Water pots "scam" ? (prydwen)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Zede said:
really no need to this babble m8, roope is an arsehole end of.

you give him more credit than he deserves. hes malicious, and all sort of other words to do with "bad" people. this has absolutely nothing to do with he upbringing hes just a cnut. talking of rapists, just chop off their nads - easy !

you say that but...
do you think hitler would have been a fasist dictator if he became a sucsessful artist?
do you think that archemedes would have been a famous scientist if his perants beat him to death?
and how about george w. bush junior, would he be president, and kill millions of inosent people, if his dad didn't become president?

so obviously it is his upbringing


Jan 22, 2005
Dimse Dut said:
I could say the same to the community. We have stated our view and expressed our feelings on the matter. Why dont WE grow up and let the dust settle. People have now been warned about Roope and that is what this was all about. Roope reputation in the community is beyond repair. The only thing you achieve by pursueing the matter is that people start to feel sorry for him ( which is something we dont want to happen) or that he reports it as harrasment which IS against the CoC and a matter that goes beyond the community and is GoA territory.
In other words : Just because he is acting like an idiot doesnt mean we have to respond like idiots.

But why should we? Why?

He has repeatidly shown to be a danger to the community and saying he doesn't care that he can have sex with his girlfriend or whatever.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
psyco said:
no, he crafted them, if he felt that they were worth more/less he can charge whatever, ie games cost differant amounts from differant stores even tho the stores didn't write them... your saying that that is a crime?:p

Next time you go to McDonalds and order a bigmac, what's your response going to be when they bring you your burger and ask for £3000 pounds from you. Remember that they have cooked your burger so you can't just refuse to pay.

I assume you'll just say.. well the manager of the store had a bad upbringing and hand over the cash? When the store manager calls the police, what would you like them to say... "hey they cooked the burger, they can charge what they like, check the menu more carefully next time and fork over the cash idiot!"

If he had 10 waterpots on his CM for 16p and that was it your point would be valid. It's not what he's doing! He's trying to get people to fork over 16p without realising they are doing it... that isn't him charging 16p for a waterpot because he thinks it's a fair price, it's him trying to scam people.

Yeah serial killers might only be serial killers because they had a bad upbringing, but that certainly doesn't mean we say.. ok you had a bad childhood, my mistake, please continue about your business..


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
psyco said:
you say that but...
do you think hitler would have been a fasist dictator if he became a sucsessful artist?
do you think that archemedes would have been a famous scientist if his perants beat him to death?
and how about george w. bush junior, would he be president, and kill millions of inosent people, if his dad didn't become president?

so obviously it is his upbringing

1) If he didnt have the innate skill, then no. You either have it or you dont.

2) No, he would have been dead. >genius<

3) GWB Junior has half the DNA of his father - nothing to do with his "upbringing" its biology m8, not sociology. GWB junior has never killed millions of people, thats a fact. Philip Morris however.....

Someone advise here.....there was some study done regarding arguments in online forums....and that the first person to mention hitler and the nazis had basically just lost the argument.......


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
tbh with you he sounds like an ass...

however my parents used to beat me, but now i see it as a learning process for doing right and doing wrong. but thats another issue.

I know right from wrong, and this is malicious intent to defraud moneys...albeit virtual moneys.

but then anyone just looking and buying without checking is stupid, especially if you ignore the 20% mark up from ME....be nigh on 20P for water potion.

Roone is being an ASS, and should get a slap, but then only a trigger happy mouse wielding numpty would buy from him.

vicious circle, rather be ganked by a group of stealthers imo:puke:


Loyal Freddie
Jan 20, 2005
The torches just went out...

Any1 has a lighter? :clap:

Better get your inflated doll back out of the closet, cus we're not done flaming yet ! :touch:


One of Freddy's beloved
May 29, 2004
This thread has warned ppl not to trade or trust him its served its purpose imo , carry on flaming him for what reason ? i really dont think he does care but then again who does ? :d


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Golena said:
Next time you go to McDonalds and order a bigmac, what's your response going to be when they bring you your burger and ask for £3000 pounds from you. Remember that they have cooked your burger so you can't just refuse to pay.

I assume you'll just say.. well the manager of the store had a bad upbringing and hand over the cash? When the store manager calls the police, what would you like them to say... "hey they cooked the burger, they can charge what they like, check the menu more carefully next time and fork over the cash idiot!"

If he had 10 waterpots on his CM for 16p and that was it your point would be valid. It's not what he's doing! He's trying to get people to fork over 16p without realising they are doing it... that isn't him charging 16p for a waterpot because he thinks it's a fair price, it's him trying to scam people.

Yeah serial killers might only be serial killers because they had a bad upbringing, but that certainly doesn't mean we say.. ok you had a bad childhood, my mistake, please continue about your business..

Mc Donalds do big mac? i thought that was burgerking, taking their name for a product would be illegel.
but i know what you meen if it was on the menu then it would be my own damn fault, i probbably wouldn't have that ammount on me so i dont know what would happen
+ it is a buisness so it has to be aproved by more than one person

what if he only had the cash to produce 3, i know i wouldn't craft 10... only a handfull

thirdly i was only refering to the mob groups that abuse the murderers, i agree that people need to be punished. witch is effectivly what you guys are doing

Zede said:
3) GWB Junior has half the DNA of his father - nothing to do with his "upbringing" its biology m8, not sociology. GWB junior has never killed millions of people, thats a fact. Philip Morris however.....

i was trying to make a point that if they had a differant childhood then maybe theys things wouldn't have happen

as for the GWB thing this father was president, that probbably indroduced him into politics, and his dad started the war on iraq.
just adding who was the leader of 9/11? osama bin laden
what natonallity is osama? his from afganistan
what the fuck are they invading iraq for then? ... no comment ...
what was the reason they went to war? WMD's (bull btw)
did they find any? no
why are they still there? ... no comment ...

100+ british troops have died for a lose cause
100+ american troops have died for a lose cause
alot more iraq citican's died innocently


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Smellysox said:
This thread has warned ppl not to trade or trust him its served its purpose imo , carry on flaming him for what reason ? i really dont think he does care but then again who does ? :d
I care :< I do think the guy had all this flaming and more coming at him, seeing as he's trying to rip people off and being a **** over it when people turn out to dislike being scammed ;p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
psyco said:
Mc Donalds do big mac? i thought that was burgerking, taking their name for a product would be illegel.
but i know what you meen if it was on the menu then it would be my own damn fault, i probbably wouldn't have that ammount on me so i dont know what would happen
+ it is a buisness so it has to be aproved by more than one person

what if he only had the cash to produce 3, i know i wouldn't craft 10... only a handfull

thirdly i was only refering to the mob groups that abuse the murderers, i agree that people need to be punished. witch is effectivly what you guys are doing

i was trying to make a point that if they had a differant childhood then maybe theys things wouldn't have happen

as for the GWB thing this father was president, that probbably indroduced him into politics, and his dad started the war on iraq.
just adding who was the leader of 9/11? osama bin laden
what natonallity is osama? his from afganistan
what the fuck are they invading iraq for then? ... no comment ...
what was the reason they went to war? WMD's (bull btw)
did they find any? no
why are they still there? ... no comment ...

100+ british troops have died for a lose cause
100+ american troops have died for a lose cause
alot more iraq citican's died innocently

First thing first - Macdonalds do the Big Mac - the Mac gives it away tbh.
Secondly dude, whatever you say isnt going to defend Roope - notice that he can't defend himself so I don't see why you should even try on his behalf - you are just making yourself look a bit foolish tbh...

And while we are at it - here is a map - might help you get back onto the topic - wtf has Iraq, Hitler etc got to do with Roope - I think you will find the realistic answer is............................FOOK ALL !!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
evzy said:
First thing first - Macdonalds do the Big Mac - the Mac gives it away tbh.
Secondly dude, whatever you say isnt going to defend Roope - notice that he can't defend himself so I don't see why you should even try on his behalf - you are just making yourself look a bit foolish tbh...

And while we are at it - here is a map - might help you get back onto the topic - wtf has Iraq, Hitler etc got to do with Roope - I think you will find the realistic answer is............................FOOK ALL !!

i never set out to deffend him

i dont dine at mcdonalds as it tastes like shit, only a case of mistaken idenity sorry

i was simply comparing him to more famous case's, as you guys would act the same if it was a [war on terror/holocaust] forum

PS. whats burgerkings version?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Burgerking do Teh Whopper I think its called.. Personally I dont dine at either of them myself but hey..

Thing is comparing what Roope did to Dicatators etc has no real foundation. Keep on the topic which is basically Roope trying to rip people off, come on FH and be smug about it, and then not even bother to reply to anyone else as he obviously knows what he has done wrong - and yes he has done wrong whichever way you look at it - he was fishing to rip someone off - no other way of looking at it - it wasnt an error, it wasnt a test - proved I think by the fact he didnt even explain what the "test" was - lets face it ....he aint a DAOC scientist, nor does he monitor the fluctuation of prices on ME , the only thing he was testing was if he could rip someone for 16plat and get away with it - however you look at this - its plain wrong..



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Burgerking do Teh Whopper I think its called.. Personally I dont dine at either of them myself but hey..

Thing is comparing what Roope did to Dicatators etc has no real foundation. Keep on the topic which is basically Roope trying to rip people off, come on FH and be smug about it, and then not even bother to reply to anyone else as he obviously knows what he has done wrong - and yes he has done wrong whichever way you look at it - he was fishing to rip someone off - no other way of looking at it - it wasnt an error, it wasnt a test - proved I think by the fact he didnt even explain what the "test" was - lets face it ....he aint a DAOC scientist, nor does he monitor the fluctuation of prices on ME , the only thing he was testing was if he could rip someone for 16plat and get away with it - however you look at this - its plain wrong..


thanks for the whopper thing, that was really begining to get under my skin

and i wasn't comparing what they did... was just proving that they had a less than perfect upbringing, and that the only wrong doing is the offensive replys.

afaik you must be 13 to registar and im sure that if i were a father with a 13 year old son im not sure i would want him reading it...

also i do believe its against CoC


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
I doubt he is a child tbh, but the CoC I havent read for ages - there is some class stuff in there that made me chuckle :)

As for offensive replies - I dont think they are really anywhere near as bad as some of the stuff on here and besides which what he did was offensive and if people are telling him so , then so be it. I think its important that these kind of things are raised within the community of DAOC and the more people who read the thread the more chance people will remember him and avoid him/avoid helping him in the future - so by trying to rip people off, all he is really doing is costing himself potential friends and allies..


One of Freddy's beloved
May 29, 2004
Straef said:
I care :< I do think the guy had all this flaming and more coming at him, seeing as he's trying to rip people off and being a **** over it when people turn out to dislike being scammed ;p
Well duh rly ? we all know ppl dont like being scammed the point i was making is the thread has ran its purpose i think ppl wont have dealings with him anymore , if you are however are one of the unlucky ones to have bought a pot then thats life you wont die in rl or anything just jot it down to him being a smart ass and move on .
PS - if you need help after the pot scam plz call the number on this web site >>http://www.samaritans.org/talk/questions.shtm#


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
evzy said:
I doubt he is a child tbh, but the CoC I havent read for ages - there is some class stuff in there that made me chuckle :)

As for offensive replies - I dont think they are really anywhere near as bad as some of the stuff on here and besides which what he did was offensive and if people are telling him so , then so be it. I think its important that these kind of things are raised within the community of DAOC and the more people who read the thread the more chance people will remember him and avoid him/avoid helping him in the future - so by trying to rip people off, all he is really doing is costing himself potential friends and allies..

i didn't say he was a child, just children may read theys forums and totally agree with you tosen did the right thing bringing it to our attention

sorry if i didn't make myself clear in the start, im not too articulate, was never very good at english


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Smellysox said:
Well duh rly ? we all know ppl dont like being scammed the point i was making is the thread has ran its purpose i think ppl wont have dealings with him anymore , if you are however are one of the unlucky ones to have bought a pot then thats life you wont die in rl or anything just jot it down to him being a smart ass and move on .
PS - if you need help after the pot scam plz call the number on this web site >>http://www.samaritans.org/talk/questions.shtm#
It's not about people not dealing with him anymore, or about making a point :< It's about him acting like a **** and having to be flamed to ashes to keep me amused.

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Straef said:
It's not about people not dealing with him anymore, or about making a point :< It's about him acting like a **** and having to be flamed to ashes to keep me amused.

So when you behave like a **** we get to flame you to ashes to keep us entertained?


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Belomar said:
Heh, this Roope guy seems a total idiot. Oh, and who is he kidding, your behavior in the community is a reflection of your personality. None of the well-known scammers and fools are going to be Mother Theresas IRL. It takes a certain mindset to do things like this, and that is just not going to go away when you do something other than playing a game (we can only hope that they get suppressed IRL where possible repercussions are more serious).

Hmm I could agrue with that, my behaviour on this forum has been a little bit... 'odd' sometimes;).. but what roope has done is totally retarded.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 29, 2004
Straef said:
It's not about people not dealing with him anymore, or about making a point :< It's about him acting like a **** and having to be flamed to ashes to keep me amused.
That would be the point of this thread i would asume to keep you amused , u tit.


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
Rickie said:
The good thing here is you dont need anyone to make you look like the pathetic little boy you are, - you always manage to do that yourself.

Rep, mummy always knows best!


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Dimse Dut said:
So when you behave like a **** we get to flame you to ashes to keep us entertained?
Aye, bring it :d
Smellysox said:
That would be the point of this thread i would asume to keep you amused , u tit.
Aye, titties to amuse me.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2004

This is camlann style i know how that works :) verry nice try all i can say lol :p hahaahhaha really laughed my ass of at this post LOL

i like amstel pils


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
Golena said:
Next time you go to McDonalds and order a bigmac, what's your response going to be when they bring you your burger and ask for £3000 pounds from you. Remember that they have cooked your burger so you can't just refuse to pay.

Daoc is NOT = IRL.

At least not for me, but if it is for you, I understand your point(although youre one sad zombie virgin than)

ive left guild btw, just for you to be happy.. not that ive logged in the last 2 months but who cares.

oh and scarloc: its really hard for me not posting some pics of the girl i recorded yesterday while having sex. she would be your new wildest dream, but it would be too cruel using her on an idiot forum to counter a 12 yr old accusing me :p


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Righthandof said:
ive left guild btw, just for you to be happy.. not that ive logged in the last 2 months but who cares.

Wouldnt you have to log in to /gc quit.. fcking idiot.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Righthandof said:
oh and scarloc: its really hard for me not posting some pics of the girl i recorded yesterday while having sex. she would be your new wildest dream, but it would be too cruel using her on an idiot forum to counter a 12 yr old accusing me :p
i thought non consented voyeurism was illegal?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Righthandof said:
ive left guild btw, just for you to be happy..

Perhaps by doing this and protecting the good name of your former guild you are demonstrating that you have a vestigial speck of honour.

If I were the KoP GM, I'd still /gc autoremove you. Just in case your lying, cheating habits were proving too hard for you to break. I'm sure you'll understand that no-one can just trust your word any longer.

its really hard for me not posting some pics of the girl i recorded yesterday while having sex

Having sex with your inflatable friend whilst recording webcam pr0n doesn't make you look big or clever. :(

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