Dreami said:Get a clue about RvR before you start posting on these forums![]()
says the guy who's group run 2 grapplebots, come to poppabear u know he luvs uuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Dreami said:Get a clue about RvR before you start posting on these forums![]()
Jupiter said:says the guy who's group run 2 grapplebots, come to poppabear u know he luvs uuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Edlina said:Dreami hasn't run with PE (if I'm not mistaken) since like pre NF and they didn't run with friar then, only pala bg'er.![]()
Edlina said:Dreami hasn't run with PE (if I'm not mistaken) since like pre NF and they didn't run with friar then, only pala bg'er.![]()
xxManiacxx said:On top of my head I know about 2 clips where a Celt Tiarna BM tries and chase me and gets rooted by shaman.
I have also clips of 2 BMs trying to chase me only to turn around after a while and then getting nuked down.
Ofc it doesn´t ALWAYS work. Things like who wins CC etc makes a difference but I manage to pre-kite GG lighttanks plenty of times. And ofc they don´t play perfectly all the time either. I have been insta ganked by a 4-man assist train aswell but I have also managed to sneak away to take a position where I can nuke pretty much freely for some time. And you don´t need many seconds to nuke a person down.
Edlina said:Dreami hasn't run with PE (if I'm not mistaken) since like pre NF and they didn't run with friar then, only pala bg'er.![]()
Xxcalibur said:m8 root from shamy in this patch is 0.75 sec for meh
Xxcalibur said:post your movie and watch then ^^
Zebolt said:Yes, brag brag etc but they do perfrom just as well with a RM instead of a BD too.
Straef said:Actually it wasn't. I'm not on that screeny, nor is my group. Good try tho!
we running quite often whit ra´s down tbh.. think we met you sevral times last night when we had no ra´s up.. not 100% shure thoXxcalibur said:BAF for us on the last 2 days ! anyway mid vote about hard grp should dont count , since atm there are only 2 decent hib/alb grps around while there are +5 decent mid grps around , so we will never meet second mid grp on same conditions because prolly the mids grps have ALL the ras up while hib/alb grp i doubt they have most of the ras back.
Just one example yesterday we beated mael 2times and next bo/baf grp powned us in less than 1 minute, we never port back to ligen to rebuff but we are wondering to do it to avoid ADD grp when we are rly out of pow/ras , anotyher example 2 days ago we had furiosito/baf/coo coo in less than 10 minutes ( we had fop up tho).
Its just hard to say which grp is the harder when you fight them with all ras up :/ and hib/alb grp without
Jupiter said:says the guy who's group run 2 grapplebots, come to poppabear u know he luvs uuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Kanim said:he still runs with 2 grapplebots on excal afaik![]()
Steveh said:maybe, but who bg , the champ ? warden is not a best bg-er , easy target for any asisst train if he cant strafe well.
Corran said:Mid lacking in towers?
Insta AOE stun + 2-3BG'd SM's using PBAOE ? I wouldnt say that lacking anything.
naughty dreams vodka ? xDVodkafairy said:i grapple dreami irl
Jupiter said:who mentioned anything about when Dreami did/didnt run? wtf does his post have any relevance then? when in fact the current PE group run with 2 grapplebots.. so therfore by his own admission the PE group are just a bunch of cockboy grapplers![]()
Dreami said:Get a clue about RvR before you start posting on these forums![]()
charmangle said:So basically mid has a slight advantage in roaming and albs have a slight advantage at tower/keeps and hibs have a HUGE advantage at tower/keeps.
Bubble said:/assist fadeh
OMG RR10!!!111one
Btw i see no problem with 2 Grapple class's chain grappling 2 Mercs while there superior casters take the rest of your group out.
Dreami said:Yet again your knowledge is flawed. I played MA mostly from RR9 till RR11L2, except the little phases in pre-NF when I played with real Faderullan (less than million RPs).
Have you ever tried to play assisttank yourself? It is quite simple aye, but most likely too complicated for your PvE skills![]()
Bubble said:Yeah i'm sure playing a Sorc is much to simple for an assist tank (ever played a difficult class?)
I'm sure my 'PvE skillz' are much greater than yours too
What about my other comment? Just because its a good (read:OP) Ability, if theres 2 Mercs and 2 Grapplers, why shouldn't they use grapple and keep you pinned down? Specialy as they don't have to worry about the Slash Heavy Zerker/Merc Train turning on them.