Water pots "scam" ? (prydwen)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Righthandof said:
oh and scarloc: its really hard for me not posting some pics of the girl i recorded yesterday while having sex. she would be your new wildest dream, but it would be too cruel using her on an idiot forum to counter a 12 yr old accusing me :p
No need megameightz0r!
I've got some super secret pics of your new friend and thanks to the miracle of teh intarweb all can see how you spend your friday nights!


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Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Righthandof said:
Daoc is NOT = IRL.

At least not for me, but if it is for you, I understand your point(although youre one sad zombie virgin than)

ive left guild btw, just for you to be happy.. not that ive logged in the last 2 months but who cares.

oh and scarloc: its really hard for me not posting some pics of the girl i recorded yesterday while having sex. she would be your new wildest dream, but it would be too cruel using her on an idiot forum to counter a 12 yr old accusing me :p

Must have been tough handling both the Camera and the blow-up doll at the same time. Did you mount the camera on your Lego Castle? =D

(to the ALbion commuty: you guys are right, somone lend me a match)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Dimse Dut said:
Must have been tough handling both the Camera and the blow-up doll at the same time. Did you mount the camera on your Lego Castle? =D

(to the ALbion commuty: you guys are right, somone lend me a match)

from the looks of it he doesn't even play anymore so theres no point continuing:twak:


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Righthandof said:
Daoc is NOT = IRL.

At least not for me, but if it is for you, I understand your point(although youre one sad zombie virgin than)

ive left guild btw, just for you to be happy.. not that ive logged in the last 2 months but who cares.

oh and scarloc: its really hard for me not posting some pics of the girl i recorded yesterday while having sex. she would be your new wildest dream, but it would be too cruel using her on an idiot forum to counter a 12 yr old accusing me :p

So i will do it for you...



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
i have just been reading the CoC, and was wondering if any mod's were actually monitoring it

CoC said:
Note that this is a loose guide, as we are the people who run this place in our spare time we reserve the right to be as relaxed or strict as we happen to feel like on the day in question.


Coc said:
Personal attacks will not be tolerated, if you use the forums to wage virtual war you aren't just a very sad individual who probably likes to bash the bishop to streaming goat pr0n but you will also not be welcome here.

Coc said:

We understand that people will disagree and arguments with each other will happen. This is only natural where you have a large collection of users from a variety of different backgrounds with a matching variety of different views. We're not here to prevent open speech or discussion, indeed it is encouraged, but always please try to remember that if you launch personal attacks at others you should do so carefully. The old addage is to 'not say anything to someone you wouldn't say in real life, face to face', but reading these boards I sometimes wonder how effective that really is. Therefore, if you choose to 'flame' others then you will draw the attention of the mods. If you draw the attention of the mods then you will be watched more closely than others. Users deemed to be posting in too aggressive or rude a manner may receive a PM from a mod as a warning, but certainly will receive a 3 day temporary ban as a final warning if the behaviour continues. If their behaviour does not change following this 3 day warning they will receive a permanent ban. No ifs, no buts, a permanent ban.

Coc said:
Posts that are generally harassing, offensive, abusive – especially those aimed at sexual orientation, gender, race, colour, religious views, national origin or disability – will not be tolerated.

how relaxed are you guys going to be? this thread is 4 page's long almost every post is a 'personal attack'
i also believe that that is two conflicting rules
i also know im putting myself at risk, just trying to keep the peace
to add i know it must be hard monitoring so much data, so im not sugesting that your not doing any work

Coc said:
Users we think are simply provoking the mods or testing the flexibility of the rules will be banned.


Coc said:
nor is it possible to guarantee that every moderator will treat situations in exactly the same way

im sure you will do the right thing


CoC said:
These rules have been prepared in response to feedback that people were unsure about our modding policies here and hence had difficulty understanding why some people may have been warned or banned

psyco said:
lol why did straef get banned?
just curious

sorry this wont happen again i was didn't read the entire CoC before, now is the only time ive had the time.


i didn't know witch mod to send it to thought this would be the best place

thank you

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
This thread is a fascinating study in human behaviour and how a comminity will defend it self. After the first wave of disgust there has been a almost seemless bonding process. Yes there have been personal attacks and flamme like posts but all in all the tone has been civil with the occasional busts of " String him up" and other more colourfull expressions. I understand the call to sanety but i dont think this is a community that wants blood I think it wants remorse. THAT is why Roope keeps triggering people to post here because he has shown not one single shred remorse but instead recites his sexual conquests. We are all baffled by his total lack of social skills and think that maybe one last poke may make him realise that what he is doing is wrong.

Siding with him may seem to the community not as an attempt to show compasion for a underdog but as you distancing from the rest by not being part of the bonding process.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Zede said:
Someone advise here.....there was some study done regarding arguments in online forums....and that the first person to mention hitler and the nazis had basically just lost the argument.......

Godwin's Law of Usenet:

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."



Lorimez Shadowblade

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
I think the point has been made for Roope. He has lost the respect of those albions who have read this and probably most people who think that his response about his sexual conquests are boring/madeup/irrelevant* (*delete as appropriate)

End of the day - we've all got our opinions on him ( :twak: )and I don't think anymore postings here will actually change those.

I feel glad that the community isn't afraid to stand up for what they believe in but feel sadnened that Roope didnt even try to empathise with peoples views and the fact that he has had to endure some personal attacks. :fluffle:

Just an old timers opinion :cheers:



Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
Righthandof said:
Daoc is NOT = IRL.

At least not for me, but if it is for you, I understand your point(although youre one sad zombie virgin than)

Well it looks, to me at least, like most ppl think you are the sad zombie here. Beeing offensive in evry post dont make you look like a man. Showing some form of regret will do the trix.

Righthandof said:
ive left guild btw, just for you to be happy.. not that ive logged in the last 2 months but who cares.

Tbh I dont think anyone will be happy becaus you leave the guild. Most ppl know you as a good player ... just try to be a fair one too and we are all happy.

Righthandof said:
oh and scarloc: its really hard for me not posting some pics of the girl i recorded yesterday while having sex. she would be your new wildest dream, but it would be too cruel using her on an idiot forum to counter a 12 yr old accusing me :p

Posting stuff like that realy hits the bottom!
I think most ppl in here have sex on a regular basic and therefor we dont need to bring that in our posts ( witch is so very of topic btw ), we just enjoy it and dont fell the need to tell evryone about it as we assum noone cares. And guess what.... noone do care as they see having sex as a very evryday-normal-event.
The fact that you fell the need to tell us all about you having sex indicates that its a new and rare experience for you. So rare that you even need to record it to make sure it realy happend.
Well Roope, - that alone says a lot about who you are.

Be a man and admit you did wrong... we all make mistakes, and we all understand when someone say " Im sorry!".



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
theres nothing wrong with my social skills - actualy im learning that(socialization, as im going to be a teacher) at a university currently without probs.

thing is i dont apologise, and i dont defend myself as i find it unfair to accuse me with this shit, and writing a thread flaming me on a forum which everyone reads... WITHOUT doing anything wrong - okay, ive set a high price on my items, so? you dont want it you wont buy it - i havent sold any of those. also guess what, im not the only person doing this, some even sold some of these overpriced items, not like me. still, its naming and flaming against me and my guild.

and tbh sex wasnt the biggest thing ive mentioned what is better than daoc, it was just a part of my story about why i just dont care. u need friends, check, u need girls, check, etc. but reputation on a virtual forum is just not on the list.

dont expect "sorry" from me for something im not really faulty(there are worse than me) on a game forum after accusing me on 9 pages. now this is my point.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Righthandof said:
theres nothing wrong with my social skills - actualy im learning that(socialization, as im going to be a teacher) at a university currently without probs.

thing is i dont apologise, and i dont defend myself as i find it unfair to accuse me with this shit, and writing a thread flaming me on a forum which everyone reads... WITHOUT doing anything wrong - okay, ive set a high price on my items, so? you dont want it you wont buy it - i havent sold any of those. also guess what, im not the only person doing this, some even sold some of these overpriced items, not like me. still, its naming and flaming against me and my guild.

and tbh sex wasnt the biggest thing ive mentioned what is better than daoc, it was just a part of my story about why i just dont care. u need friends, check, u need girls, check, etc. but reputation on a virtual forum is just not on the list.

dont expect "sorry" from me for something im not really faulty(there are worse than me) on a game forum after accusing me on 9 pages. now this is my point.

Good luck in your next mmorpg. And god help your future students, from the looks of it your going to breed a right bunch of twats if they have to rely on YOU to teach them anything.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
Zede said:
Good luck in your next mmorpg. And god help your future students, from the looks of it your going to breed a right bunch of twats if they have to rely on YOU to teach them anything.

thanks, but i dont play mmorpgs. daoc is just a way to be with my friends who live far from me, i dont really care about oo ive killed a virtual monster, or even another player.. its just fun to chat and also have a character which looks the way you'd look in the same surroundings, which acts like you'd do, says what you'd say.. almost like irl, of course, a chat above a good beer is always >> daoc, but daoc >> telephone/mirc etc. - i just cant get nervous irl because something is too expensive on consigment merchants.. not like most ppl do here.
also ive quit daoc 2 months ago.

oh and who are you to judge my teaching skills? just because ive set my water pots to 16 plats in a game, how on earth would that mean that I cant be useful for the future generation?

btw sorry for my poor english, ive been writing a long composition in french this morning, and its tricky to switch languages for me sometimes.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Righthandof said:
oh and who are you to judge my teaching skills? just because ive set my water pots to 16 plats in a game, how on earth would that mean that I cant be useful for the future generation?

i think he was refering to your choice of language in previous posts

Righthandof said:
but it would be too cruel using her on an idiot forum to counter a 12 yr old accusing me

this sentence sugests to me that you have a problem with a 'younger' generation


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
thanks, but i dont play mmorpgs. daoc is just a way to be with my friends who live far from me, i dont really care about oo ive killed a virtual monster, or even another player..

I think the point you seem to miss here is, that we´re not talking about killing a virtual monster or "just" virtual digits. The thing is, that 16 plats are the equivalent of 10+ hours of farming i.e. 10+ hours of work/time you spend playing the game. And I think it´s more than understandable, that people are pissed off if somebody is trying to "test" the result of this time out of their pockets (time they could have spend drinking with their frinds... as you´re suggesting and as many people would have prefered). So basically you´re preaching the RL>DAoC and I-don´t-care-about-the-game crede, but still try to take advantage of other peoples efforts. And it´s definitely NOT just setting a high price as you admitted by saying it was a "test". Not too hard to understand the harsh response is it?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Righthandof said:
oh and scarloc: its really hard for me not posting some pics of the girl i recorded yesterday while having sex. she would be your new wildest dream, but it would be too cruel using her on an idiot forum to counter a 12 yr old accusing me :p

Accusing? You've been found guilty ^^


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
If you see me on my mincer "Bahumat" and want a free water buff (sojouner line) let me know, ofc if your in another zone then no chance but if you see me at castle sausage or whatever its called let me know :)

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Righthandof said:
theres nothing wrong with my social skills - actualy im learning that(socialization, as im going to be a teacher) at a university currently without probs.

thing is i dont apologise, and i dont defend myself as i find it unfair to accuse me with this shit, and writing a thread flaming me on a forum which everyone reads... WITHOUT doing anything wrong - okay, ive set a high price on my items, so? you dont want it you wont buy it - i havent sold any of those. also guess what, im not the only person doing this, some even sold some of these overpriced items, not like me. still, its naming and flaming against me and my guild.

and tbh sex wasnt the biggest thing ive mentioned what is better than daoc, it was just a part of my story about why i just dont care. u need friends, check, u need girls, check, etc. but reputation on a virtual forum is just not on the list.

dont expect "sorry" from me for something im not really faulty(there are worse than me) on a game forum after accusing me on 9 pages. now this is my point.

I dont believe you. You hold up your sexual conquests as a shield against the accusations raining down on you. Having sex doesnt make you a genius. Having friends doesnt make you a good guy either, just means that you have found likeminded people in your area.
You seem to think that because its a Virtual forum and a virtual game gives you the right to ignore the rules and accuse us of being sad people who have no sex and no friends. If your social skills were as leet as you say you would have understood pages ago that no matter who someone humps or who he has as buddies he deserves respect even if you have never met him and never will. You forgot or missed the cardinal point of the "virtual" world. You may not be able to se the person your interacting with, but its still a person.

YOU cant even stretch your morals and ethics far enough to encompass strangers...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Tosen said:
I have 3 mansions, and 3 houses - yea.
I would be stupid not to buy 3 pots which - I thought - was 2g cheaper than what it costs to make them myself.
just answering :fluffle:

Righthandof said:
thing is i dont apologise, and i dont defend myself as i find it unfair to accuse me with this shit, and writing a thread flaming me on a forum which everyone reads... WITHOUT doing anything wrong - okay, ive set a high price on my items, so? you dont want it you wont buy it - i havent sold any of those. also guess what, im not the only person doing this, some even sold some of these overpriced items, not like me. still, its naming and flaming against me and my guild.

Why are you selling pots at a loss (18g to make) then, do you feel like losing money? or is it because you want people to come to your house under the pretence of getting a pot excessively cheap and hoping one of them makes a mistake and buys your 16plat pots instead?

Selling pots for 16p is fine if thats the price you want to sell them at, that is your perogative. However, placing 16p pots in the same vicinity at 16g pots is indeed wrong as you are intentially trying to dupe people. If this was the real world you would be answering some serious questions from trading standards.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
righthandof dont have a leg to stand on here, there's 2 sides...

1) you want to put your items up for an insane price in the hope that someone will make a mistake and purchase yours. This way of doing things is not against a law nor a CoC but its morally wrong.

2) you want to put them on your house for a high price so you have somewhere to store them but as its such a high price you know no one will buy them, if you are honestly doing it for this reason then you dont need to set a price.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Righthandof said:
also ive quit daoc 2 months ago.
So, seeing you stopped playing 2 months ago, how on Earth can you know that no one has bought your overpriced water pots?


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 13, 2004
Dimse Dut said:
I dont believe you. You hold up your sexual conquests as a shield against the accusations raining down on you. Having sex doesnt make you a genius. Having friends doesnt make you a good guy either, just means that you have found likeminded people in your area.
You seem to think that because its a Virtual forum and a virtual game gives you the right to ignore the rules and accuse us of being sad people who have no sex and no friends. If your social skills were as leet as you say you would have understood pages ago that no matter who someone humps or who he has as buddies he deserves respect even if you have never met him and never will. You forgot or missed the cardinal point of the "virtual" world. You may not be able to se the person your interacting with, but its still a person.

YOU cant even stretch your morals and ethics far enough to encompass strangers...

+1 and i'll be your friend if you dont have any.. :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
Funny thing is….my actual last post i did say something like “ppl should mind theyr own life”…. Now…a 12 pages post full of flames makes me think... GET A LIFE PPL!!! xD xD

<Runs off to CM to change his items for overcharged price> *joking* XD


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Righthandof said:
also ive quit daoc 2 months ago.

Roope Renegade RR6l7 CL5

DR went live on Feb 1st, 2006. How can you be CL5 if you quit 2 months ago? Are you lying about your CL or are you lying about your quit date?

oh and who are you to judge my teaching skills? just because ive set my water pots to 16 plats in a game, how on earth would that mean that I cant be useful for the future generation?

A teacher should be a role model. Someone to respect and look up to. Someone you can learn from. (I recognise most teachers fall far short of this ideal, but that's what a teacher should be).

Based on the bizarre character insight you've given us throughout this thread I think a rational person can only deduce that you would make a terrible role model for future generations. You are arrogant, remorseless, without morals, illogical, dishonest and juvenile. Exactly which one of those attributes makes you well qualified to teach?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
Belomar said:
So, seeing you stopped playing 2 months ago, how on Earth can you know that no one has bought your overpriced water pots?

ive already mentioned i quit my guild.. how on earth could i have achieved that without logging in? and no, 2 mins online doesnt make you an active player.

regarding the other smart ass who came with my cl5.. yep, bought DR to try it, and got to cl5 in 2 days, than went inactive again, wow.

Gethin said:
Selling pots for 16p is fine if thats the price you want to sell them at, that is your perogative. However, placing 16p pots in the same vicinity at 16g pots is indeed wrong as you are intentially trying to dupe people. If this was the real world you would be answering some serious questions from trading standards.

ive had 3 pots on my cm, for 16 p each, NO 16 gold ones there. QQ.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
2 mins online doesnt make you an active player.

regarding the other smart ass who came with my cl5.. yep, bought DR to try it, and got to cl5 in 2 days, than went inactive again, wow.

I smell strong bull shit.

First you say 2 minutes, then 2 days.


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