buddy, Thidranki isn't like big boi RvR, it's more vicious and you couldn't handle it. The rules aren't made by elitist pricks like yourself whom can break them when they choose to.

I make the rules in Thidranki. This is why you whine, because you thought you could walk all over everyone because you have a RR11 BD.

Here in Thidranki, your realm rank means shit, so you can't rely on all your OP tools to win, you can't rely on a superior template, you rely on skill. This is why you perished in Thidranki.


skillz like spamming lifetap every 4 secs with your fg doing the same ?


Jun 14, 2007
Nope here in Thid u win if u have a bot and play an op class , lol , just like u playing a cabby and bonedancer. I would even go as to say that Sean was better then u as at least sean occasionally played a class like paladin that didnt require one button to press.

Wait a minute, I just need to make sure that you are actually saying that Cabalist was an OP class, yes BD was powerful, but Cabalist? Seriously dude you need to learn your classes better. Cabalists have good utility and are a strong class when played well. You probably thought Cabalists were OP because I was playing mine so well.

knighthood said:
And b4 u say it, yes i was shit in Thid, i know i was, tho i never aspired to be anything but, Thid to me was just a muckaround till i could be assed to lvl the char to 50 or to get a few RP b4hand. And as for Ashton, lol dori shows how much of a shit memory u have. Ash was around years b4 they introduced the fucking RR2 system and b4 they introduced the titles, the only reason he left was because they introduced the cap b4 they made the rp remover NPCs in the main citys, had ash still been playing instead of gettin on with RL , he'd have torn u a new one , and prolly have the soloer title by now easy.

Well atleast there is one thing you see sense in, I do agree you did suck in Thidranki. And to think I was nice to you when you were on Mid, I guess I'm too much of a nice guy. I think you've been mislead, Brokeninfil left for one reason only, he no longer had RR2. I know, you know it, he knows it, we all know it. 'Shit memory' maybe, but good player? Hell yes. Legend? Hell yes. Atleast I was somebody. Atleast I was feared and worshipped by up-coming BDs.

knighthood said:
at least when thugs replies with his deluded visions of being important he makes some whimsical comments and humour , ure just a boring little kid who actually thinks pressin a few buttons to move his pixels on a screen has actually made him something people would be impressed by lol.

By the way Mods , why isnt he banned again yet ?

If your philosiphy about pixels is true, why are you wasting your time arguing with someone you cannot possbily win against? Go out, get a life if that's the way you feel.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
As for the edit, I was just explaining to Brokeninfil how much he sucked even with RR2. I called him a washed-up has-been who couldn't handle the pace of modern day Thidranki. This is true of course, we all know this.
Very enlightening, thanks for explaining that to me :eek:

And to you Brokeninfil, if I really claim to be the 'dogs bollocks' then how about you tell me how many titles you have?
Umm, I don't have any titles, incase it wasn't clear I believe I quit a long time before this title system was even introduced.

/edit it also seems appropriate to say ''grow up'' at this point.

Yes, I am the 'dogs bollocks' because I've killed 13.5k on Dyvet Thidranki, how many have you killed?
Wow I bet you are very proud. I have absolutely no idea how many I killed, I played for fun - this may seem a suprising and novel concept to you. At no point did I feel the need to know how many kills I had, so I could boast about it on some forum - this is a bit pathetic dont you think?

Nowadays you must have a title in Thidranki to be considered good because it is sooo easy to get one if you are a respectable player.
I see you place emphasis using italics on the fact that you must have a title in Thidranki now, so i'll follow suit: In life this game is not that important.

This is why people like yourself and Blokkie faded into the darkness, because you couldn't handle the modern day pace of Thidranki and you were too self-righteous to admit it. Your time was over and you couldn't take it that more suited players now ruled Thidranki.
I find it fascinating how you think you know so much about the reasons why I quit the game, over 2(?) years ago, despite me having never heard of you ingame. I never to my knowledge have even had a conversation with you. Go ahead and claim/believe/fabricate what you like, it obviously makes you happy.

Lastly you mention Blokkie, now he is a true example of someone who is ''respectable''. You on the other hand seem to have a nasty habit of becoming less and less respectable every time you open your mouth which is unfortunate isn't it. Its a shame that you're so deluded you just can't see it.

p.s. Hi Quarter :fluffle:


Jun 14, 2007
Jeez Ashton, if there was something in your post worth quoting I would but to be honest it's just full of shit.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Jeez Ashton, if there was something in your post worth quoting I would but to be honest it's just full of shit.
Or alternatively, valid points that even you fail to be able to twist with one of your ''arguments'' designed to try and make yourself look better?

I'm sure everyones able to make up their own mind.


Apr 27, 2007
What is weird about the bg forum is that Thugs ain't played on this server for 2-3 years. Months before he did actually stop playing he was either drunk or running around in a suit of armour that was totally knackered, as his girlie crafter had stopped playing ages before. He was easy meat. Still this forum continues to mention his name. After all this time it is only by mentioning his name in posts do the posts come alive. Thugs must have had something - a hell offa lot of something too. So come on now what was it?

You can't brag about something you ain't got or had on this forum as you are quickly found out. Thugs bragged and bragged for months on end. No-one could find fault with him or prove him wrong. Who but Thugs duelled the top slash infs - pallies - eh and a fully suited - wait forrit - CRUSH MERC - and beat all! Only duel he ever lost was too another sb when he was totally hammered and even let the sb stealth up. At the end of a couple of fight Thugs managed to win the last one but then collapsed as he was so drunk he couldn't type or operate the keyboard anymore!

On another note though Thugs had his day and is a crap player compared to how he once was. No interest in killing anyone anymore and only plays to relax now and then.

It ain't Thugs fault you keep his memory alive. You are all besotted with the guy and his exploits. Thugs proved an underdog can have his day - days even - if played right (or wrongly in some opinions). All aspire to reach such heights. Trouble is no-one has been able to and that is why peeps get so annoyed. You all know deep down that playing unbuffed is downright madness but to also kill loads upon loads whilst so is maddening. Maddening that is if you were the one dropped. And lots were! There are a great many players harboring a lot of hatred for Thugs simply because they were killed and didn't have any excuses.

So there you are a summation of Thugs and this Forum.

You either got it or you ain't - and like Thug's always said - come on now alltogther:



Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
Dorimor you need psychiatric treatment, seriously


Apr 27, 2007
Hells bells. Retaliate Ashton. Go for the jugular. The guy is quite eloquent which is a bit unnerving. There might be a brain behind the bravado.

No idea why I post here anymore to be honest. Oh yes - I am Thug's spokesperson - nearly forgot. All said and done DAoC is a great game and I still love playing it at times - Thugs does too. Am playing in Albion now forra change. Trying out a Saracen Pole Staffer type. I remember Thugs killing this buffed up Saracen - etc - polestaffer guy once - then in the rematch Thugs received a hell offa hammering. Looks a fun spec.

Round 300 - Dong - Ashton kill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Cant u mods isp ban him plz...

I think blokkie actually started hating u, not cos u played a bd, but because u r u .


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Hells bells. Retaliate Ashton. Go for the jugular. The guy is quite eloquent which is a bit unnerving. There might be a brain behind the bravado.

No idea why I post here anymore to be honest. Oh yes - I am Thug's spokesperson - nearly forgot. All said and done DAoC is a great game and I still love playing it at times - Thugs does too. Am playing in Albion now forra change. Trying out a Saracen Pole Staffer type. I remember Thugs killing this buffed up Saracen - etc - polestaffer guy once - then in the rematch Thugs received a hell offa hammering. Looks a fun spec.

Round 300 - Dong - Ashton kill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Btw Thugs , we now its u and not someone typing for u , u silly old duffer :) come back to the game and log on your SB. Thids been so dead for ages it might even bring some peeps back to challenge u.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
Voted Thugs because at least he showed some videos of what he could do - which was kill crap players.

Thidranki blitz beat all other guilds hands down. Everyone sucked especially that Dormimorir or whoever the hell he was?! never even seen him play - ah well that should bait a bit more useless posting in this forum yay!


Jun 16, 2007
Thidranki blitz beat all other guilds hands down. Everyone sucked especially that Dormimorir or whoever the hell he was?! never even seen him play - ah well that should bait a bit more useless posting in this forum yay!

Won't even bother going into how easy to was to farm Thid Blitz solo on my Cabalist when they ran in groups of 4ish on the rare occasion. However, they kept the Mid population up because they killed alot of people, albeit when you run a guild group of 8 in Thidranki it's not like you can loose. (Any group of 8 in Thidranki is unkillable aslong as you know how to play DAoC).

You've never heard of me? That's because I don't have a Thidranki char named Dorimor, you klutz. Anyway, on Dyvet I've killed 13,500 people and you were bound to be one of them therefore I'm not going to bother to reply to you properly, as I know you're just another bitter noob whom I have farmed.

Anyway, how many Thidranki Blitz players had titles? If they really pwned so much I'd like to see one of them with atleast 2,000 kills, I've got 5,600 kills on my Cabalist and I didn't play him too often.

Edit: To Ashton, I eagerly await your reply to my post, if you can actually muster up one that is.


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
titles mean shit, its just time played.
The only title that means anything is Lone Enforcer and even then its just time played solo. You can just zerg all day long and stick to bridges and you will get a title in a very short time...


Jun 16, 2007
And all this time you were calling Aleven a zerger when he had 1,700 solo kills on his Bonedancer? I wonder how many Thugs had? Hmmm...


Apr 27, 2007
And all this time you were calling Aleven a zerger when he had 1,700 solo kills on his Bonedancer? I wonder how many Thugs had? Hmmm...

You are missing the point. The reason Thugs has been so long lasting on this forum is the quality of his fights. He only attacked very ard people. People he shouldn't have attacked infact - crush mercs - polestaffers - etc. Not only that but he wasn't crit based so he meleed and poison killed them. Reavers - Slash infs - anyone was attacked. The ones that were not attacked though were in poor gear or new to the game. Thugs would spend maybe an hour or more sometimes and never attack anyone. Waiting for the 'big guns' to appear. Friars that rule Classic were also dropped, though the one that did manage to Kill Thugs after months and months was infact a Friar. Even so Thugs killed him a few times after - and before too.

Quality not quantity :twak:.

Here is a reminder of Thugs in action. Fully twinked Valewalker - level 50 guy - returned to give Thugs a hammering. Edge of the seat action this:

DAoC Gaming - Thugs VS Sotha

Who has done something similar since? Cabalist? Farming that is :touch:.


May 17, 2007
so funny results, first Clueless > Thidranki Blitz so that's sorted, secondly my title > you, you had nice fights and knew how to tape, gratz on that, i could learn that by the time i was 40 aswell *cough* and then there's the stupid outpointing of me playing a bd :) if you read the first post then i guess it would be quite settled as i don't even have to wear uber template either to beat up several opponents, wana hear something thugs? i once beat up a polearm armsman without armor, I R T3H $K1LLZ0RZ right???? :D that's your point of view, soloing = skills, nothing necessarily says you were any better than the ones you beat rly ;p


Apr 27, 2007
so funny results, first Clueless > Thidranki Blitz so that's sorted, secondly my title > you, you had nice fights and knew how to tape, gratz on that, i could learn that by the time i was 40 aswell *cough* and then there's the stupid outpointing of me playing a bd :) if you read the first post then i guess it would be quite settled as i don't even have to wear uber template either to beat up several opponents, wana hear something thugs? i once beat up a polearm armsman without armor, I R T3H $K1LLZ0RZ right???? :D that's your point of view, soloing = skills, nothing necessarily says you were any better than the ones you beat rly ;p

Trouble is you have given people a big helping hand in picking faults with you and your game play by playing an extremely potent alt to begin with. Thugs had exactly the same thing when he played buffed and the others weren't. Thugs must have been one of the first to use a buffbot as he networked 2 base units together to run 2 accounts. This was before you could run 2 accounts on one single computer. Everyone said it wasn't Thug's game play doing the killing but the buffs. Thugs had a guts full of this and removed his buffs and never used them again. They then buffed up and Thugs still kept playing without buffs which made his game play very hard to find fault with. You and Killerpenquin must be very good players else others would have done something similar but you are both playing very powerful alts. This enables others to easily discredit your game play - including me. They couldn't with Thug's sb as it was obvious that running through - weapon swapping etc was totally necessary else he wouldn't have killed anything at all. When he attacked a buffed up inf for instance he would regularly hit with his mainhand weapon and pillager for 25-28 and offhand for 10-12. The inf would return over 100 for mainhand and 30-50 offhand. Yet still he managed to kill them. This is why Thugs is still mentioned on this forum because he shouldn't have been able to kill anything at all - ever! A BD though can and will kill anything if he can lifetap it. Not very exciting or impressive if you think about it. To really impress you have to be a lot weaker than your opponent but still kill them. If you are stronger than your opponent to begin with who cares if you win? I for one admit you must be a very good player - and Killerpenquin too - cept you haven't really shown how good. If you can play something a lot less potent that your current alts and still kill I am sure loads will be mightily impressed and will back you up in a poll such as this big time. You have to be weaker than your opponents though - not stronger!

By the way Thugs once owned up he was posting under another name and he had a lovely little note off the mod who seemed delighted to say he was banned once more. He warned me never to be so daft as to say Flintlock was Thugs cos it ain't - just a friend!


May 17, 2007
Trouble is you have given people a big helping hand in picking faults with you and your game play by playing an extremely potent alt to begin with. Thugs had exactly the same thing when he played buffed and the others weren't. Thugs must have been one of the first to use a buffbot as he networked 2 base units together to run 2 accounts. This was before you could run 2 accounts on one single computer. Everyone said it wasn't Thug's game play doing the killing but the buffs. Thugs had a guts full of this and removed his buffs and never used them again. They then buffed up and Thugs still kept playing without buffs which made his game play very hard to find fault with. You and Killerpenquin must be very good players else others would have done something similar but you are both playing very powerful alts. This enables others to easily discredit your game play - including me. They couldn't with Thug's sb as it was obvious that running through - weapon swapping etc was totally necessary else he wouldn't have killed anything at all. When he attacked a buffed up inf for instance he would regularly hit with his mainhand weapon and pillager for 25-28 and offhand for 10-12. The inf would return over 100 for mainhand and 30-50 offhand. Yet still he managed to kill them. This is why Thugs is still mentioned on this forum because he shouldn't have been able to kill anything at all - ever! A BD though can and will kill anything if he can lifetap it. Not very exciting or impressive if you think about it. To really impress you have to be a lot weaker than your opponent but still kill them. If you are stronger than your opponent to begin with who cares if you win? I for one admit you must be a very good player - and Killerpenquin too - cept you haven't really shown how good. If you can play something a lot less potent that your current alts and still kill I am sure loads will be mightily impressed and will back you up in a poll such as this big time. You have to be weaker than your opponents though - not stronger!

By the way Thugs once owned up he was posting under another name and he had a lovely little note off the mod who seemed delighted to say he was banned once more. He warned me never to be so daft as to say Flintlock was Thugs cos it ain't - just a friend!

i agree i play a very powerful class aswell as penguin, but the thing is that what i have archeived and what i have done in thidranki is outstanding, my rate, my play style, i'm not claiming to be better than anyone else, but im for sure the best bd to walk in thid, <fuck off toxic, pwnguin, minions, tube, all of you wanabees :< > and now im gonna get flamed by the classic "everyone can play a one buttom class" but not aswell as i did :), but aswell as commenting your play style, you're claiming to be the best, yes you were at your time, but you don't know how i play and who has been in the battleground the last 2-3 years you weren't there, so if you ask me, you should step down and be glad to know that you had your fame for a while, aswell as most of the other attention whores, especially sean and knobhood ;p

aswell the last thing you said, i have played several thidranki alts, but all the time i got zerged over and over, no matter how fair i tried to play, probably aswell before your time too, bard, sb, nightshade, eld, ench, quite a few alts, went alb for 2 months or so on a wizard and a mincer and found out how they played and went back to mid, so as you know, i had to strike back with something :) and obviously i kepd going as i found it fun to see people bite the dust, when i know that it was a fair fight when 80% of the time back in the start it was 2-3 or even 1 fg vs me solo or in a duo <i wasn't much in groups back then due to being guildless, and i have allways hated to group with players who doesn't know what they're doing.>, but that's about it i'd say, let people judge it themself xD


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
So someones think its the best cause he played a bd ( lol... ) and a cabby and killed lots of lvl 20's with trainer robes? MKAY THAT GUY HAS A GOOD DAMN POINT.


Apr 27, 2007
you're claiming to be the best, yes you were at your time, but you don't know how i play and who has been in the battleground the last 2-3 years you weren't there, so if you ask me, you should step down and be glad to know that you had your fame for a while, aswell as most of the other attention whores, especially sean and knobhood ;p

Ah but Thugs has stepped down. He stepped down a few years ago. Why Thugs keeps appearing on this forum is because no-one has been able to emulate his achievements. Thugs is pretty sure if he returned and used Toa - without buffs - he would still be extremely dangerous. With buffs he would probably totally rule once more. No-one plays like him - why? Videos are all over the place yet no-one copies him. That really is the big question. If Thugs was that good why doesn't someone play like him now? Reason is obvious really - so damn hard to play using his methods. Have you tried to play his spec? Here it is:

19 stealth
21 axe
20 envenom
3 la

All plus 5 with temp.

Potion - Heal and Stamina when needed.

Believe it or not but Thugs thinks a similar spec will work at 50 too. In fact he is going to try it out on the Classic server. If you don't play in a similar way to Thugs with the above spec you will not kill anything or anyone. It is pathetic in the wrong hands. In the right hands it is pretty potent. You should try it out.

Bonkers really why Thugs keeps appearing on these Forums - why? He was banned for at least a year but the forum kept showing topic after topic related to him. I think Thugs was far too good. Even when he lays low and never speaks out here forum posters mention him to add weight to their arguments. Silly really it is only a game. Seems though that this game does carry a great deal of weight and must reflect on more than just game play. Lets face it intellect is on the line too and well - Thugs sure is a brainy guy. His intellect I think is overpowering.

Your turn now :touch:.

One more thing:
but all the time i got zerged over and over

Why do you think Thugs play stealthers? If you want to solo try them too.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Trouble is you have given people a big helping hand in picking faults with you and your game play by playing an extremely potent alt to begin with. Thugs had exactly the same thing when he played buffed and the others weren't. Thugs must have been one of the first to use a buffbot as he networked 2 base units together to run 2 accounts. This was before you could run 2 accounts on one single computer. Everyone said it wasn't Thug's game play doing the killing but the buffs. Thugs had a guts full of this and removed his buffs and never used them again. They then buffed up and Thugs still kept playing without buffs which made his game play very hard to find fault with. You and Killerpenquin must be very good players else others would have done something similar but you are both playing very powerful alts. This enables others to easily discredit your game play - including me. They couldn't with Thug's sb as it was obvious that running through - weapon swapping etc was totally necessary else he wouldn't have killed anything at all. When he attacked a buffed up inf for instance he would regularly hit with his mainhand weapon and pillager for 25-28 and offhand for 10-12. The inf would return over 100 for mainhand and 30-50 offhand. Yet still he managed to kill them. This is why Thugs is still mentioned on this forum because he shouldn't have been able to kill anything at all - ever! A BD though can and will kill anything if he can lifetap it. Not very exciting or impressive if you think about it. To really impress you have to be a lot weaker than your opponent but still kill them. If you are stronger than your opponent to begin with who cares if you win? I for one admit you must be a very good player - and Killerpenquin too - cept you haven't really shown how good. If you can play something a lot less potent that your current alts and still kill I am sure loads will be mightily impressed and will back you up in a poll such as this big time. You have to be weaker than your opponents though - not stronger!

Fuck me rigid , i actually agree with the guy for once :)


May 17, 2007
If Thugs was that good why doesn't someone play like him now?
because your playstyle is too old and was good back then.

19 stealth
21 CS
10 LA
14 axe
rest envenom

sorted?, overall you'd stand better that way and also make the stealther more powerful, and still i have noticed that you were an ok player, yes, but ive seen stealthers do much better than you, and no, sean is not one of those persons, toxic, kudlanka, well many players can do better than that, you weren't able to kill multiple enemies at once, both toxic and kudlanka and others were able to do that, with or without buffs, all dependant from skills and your overall class knowledge,


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2006
because your playstyle is too old and was good back then.

19 stealth
21 CS
10 LA
14 axe
rest envenom

sorted?, overall you'd stand better that way and also make the stealther more powerful, and still i have noticed that you were an ok player, yes, but ive seen stealthers do much better than you, and no, sean is not one of those persons, toxic, kudlanka, well many players can do better than that, you weren't able to kill multiple enemies at once, both toxic and kudlanka and others were able to do that, with or without buffs, all dependant from skills and your overall class knowledge,

buuuuuuut my point stands if toxic is teh wtfpwnz and can kill multiple opponents and then i go and kill him 1v1 when i was unbuffed vs his buffed what does that make me ?? a god ?? yesh :) why thanks you mr aleven fotm troll thingy who rp pl'd dorimor


Apr 27, 2007
because your playstyle is too old and was good back then.

19 stealth
21 CS
10 LA
14 axe
rest envenom

sorted?, overall you'd stand better that way and also make the stealther more powerful, and still i have noticed that you were an ok player, yes, but ive seen stealthers do much better than you, and no, sean is not one of those persons, toxic, kudlanka, well many players can do better than that, you weren't able to kill multiple enemies at once, both toxic and kudlanka and others were able to do that, with or without buffs, all dependant from skills and your overall class knowledge,

You are wrong there. That spec was available when Thugs played. He played it and didn't like it. No fun in one-shotting someone. After a few kills like that he stopped playing that spec. The game is about enjoyment. Edge of the seat fights not fast kills against weak enemies. After dueling a lot of sbs and others Thugs spec was out damaging them all.

Also bear in mind that Thugs hated stealthers - infs - with a passion. The spec he used was primarily to kill other stealthers. Only when he was able to kill them without too much trouble did he move onto bigger and harder stuff. No crit and he would constantly scan for nearest enemy. Once detected there wasn't any delay and he would hit them out of stealth. It was all down to melee then. Thugs killed supposedly invincible stealthers whilst unbuffed. All other sbs were dieing to them and had no chance whatsoever even when buffed. It was Thugs that turned the tide against slash infs. They were ruling the place totally but Thugs could kill them like this:

Totally unkillable inf this one - Chani - slash
DAoC Gaming - Thugs Takes out Chani - buffed slash inf!

Or like this:
DAoC Gaming - Thugs VS Hyena

Or this:
DAoC Gaming - Thugs VS Revolution Duel!

Or this:
DAoC Gaming - Thugs VS Shenysh Duel

He must have 30-40 films of killing buffed stealthers. Crit spec wouldn't have helped in these fights. Melee with high poison works better - far better. 22 level debuff and 25 lethal along with a good whack or 2 off the 2 hander is enough in most cases. The proof is in the vids. Crit based sb wouldn't be able to kill the above. These slash infs walked all over sbs before Thugs. Still exactly the same now unless the sb is totally twinked up.

Proof is there in the vids.

I wonder how many have tried Thug's spec but given up? I bet a lot. Doesn't make sense. The only one that plays like Thugs is Thugs! Pretty unique and unusual in such a game as this. They should watch the vids and try and work out how Thugs is doing various things. It is all there - even the way the quickbar is setup.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2006
You are wrong there. That spec was available when Thugs played. He played it and didn't like it. No fun in one-shotting someone. After a few kills like that he stopped playing that spec. The game is about enjoyment. Edge of the seat fights not fast kills against weak enemies. After dueling a lot of sbs and others Thugs spec was out damaging them all.

Also bear in mind that Thugs hated stealthers - infs - with a passion. The spec he used was primarily to kill other stealthers. Only when he was able to kill them without too much trouble did he move onto bigger and harder stuff. No crit and he would constantly scan for nearest enemy. Once detected there wasn't any delay and he would hit them out of stealth. It was all down to melee then. Thugs killed supposedly invincible stealthers whilst unbuffed. All other sbs were dieing to them and had no chance whatsoever even when buffed. It was Thugs that turned the tide against slash infs. They were ruling the place totally but Thugs could kill them like this:

Totally unkillable inf this one - Chani - slash
DAoC Gaming - Thugs Takes out Chani - buffed slash inf!

Or like this:
DAoC Gaming - Thugs VS Hyena

Or this:
DAoC Gaming - Thugs VS Revolution Duel!

Or this:
DAoC Gaming - Thugs VS Shenysh Duel

He must have 30-40 films of killing buffed stealthers. Crit spec wouldn't have helped in these fights. Melee with high poison works better - far better. 22 level debuff and 25 lethal along with a good whack or 2 off the 2 hander is enough in most cases. The proof is in the vids. Crit based sb wouldn't be able to kill the above. These slash infs walked all over sbs before Thugs. Still exactly the same now unless the sb is totally twinked up.

Proof is there in the vids.

I wonder how many have tried Thug's spec but given up? I bet a lot. Doesn't make sense. The only one that plays like Thugs is Thugs! Pretty unique and unusual in such a game as this. They should watch the vids and try and work out how Thugs is doing various things. It is all there - even the way the quickbar is setup.

take your 2nd, 3rd and 4th personalitys and go and have a drink or 2 or 3 or 4 and become an alcoholic again your posts are slowly turning into dorimors thugs your an absolute arse :puke:

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