Well...there goes the life.


Loyal Freddie
Feb 22, 2004
No plans and weather is shit so gonna play some SC2 this weekend, not played in fucking ages but I'm diamond last time I checked. If anyone wants some games would be good.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
Played in a small UK tourney today. I lost my first round match but it was double elimination so I had another chance in the loser bracket. Made it through like 3-4 or so rounds and then got knocked out by one of my team mates :( He's still in the tourney now and it's being streamed: NayTV on Justin.tv


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
pikeh, league? wanna battle abit?

I was in bronze, the annoying thing is I get stuck when it comes to macro games, I eventually stop producing scv's and forget to expand at right times. Feel I'm okay if I can force early strong pressure and I love annoying tactics like psuedo-bunker rush etc.

I forget my friend code but when Im on next I'll post and we can play some, need all the practice I can get.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Got this "learn to play you faggot" yesterday. Here's the scoop in a nutshell;

- Bronze league(yeah i know, have't had the time to try and get up)
- Lock in place, sesason 4 starting.
- Protoss vs zerg.
- got a little defense in my main base, but at the same time built a double base in another corner of the map and placed a ton of cannons there.
- Main base gets rushed(as zerg do), but i get some DTs out while i build my void rays and harass the guy as much as can.(got the dark shrine, 2 stargates, 2 satsurated bases and 3 gates at the other base)
- Get 4 void rays out and rebuild the cannons the guy keeps busting with banelings, without any follow up.
- Use the 4 voids to focus fire his hydras and queen, "learn top play faggot" ragequit.

I have 14 wins, the guy has 190.

It's so fun when you get called names when you win, which is all that matters :p


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Keeping your minerals/gas as low as possible is important ( you realised this already )

Why? Let 'em build up and spend 'em in one bang?

I've got it. Loved the single player, realised that multi was going to take me years to learn so never really played it (did the first two practice matches and got spanked).

My tactics in all these things are turtle then zerg, regardless of who I play as :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
The reason to keep low mineral count is that as long as they are sitting in your bank, you're not effectively mining/harassing/scouting/etc with them. With zerg it's a bit different as you can pop a 200 army on a whim and if you're planning on something, like a two starport voidrays, saving up works. Otherwise, better have them do something.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Why? Let 'em build up and spend 'em in one bang?

I've got it. Loved the single player, realised that multi was going to take me years to learn so never really played it (did the first two practice matches and got spanked).

My tactics in all these things are turtle then zerg, regardless of who I play as :)

You are not being efficient, you spent money on production facilities, then didn't use them.
Imagine you have 2000 minerals and 500 gas and suddenly you get attacked.

You could have a 2000/500 bigger army to defend with, or more upgrades+army, etc.

Or as toht says you could be using them to harass/drop/scout the map with.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Last night got another funny guy i beat;

OMG you so bad

Then a tell moments after the game;

LOL no wonder you so bad only 1 win!

The season just started and the guy had 2 wins :p

did get a wp from a guy, so that was nice. Also took ECAs advice and switched from random to a chosen race, which happens to be toss. Atleast i know how the races work, now only if i could get my army composition etc to work. Fast expansion i think i've got under control. Have to see, low start to the season but hey.


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
got back into this recently, watching the MLG Vods. Me and a mate are going to have a SC2 night once a week to practice. Got my timings down pretty well I think, same problem as before though where I tend to lose focus mid-late game and forget to expand more than twice; or I forget upgrades etc. Im definately going to have to splice 2 more fingers on each hand...


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
I really want to practice some Zerg, I think. Getting a bit bored with Terran. seems a lot more complicated though, any zerg's got decent tips for a zerg newbie?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
As a zerg player, quit now while you have the chance.

Zerg has the highest APM requirement of any race and requires much stronger macro skills than P/T.

My main tip if you really want to punish yourself would be to rebind the home key from backspace to spacebar and use all your queens on the same control group, and inject by space>v>click, space>v>click, it's much faster than any other method.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Made it to 4th on my oh so epic bronze bracket. Props to ECA for the race focus ;)

Now to get to 1st, then to silver.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Can we make the first post in this thread have our sc2 names on it? That would be cool


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Can we make the first post in this thread have our sc2 names on it? That would be cool

Oh yeah, hat would be very nice.

When i get home i'll try and collect them all.

Also the title could use a Starcraft II tag.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
been laddering like mad this season. 33-29 atm unlikely I'll make GM though :(


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Renaming this thread to Starcraft Chat would be a good idea :p


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Also I'm REALLY struggling on zerg atm, mostly to P/T ( although I have a positive winrate vs P, thanks everyone who forge fast expands and only uses 1 cannon lololol ).


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Phew...19 pages of scrolling...but here it is;

ECA - Allyourbase 956
mooSe_ - Moose.746
ileks - Skelitore 427
Ch3tan - Chet 456
Huntngtons - huntingtons 152
Tohtori - Crosshare 529
Levin - Cobbs #236
Bondoila - Bondoila 709
pikeh - WeAreWolf 353
Chosen - Noctis(needs numbah)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Also I'm REALLY struggling on zerg atm, mostly to P/T ( although I have a positive winrate vs P, thanks everyone who forge fast expands and only uses 1 cannon lololol ).

Hehe, i've got plenty of ragequits from zerg who see me forge fast expanding and then try to get a fast expand.

Probe to expansion - pylon - cannon - win! :D


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
That's why you always 14 pool vs toss, then expand on ~20-22 ish, then do a 4-5 roach+lots of ling allin that arrives around the 7 min mark and kills anyone who has only 1-2 cannons to defend :p
Or you can take fast 3rd + 4th and really power drones hard.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Also I'm REALLY struggling on zerg atm, mostly to P/T ( although I have a positive winrate vs P, thanks everyone who forge fast expands and only uses 1 cannon lololol ).
whats your usual struggle vs T?

i can beat zerg more often than not, IF, and only if, i get to delay their first expansion with bunker harass to helion -> banshee, then tanks, thor(s), marines and marauders if banshee dont win it. If this fails i always lose. Lategame i suck :(


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
How I lose to Terran: They wall the front with something very generic like depot rax depot, and hide what they're doing, if they don't expand sometimes I die to a very early 1-2 tank+10 marine push, or they went unscoutable 4-5 rax and just 1a'd me while I was expecting reactor hellions.
Or they go reactor hellions and come with like 20, and my 1-2 spines+ queen/ling/roach whatever isnt quite enough, or I deflect the first attack, get expos up but the terran just turtles and I can't break them and lose endgame.
The reaction to 6 hellions vs 12 hellions vs 20 is completely difference and it's impossible to know what's coming.

I literally only win vs terrans who when I watch the replay I'm thinking "wow they were terrible".


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
Today I paused a game because my house mate was talking to me. Then I said thanks for waiting and asked if it was ok to unpause. He said ok and then I clicked surrender rather than unpause. :eek:

Hehe, i've got plenty of ragequits from zerg who see me forge fast expanding and then try to get a fast expand.

Probe to expansion - pylon - cannon - win! :D
That's why you always 14 pool vs toss, then expand on ~20-22 ish, then do a 4-5 roach+lots of ling allin that arrives around the 7 min mark and kills anyone who has only 1-2 cannons to defend :p
Or you can take fast 3rd + 4th and really power drones hard.

Yeah cannon rushes are so annoying :( That's why you can never really go hatch first vs a protoss in case he goes forge fast expand because then he can just cannon rush and force a cancel. Vs protoss IMO either open 14 gas 14 pool and do a speedling expand or to get the hatch up a bit faster you can do a gasless expand going 14/15 pool and then 15/16 hatch. The gasless expand is the fastest you can get your hatch up while not dying straight away to cannons but the delayed gas means that it can be risky vs early pressure (which he can't really do if he goes FFE).
Going roach ling all in will probably get you a lot of easy wins, but will stop working very often vs good players and you'll just end up behind because you made all those units early. Vs FFE I normally go 15 pool 16 hatch (or 14gas 14pool in situations where I'm not sure whether he's gonna open forge or gateway) then take a 3rd base at 30 supply, get 3 queens and just drone like mad. He can't do anything about it because he's surviving off just cannons so you can get an eco lead. You just need to know the timings for when to take your gas, when to scout and when to start making units to defend. This is pretty standard now though so some protoss players have started going 2gate zealot after the forge to try to stop you getting the 3rd base, however you can scout this and defend it with lings and then you're ahead since he's delayed his tech even further. Then I usually just play/roach/ling/hydra/corruptor into broodlord/infestor/roach.

whats your usual struggle vs T?

i can beat zerg more often than not, IF, and only if, i get to delay their first expansion with bunker harass to helion -> banshee, then tanks, thor(s), marines and marauders if banshee dont win it. If this fails i always lose. Lategame i suck :(

The thing that makes terran difficult to play against is that they have so many options for harass and all ins in the early game that unless you get a perfect scout on them you either have to play super safe, and end up at a disadvantage in a macro game, or play risky, and potentially die to some random build. Hellions are good for denying scouting and creep spread and a marine in your main can stop any overlord scouts so there is no way he can expect the banshees. So he either blindly prepares for banshee or potentially takes a lot of damage (although 1 port banshee with no cloak isnt actually that hard to hold off with just queens).
Once I get into a situation where I've defended whatever early game shenanigans he was planning and got my spire and my 3rd base on the way, I'm usually fairly confident that I will win unless I macro bad, so I understand your problem. It's not very helpful advice, but just macroing better is always good :p Remember to keep expanding, dropping mules and making units. Other than that you could try more drops in the mid and late game. If you do 2 drops at the same time in different bases or a drop in his main at the same time as you attack his front then you force him to split his army and multitask well (which most players won't) and you have the possibility he won't even notice a drop because there's a battle going on somewhere else, and then you get like 20 free drone kills.
Your build sounds ok though, although I would maybe not do the banshee harass and just expand faster and go into marine tank instead; there's nothing wrong with doing the banshees though if you can make them do some damage.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Btw here's my SQ for my last 20 games, as you can see my macro doesn't suck, it's mostly a complete lack of knowledge of timings / correct responses. imo anyway.


TL thread where you can get the spreadsheet and see what that's all about:


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
how does it work?

(i wrote a long ass post for moose, but FH went down when i tried to post QQ, copied it but forgot and copied a link :E, so ill rewrite when i get the chance)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
My average SQ is 71, above the average for a masters player, top level pros topping out around 90 ( idra 88, demuslim 94 ).

Finally won vs some same div terrans tonight though, fixing all the little problems finally.


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Phew...19 pages of scrolling...but here it is;

ECA - Allyourbase 956
mooSe_ - Moose.746
ileks - Skelitore 427
Ch3tan - Chet 456
Huntngtons - huntingtons 152
Tohtori - Crosshare 529
Levin - Cobbs #236
Bondoila - Bondoila 709
pikeh - WeAreWolf 353
Chosen - Noctis(needs numbah)

I used my free name change! Im now EscapePlan 409! :)

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