United States Corrupt Twattery


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
The irony is that Job complains about Liberals stopping his freedom of speech, but he knows that his perfect Government would put political opponents in concentration camps.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The irony is that Job complains about Liberals stopping his freedom of speech, but he knows that his perfect Government would put political opponents in concentration camps.
Left and right both do the same to be fair.

I very very rarely post on the Guardian - only when they run a piece so mind-numbingly dumb do I do so. However - they'd run a piece on Flash Gordon saying it was racist and stirring up the "yellow peril" hatred because Ming the Merciless (an alien) is clearly racially based.

It might well have been in the 1950's, I pointed out, but nowadays he's just a cool bad guy and a requirement for something to be classed as racist is intent - and a proposed remake of Flash Gordon, which features one of the all-time great bad-guys in Ming The Merciless, isn't "inherently racist" because, in today's context, the character has outgrown his (potential) roots.

No bad language, well thought out rebuttal of their position. Deleted as soon as it became the most commended post (they have a ranking system and the people with the most recommends float to the top).

The left are absolutely censoring freedom of speech - and not just "hate speech" - but also speech that is not on-message.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Left and right both do the same to be fair.

I very very rarely post on the Guardian - only when they run a piece so mind-numbingly dumb do I do so. However - they'd run a piece on Flash Gordon saying it was racist and stirring up the "yellow peril" hatred because Ming the Merciless (an alien) is clearly racially based.

It might well have been in the 1950's, I pointed out, but nowadays he's just a cool bad guy and a requirement for something to be classed as racist is intent - and a proposed remake of Flash Gordon, which features one of the all-time great bad-guys in Ming The Merciless, isn't "inherently racist" because, in today's context, the character has outgrown his (potential) roots.

No bad language, well thought out rebuttal of their position. Deleted as soon as it became the most commended post (they have a ranking system and the people with the most recommends float to the top).

The left are absolutely censoring freedom of speech - and not just "hate speech" - but also speech that is not on-message.

I quite like the system we've had for the past 74 years, it's done a very good job of preserving a very long period of peace.

I don't see the current system descending into putting people into concentration camps which you very well know is what would happen under the systems that you're enabling.

As I said before, fight fire with fire.

I really don't want us to fall under that dark cloud coming from the East of authoritarian cult of personality leadership, it only leads to war.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I quite like the system we've had for the past 74 years, it's done a very good job of preserving a very long period of peace.
I liked it until the 1980's when freedom of speech started to come under sustained threat and has continued to do so under successive governments from both sides of the divide.

Now we've a society that increasingly doesn't believe in real freedom of speech and, partly because of that, is increasing the likelihood of the very thing they're pretending to want to stop become reality.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
You only seem to use private companies in your evidence for the Government preventing freedom of speech.

Can't you see that the Government telling private companies what they can and can't say is pretty much what Putin/Erdogan/Orban/PrinceSaudi want?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Left and right both do the same to be fair.

I very very rarely post on the Guardian - only when they run a piece so mind-numbingly dumb do I do so. However - they'd run a piece on Flash Gordon saying it was racist and stirring up the "yellow peril" hatred because Ming the Merciless (an alien) is clearly racially based.

It might well have been in the 1950's, I pointed out, but nowadays he's just a cool bad guy and a requirement for something to be classed as racist is intent - and a proposed remake of Flash Gordon, which features one of the all-time great bad-guys in Ming The Merciless, isn't "inherently racist" because, in today's context, the character has outgrown his (potential) roots.

No bad language, well thought out rebuttal of their position. Deleted as soon as it became the most commended post (they have a ranking system and the people with the most recommends float to the top).

The left are absolutely censoring freedom of speech - and not just "hate speech" - but also speech that is not on-message.

The Guardian doesn’t even switch on comments for most of their truly ridiculous commentary; the readers in general have an “oh do fuck off with your nonsense” line that’s well to the right of most of their commentators and they end up deleting everybody. I used to comment on the Guardian a lot, and I’m generally more left-leaning than right, but I was just having a look and my comment frequency has dropped off a cliff because I spend more time eye-rolling than reading the Guardian these days.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You only seem to use private companies in your evidence for the Government preventing freedom of speech.

Can't you see that the Government telling private companies what they can and can't say is pretty much what Putin/Erdogan/Orban/PrinceSaudi want?
I've addressed this multiple times and you've never countered what I've said. (and your first sentence is clearly at @Job levels of ridiculouslessness - as I talk about business AND legislation (and last time I looked corporations don't pass laws).

Private companies control large swathes of social interaction. Governments should be in the business of legislating so private fiefdoms don't hold undemocratic sway.

You've a mental gap on this point - governments should be stopping private companies from telling us what we can and can't say - because we've only (allegedly) got control over our governments, not over private companies. Our freedoms should be guaranteed, regardless of where we work. As it is you're happy to outsource control over that freedom to the worst bunch of cutthroat arseholes there are on the planet - business owners - who have only one thing in mind: profit.

Business will always shit on anything that might interfere with profit, even if the speech (and actions) they would censor were totally reasonable. I bet Russian companies fire people who are outwardly homosexual in the same way that western companies fire people who are outwardly homophobic - and it ain't because they give a single shit. Not one.

Meanwhile, back in the real world - speech is being censored left right and centre. Mostly by the left.

The Guardian doesn’t even switch on comments for most of their truly ridiculous commentary; the readers in general have an “oh do fuck off with your nonsense” line that’s well to the right of most of their commentators and they end up deleting everybody. I used to comment on the Guardian a lot, and I’m generally more left-leaning than right, but I was just having a look and my comment frequency has dropped off a cliff because I spend more time eye-rolling than reading the Guardian these days.

Totally with you. I'm more left-leaning too but it's getting fucking ridiculous all around.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
What is the Guardian.
Is it an office full of hard left activists, do you have to prove your liberal stance before getting a job there?
Or does the editorial staff just demand liberal outrage..they have a core of hard left article writers, but they cant be overseeing it all.
Im more of the view its just a job..they have cornered the left media and just crank out a conversation they know the liberals and left want to hear....total censorship in the comments because they want a safe space for social justice, but all it does is breed a country of liberals who actually believe theres is the defacto line of thought and and opposition is a white van man with a Tommy Robinson tattoo.
Ive long given up on the comments, they dont delete just the comment..after two or three posts that get 20-30 likes, they delete the account.
Im into double digits for bans


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
What is the Guardian.
Is it an office full of hard left activists, do you have to prove your liberal stance before getting a job there?
Or does the editorial staff just demand liberal outrage..they have a core of hard left article writers, but they cant be overseeing it all.
Im more of the view its just a job..they have cornered the left media and just crank out a conversation they know the liberals and left want to hear....total censorship in the comments because they want a safe space for social justice, but all it does is breed a country of liberals who actually believe theres is the defacto line of thought and and opposition is a white van man with a Tommy Robinson tattoo.
Ive long given up on the comments, they dont delete just the comment..after two or three posts that get 20-30 likes, they delete the account.
Im into double digits for bans
Playing devil's advocate here but I see plenty of sensible articles on the Guardian and only a few ridiculous ones. Got any examples of raving lefty nonsense?

(I never go to the comments section)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Max Boot:



No one is even talking about complete, verifiable nuclear disarmament any more. Kim offered to shutter one facility he no longer needs and agreed to helping repatriate Korean War soldiers remains but has stopped bothering even with that. Nothing has been achieved except a photo Op for both men and it being rather obvious that Kim has won the battle of wits.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
When Trump started tweeting everyone lost their shit.
I said straight away everyone will be doing soon and they are.

Hes now doing photops with pantomime baddies...the masses on both sides lap it up.
The problem the democrats have is they are way behind the curve at playing this new game, they are still stuck in orange man bad mode.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
When Trump started tweeting everyone lost their shit.
I said straight away everyone will be doing soon and they are.

Hes now doing photops with pantomime baddies...the masses on both sides lap it up.
The problem the democrats have is they are way behind the curve at playing this new game, they are still stuck in orange man bad mode.
I never said it wasn’t a PR win. I said it was a massive strategic loss for the US.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
As usual googles first 10 pages are ripping the parade and the turnout.

Heres the crowd..obviously theyre not there just to listen to Trump.
Not a bad turnout though..after every liberal news outlet prayed for a small crowd, then quickly changed the subject.
crowd size trump 4th july parade - Google Search


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
When Trump started tweeting everyone lost their shit.
I said straight away everyone will be doing soon and they are.

Hes now doing photops with pantomime baddies...the masses on both sides lap it up.
The problem the democrats have is they are way behind the curve at playing this new game, they are still stuck in orange man bad mode.

He was a twat before Twitter, Twitter just provides the public documentary evidence to prove he and the majority who elected him are twats.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
It's just... weird. I mean presumably he doesn't actually think airports were around in 1770 but he first of all said how well he knew the speech and then went on to blame the weather and the teleprompter. Surely if he knew the speech so well... that wouldn't be an issue. It was just a really dumb thing to say and then an even dumber attempt at making up excuses.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
It's just... weird. I mean presumably he doesn't actually think airports were around in 1770 but he first of all said how well he knew the speech and then went on to blame the weather and the teleprompter. Surely if he knew the speech so well... that wouldn't be an issue. It was just a really dumb thing to say and then an even dumber attempt at making up excuses.

He just can't be very bright really can he.

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