I just don't see how liberal is an insult..... You fucking accepting bastard and your views that people should be equal and treated fairly!!!! How dare you see foriegners, women and the poor as people!!! you disgusting cunt! kill yourself....I do find it funny when the right calls everyone who opposes them a 'liberal' and the left calls everyone who opposes them 'fascists' neither group likes these labels.
I mean its not like that everyone who disagrees with Trump/UKIP etc are lefties/liberals much like most people who disagree with 'mainstream politics' are righties/fascists
If you see foreigners, women or blacks as lesser beings.how can those views actually offend anyone.....
I just don't see how liberal is an insult..... You fucking accepting bastard and your views that people should be equal and treated fairly!!!!
When I was in Oz some people called dingos and kangaroos animals and some called them vermin. Some (white, Aussie) farmers said similar things about Aboriginals.If you see foreigners, women or blacks as lesser beings.
Yeah valid I guess. But both sides act like cunts when it comes to elections, the right more so because they're just as if not more aggressive, and often so factual incorrect that's it's impossible to argue against (we're talking the vocal ones as opposed to the whole) even worse in America because they believe in their sky fairy.Buuut, that is not modern liberalism. Modern liberalism is all about shutting down discussion and screaming insults, you just need to read the posts in the Brexit thread to see what it is all about. Watch the vid posted by myself and Gwadian, Pie says it better than I am capable of doing.
Not the majority obviously but as with the right any debate gets drowned out by the fanatical.
A bit like David Cameron calling the migrants "swarms", like they're insects.When I was in Oz some people called dingos and kangaroos animals and some called them vermin. Some (white, Aussie) farmers said similar things about Aboriginals.
Plenty of very angry libtards who preach love and acceptance for all, then get fighty when something they doesn't like happens.
I'm not sure how many people truely fear trump. But the fact he was voted in says that America is broken, large swaths of America agree with what he has said and want him to do the things he has promised. And that is frankly, fucking terrifying.Would you actually be happy with Clinton in the Whitehouse?
I can guarantee you Trump will reach out to muslims, back down on 90% of his promises and just spend his time keeping things ticking over.
There seems to be a mass disconnection of common sense here...when has ANY politician stuck to campaign promises or rhetoric.
Would you actually be happy with Clinton in the Whitehouse?
I can guarantee you Trump will reach out to muslims, back down on 90% of his promises and just spend his time keeping things ticking over.
There seems to be a mass disconnection of common sense here...when has ANY politician stuck to campaign promises or rhetoric.
Probably true, but I don't think a series of pictures of someone not smiling is evidence of anything except that he didn't smile non stop all day.Donald Trump doesn't like this any more than you do
He really doesn't does he? He looks fucking terrified.
He has already indicated he is backing down on some of the healthcare pledges he made. ie dismantling Obamacare.
Link for those that need one.
Trump likes main Obamacare provisions 'very much' - BBC News
Not sure I get why people are upset at this? He's said he wants to keep the good stuff (can't discriminate against pre existing conditions, can put your kids under the same policy) and wants to get rid of the not so good stuff (the compulsory bit). would have thought that was a good thing, no?
This.... economics 101The problem is with how its set up. You can't keep the good bits and take away the bad. They balance each other out. I think the insurance companies are calling it a death spiral... as your choice in coverage decreases, insurance companies get patients who are sicker and sicker, and suffer big financial losses. That forces them to increase prices, driving away healthy paying customers. Facing more losses, they raise the insurance costs again, causing more healthy people to leave, and on and on, until all that's left is super expensive policies and a small pool of unwell people.
The supposedly good parts of Obamacare is that insurance companies cant say no to an already sick patient. But why bother having insurance if you are healthy? You can always get insurance when you get sick. Too bad there wont be any insurance company left unless it's compulsory for healthy people to pay too.
You really don't want to play the game of "which candidate has the most repulsive followers".