so the last box means what div your enemy was? seems you play awesome vs. grandmasters!
so had 3 of my placement matches today.
First game; zergling's owned me at 11 mins before my rine'rauder drop. (was close spawn on metal so this was natural decision instead of hellions).
Second game; protoss gate rushed me .
Third game; typicle zergling ownage again, massed hellions but he used a nydus worm (lol) to get blings in my base and chuff me over royally.
So Im pretty much put off playing at the moment, they were games all against silver/bronzers. Should i just try and perfect ONE build instead of determing best for situation? The players i played against today certainly didn't scout or anything. How important is scouting at low level? I was under the impression it was important but certainly in these types of games I'll just be better off mining more and turtling... Im beginning to think I'll ditch terran and start something else. Had the game for a year now and im still shit. Maybe i should give up completely!
Just an update, I learnt a decent (with notes) BO v protoss from Team Liquid, called terran death ball or something, its semi standard. I played my mate and was doing really well, playing a lot better etc. Thing is, I have eystrain at the moment with 4 days off work (2x monitors all day for 8 hours must be taking its toll) so I had to keep closing my eyes for 10 seconds. I lost in the end but would have won, even just a simple change like actually sticking to a plan worked so much better. I did notice however, my upspent minerals were getting high, despite fielding a decent viking/tank/marine/raven army. In these situations, is it a case of expanding or making a shit load of production facilities? Ive never been good at judging when to expand (from what I can tell, expanding whilst attacking is a good idea; but im not good enough at multitasking to do that without more practice). I didn't get supply blocked once, which is another improvement.
The thing that worries me is that the game is getting older all the time (I know is relatively young still) but the influx of new players will be getting less, and everyone will be improving all the time. Eventually, if I dont' improve to a decent level I will literally be chuffed!