When will we see the 1st...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
remi said:
what's retarded is your liddul whinestory, init? you whine about being killed by 3 mids, were one happens to be a warlock.

We where 2 WL and a sav, and I used purge on that mez and had 1 chamber left + half mana bar, np killing ;)


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Irksole said:
Whats retarded is you not even reading what he says properly, he was QQ'ing at the fact he was insta-killed in one second, and 3 mids didnt kill him, only one did any damage. READ GODDAM IT! :D

Remi finds it difficult to read anything when he admiring himself in his mums stockings in the mirror. Give the poor bloke a break, its not "entirly" his fault he's a wannabe lady. To compound the reading issue hes hand keeps flying off his cock and smacking him in the eye when he masturbates over pics of the legendary tennis player Borris Becker, the poor lad.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
lets just be done with.

warlocks are a fucked up class and only retards (that cant kill things on SM or BD) play them.

They are here to stay though so we just put up with the little swines.

safe in the knowledge that its a no skill fucked up class amoung many other things in daoc.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
funny you should say that but heresy already got 4 warlocks we going to powerlevel up a runemaster for matter debuff :D

warlocks are fun everyone should roll one, its like playing on a classic server you dont need any artifacts or decent equipment no matter who you fight they die.

Warlocks for everyone \o/


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Akyma said:
when GoL or TD rerol mid? is the 2 FG+ mind guilds :m00:


Last fights versus your group I recall is you biting the dust, then half your group logged in warlocks to 1shot people. We weren't optimized in any way and I hadn't played bard for ages and it still was easy.

Without your easymode Warlock you play like shit, seriously and I guess if you made a poll about that, I wouldn't be the only one with that position.

So maybe before you open your mouth big enough to put the glacier giant in it, you think about your own playing style.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Irksole said:
Whats retarded is you not even reading what he says properly, he was QQ'ing at the fact he was insta-killed in one second, and 3 mids didnt kill him, only one did any damage. READ GODDAM IT! :D

still, if noone of those mids were a warlock(that purged, mind you), sorc would have killed em all, so couldnt care less about ze whiner sorc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Calaclya said:
Remi finds it difficult to read anything when he admiring himself in his mums stockings in the mirror. Give the poor bloke a break, its not "entirly" his fault he's a wannabe lady. To compound the reading issue hes hand keeps flying off his cock and smacking him in the eye when he masturbates over pics of the legendary tennis player Borris Becker, the poor lad.


lols, such nice liddul story, your comming biography?
Dec 31, 2003
Hmm, why do ppl roll classes like vampiirs, warlocks and bains? is it b/c the calsses actually are fun? or only b/c easymode?

I personally don't see the fun part in 1 shotting ppl on a warlock or beeing a vamp totally destorying rr8 ppl just b/c ur class is fucked up OPed by design and has nothing to do with items or rr or skill from ur own side :sex:


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
remi said:
still, if noone of those mids were a warlock(that purged, mind you), sorc would have killed em all, so couldnt care less about ze whiner sorc.

lol utter bollocks remi, as soon as the sorc has nuked once the WL would have insta nuked and the sorc would have been dead. I know that as i have played a sorc in nearly that exact situation and on my first nuke (after debuffing) i was insta hit for 698 365, then approx 2 sec later (before i could cast) 722.

Make wl's succeptable to interupts and it will bring the class some much needed ballance.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Would it work ?
I hope they try it. And when they've killed all random albs, i sneak forward with my newly rolled level 20 alt and melee them down with my staff when they are all out of power!!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Theirs enuff lag without 300 odd warlock balls floating about Frontiers


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
id say 15 warlocks would pritty mutch kill any group just b/c of pure dps, no?

2fg could kill any group, impressive tbh


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Id trade chambers and uniteruptables for 1 sec casting and mezz/debuff/speed/charm/determination anyday.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
Illudian said:
There were 2 wl's and a savage camping beno bridge, so I tried a shot at them. I didnt get my hopes up but still. I went to the water and got in range to send pet. ML9'd it, pet almost insta died lol, I AoE mezzed while their guard was off, went up the stairs, pet was still on the warlock, the other 2 were succesfully mezzed. I get there, ML9 pet was dead, prolly dot and before I can even even click lifetap Im dead. 600 damage x 3 in 1s.

Good job mythic. QQ? yes.

And while there were no fg albs around there was a fg mids with at least 3 warlocks. So its rising in numbers hehe.

There is a timer between each chamber afaik (1 second? Correct me if im wrong). If so, you can probably cast as fast with the sorc. Problem for you must then be that they cant be interupted, and not the speed of their casting as someone stated. Why the sudden sparkle in the warlock whine?

While we are at it, I think its about time they do something about caoe through walls for insane dmg ~~

PS! My sm got instakilled by a firewizard the other day (1 bolt +- 1750 dmg). Didnt even see it coming:/ And yes, my shields were up=) Not saying that they are op though, just that other things can accually instakill (as in instantly kill) aswell.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Calaclya said:
lol utter bollocks remi, as soon as the sorc has nuked once the WL would have insta nuked and the sorc would have been dead. I know that as i have played a sorc in nearly that exact situation and on my first nuke (after debuffing) i was insta hit for 698 365, then approx 2 sec later (before i could cast) 722.

Make wl's succeptable to interupts and it will bring the class some much needed ballance.

can't read, mmk? :p (the "if noone of those mids were warlock" part)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
remi said:
whats up with the warlock whine? they are good in 1vs1 and mebbe kill some in keeps but in groups they are fukin useless.

sorc >>>>>>>>>>> warlock anyday in terms of util, groupability and "solofun"

You say they are good in 1v1 but useless in groups. The thing about 8 warlocks in a group is they could esentially turn it into 8 1v1's, and they would win every one of them!

Someone mentioned nearsighting them, funny that warlocks can get bolt range insta nearsight if they are clever, so even that one doesn't work.

While i'm not arguing that a sorc might be more fun to play than a warlock, it doesn't change the fact the warlock is more effective in almost every situation if played by someone with a brain. Luckily this isn't the case for the majority of them or we would really be screwed!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
i would have to agree i would love to junk the stupid "shoot me now" balls above cursiaras head but 4 second CAPPED casting time vs your Sorcs 1.5 second casting time.

Oo i wonder who would win that fight,

btw curse isnt cookie cutter spec and given the choice she wouldnt even be 1 witchcraft but its part of the class and its somthing you have to have. Its like an infiltrator that doesnt spec iwin :D

anywho roll what ever class you want im 4 out of 5 catacombs classes and that includes a valkyrie so dont talk to me about rolling overpowered chars :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Golena said:
You say they are good in 1v1 but useless in groups. The thing about 8 warlocks in a group is they could esentially turn it into 8 1v1's, and they would win every one of them!

Someone mentioned nearsighting them, funny that warlocks can get bolt range insta nearsight if they are clever, so even that one doesn't work.

While i'm not arguing that a sorc might be more fun to play than a warlock, it doesn't change the fact the warlock is more effective in almost every situation if played by someone with a brain. Luckily this isn't the case for the majority of them or we would really be screwed!

its like saying 8 sorcs would wtfinstapwn, is such BS.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
the only way to actually "fix" warlocks is not lowering their damage but shifting their damage from insta to over time

With the latest patch mythic made warlocks even less grpable while keeping their soloing/instakill capabilities nearly untouched

Thats just an example of how it COULD work imho:
- remove the 4 second castime hexing cap and allow those primary spells to be affected by dex so their combined spells become viable
- remove multiple chambers, you can only put up the highest one, lowlvl chambers should have reduced damage (for example 70%/85%/100%) so its worth speccing
- primer casts should have fixed castimes with castimes and powercosts adjusted (ie uninterruptable 2 sec capped castime for 40/30/20% mana)

This would put warlocks in line with the other casters for standard nuking:
209-219(223) dd every 2.8 vs 179-183 lifetab every 2.5 vs 179 dd+160-190 lifetab every 4 sec; (warlocks would do some extra damage due to beeing easier to rupt)
while allowing them to remain oped due to the one chamber and their always up quickcast


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
remi said:
its like saying 8 sorcs would wtfinstapwn, is such BS.

Has anyone ever tried running 8 MOC3 ML9 sorcs?

8 MOC3 ML9 cabby's with unCC'able pets could be even funnier tho I guess.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Mas said:
Id trade chambers and uniteruptables for 1 sec casting and mezz/debuff/speed/charm/determination anyday.

what you want charm for when you can get sm pet in mid?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
yes, kinda sick to think of the grps mids could build now... if only they didnt care what the enemy thought of them (and didnt want them to insta-log)

mythic give midgard the ultimate caster, as if the ultimate light tank, ultimate support classes and bd/sm's werent enuf :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Konah said:
yes, kinda sick to think of the grps mids could build now... if only they didnt care what the enemy thought of them (and didnt want them to insta-log)

mythic give midgard the ultimate caster, as if the ultimate light tank, ultimate support classes and bd/sm's werent enuf :puke:

But albion got sorc an mincers so its fine :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
im glad they nerfed warloc damage a bit. I i dont have as much problems with them as before. I have as much problem with sorcs sometimes...they usually always kills me no matter what character im on if they get a little range and a chance to it.
But as we know bainshees hurt some too, and when i get killed too much and feel like playing the bainshee i take her out and kill some right back.
Thing is with bainshee though i still need some time and range to kill someone...its very seldom i one shot someone....if they are on full health....think that almost never happened. So 80% of the time in rvr....someone targets me and insta kill me. So i think the other classes in other realms get a pretty fair chance to take me out, whereas a warloc with his insta can do this insta, and then still have toys to play with and be as effective as the next man on the field^^
And to the comparison with bains caoe through walls etc:p
erhm....where do you ever find those two things to even come into the same category:p? Its like saying: I have a bazooka that can insta kill my neighbour here anytime...but HEY he have a water hoose on his side that splashes water on me from time to time when i go to close!
I agree...lets fix the bug...but man..try stick to the subject:p
over and out...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Mas said:
Id trade chambers and uniteruptables for 1 sec casting and mezz/debuff/speed/charm/determination anyday.

one of the so called Mas Bullshit's 2k5 :DF

Remi stop being midgard PR manager :[


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2005
15 thanes - 1 paccer = ALL..

let all roll teh overpowered class....Thanes!

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