Omg shieldspec warden? We're bard+mana eld, best log on if you has guardi have a level 14 warden there!
Omg shieldspec warden? We're bard+mana eld, best log on if you has guard
Oh damn, doesn't that make them kinda gimped?no shield spec on uth
So is anyone playing Hibernia?
Kiko. 50 champ, 50 chanter, 49 hero, 47 druid amongst others. But I hardly play atm, the weather is too nice.
We not Caster Grp running tanks/caster grp atmDont forget full caster groups suck.
I have a level 35ish chanter
Dont forget full caster groups suck.
making Vizzies atm then stealths and WE just bumped in Durrell lol all we need now is Kilsimba and Perf