Blow said:GOA should flag people like you, and when you are paying your subscribtion they should make a test button where you click to pay for 12 Years in advantage instead of 12 Months
Flesh just had a tough shell, but he was a softy deep down :dWild said:i can feel a poll comming on
all time most disliked person on prydwen
Roope }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 1million votes
Flesh }}}} 100 thousand votes
flesh wasnt a scamer thoujust hada short temper
to say this isnt a scam is stupid
to say this is a "test" is even worse
a lot of people do it aye but in my eyes doesnt make it right.. i used to love the daoc community seems the slope keeps going downhill
I care ¬!!!!!! U heartless biatch !!!!!! :F :U :<Righthandof said:who the hell cares about reputation? i have my irl friends to drink a beer or two, i have my in game friends to rvr with, and i have my girl to have sex with, why on earth would i go for reputation points on a virtual forum full of people ive never known really and never will.
i play this game for fun, but i try not to harm people - those pots were a test, after somebody REALLY sold one for 20p, for the record, i HAVENT sold any of those - so stfu and have a nice day.
puhh flesh was like the only cool dude on prydwen!Wild said:all time most disliked person on prydwen
Roope }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 1million votes
Flesh }}}} 100 thousand votes
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:So.... just to get it straight...
A guy from guild <Knights of Purity> merrily states in public that he doesn´t give a fook about ingame reputation, that he doesn´t show any respect for other players and that he deliberately tried to sca.. to "test" peoples attention by trying to rip them off for 19p. And no word from the guild GM? I know, at this point the usual "don´t judge a guild by the actions of one person" sets in. But then: how much more damaging can one person be for a guild? Does <Knights of Purity> REALLY support and defend this kind of behaivour?
Please. Don't be an idiot. It's not about being overpriced, it's about trying to scam others by camouflaging the price so that people mistakenly buy your item over another.Spamb0t said:and theres so many other overpriced items on ah anyways (im guessing!) so why all this about just some 16p stuff ~~
It's both. If someones tired and/or not concentrating they could easily buy them accidently then have no comeback. Yes it would be that persons fault technically, but roope is clearly trying to play on that, its not like anyone would ever buy pots for that amount so why would he otherwise list them for it. Both a greedy bastard and a (wannabe) scamming one.scorge said:while i dont agree with it, its his CM its his price, and its your own fault if you buy one. Its not as if he is hiding the price you just have to be a bit slower on the buy button. Just dont buy stuff from his cm .
I dont think its scamming, just a greedy bastard.
selling 'overpriced' items to ppl that dont know what they usually go for is about the same as scamming? imo atleastBelomar said:Please. Don't be an idiot. It's not about being overpriced, it's about trying to scam others by camouflaging the price so that people mistakenly buy your item over another.
Oh, and ~~
Righthandof said:hm you quoted me interesting... everthing except virtual currency is "blah blah" for you? now thats pretty sad to be honest... get a rest, go out, have sex(well, pay for it if you have to), and come back when you want to play and not live the real life in this virtual shit.
It's not about items being overpriced, but over ripping people off. If someone sticks a Zahur ring on a cm for 60p, sure it's expensive, but people can expect such amounts of money to be paid for such an item, while you don't assume to pay 10+ plat for a water pot.Spamb0t said:it was 16p!
and theres so many other overpriced items on ah anyways (im guessing!) so why all this about just some 16p stuff ~~
btw i dont know the dude nor do i play daoc atm ;p
Not to mention that this is at least the second time someone mentions him ripping people off in the same way, while I believe the first time he said it was an accident, and now he's just blatantly being a **** over it.Dorimor1 said:First you sell an item that you won and shouldn't have sold, then you sell off an item filenotfound won on an auction, then this?
Why, Roope?![]()
Righthandof said:hm you quoted me interesting... everthing except virtual currency is "blah blah" for you? now thats pretty sad to be honest... get a rest, go out, have sex(well, pay for it if you have to), and come back when you want to play and not live the real life in this virtual shit.
Thadius said:You used to be a sorted bloke Roope
Now you just seem like a dickhead![]()
Vladamir said:Indeed ;x
Also Straef i want your babehm8s.
Levin said:You want his babymates?![]()
Dimse Dut said:We KNOW that Ricky has had sex ( points at her son Toby)
mikke said:![]()
what IS this supposed to mean? xDuke:
Dakkath said:The actions of the individual remain the actions of the individual UNTIL a senior guild member steps in to defend them. There has been no such defence so no dishonour should be associated with the guild in question...
Scam, test, theory, idea, plan... Call it what you will it was pretty low BUT that's the way the world works. There always have been and always will be opportunisticly minded folk who look to take abuse every situation and use it to their advantage...
Personally I think it's a crap thing to do but I'm not surprised it was him who did it... Sadly yo can't stop people trying the same trick if they feel like it (and some always will). It's a classis case of Caveat Emptor - Let the buyer beware.