Troll in albion!

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GOA never do anything anyway, but visiting other realms is ok, but killing people in there isnt and i think he should get a few levels droped :p

edit: also if someone saw a troll in their own realm they wouldnt react fast because its not suppose to happen. and wizards dont have any defence watso ever so if they get hit they are buggered.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Kladen
edit: also if someone saw a troll in their own realm they wouldnt react fast because its not suppose to happen. and wizards dont have any defence watso ever so if they get hit they are buggered.

3 times? And the DM's wouldn't attract every single high level that was near the DF entrance or waiting for a portal to an enemy realm?

I remember when I was playing in alb as Pwyiw, I caught wind that Sinister may have been in Camelot hills. Had half of Albion on the move to hunt him. (that occassion was just him killing people in Forest Sauvage)



ok just to answer some questions.Yes that was at camelot hills not in sali plains(dont know wtf i said sali plains) and in fact next to prydwen bridge bindstone(at the small hill with boulderings).HOW did i die 3 times? 1st time slam on me from behind stunned and beaten to death.2nd time just running there again to see wtf is going on, didnt even bother nuke as i was taking screenshots.3rd time i just released and went to help ociros, no chance to root as ociros was hitting him, nuked 2-3 times then troll interrupted me and killed me(oh btw ociros is only 45).Mass of albs? 3 am in the morning?
Simple as that.Dont know if it was u Brannor, i really hope it wasnt u and i hope u dont get banned.Got more screenshots didnt want to post them cause others showed the name(of troll).


If you didnt want to get him banned, you shouldve not posted em at all :sleeping:


Well IF he was playing then he should get banned.If not then i hope not.

P.S. Oh btw that post doesnt prove anything.What really matters is if i reported it.

Roo Stercogburn

Good news and bad news:

You don't always have the same ip address when you connect to the interent, even with cable/adsl. You are generally assigned an ip by a dhcp server. Unless you bought a specific ip address (and if you did, hopefully a hardware firewall), your ip can change from connection to connection (good news: from a security point of view this works in your favour, bad news: makes it harder to prove which IP you had at a specific time). The default amount of time an ip is leased for is usually 24 hours though this will vary by provider, depending on how they work. However, an ISP should be able to trace who an IP address is leased to for that period (either by mac address in the case of cable or simply phone number in the case of dial-up) so if you connect from the same source consistantly it can be proved if it was or isn't you.

General advice: antivirus software does not directly protect your system from hacking, merely programmed and scripted attacks in known formats: you need firewall software and/or hardware to protect your system from intrusion. Firewall software/hardware is preventative, AntiVirus is reactive generally (AV programmers: don't get purist on me and go on about heuristics). Layering a couple of measures on top of each other is painful but is the best way. Also, and this is very important, make absolutely sure you have disabled things like file and print sharing on your internet connection, this is the most dangerous route into your PC available. You can get info on this from Microsoft (ok, Linux users, this is a game that runs on Windows, don't get antzy with me about os specifics;))

Antivirus doesn't protect you from port scanning, which firewalls do. SMTP (email) is a very common way of finding ways into peeps' PCs. AV doesn't prevent this, firewalls do.

Don't know enough about your system setup G, so I'm generalising. Apols if this is all obvious and known.

G... I don't think you did it though not for any reasons previously stated here by others and not for any I'm going to say ;)

Yeh I'm a bugger :p


Originally posted by SolarFlare
Well IF he was playing then he should get banned.If not then i hope not.

P.S. Oh btw that post doesnt prove anything.What really matters is if i reported it.

Concidering E&E members browse these forums and GMs (Kemor and Zargar) are moderators, aint that farfetched to say BW = Reporting.


I really dont see what the big deal with posting the name of said troll, if you got screenshots etc showing the name.... whom ever it is he deserves to be named and shamed.

Regarding brannor being hacked, if i had subseven backdoor access to brannor's pc (which i've never had), it would be an easy matter to scan his pc for files with fx. passwords, and it would also be trivial to play daoc from his IP (not on his pc, but sending the traffic trough it, and i aint gonna help any wannabee hackers by telling how).

Likewise if i was brannor (banish the tought!), it would also be easy to sit at home and play from another ip. Or Brannor could be sitting piss drunk down at a new internetcafe, and deciding to f00k 00p j00 albs!

Bottom line, you need to send all possible evidence of this Troll to GOA, and if brannor still thinks its his hacked char, then he needs to send GOA evidence of being hacked. (request help from ISP / mail-server admin, or where ever he thinks he recived the backdoor)


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen
and if brannor still thinks its his hacked char, then he needs to send GOA evidence of being hacked. (request help from ISP / mail-server admin, or where ever he thinks he recived the backdoor)

Brannor posted his suspicions at being hacked late on Sunday night on the eyes and ears forum FYI.....


Originally posted by Jupitus

Brannor posted his suspicions at being hacked late on Sunday night on the eyes and ears forum FYI.....

OOPS Jupitus!!

I didnt think you were allowed to repeat information from the E & E boards, (without explicit permission)


most likely some kiddies having a laugh ...

I would report this to my ISP tho brannor (IF hacked of course. Not if you accepted some netbus-program over IRC that let people in). IP's are logged and traced from both your ISP and the 'hackers' ISP and with a bit of work they can pinpoint whoever did this (unless it's a *shudder* real haxzor ... doubt it tho).

Hackers do time these days (watch out all lil people playing with things you don't understand) :)

Anyway, still no word if the troll in the pic was actually your char, or just someone dressed out to look like you?

I'm assuming you didn't do this cause of your almost religious CoC obsession but what do I know ;)


Originally posted by Jupitus

Brannor posted his suspicions at being hacked late on Sunday night on the eyes and ears forum FYI.....

So what?

Nothing more than a nice cover story.

Guilty until proven innocent on the internet and unless someone comes forward to say "T'was I" then he should burn.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by SolarFlare
Dont know if it was u Brannor, i really hope it wasnt u and i hope u dont get banned.Got more screenshots didnt want to post them cause others showed the name(of troll).

You have started the ball rolling by posting this. For your, and my good, please send any screenshots you took to Kemor ASAP.



wolvon fury

Ernt it innocent untill proven Guilty in a cort of law?

Anyways, I dout it was Brannor McLurikween(tm)

To all you newbies to the Forums,
You can see from Brannors history from GOA Forums to Barrysworld,

He obeys the CoC, and reports people who abuse it,

I don't see Why he would abuse the CoC him self.


Originally posted by wolvon fury
Ernt it innocent untill proven Guilty in a cort of law?

I said on the internet... last time I checked the internet isnt a court of law.

wolvon fury

Yes, and your point being.

Yes, and we don't know 100% if it was him,

So, innocent untill proven Guilty in a cort of law


Ive known G/brannor for a while now and i know he would definatly not do something like this! I aint really the person to back anyone up as i seem to get into ALOT of shit but some things you know, THIS i definatly know.

wolvon fury

The Internet is not a cort!!

But the Internet does follow the Law,

Unless we take Brannor to Cort he is innocent,

Or we get a Answer from GOA saying who the victum was.


Kr0n, Branno, He did. And has already talked to Kemor.
He simply didnt post the screenshot with the name to avoid further confusion (only the small huss cause by the color similarities), which fortunately can change every 1 minute, so thats not the deal.

And solaflare means that it would be a pity if it was Brannor's acc that was used and thus getting himself banned due to the mischiefs of another. But what he saw he had to report .

Personal opinion is, it couldnt have been Brannor, hell, he would even report his own mother for breaking the CoC.

The "Being Hacked" story would suit others well, but certainly not Brannor.

Anyway, as Thorn said, it is almost 99% positive that the acc was snatched by someone who knows how to play DAoC, and has a copy of the euro DAoC.So check your latest irc file transfers. The trojan could be attached everywhere. Or downloading from suspicious links given to ya.

A lamer sniffing around ip's in the irc room hoping to stumble on an "open" pc seems like a wild goose chase to me

On the other hand, it doesnt. Hmmm... think about that, fellow players/


Subseven is the most widespread trojan around I believe...

I wont bother describing it further, but it's really a scriptkiddies staple toy...


Ok, 100% doubt it was Brannor. I was standing in Thid beside his Lurichamp the exact second he found out something funny was going on with his PC, and he was able to verify with his 2nd PC.

Yes, I do believe that someone who has a copy of the EU DAoC and who knows how to play it is responsible.

And Brannor did let GOA know directly of this on Sunday when it happenned.

And yes, a competent hacker can do anything he/she wants on the internet using your PC/IP as a gateway if they have access to it using a trojan.

I am 100% behind Brannor on this, knowing him and his thinking since the beta days on the GOA forum I refuse to believe he has anything to do with the troll PK'ing in Camelot Hills, apart from the possibility that it was his character.

I am also sure that this came about through IRC. There are an amazing amount of people who idle in the #daoc.prydwen channel, and mIRC is still not a 100% secure client :(

The Real Redi

can i offer two software titles that may help you out here, Big mr G :)

Norton Personal Firewall

Not sure how legal the second one is, but ive seen it in operation and if its is a lame 15 y/o who skimmed thru some IPs and you were the unlucky one, i doubt hed have masked his journey that well...

Anyone whos used Neotrace, can you back up that this is a vicously handy bit of kit, but is it legal?

Brannor/Pwyiw/Glauthrong/Rolith, lets face it mate, it werent you pressing the buttons at the end of the day, wether it was Glau or not, and everyone whos anyone knows that it isnt you. Hell, i was solo in emain at 33rd, and he even tried to disuade his groupd from killing me when he spotted me, and when they did anyway, he didnt even draw his axe.


Brannors a nice guy, lets not start driving the good uns away, huh?



Erm, actually you can end up in enemy realms when you die.

I died in yggdra, and /released into hibernia.....

Fortunately some friendly elf (gray con), crapped his pants and ran off towards the guards, so i chased him and the guards conveniently helped me home...

Its a strange world sometimes

Brannor McThife

Desca, please report the details of that bug to Rightnow. Having a game bug put you there, is not your fault. Abusing it, i.e. running around killing people, IS against the CoC. To use a zonewall hole with the deliberate intent to cause harm to people inream, is a serious "crime" and should face suspension at least.

There have been a few reports of /release and buying horse tickets teleporting you to a completely different location. Has happened to me twice. Once from Huginfell to the courtyard in Hlidskialf (where the nasty Elves nuked me again. :p ) and the second time just the other night where I got transported from Mag Mell to North of TNN (was riding a ghost image of somebody else...)

If you encounter a bug, please try to SS it, get the time an place, and report it to Rightnow. They will either fix it or forward it to Mythic.



Redi i think you are missing the point here mate. This isnt about Brannor is such and so.. its about a person in question who broke the CC in one of the worst manners possible for the player community, potentially a person who violated privacy, ie gained access to another persons computer and retrieved some account details.
Hardly believable it was Glauthrong i think hes too 'public' a person to risk his reputation like this. But its a fact, the Troll knew how to play the game, he was aware where he was, would a newbie player even know about what exactly Slam is?I bet hes getting nervous now though since GoA are prolly searching for his IP right about now.
And whats more sracy though, is the fact that peson may do the same thing again to another player........if not caught and punished.... time to dig the even deeper trenches it seems :)

PS: G dont forget not to save your new account details on the PC :)


My little 2 cents on the topic.
Here we're judged by actions of characters, not the people behind them - for example doesnt matter if for example Arcanis in alb is played by some 12 years old and Mustrum by his older brother. As both chars on the same account, both get banned for actions of the younger brother.
So be it drunk brannor or some script kiddie behind char still have to be banned, or it will be just inconsistent policy.
What can i say - pay more attention to security next time.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.ivan
PS: G dont forget not to save your new account details on the PC :)

GOA will have to give me a new Subs password. As I changed my game password and this git was still able to gain access.

So help me God if I ever meet you IRL I will have to be physically restrained from tearing your head off. (senseless agression directed at person responsible... :p )

As much as this annoys the hell out of me. I know I can sleep with a clear conscience. Sad that it may be da purple luva, but safe in the knowledge that I am innocent.

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