United States Corrupt Twattery


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Because they are retarded. The left aren't SJWs or special snow flakes but the masses that gain attention are, its bizarre.

They aren't my opposition. I am pretty central when it comes to politics. I believe everyone should be able to have a fair shake at life, so long as the are willing to have a go and I think there should be social systems in place to support those unable.

Its like this whole "people of colour" bullshit. It is exactly the fucking same as calling people coloured but instead of just calling people, people we we get endless dirge about definition. People literally freak out if you use one version of the same term. Or sexual orientation, there is a new defined box to place people in every day. People are more hung up about defining something and pigeon holing it than they are about doing something about it, its broken.

Could not agree more with this - for example, I found out the other day that there is such as being Pansexual, which is apparently being attracted to someone's personality, no matter what sex they are.

Didn't we already have a term for that i.e being bisexual?


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Could not agree more with this - for example, I found out the other day that there is such as being Pansexual, which is apparently being attracted to someone's personality, no matter what sex they are.

Didn't we already have a term for that i.e being bisexual?

How does this effect you?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
'The masses that gain attention'?

You mean when you go around posting videos of Feminists calling them the snowflakes and the SJWs and associating them with the left?


What videos?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
How does this effect you?

Because now, if you do not refer to them as pansexual you are a bigot and I am OFFENDED. There needs to be a social media campaign to raise awareness of pansexuals, it is disgusting that in this day and again they are having to endure being referred to as simply "people" OUTRAGOUS


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
What videos?

CBA to Scouse this, but I'm fairly certain you, or Bodhi or one of you Nazi right wingers (that was a joke) posted something about a right wing guy laying into some girl who was discussing her sexuality and applied it to all people on the left.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Because now, if you do not refer to them as pansexual you are a bigot and I am OFFENDED. There needs to be a social media campaign to raise awareness of pansexuals, it is disgusting that in this day and again they are having to endure being referred to as simply "people" OUTRAGOUS

Well no, the vast majority of people simply don't give a shit including most left wingers, difference is, you cause a fuss about it whereas the rest of us are like yeah whatever floats your boat mate


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
erm...ok. Wasn't me (I don't think)

I posted one of some right(ish) wing I guess, guy because it was funny.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
How does this effect you?

Because it was my fiancée's sister who anounced to the world that she was Pansexual?

However where I do disagree with Raven is that I don't see this sort of thing as a left/right wing thing, more of a US Identity Politics thing, which I dislike immensely. Just becuase I hate all forms of discrimination, both negative or positive. It should always be best person for the job, whetehr that is a man, woman, transvestite, homosexual or French (ok maybe not the last one). Some of the "If you don't vote for Hillary you are sexist" guff I was reading on Twitter before the election was nauseating.

Most of the people I met in the States didn't vote for Hillary becuase she was an untrustworthy warmonger, who was in the pocket of Wall Street and various questionable foregin nations.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Becuase a family member (in law) appears to have found a new pidgeon hole, and I'd quite like to understand more about it, where the term came from and how it relates to the old one?

Kind of taking an interest in the language, and why I shouldn't think it's daft.

As daft as misusing effect/affect :)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003

What's that I hear? the faint sound of impeachment getting closer and closer.

No, it's the faint sound of a regurgitated article from January. Look at the 3rd paragraph - it says they have no evidence of this?

Don't get me wrong I am no fan of Trump, however the constant hysteria is getting a bit ridiculous, especially when I'm struggling to see much he's done that other politicians haven't done in the past, without much wailing and gnashing of teeth. If banning people from war torn countries entering the US is reprehensible, where was the outcry when Obama banned all immigration from Iraq for 6 months? If collusion with Russia is such a bad thing, where was the outcry when Hillary sold 20-25% of the US's Uranium deposits to Putin?

Not saying any of this is a good thing, but a little consistency would be nice. And don't even get me started on the Trump = Hitler rhetoric, as reducing the death of 6 million + people in the 40's to a political point to be scored is callous (not that one) in the extreme.

My concern is, everyone is going to be too busy losing their shit over a tweet or picture of a handshake, to miss something properly scary - for e.g everyone was too busy going nuts over the Travel Ban, not much was said about Bannon joining the Joint Chiefs.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
No, it's the faint sound of a regurgitated article from January. Look at the 3rd paragraph - it says they have no evidence of this?

Don't get me wrong I am no fan of Trump, however the constant hysteria is getting a bit ridiculous, especially when I'm struggling to see much he's done that other politicians haven't done in the past, without much wailing and gnashing of teeth. If banning people from war torn countries entering the US is reprehensible, where was the outcry when Obama banned all immigration from Iraq for 6 months? If collusion with Russia is such a bad thing, where was the outcry when Hillary sold 20-25% of the US's Uranium deposits to Putin?

Not saying any of this is a good thing, but a little consistency would be nice. And don't even get me started on the Trump = Hitler rhetoric, as reducing the death of 6 million + people in the 40's to a political point to be scored is callous (not that one) in the extreme.

My concern is, everyone is going to be too busy losing their shit over a tweet or picture of a handshake, to miss something properly scary - for e.g everyone was too busy going nuts over the Travel Ban, not much was said about Bannon joining the Joint Chiefs.
Just for starters there was no 6 month Iraqi ban by Obama. That's a version of events straight off the Kremlin's presses via Zerohedge or Breitbart.

And plenty of people lost their shit about Bannon.

Even the term Killary is a Kremlin staple.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Just for starters there was no 6 month Iraqi ban by Obama. That's a version of events straight off the Kremlin's presses via Zerohedge or Breitbart.

And plenty of people lost their shit about Bannon.

Even the term Killary is a Kremlin staple.

Um, as reported by ABC News in 2013:

As a result of the Kentucky case, the State Department stopped processing Iraq refugees for six months in 2011, federal officials told ABC News – even for many who had heroically helped U.S. forces as interpreters and intelligence assets. One Iraqi who had aided American troops was assassinated before his refugee application could be processed, because of the immigration delays, two U.S. officials said. In 2011, fewer than 10,000 Iraqis were resettled as refugees in the U.S., half the number from the year before, State Department statistics show.

Exclusive: 'Dozens' of Terrorists May Be in US as Refugees

So, longer than Trump's ban, but covering less countries. What makes it more worrying is that Trump apparently picked the extra 6 countries at random.

Or just took a list Obama had put together and put it into place, depending which paper you read.

Oh and the Killary thing came from Benghazi. That and the fact she voted for every single unpopular war in the last 15 years, helping to create half the mess in the Middle East right now.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Anyone who thinks Hilary Clinton is not a mental case just needs to look at her history. She is also balls deep into fucking everyone over to make her mates rich.

Not that it actually matters now, she lost...she can't un-lose. If Trump goes, Pence will take over and he is arguably a bigger penis that Trump, and we are more fucked the further down the pecking order we go, its a herd of degenerates. Christ, even Bannon could get the gig couldn't he?

At least Trump is honest with his idiocy. He says he will do something, then does it.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Quite a few polls before the election suggested that the population thought the US was headed in the wrong direction, so it's hardly surprising they rejected a continuation of what Obama was doing - whether this direction is any better remains to be seen, but change was definitely required.

Personally I think if Rubio had won the Republican nomination it would have been a landslide to him and we'd be in a slightly less scary position, but the media had to spend the primaries bigging up Trump, and we are where we are.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Spent yesterday talking to an Iraqi Kurd, been in the country ten years and trying to get his kids over as well, he saves up to go home every 3 months to see them.
He said he was beaten up when he first arrived after getting a job in Tescos warehouse, a local lad who didn't get the job beat him up with his mates in the car park.
He said though, if an English christian went to Kurdish Iraq and took a good job off a local, he would be found dead in a ditch the next day.
He loves England for it's safety and wants his kids to grow up English, he said they don't even need to go to the mosque or pray, just become British.
He said there is a famous Arabic saying..you can eat with a jew, but are only safe with a Christian..I said, even though we keep starting wars.
No .he said, we are always fighting anyway..it hardly makes any difference.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Um, as reported by ABC News in 2013:

Exclusive: 'Dozens' of Terrorists May Be in US as Refugees

So, longer than Trump's ban, but covering less countries. What makes it more worrying is that Trump apparently picked the extra 6 countries at random.

Or just took a list Obama had put together and put it into place, depending which paper you read.

Oh and the Killary thing came from Benghazi. That and the fact she voted for every single unpopular war in the last 15 years, helping to create half the mess in the Middle East right now.
Half the number from the year before. A slow down. Not a ban.

Anyway Kasparov is right:

View: https://twitter.com/Kasparov63/status/831889844183977984


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I don't understand how people are STILL targeting Hillary and saying 'oh boy, it's a great job she didn't become President!'

I mean.

How many other senators/congressmen/women/bipolar also supported the numerous crusades which America has embarked on?

I pose the question that in fact it may be an inherent issue with the American political mentality of being the sole super power, as opposed to resting it all onto a single individual.

Trump understood this, hence why he tackled it as a whole problem, but Hillary being the head of the snake, so to say.

My issue is; if Trump is the answer, and Trump is already the most unpopular president of all time, then what chance does any other outsider have in the future?

Why can there not be a simple decent political leader who doesn't come from the political elite who actually changes things that matter in peoples lives, why is it always about apparent massive issues which actually have little effect on the day-to-day lives of people around the world, you know like, corruption.

Corruption is rife in every single public sector across the planet, but because it's not good guy turned bad being paid by the bad guy, it's no longer an issue.

The political landscape across the planet has been depressing for a very long period of time now, it's about time that we stop pandering to media outlets which seek to divide and segregate it to get their own political will, but rather as the masses come together and decide on political decisions which we can easily and simply agree upon.

Middle management.

There's one, bang.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Its simply in response to people still saying she should have got the job. It is irrelevant and arguably would have been just as shit. The Americans got asked which end they wanted to start eating the turd from. Now they are somehow surprised it tastes like shit.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Its simply in response to people still saying she should have got the job. It is irrelevant and arguably would have been just as shit. The Americans got asked which end they wanted to start eating the turd from. Now they are somehow surprised it tastes like shit.

It just wouldn't. If nothing else, there would at least be some people who actually knew their arse from their elbow running things. What's going on right now is at least as terrifying due its incompetence as its ideology.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
A slow down will happen when you stop processing them for 6 months.

But they didn't stop, they slowed down, people still got processed, and it was to address a very specific issue with two people who hadn't been vetted properly, not just a random list of countries populated by brown people. Competence/incompetence.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
But they didn't stop, they slowed down, people still got processed, and it was to address a very specific issue with two people who hadn't been vetted properly, not just a random list of countries populated by brown people. Competence/incompetence.
Details schmeetails @DaGaffer.

It's a common theme with tweedle dumb and tweedle dee. They just aren't bothered with the fine detail and nuance because it makes life (and holding their opinions) hard for them.

So, Obama definitely had the same ban going as Trump, the EU is defintely socialist because socialism is just a feeling not an economic system, and people who've started to choose to associate with a malleable and ever progressing (and therefore more accurate) form of gender identification are just pains in the ass for not sticking to their rigid (and simplistic) world view.

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