Which is the actual easy mode setup ?

Which is teh actual easy mode setup ?

  • [HIB] typical support-BM-BM-eld-hero/champ bg

    Votes: 48 12.8%
  • [HIB] typical support BM-caster-eld-hero/champ bg

    Votes: 22 5.9%
  • [MID] 2 healer-sham-warr bg- bd pd5-sm moc3-2tanks

    Votes: 151 40.2%
  • [MID] typical support - bd pd5- 3 tanks BL

    Votes: 88 23.4%
  • [ALB]2 cler-friar bg-sorc-theur-2 merc-pally bg

    Votes: 33 8.8%
  • [ALB]2 clerc-friar bg-sorc-caba-2merc-pally bg

    Votes: 34 9.0%

  • Total voters
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One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 29, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Yes. You can then walk-through the casters all day long.


Maybe thats not needed now that you cant use ure RR5 and MoC! :clap:

Chimaira said:
root support get chased by zerkers. sorcs pop SoI etc. and if you run such clerics as we you dont die easeh :p

Yeah and we all got moc3 ;)

Edit: its 15 times harder to fight hibs than mids with that setup.

Ugh ya didnt think if ALL had MoC ><, ah well xD


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Maddude said:
Maybe thats not needed now that you cant use ure RR5 and MoC! :clap:

Ugh ya didnt think if ALL had MoC ><, ah well xD

we recently respecced passives to active due to RA dumping rr11 hib grps :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
where is pe setup in that poll? (1 merc, 3 casters) :/

and where is my 3 caster hib grp !!!!!!!!!! :mad:

and why even make a poll about this anyways


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
no offense to maelmstrom,but i dont think you would wipe yourselves with a lets say average rr7-8 grp :p

With the high rank (hmm maybe legacy comes close to your RR? but not totally sure about that, only grp that has a decent chance of killing you is PE gg, which doesnt happen often), classes which clearly beat their counterparts...:

zerk, svg > bm, merc dps wise thanks to vendo-banespike-celerity combo, though they die faster usually
sm > no other caster goes godmode with moc3 LT 90% hp returned + ml9 intercept pet
bd > no other realm got banelord caster with 2 sorts of instant interrupt besides bl stuff + as i said in other topic not losing much dps with speccing PD + the no need for moc
healer > other support, with demezz and stuff a rr10+ healer is abit more scary than a lets say rank eleven cleric oO
warrior > unkillable bodyguarder, unlike the paladin-hero-friar-warden (heavy tanks are not easy to kill but doable unlike with a class that has testudo)

So i accept the fact that you guys play well and almost same ppl everytime but what zebolt says is just pure denial. RM aint bad when its played well (zebolt rox :p), can decide a fight in a couple of seconds if not interrupted nukes hard but its still like all the other casters, gets interrupted and dies without bg :) (in midgard we could call it "the suckies caster:))"

Maelm is alot "easier" to fight (not kill, but fight) without a bonedancer... imo

All in all, you play the strongest fg realm and you are the most highest "set grp" on server with loads of experience and "MAD SKILLZ m8s" but couple of times i fought maelm in a decent grp that didnt die in 1min :d it all came down to RR+class balance sometimes...really it did. (mociracle, moc b0000mer, moc valgair etc etc))



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Agree with some of the points about mid class being better than the counterparts but saying zerk > merc/bm is just bullshit, celerity or not.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Puppet said:
Well, I dont know what you're eating, smoking or injecting, but the last time I saw you in Maelstrom (approx half week ago?) I remember our group killing 4-5 of your group + u guys pretty much blowing all your RA's. Actually Im pretty sure that if we would meet you AFTER such a fight, we would have high odds on winning such a fight.
I didn't say I never died with maelstrom I said I usually don't die. And we did won that fight so what's your point rly? And we rarely meet ppl after such a fight we port back to buff.

Puppet said:
Saying Maelstrom performs just as well with a RM as with a BD is bullshit. Everyone who wants competative FG RvR runs his strongest group when he can, so ofcourse Mael run with a BD. But saying BD and RM perform equally well is just.... bullshit. 1 less Banelord, no TWF, no insta-interrupting, lacking another pet, another hard to kill target which cant be stunned trading for abit higher DPS (but not much, as you do 0 dps when interrupted and BD still can tapperdetap) and a lowy Nearsight isnt 'same performance'. The biggest difference between BD and RM is the fact that the RM needs almost 100% attention from the BG, because otherwise he will die very fast. BD does not, making BD not only a better option in offensive, but also in defense.
To me winning all fights with a BD is "just as good" as winning all fights with a RM.

And to say that RM needs almost 100% attention from the BG is pure bullshit tbh, you obviously don't know how to play a RM then. It's not in my interest to brag in this very instance but I seldom run in set grps atm and therefore rarely have the luxury of a BG:er, but even so without MoC I perform good, wouldn't you say? Or is it just my own feeling?

Puppet said:
Go run with a RM for a while, over a longer period of time, to face a multitude of group-setups, and then come back and say 'Hey RM does just as well in group'. They dont. If they did, we would see loads of groups with Runies...
Well since I've played RM in set grps for well I would say over a long period of time and met I would say every type of grp and should be able to know my limits. I strongly believe that maelstrom with me could defete every grp setup on prydwen atm.

Ofc I know RM's ain't as good as BD's and I'm not saying I'm as good as Brite either. I would even go so far and saying RM is the worst caster in DAoC atm. But it doesn't change the fact that one can be played very good and perform really great. And work exceptionally good in grps depenging on whose sitting infront of the computer playing it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Zebolt said:
And work exceptionally good in grps depenging on whose sitting infront of the computer playing it.

yes, then you put the same dude in front of a bonedancer, then you put this dude in a grp AGAINST a bonedancer as a caster and he will agree with you sooner or later...

everyone did.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Zebolt said:
I would even go so far and saying RM is the worst caster in DAoC atm.

I'm Sure the Wizard/Mentalist/Necro/Animist would Disagree with you :)
Cus having a 219DD and Nearsight must suck tbh (Give Wizards Nearsight!)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
raid said:
Agree with some of the points about mid class being better than the counterparts but saying zerk > merc/bm is just bullshit, celerity or not.

not even dps wise? to be honest its simple math (haste+celerity) and abilities (vendo+LA+banespike) for me.

Okay, BM got better styles - Merc got nice styles and chain but i cant really see how are these things effect the massive dps of a charged - spike+vendo zerk.

any chance of an exposition of yours?


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
2 healer, 2 zerk, 2 dark sm, bg, shaman is WAY harder than 1 bd 1 dark sm imo :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Bubble said:
I'm Sure the Wizard/Mentalist/Necro/Animist would Disagree with you :)
Cus having a 219DD and Nearsight must suck tbh (Give Wizards Nearsight!)
Yes a blue/green NS is so much better than 1 spec bolt and 1 baseline bolt in the line you have 50 points :>


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Zebolt said:
Yes a blue/green NS is so much better than 1 spec bolt and 1 baseline bolt in the line you have 50 points :>

you forgot Specline 219 DD :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Chimaira said:
Savage thats rr5+ and can 2 shot any caster unstyled nuff said :(

such fairy tales :)
Does that happen alot to your Caster group? :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Bubble said:
pfft thats what i ment :)
Why should I mention it then? :<

Was comparing the wiz's and rm's not similar abilities :>


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Bubble said:
such fairy tales :)
Does that happen alot to your Caster group? :D

Boxer rr10 kobi sav
Malignclaw rr10 kobi sav

both on lance cluster >.< its like 40-50% hp right off even if they hit BT first :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Chimaira said:
Boxer rr10 kobi sav
Malignclaw rr10 kobi sav

both on lance cluster >.< its like 40-50% hp right off even if they hit BT first :(

I thought Quad hit chances were really low(Fractions low), i've not been quad hit for a long time (most normaly Duel hit, say 250 Styled, 120 offhand)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Zebolt said:
Why should I mention it then? :<

Was comparing the wiz's and rm's not similar abilities :>

They still have it all in one line :)

Give Wizards Fire-elemental pets :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Zebolt said:
And to say that RM needs almost 100% attention from the BG is pure bullshit tbh, you obviously don't know how to play a RM then. It's not in my interest to brag in this very instance but I seldom run in set grps atm and therefore rarely have the luxury of a BG:er, but even so without MoC I perform good, wouldn't you say? Or is it just my own feeling?

Perhaps you perform well against random-groups. You know as well as me that against any decent group a caster without BG is in big problems. You and me met on various times (me on Vamp) and each time you try to loop. This might seem to work good in zerg vs zerg or zerg vs add etc, but in 8vs8 with 2 charging tank it will not work. The only way to be safe then (and being able to cast without MOC) is BG.

Well since I've played RM in set grps for well I would say over a long period of time and met I would say every type of grp and should be able to know my limits. I strongly believe that maelstrom with me could defete every grp setup on prydwen atm.

And Im saying you probably can, but with alot more efforts and blowing RA's. And the next enemy who meets you, might catch you with your RA's down and such, resulting in a lower success-rate.

Ofc I know RM's ain't as good as BD's and I'm not saying I'm as good as Brite either. I would even go so far and saying RM is the worst caster in DAoC atm. But it doesn't change the fact that one can be played very good and perform really great. And work exceptionally good in grps depenging on whose sitting infront of the computer playing it.

Without a doubt, but thats all quite irrelevant. The fact is BD > RM is due to all the tools and goodies and stuff BD's get. Bonedancer doesnt even need to be very skilled to do his 'job' already pretty good. Mostly because survivability is there once obtained a decent RR, and the tools are there. Hell a pet on defensive often ends up at a healer due to 'PvE-aggro code' and interrupting the one who's nuking you isnt thát hard. With 2 instant's on a 4 sec timer every idiot can interrupt 2 players. Add huge radius Banelord shouts, a pet and the fact a stunned BD can spam Snaring Tendrils makes the class very easymode for interrupting purposes.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
You should stop comparing rms to bds tbh. They have 2 different purposes in group. You take a bd to interupt and a rm for the damage.

"Healer is so much better than warrior cause they can heal and demezz!!!!12"



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
I vote for...

Hib grapple groups are "fun" to fight aswell. (ask rudor)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
moik said:
You should stop comparing rms to bds tbh. They have 2 different purposes in group. You take a bd to interupt and a rm for the damage.

"Healer is so much better than warrior cause they can heal and demezz!!!!12"


This discussion is because Zebolt so mael are as good with a rm compared to when with a BD... which is far from true.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Puppet said:
Perhaps you perform well against random-groups. You know as well as me that against any decent group a caster without BG is in big problems. You and me met on various times (me on Vamp) and each time you try to loop. This might seem to work good in zerg vs zerg or zerg vs add etc, but in 8vs8 with 2 charging tank it will not work. The only way to be safe then (and being able to cast without MOC) is BG.
I really don't agree to that. I do know aswell as you that against any decent group a caster without BG is in big problems but that doesn't mean you're dead, you only have to work a bit harder. I mean I usually don't get grps atm due to the class I play so when I do I run random grps. But I'm often the longest surviver even when we meet set grps with charging tanks and if I play good I can usually get 1 or 2 kills before going down too, all depending on my reaction times.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Corran said:
This discussion is because Zebolt so mael are as good with a rm compared to when with a BD... which is far from true.
I said they did just as good, meaning they win every fight with a RM on prydwen just as with a BD. And that is the truth.. Has nothing to do with me, I've just never lost a fight with mael and I'm a RM last time I checked :/

Was just trying to say that mael aren't good just cuz' they have a BD in grp.
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