xxManiacxx said:Guess you have to wait for my vid
Oh and btw. If you stun a lighttank and thus allowing them to spam tendrils you are stupid. And charge aint always up even if it is most of the time.
But I guess hib casters are to stubborn with their stun,debuff, nuke, nuke to ever changeuke:
But ofc you have to blame the pet because you don´t know how to remove it
As I said. A good caster knows how to pre-kite. You think I stand still and hope the pet will intercept everything? Guess you need to play a SM then. Dont even have ML9 yet.
Yes because if you got a MA train of 3 tanks after you not one of them is gonna use tendrils to stop you so the other 2 can kill you/use stun style and have all 3 on you, and not one of them is gonna use charge and a stun/snare style on you either no no, good tanks just run after your kiting arse for 15 sec then give up.
Deami yea, but both the hib and alb setup are considerably better at interrupting the mid casters than the other way around... And what good are 3 intercepting pets vs 1 tank who's there for BL abilities anyway