United States Corrupt Twattery


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
So the very next day North Korea fires a missile in Japans direction.

US backs Japan, Abe still eye rolling?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Heres Trumps financial history.
He only inherited 20 million off his dad.
Lost a lot..but so did everybody in the real estate crash.
He became too big for the banks to pull the plug.

I'd say there was nothing unusual in these up and downs for a financial chancer like Trump,.

This Is How Donald Trump Actually Got Rich

450k for a speech.
Someone thinks he talks sense.
Last edited:


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Trump would have earned more money by simply handing over his inheritance to fund manager. He's been consistently outperformed by the stock market for half a century. This is a man who managed to invest in property in the most expensive city on the planet and lose money.

And Farage presented the public with a campaign of lies. There's nothing remotely admirable about either of them - they both suck on the tit of public funds, while claiming they're self-made men.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I'm interested in the lies.
What are they exactly.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I'm interested in the lies.
What are they exactly.

This would be the biggest. The rest are yet to shake out, but I'll take your bets on the economy, on how fucked Northern Ireland is going to be, and whether stopping all those dirty immigrants is going to make everyone happy and better off right now.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
This would be the biggest. The rest are yet to shake out, but I'll take your bets on the economy, on how fucked Northern Ireland is going to be, and whether stopping all those dirty immigrants is going to make everyone happy and better off right now.

You don't get it mate.

The political elite have been lying to us for years! It's about time we get someone from the corporate elites to lie to us instead!


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Heres Trumps financial history.
He only inherited 20 million off his dad.
Lost a lot..but so did everybody in the real estate crash.
He became too big for the banks to pull the plug.

I'd say there was nothing unusual in these up and downs for a financial chancer like Trump,.

This Is How Donald Trump Actually Got Rich

450k for a speech.
Someone thinks he talks sense.

Wow. Try not to be selective in links we can actually read
Further, in 2003, it was reported that Donald and his siblings sold a portion of their father’s real estate holdings for around half a billion dollars.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
This would be the biggest. The rest are yet to shake out, but I'll take your bets on the economy, on how fucked Northern Ireland is going to be, and whether stopping all those dirty immigrants is going to make everyone happy and better off right now.
He never said it, it was the Leave campaigns slogan.
Every paper reported, Farage backtracks....well no ,not really, he dismissed it.

So that's it so far..one fibb..he never told.

Speaking on the morning of the referendum result he however said he had never made any such pledge.

“No I can’t [guarantee it], and I would never have made that claim. That was one of the mistakes that I think the Leave campaign made,” he said.

When it was pointed out that Vote Leave emblazoned the £350 million claim onto the side of a tour bus and drove it around the country, Mr Farage said: “It wasn’t one of my adverts – I can assure you! I think they made a mistake in doing that.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
He never said it, it was the Leave campaigns slogan.
Every paper reported, Farage backtracks....well no ,not really, he dismissed it.

So that's it so far..one fibb..he never told.

Speaking on the morning of the referendum result he however said he had never made any such pledge.

“No I can’t [guarantee it], and I would never have made that claim. That was one of the mistakes that I think the Leave campaign made,” he said.

When it was pointed out that Vote Leave emblazoned the £350 million claim onto the side of a tour bus and drove it around the country, Mr Farage said: “It wasn’t one of my adverts – I can assure you! I think they made a mistake in doing that.

Video evidence emerges of Nigel Farage pledging EU millions for NHS after denial


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Read it again.
Oh yeah that was the will..20m in total as well.
The part of the company was allegedly sold for 500m, but there are four of them and no one knows who got what or how much was owed to the banks..which could have been all of it.

Edit..they estimate between 40 and 200m went to Trump, not much in the scale of his business.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Well read the article and read what he actually said.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Yes we can. He says we "should" spend that money on schools, hospitals and GP's. "Should" is not a pledge - that is reserved for the word "will".

Much in the same way that saying we "should" take in more refugees is not a pledge to have them statying at your house.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
You could extend your exestential guilt and say he meant that 350m would go to the NHS..though he quite clearly DIDN'T.
More importantly this seems to be the only ..I'll give it you because I'm feeling nice...'lie' you have come up with ..from Oxford liberal dinner parties to labour no head quarters, the never ending story of the lying racist Farage is based on truths that only exist in their heads.
You have all scoured the net and come up with the loosest possible connection to an accusation that wouldnt stand up in Judge Judy..


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
You could extend your exestential guilt and say he meant that 350m would go to the NHS..though he quite clearly DIDN'T.
More importantly this seems to be the only ..I'll give it you because I'm feeling nice...'lie' you have come up with ..from Oxford liberal dinner parties to labour no head quarters, the never ending story of the lying racist Farage is based on truths that only exist in their heads.
You have all scoured the net and come up with the loosest possible connection to an accusation that wouldnt stand up in Judge Judy..

Oh, I'm sorry Nigel Farage didn't put that in UKIP's manifesto in the first place? Oh, but yes he did.
Nigel Farage unveils Ukip pledge card alongside giant picture of his own face


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Yes..that was his pledge if UKIP got in power.

They didn't , he never pledged 350m a week for the NHS...which quite frankly, you would have to be an epic gullible wally wankstain to believe anyway.
Would the NHS have recieved 350m a week if Ukip had won the election?
No...obviously not, he would start firing the hangers on..golden pensions and 1000 pound a day consultants and spent the money on the daily shit of life.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
No...obviously not, he would start firing the hangers on..golden pensions and 1000 pound a day consultants and spent the money on the daily shit of life.

Was that a part of their manifesto for the last election?

Or was their manifesto on the NHS: 'If we kick out all the immigrants, we'll have FUCK loads of spare money LOL!'


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
He wants to kill the NHS and make us all go private anyway. Don't even know why it's being dicussed other than emboldened Job is loving the attention his bullshit is getting him :/

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