United States Corrupt Twattery


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
So lets see here. He's signed the go ahead for that pipeline and to pull USA out of the TTP, signed the order to build the wall and to stop all financial support to all international relief organizations that provide women with contraception and access to safe abortion. Told EPA and a few other agencies to shut the fuck up and said he will remove all federal subsidies for electric cars.

Meaning what? That they should be happy they got anything at all left? So theoretically speaking you should be fine with another nation invading your country and placing you in a reservation? I mean sooner or later it'll have been "200 years ago ffs!" so it shouldn't matter...

No? Didn't think so..

There comes a time when generations later you have to accept that it happened and move on. They signed a shit treaty under duress which gave them lands. The pipeline does not go through them. Not saying it was a just and fair treaty or they did not get completely fucked over 200 years ago.

So, yes, personally I think it does matter when people drag up history in today's global society to serve a political agenda. What next Moors claiming Spain back, you get my drift ;)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I would leak it to the press anyway if I was a US Scientist...
As long as I was coming to the end of my career of course.

The thing about science is that your data identifies you or can be used to hurt thoes it does :(


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Executive order for the wall has been signed . I guess he keeps his word anyway.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Executive Orders don't build walls. 100 billion dollars might. His word said that Mexico would pay for it.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Executive Orders don't build walls. 100 billion dollars might. His word said that Mexico would pay for it.
Which they reackon wilbe i directly through border charges rather than a direct cheque


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
@Job - what do you think about the gagging of scientists so their data has to go through political review before release?
Obviously it sounds beyond ludicrous , personally I feel the climate science community had it coming, with AGW morphing into a quasi religious biased science, words like consensus, denier were becoming the norm, not just ill informed comments.
I can't see it as a victory for considered debate, because quite obviously it will be run by people who are as bad as some of the climate 'activists'and focus groups.
Yes, I feel climate science is allready highly politicised , but a Trump supported body to remove it?
We're talking noahs ark and god given rights here, this is an argument that had to happen and it may be the worst way to start it, but at least the push back against what I see as a dogma is happening in full sight, so we can all shout bullshit.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
@Job - what do you think about the gagging of scientists so their data has to go through political review before release?

Gagging and silencing of scientists is nothing new, especially in the Climate Change "debate". However the gagging normally happens on those on the other side of the argument, so I did raise a wry smile at this.

What would be awesome, would be if this could turn Global Wombling into an actual debate, where both sides of the story are heard, not just the fake consensus meme based on dodgy data and people screaming "DENIER" to shut down debate.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Which they reackon wilbe i directly through border charges rather than a direct cheque

I doubt that would be a realistic option. That wall is going to be monumentally expensive if it's going to serve the purpose Trump want. And it's going to keep being insanely expensive as long as it's up. And you can't fund something like that with just border charges..

Gagging and silencing of scientists is nothing new, especially in the Climate Change "debate". However the gagging normally happens on those on the other side of the argument, so I did raise a wry smile at this.

What would be awesome, would be if this could turn Global Wombling into an actual debate, where both sides of the story are heard, not just the fake consensus meme based on dodgy data and people screaming "DENIER" to shut down debate.

What i don't get is why this is a debate in the first place. It doesn't take a genius to imagine that without humanity on this planet it would be in a MUCH better state then it is in now.

Even if what we release isn't the direct cause of global warming what we DO release is sure as all hell not making things better. Which technically do make us directly responsible.

Our negative impact can probably be seen as the last straw that breaks the camels back.. Something unrelated to us got it to the breaking point, but out tiny little straw broke it.

Can we save that camels back by removing some of the crap on it? We don't know unless we give it a serious fucking go...

But right now all we do is walk around the poor camel poking it with a stick trying to find someone to blame when in reality IT. DOES. NOT. FUCKING. MATTER! :)

What matters is that we all try to do something about it... ;)

Finding out who or what will cause our extinction isn't going to be much of a comfort when it's too late. :)

Fix first blame later..

Fix then blame..

In that order...

Right? Right!

Ok going away now..


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Grow trees to the same level as pre-industrial revolution. CO2 problem solved. People keep bleating on about emissions but completely fail to understand how much of an impact trees have on absorbing and storing carbon.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I doubt that would be a realistic option. That wall is going to be monumentally expensive if it's going to serve the purpose Trump want. And it's going to keep being insanely expensive as long as it's up. And you can't fund something like that with just border charges..

What i don't get is why this is a debate in the first place. It doesn't take a genius to imagine that without humanity on this planet it would be in a MUCH better state then it is in now.

Even if what we release isn't the direct cause of global warming what we DO release is sure as all hell not making things better. Which technically do make us directly responsible.

Our negative impact can probably be seen as the last straw that breaks the camels back.. Something unrelated to us got it to the breaking point, but out tiny little straw broke it.

Can we save that camels back by removing some of the crap on it? We don't know unless we give it a serious fucking go...

But right now all we do is walk around the poor camel poking it with a stick trying to find someone to blame when in reality IT. DOES. NOT. FUCKING. MATTER! :)

What matters is that we all try to do something about it... ;)

Finding out who or what will cause our extinction isn't going to be much of a comfort when it's too late. :)

Fix first blame later..

Fix then blame..

In that order...

Right? Right!

Ok going away now..

I'm guessing the reason for the debate is when the solution to a problem effectivly involves sending us back to the dark ages to live in a cave, some of us would like the verify that it is actually a problem in the first place. And after 5 or 6 years looking at the data used by both sides of the debate, I'm still not convinced that there is.

Right so, Co2 is one of the basic building blocks of life - without Co2, all life on earth will eventually die out, as the plants we all survive on will effectively starve. The minimum concentration of CO2 that can support life is 150 ppm, pre-industrial levels we were around the 200 mark (and dropping). We're currently at 400 and are already seeing the benefits of increased Co2 (recent global greening reports) - so I would quite comfortably argue that yes, yes we are making things better.

The biggest issue with the Co2 debate imo, is that we are effectively ignoring all sorts of environmental problems, just in order to get the dubious benefits of reducing Co2 (bearing in mind there is still no causal link between the temperature record and human activity). We all got encouraged to buy diesels to solve the "problem", which ended up making things worse, we regularly slice bats and birds of prey to death so we can install wind turbines, and we lay waste to half of China to get all the rare earth metals needed for windmills/solar production. Neither of which actually ever pay back the Co2 created (mostly by burning fossil fuels).

As far as your cause our extinction comment, fucking LOL. So sea levels rising an inch a decade and tempaeratures going up 1 degree C in 150 years (if we use the most dubious of the data) - during an interglacial period - are going to cause our extinction are they? Strange how we didn't go extinct when the Vikings were farming on Greenland, or the Romans growing wine just outside Durham. In fact considering Co2 levels have been well above 1500 in the past, I'm surprised we got here at all!

What's a lot more likely to cause our extinction would be an asteriod smashing into the Earth, and as we can't really afford to monitor this as much as we would like, I would suggest spending some of the $1.5 trillion a year we spend on reducing plant food on scanning the sky instead. In fact I'd say reallocate the lot and supply fresh water to Africa, and invest anything remaining on Fusion, but that would sound too much like common sense. Plus the subsidy leaches, like the rich landowners who get paid to have windmills on their site, or Elon Musk would have to find some other way to fleece us.

Rubber Bullets

FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Grow trees to the same level as pre-industrial revolution. CO2 problem solved. People keep bleating on about emissions but completely fail to understand how much of an impact trees have on absorbing and storing carbon.

Which is fine, but we are losing 125 square miles of rain forest every day. That's an area the size of Greater London every 4.5 days. Where can we plant those trees? How can we pay for them? And that's just to keep the status quo. At that rate rain forests will have disappeared within the lifetime of our grand children.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yup so instead of going on about evil cars and shit, they should be going after loggers...or stop growing crappy biofuels that serve no particular purpose but decimate forests


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Plant life is allready growing at a higher rate because of co2, so presumably without that extra growth co2 would be even higher.
No, there is no link as yet between increased co2 and warming, thats what modelling is for...my confidence in modelling..about 50%...my confidence that scientists around the world aren't bigging up facts to fit an agenda, when they know anyone challenging it will be cast into the sea..about 5%.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
No, it isn't. Not long term plant life that stores carbon.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
after 5 or 6 years looking at the data used by both sides of the debate, and giving undue weight to the side of the debate that appeals to me emotionally whilst poo-pooing the 99% of verified scientific findings say otherwise, I'm still not convinced

Fixed :)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
People who doubt the impact humanity is having on global warming are outright fucking idiots. Simple.

xkcd put it much simpler, and viceraly than I ever could

xkcd: Earth Temperature Timeline

Ah that old chestnut. Based on a study done in 2013, that was widely torn apart straight afterwards as being Hockey Stick part 2, relying on overtly smoothed data to provide a completely misleading picture.

But hey, it's in a pretty cartoon, so it must be right!


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003

It does make me laugh when you suggest it's scientific, or in anyway verifiable. To do this, you need raw access to the temperature data, so your mission, is to get in touch with Gavin Schmidt at NASA and get a copy of the raw data, so we can recreate his findings.

Let me know how you get on.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It does make me laugh when you suggest it's scientific, or in anyway verifiable. To do this, you need raw access to the temperature data, so your mission, is to get in touch with Gavin Schmidt at NASA and get a copy of the raw data
Conversely, it does make me laugh when you try to boil down the totality of climate science, comprising tens of thousands of painstakingly conducted worldwide studies, to a single tinfoil-hat-based issue, like that's the only thing that matters.

I stand by my original statement and find it substantially bolstered by your subsequent response :)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Conversely, it does make me laugh when you try to boil down the totality of climate science, comprising tens of thousands of painstakingly conducted worldwide studies, to a single tinfoil-hat-based issue, like that's the only thing that matters.

I stand by my original statement and find it substantially bolstered by your subsequent response :)

Lol. That single issue being the temperature record, on which the entire discipline is based.

It's also hardly tinfoil hattery, when the gentleman who looks after it is on record as saying he won't give anyone access to try to repeat his results.

I know your scientific background is mostly just reading New Scientist, but take it from someone who's actually been involved in scientific research - that is not scientific in the slightest.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Get the fuck out with global warming in this thread, go derail something else.


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