United States Corrupt Twattery


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
It has never happened so fast in human history that we know of, these things used to take centuries, we have done it in decades.

Nonsense. The population shifts after WW2 war far quicker and far more traumatic. And so what? Even if it was true, just because a thing hasn't happened before doesn't mean its automatically bad; we live in a world of the unprecedented; in fact the fact that we're having this conversation right now, and so are billions of others, is a far more seismic change in human behaviour than a bit of migration.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Except it is bad, because..well you can see it across Europe, Le Pen high up in the polls an American president backing us against Germany, all talk maybe, but very dangerous talk.
Ukip with 30% of the vote, while being a shambolic mess, Labour in freefall, with all the other left wingers in Europe, fences going up...but I guess it could all blow over, and it would if it was done a good bit slower.
They are flying so close to the edge, for what reason I do not know.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
That is all down to the complete failure of the modern left to keep the right in balance.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You are missing the point Job

600 million to improve cross border cooperation to help staunch flow of illegal immigrants


21 billion on a wall that will be completely ineffective at its stated aims, undermines cooperation with the Mexican state and will likely be built by the very illegals it is aiming to keep out

At best it is a gross waste of money, it makes me wonder if Trump or his cronies have some nice shares in construction companies in Texas...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
it's just a more dramatic solution
It's not a fucking solution.

It won't work.

Why do you support someone who's going to spend twenty billion on bullshit that won't work? Why do you keep repeating the evidence-repudiated "fact" that illegal immigration increases crime, when it doesn't?

Above all - why do you continue to defend the indefensible? What is it about Trump that gets your dick hard so much that obviously stupid policies, blatant lies and in-bed-with-bankers corruption makes you like him more...??

It's so fucking weird. You hate islam/religion because of what it does to people - but you suffer the exact same mental illness about an illiterate orange fucktard.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Indeed, Trump is as corrupt as they come, shown by the countless moves by him, he is also seem to have the mind of a child and carries and extreme grudge that is backed up and made dangerous by his wealth, connections and now the fact that he is el presidente.

Now, i was willing to give him the benefit of my doubt, considering which peeps he were going to hire for cabinet, but i've read 'bad stuff' about em. Would want to be able to judge for myself but cba to do any research and assessment on my own on that subject apart from them being religious nutjobs ala Ben Carson and co.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not defending Trump, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy that this whole wall thing is based on.

Wether it will work or not is irrelevant, it's the frenzy of bullshit that has erupted, when it is quite clear that he isn't planning to anything particularly different from Obama.
Big fuck off fence..or big fuck off wall.
Why is one liberal, inclusive, refugee friendly and all round nice, while Trumps wall is America turning to the dark side.
It's the same fucking thing.
The difference is peoples hysteria, fuelled by media, celebrity and every trigger response liberal on the planet.
Even here, you have very little argument against the fact that it's he same thing, that Obama was clamping down on illegal immigration... then had the fucking cheek to denounce Trumps wall.
Not that it is silly,which it is, but on the basis that it is some fundamental affront to humanity.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not defending Trump, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy that this whole wall thing is based on.
There've been multitudes of very good arguments on the difference between Trump's stance and actual policy is vastly different between him and Obama's policy (he wanted an amnesty for illegal immigrants that was denied by the republicans - trump wants to deport them).

You've ignored them all / cannot see them / disregarded them simply because you are defending Trump. Period.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I'm pretty sure the bits of fence Obama commissioned were agreed with Mexico as part of cooperation on managing the border as part of an ongoing process agreed between both parties.

Trump is giving a big fuck you to Mexico and saying you're going to pay for a 20 (maybe 60) billion wall whether you want it or not.

World of difference.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Yes we know its not a continous fence...they use sensors and cameras/drones.
Thats...why..Trump said build a proper one.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Trump says a lot of things, mostly ill informed bullshit.

Even if building a wall was a sensible, balanced idea...he would still be desperately under prepared for the task in hand.

Its pretty much 2000 miles of rough country.

Its also not a case of just lining up a load of bricks, its maintaining and patrolling it...America would spend more money looking after it over a 5 year period than building the bloody thing...which wont work anyway.

Its the pipe dream of a maniac.

Also, sub up if you insist on ejaculating your poorly informed Daily mail bullshit all over FH...ffs


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Ah yes..the wikipedia..google image search part of the daily mail.
It was Janet Reno under Bill Clinton who built the fences.

And if he does build some kind of wall..though he has said it will still be a lot of fence...seems the fence/wall is a hot potato.
Do you think a future democrat president would pull it down...all Berlin wall style, with parties and Mexicans running through the gaps.
Last edited:


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
It's not a fucking solution.

It won't work.

Why do you support someone who's going to spend twenty billion on bullshit that won't work? Why do you keep repeating the evidence-repudiated "fact" that illegal immigration increases crime, when it doesn't?

Above all - why do you continue to defend the indefensible? What is it about Trump that gets your dick hard so much that obviously stupid policies, blatant lies and in-bed-with-bankers corruption makes you like him more...??

It's so fucking weird. You hate islam/religion because of what it does to people - but you suffer the exact same mental illness about an illiterate orange fucktard.

Not sure how you can say the big fuck off wall won't work - both China and England have built walls, and neither of those countries have an illegal Mexican problem.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Trump backs Taiwan and then a few months down the line he withdraws that backing.

I just wonder what business deals he made with China to reverse that decision.
He is such a scum bag bastard. It's any wonder anyone actually does business with him.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
It's not a fucking solution.

It won't work.

Why do you support someone who's going to spend twenty billion on bullshit that won't work? Why do you keep repeating the evidence-repudiated "fact" that illegal immigration increases crime, when it doesn't?

Above all - why do you continue to defend the indefensible? What is it about Trump that gets your dick hard so much that obviously stupid policies, blatant lies and in-bed-with-bankers corruption makes you like him more...??

It's so fucking weird. You hate islam/religion because of what it does to people - but you suffer the exact same mental illness about an illiterate orange fucktard.

I'm sure that when the wall is built, people will calm down, and the Mexicans will get over it.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
It's a different way of speaking..it affronts the fashionable intelligence speak.
I used to hear senior management talk such utter bullshit to each other, it was just a competition to see who could sound the most informed.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Its word vomit.

I am sure it makes sense in his head.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Its like there is a guy at work, he starts half way through a sentence and when you ask what the fuck he is on about he says the same thing but with less words. It goes on until he is just barking a single word at you, its insane.

He isn't the president though. obvs


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
It's a different way of speaking..it affronts the fashionable intelligence speak.
I used to hear senior management talk such utter bullshit to each other, it was just a competition to see who could sound the most informed.

Get your tongue out of his arsehole please


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
It's a different way of speaking..it affronts the fashionable intelligence speak.
I used to hear senior management talk such utter bullshit to each other, it was just a competition to see who could sound the most informed.

By different way of speaking do you mean blab until people have forgotten what you are on about?

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